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编号 8 (2012)


Promising mechanisms of integrating milk producers and milk processors: supply with raw materials

Surovtsev V., Nikulina Y.


Problems of milk production and processing have been considered taking as an example the Leningrad region. Recommendations were given how to efficiently organize innovative and investing processes.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):5-7
pages 5-7 views

Flow section technology of milk production

Morozova N., Musaev F., Podol S., Ul'kina M.


At the pedigree plant «Avangard» in the Ryazan region construction of modern milk complex allowed introduce flow section system of milk production with free keeping of cows in boxes, create production shops and install highly technological milking equipment with information control center «DairyPlan». Production of milk is not seasonal, and average production volumes reach 46.9-58.4 t per day.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):8-9
pages 8-9 views

Technical maintenance of the equipment for dairy farms. Norms of using material resources

Kovalev L., Kovalev I.


The methodology of calculating material resources for maintenance and repairing of equipment and machinery at animal breeding enterprises is considered.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Adjustment of microorganisms level in raw milk

Rodionov G., Anan'eva T., Kujuget E.


The method to receive milk and milk products with application of electric magnetic impulses with predetermined parameters that selectively effect growth of foreign microorganisms is offered.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):14-15
pages 14-15 views

Disinfecting agent of extended action «Biopag-D» for dairies and farms

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Advantages of the universal disinfecting agent characterized by extended action and intended for milk processing plants and dairy farms are considered.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):16-16
pages 16-16 views

Application of the disinfecting agent «BIOPAG-D»

Manevich B., Efimov K., Dityuk A., Bogdanov A.


Results of the trials of the disinfecting agent «BIOPAG-D» (derivatives of poliguanidine) intended for application in modern technologies for sanitarian treatment are given in the article.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):17-18
pages 17-18 views

Cleaning agent for removing burnt deposit at producing ryazhenka

Kuzina J., Manevich B., Simonova I.


New method for removing heavy burnt fat-protein deposit by using foam solution of the complex cleaning agent has been developed.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):19-19
pages 19-19 views

Hygienic two-saddle valves «Kieselmann»

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Special features of design and operation principles of the valves that provide quality cleaning of the latter are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):20-21
pages 20-21 views

Cutting down of expenses at storing due to reduction of time for treating orders

Schalk G., Motorin Y.


Functions of the system ERP that allows manage and control production flows at food processing plant in production stages, storing and delivering have been considered.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):22-23
pages 22-23 views

Automation of planning and recording of transports

Razgulyaev V.


Stage by stage introduction of the system for automation of planning and recording processes of transport at an enterprise is outlined.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):24-28
pages 24-28 views

«Anuga FoodTec-2012»: date the future

Bykovskaya G., Girinovich O.


Review of packaging industry novelties presented at the exhibition «Anuga FoodTec-2012» (Cologne, Germany) is given.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Stimulation of demand in the market of canned milk products

Rybalova T.


Possible trends in introduction ot canned milk products in the Russian market are outlined: advertizing actions, application ot various kind ot packages, sale under private trade mark ot retail nets etc.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):34-35
pages 34-35 views

New national standard on boiled condensed milk with sugar

Galstyan A., Illarionova E., Radaeva I., Turovskaya S., Chervetsov V., Petrov A.


Necessity to work out a new national standard on boiled condensed milk with sugar is grounded in the article. Intormation is given about classiti cation ot the product depending on the mass share ot tat, organoleptic indices, principle physical and chemical characteristics, requirements to raw materials and methods ot quality and satety control including those ones related with product talsitication.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):36-37
pages 36-37 views

About physical model of the process of liquids spraying

Burykin A.


Parameters that ettect etticiency ot liquids spraying process at drying are characterized.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Alternative technical aids for milk drying

Shilin V., Gusejnov R., Gerasimova O., Druzhinina E.


Issues ot perspective development ot devices tor drying milk and milk products in electrostatic tield have been considered. Two variants ot schemes ot installations tor electric spray drying ot milk are shown.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):40-42
pages 40-42 views

I.C.F. & Welko is your partner in the innovation area

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Dairy industry. 2012;(8):43-43
pages 43-43 views

Drying in plasma flow

Ilyuhin V., Zhukovets E., Burlev M.


Operation principle ot the plant tor bioobjects (milk) drying in the tlow ot low temperature plasma is explained.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):44-44
pages 44-44 views

Solar refrigerator of adsorptive type

Samson I., Echarri R., Sergievskii E.


In the Dominican Republic, Argentina,in Russia and in other countries there are regions, which are not connected to the system ot power supply. In these regions, as a rule, with developed agricultural production there is a problem ot storage ot milk products. The article presents the analysis ot operation ot the solar retrigerator prototype ot adsorptive class in the rural locality with the high solar activity.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):45-47
pages 45-47 views

A new express-test. «4sensor» - highly precise milk control for four groups of antibiotics

Demidov D.


