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编号 5 (2010)


Application of moulds in cheese production

Ostroumov L., Bespomestnyh K., Sadovaya T., Ostroumov L., Bespomestnykh K., Sadovaya, T.


Special features of biochemical, cultural and physiological properties of moulds applied in cheese manufacturing are considered in the article. Information is given about application of P. camamberti, P. caseicolum and P. roqueforti and about ripening processes with the above mentioned moulds.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Innovative technologies of the mould cheeses production

Ostroumov L., Bespomestnyh K., Sadovaya T., Ostroumov L., Bespomestnykh K., Sadovaya, T.


Technology for the mould cheeses manufacturing that has been tested and applied at the company «Kaloriya» is introduced in the article. Organoleptic, physical, physical-chemical and microbiological indices of safety of the mould cheeses produced from cow milk are given. Technical documentation has been developed for the above mentioned cheeses.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Gordost' za proizvodstvo

Tkachenko, O.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):11-11
pages 11-11 views

Varieties and compositions of the processed cheese products

Dunaev A., Konovalova T., Dunaev, A., Konovalova T.


Existing varieties of the processed cheese products and their compositions are considered.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Technologies for the processed cheese products

Dunaev A., Konovalova T., Dunaev u., Konovalova, T.


Criteria for choosing non-dairy fats compositions are given. Some special issues of the vegetable oils applications are described. Requirements to the processed cheeses products included in the new GOST R (Government Standard) on the processed cheese products are discussed.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):14-16
pages 14-16 views

Some progress has been noted in the process of approving new requirements to food products by the EC

Snegova V.


In February 2010 the European Commission approved the list consisting of new five requirements to food products containing fats. As a result producers have got an opportunity to register products when they, for example, contain omega-3 or high levels of mono- or polyunsaturated fatty acids that meet requirements declared.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):17-17
pages 17-17 views

Milk fat replacers «SDS» and «Soyuz» - guarantee of your products quality

Stepanova L., Stepanova, L.


Compositions and application advantages of the milk fat replacers intended for milk products manufacturing from the Corporation «Soyuz» are considered.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):18-19
pages 18-19 views

Effects of the melting salts produced in Russia on the quality of processed cheese products

Sokolova N., Sokolova N.


Impact of the domestic melting salts on quality, safety and storage of the processed cheese products is discussed in the paper.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Melting salts «Solva» and «Joha» for processed cheese from the company «BK Giulini»

Tsvetkov I., Tsvetkov I.


Some positive issues of application and varieties of the melting salts «Solva» and «Joha» from the company «BK Giulini» are discussed.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):24-25
pages 24-25 views

Organoleptic evaluation of the milk containing products

Ojgihina N., Tetereva L., zhgikhina N., Tetereva L.


The role of organoleptic evaluation in the program of monitoring and providing quality of the products containing milk is discussed.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):26-28
pages 26-28 views

Improved of technology packaging of cheese in film without drying

Pribolotnyi A., Pribolotnyy, A.


Improved technological process for packaging cheese in film without drying is offered. Advantages of the process are considered.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Recipe of the soft cheese made of cow, goat and camel milks

Tultabaeva T., Tultabaeva T.


The mathematical treatment of the data resulted in receiving maximum values of the components ratios (the recipes) that allow produce combined soft cheese from the whole cow, goat and camel milks without limiting amino-acids (102 points)
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):32-33
pages 32-33 views

Technology of the new brine cheese

Vlasova J., Tsugkiev B., Vlasova, Z., Tsugkiev B.


The technology developed for production of the brine cheese «Alanskii» with application of the regional bio-resources and elements of the old technology for the «Osetinskii» cheese manufacturing is described.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):34-35
pages 34-35 views

Type characteristic of the hard rennet cheeses and determination of their ripeness

Haertdinov R., Khaertdinov R.


More precise patented method of the type characteristic of the hard rennet cheeses and determination of their ripeness is being offered for dairies. The method is based on determination by existing method of electrophoresis in the polyacrylamide gel of proteolysis products of principle αst-, β-, κ-kasein fractions at cheese ripening and calculation of the proteolytic number that is individual for each kind of cheese.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Norms of the main microorganisms levels in brine

Sviridenko G., Zaharova M., Sviridenko G., Zakharova M.


Viability of the principle groups of microorganisms in brine as a special ecosystem has been studied. Norms for their contents are given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):39-42
pages 39-42 views

Thermographic method for determination of the thermoacid milk coagulation

Ostroumov L., Braginsky V., Chebotarev A., Osintsev A., Ostroumov L., Braginskiy V., Chebotarev, A., Osintsev A.


The methodology allowing determine the moment of the beginning of coagulation at high temperatures has been developed on the basis of the thermographic method. The technique can provide receiving of the objective data at studying the physical-chemical features of such technologies of high temperature milk coagulations as, for example, thermoacid or thermocalcium.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):43-43
pages 43-43 views

Physicomechanical parameters of dry and restored dairy-albuminous concentrates

Ermolaev V., Donja D., Shilov A., Ermolaev V., Donya, D., Shilov, A.


In article researches physicomechanical parameters of dry and restored dairy - albuminous concentrates are submitted. As objects of researches from mass fractions of fat in dry substance 17, 30 % are chosen dry, and restored cheeses. In dry cheeses it is determined: bulk density, factor of external and internal friction, an initial pressure of shift. In restored cheese the limiting and initial pressure of shift is determined.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Probe microscopy in the research of the rennets covers structure

Rogov I., Danil'chuk T., Shepelev V., Abdrashitova G., Rogov, I., Danil'chuk, T., Shepelev, V., Abdrashitova G.


Results of the study of the structure of calves rennets covers made by the method of the atom-strength microsсоpy are given in the article. The authors advise to apply the method as a modern one for determination of sizes and shapes and the separate structural units of the biological objects at the nanolevel.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):46-47
pages 46-47 views

Color of the «cow» butter, its quality and consumer demand

Vyshemirskii F., Stahovskii V., Vyshemirskaya K., Frants A., Stakhovskiy, V., Vyshemirskaya, K.


Historical references about colors applied in the dairy butter manufacturing, necessity of coloring «cow» butter and spreads, existing possibilities to adjust color of butter during various seasons and its evaluation with the help of the color scale developed at the All Russian Research Institute of Butter and Cheese Making are given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Fatty acids compositions of cream and butter made of milk of the cows of different plumpness at dry period

Moscvicheva O., Moskvicheva, O.


Study of the fatty acid compositions of the cream and butter received from the milk of the cows groups with different roundness in the dry period is presented.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):52-52
pages 52-52 views

Study of the butter pastes technology

Nikitina Y., Topnikova E., Kustova T., Smykov I., Nikitina, Y., Topnikova E., Kustova, T., Smykov I.


Results of the investigations of the technologies used for butter pastes with the flavor of sweet butter receiving and applications of various natural milk-protein flavors are presented.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):53-55
pages 53-55 views

The Third Russian Innovative Forum took place!

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At the beginning of June the Third Russian Forum «Russian capital to the Russian innovations» took place in Izhevsk. Specialists of the Saratov fat and oils combine presented at the Forum an innovative project «Enzyme overetherification - green technology».
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2010;(5):56-56
pages 56-56 views