
Lepilkina, O V

栏目 标题 文件
编号 1 (2008) Articles Gel formation in cheese productsbased on milk powder and vegetableoils
编号 2 (2008) Articles New technologies in the field ofcheese making
编号 5 (2008) Articles Rheological properties of fats and their impacts on cheese technology
编号 6 (2008) Articles Special issues in manufacturing of cheese products with vegetable oils
编号 1 (2009) Articles Methods for analysis of fat phase of the products containing vegetable oils
编号 3 (2009) Articles Freezing, storage and defrosting of raw materials for processed cheese manufacture.
编号 4 (2010) Articles Technological aspects of cheese products manufacturing
编号 4 (2010) Articles Food value of cheese products with vegetable oils
编号 6 (2010) Articles Physical-chemical aspects of the poly-component products of cheese making
编号 5 (2011) Articles Methods for detectingfalsification of the fat phaseof the products
编号 3 (2011) Articles Cheese suitable propertiesof milk powder
编号 4 (2004) Articles Cheddering and factors effecting its duration
编号 1 (2005) Articles Structural and mechanical characteristics of cheese massin the course of storage
编号 5 (2004) Articles Some special features of the technology for cheeses with vegetable oils
编号 6 (2004) Articles Stabilizers for cheese paste
编号 6 (2005) Articles Falsification of milk composition and cheese and buttermaking products: methods of control
编号 5 (2005) Articles Vegetable proteins isolates in composition for processed cheeseproduct
编号 4 (2006) Articles To the problem of the methods of cheese consistency evaluation
编号 3 (2003) Articles Cooling of the melted processed cheeses
编号 1 (2004) Articles New documentation for processed cheeses 17
编号 6 (2003) Articles Physical chemystry departament
编号 2 (2004) Articles Cheese production with chedderization and thermomechanicaltreatment of cheese mass
编号 6 (2003) Articles Rheological properties of processed cheeses