Advantages ot using the tests «4sensor» and «Twinsensor» that detect presence ot penicillin and tetracycline in milk with high precision are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):48-48
pages 48-48 views

Express-methods to control milk composition: pluses and minuses

Lepilkina O., Tetereva L.


Express-methods used to analyze composition ot raw milk and tinished products are discussed. Attention is paid to advantages and drawbacks ot the methods.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):49-51
pages 49-51 views

«Electronic nose» for milk analysis

Kuchmenko T., Pogrebnaya D.


Possibilities to apply multichannel gas analyzer «MAG-8» with the methodology «electronic nose» tor determination ot milk quality are considered.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):52-55
pages 52-55 views


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На вопросы отвечает заместитель директора ВНИМИ по научной работе д- р техн. наук О.Б.ФЕДОТОВА
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):56-56
pages 56-56 views

At the aid of a microbiologist

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Dairy industry. 2012;(8):57-57
pages 57-57 views

Microbiological safety of milk and milk-vegetable canned products

Ganina V., Grinevich A., Volkova R.


Results ot the study ot microbiological satety ot canned products at the end ot their storage lite are given. They allowed make a conclusion that in some samples ot sterilized products some cultures appeared that grow trom sleeping torms.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Dry bacterial concentrates

Kauhcheshvili N., Kauhcheshvili A., Sorokina N., Smirnov E.


Problems related with dewatering ot bacterial concentrates ot lactic acid microorganisms by low temperature vacuum drying are discussed. Ways to improve solubility ot dry bacterial concentrates are ottered.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):60-61
pages 60-61 views


Stepanyants M.


He company «Altalakt»: the seminar in Italy The interdisciplinary intormation and consulting center «Molintorm» in cooperation with the company «Altalakt» held the seminar «Trends in the development ot the European dairy market. Highly etticient processes ot cheese production; new types ot starter cultures, equipment and packing on Italian dairy plants» in southern Italy. The article tells about the event.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):62-65
pages 62-65 views

Modern technologies and technological control at dairies

Bushueva I.


Courses tor improving qualitication ot the technologists ot the dairy sector took place in the Moscow Industrial Academy.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):66-66
pages 66-66 views

The page of a technolgist

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Dairy industry. 2012;(8):67-67
pages 67-67 views

Existing food ingredients for milk products

Tihomirova N.


Principle kinds ot biologically active supplements tor tood products are outlined.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Smoothy of new generation

Gryzlova V., Kochetkova A., Filatova I.


Today a new products - smoothy is being actively introduced in the market. The product is a cold dessert in the torm ot berries and truits mixture with juice or milk addition.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):72-74
pages 72-74 views

Wonders of the curds product

Beregova I.


Complex stabilizing systems tor curds products are considered.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):75-75
pages 75-75 views

A step towards healthy nutrition

Kapranchikov V.


Special teatures and properties ot spreads with phytosterols esters are discussed. These products are recommended tor healthy nutrition.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):76-77
pages 76-77 views

Compounds for cheese imitators

Svistun N.


Technologies tor receiving cheese products-imitators ot Mozarella and Cheddar that are used tor preparing various semi-tinished products (sandwiches, pies, pizza etc) have been considered. Compounds «Promilk» IC 06 and IC 25 are recommended tor these purposes.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Inulincontaining composition for products containing milk

Ponomarev A., Mel'nikova E., Bogdanova E., Samoilova M.


It was ottered to apply tubers ot scorzonera tor receiving new tood composition. Deproteinized curds whey was prepared by molecular sieve tiltration (ultra-tiltration) and used as an extragent ot tood substances ot the vegetable raw materials. Optimal conditions ot extracting were tound, chemical composition ot the extract received was studied. Complex ot the valuable properties ot the extract can be used as a tunctional enriched basis tor tood products manutacturing including synbiotic products.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):80-81
pages 80-81 views

Anisotpropy of the properties of products with flavors

Arhipov A.


For providing stability ot the truit and berries tlavors distribution one should take into consideration temperature correlations ot the product basis viscosity. Results ot the study ot even distribution ot the truit and berries tlavor at tilling dessert yogurt in 250 g polimere cups are given. Optimal temperature is 80 1 °С.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):82-82
pages 82-82 views

Powdered fermented milk product

Ivkova I., Pilyaeva A.


Combination ot raw materials ot animal and vegetable origin makes it possible to create and produce products tor special nutrition that are characterized by high tood and energy values.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):83-83
pages 83-83 views

Structure of the curds product

Lipartiya I., Rogov I., Danil'chuk T.


Structure ot the particles that are tormed as a result ot the process ot acid tormation with addition ot ditterent quantities ot the acid torming agent at receiving milk-protein coagulum has been investigated. The method ot atomic-torce (AFM) microscopy was used tor the study.
Dairy industry. 2012;(8):84-85
pages 84-85 views