
Experience of training in the specialty «nursing» on the basis of a large medical university: Voronezh state medical university named after N.N. Burdenko
Kryuchkova A., Panina O., Kondusova Y.
School of Health for patients with arterial hypertension
Skvortsov V., Tagiyev F., Volodina D.
The influence of academic motivation of students of the medical and preventive faculty of usmu on the quality of education
Shamilov M.
Specifics of nursing staff training in the workplace in the hospital
Zakharova G., Ostrovskaya I., Sokolova E., Sukhotina N., Bogacheva M.
The effectiveness of distance continuing medical education in postgraduate training of medical workers
Khabibulina M.
Development of inclusive education at the pharmaceutical college: achievements and prospects
Kudryavtseva B., Potupchik T., Belykh I.
Actual aspects of increasing the efficiency of organization of practice for students in the specialty «Nursing»
Kryuchkova A., Kondusova Y., Panina O.
Effective methods of developing the skills of organizing and carrying out preventive work for students studying in the specialty «nursing»
Kryuchkova A., Kondusova Y., Knyazeva A.
Vienna and Munich Declarations: realization in nursing education in the Republic of Belarus
Matveychik T.
Problems of nursing staff in the ophthalmology department
Mamchenkova E., Utkina V., Belyak M.
The quality of education is the quality of a specialist in his profession
Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.
Experience with conference accreditation by the Department of Nursing Management
Sviridova T., Antipova I., Karibyan K.
The role of the motivational component of learning in improving the quality of education
Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.
Teacher’s activity in the process of education
Khabibulina M.
Interpersonal interaction model by Hildegard Peplau
Turkina N.
Transcultural Nursing Models and Theories by Madeleine Leininger
Turkina N.
Allen’s theory. MCGILL model
Turkina N.
Trends in the field of practice-oriented education for nurses in Belarus
Matveichik T.
Professional and applied nurses’ training
Kalinchenko E., Ushakova I., Skvortsov V.
Nursing Management. New students’ book’s review
Matveichyk T.
Yakut medical college - the leader of the secondary vocational education in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)
Yadreyeva N., Okhlopkova S.
Aleshkina O., Logashova N.
The connect between the work of professional associations and commissions for the accreditation of specialists. The development of NME. The experience of the capital region
Baranova E.
A look from the past to the future: formation, development and prospects of the Department of Management of nursing activities of the Medical Institute, Russian People’s Friendship University
Radysh I., Kostsova N., Shadrina Y., Snegireva T., Semin D.
Professional competencies’ formation during teaching the discipline «Psychology and pedagogics» with the example of Higher Nursing Education Department
Akimenko G.
Circumstances of the celebration of the year of the nurse and midwife
Demidova T.
The role of a healthy child’s room nurse in forming a child’s physical and psychological well-being
Nemtyreva L., Grigoryev K., Balashova I.
Periodic accreditation of medical workers with secondary medical education
Ivanov A.
The issues of patient’s safety providing in giving medical help
Shkarin V., Ivasheva V., Emel’anova O., Simakov S., Skvortsov V., Malyakin G.
The case of organizing nursing services in the hospital using the example of Bundan Hospital (South Korea)
Korotina E.
The role and place of a teacher in the World Skills movement in the competence of medical and social care
Karibyan K., Antipova I., Sviridova T., Goldina E.
Pharmaceutical technical schools' graduates' employment: trends and prospects
Gritsanenko D., Ilyinova Y., Lisitsky D., Kochanova I., Rudenko E.
The Issues of Nursing Bachelors’ education
Novokreshchenova I., Novokreshchenov I., Semikina N., Chunakova V.
Features of the nursing process in the treatment of patients with extensive wounds by free skin plastic technique
Shadrina Y., Binenko E., Snegireva T.
Adaptive physical education of children with mental disease
Fedotova I., Skvortsov V., Tamozhnikova I.
The development trend of higher nursing education in Russian Federation
Sakibayeva S., Ostrovskaya I.
History of secondary medical education in the Irkutsk region. Military paramedic school
Demidova T.
Problems and perspectives of training in the system of higher nurse education in modern Russia
Khodjayan A., Fedko N., Mayatskaya N., Gorbunova V.
Experience in teaching management disciplines and modules to postgraduate students
Polovinka V., Antipova I., Karibyan K., Goldina E., Mailer K.
The nurses’ role in helping educators in inclusive education
Lopatina A., Snegireva T.
Experience of distance teaching at the Nursing Department in the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances
Akimenko G., Seledtsov A., Kirina Y.
Volunteering as a key factor of developing social responsibility for future medical workers
Potupchik T., Belykh I., Lebedeva P.
Digitalization - new reality for teaching pharmaceutical workers and graduates’ future work
Il’inova Y., Maimistrov D., Presnyakova V., Kochanova I., Lisitsky D., Davydova E.
Research work managing problems in teaching future nursing professionals
Novokreshchenova I., Novokreshchenov I., Semikina N., Chunakova V.
Nursing service management in Voronezh region in the context of healthcare system reform
Kryuchkova A., Vavilova O., Ponomareva V., Mukovnina N., Smirnova S.
Experience of full-time education in the context of a pandemic
Malysheva L., Lozovskaya M.
Nurses’ role in complex medical help providing while treating on type 2 diabetes-patients’
Kalinina I., Khasina A., Shpigelman M.
Actual aspects of professional orientation in secondary medical education
Kaspruk L.
Brashovan E.
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