Author Details

Евдокимов, И А

Issue Section Title File
No 10 (2003) Articles Milk processing technology: new tendencies
No 9 (2003) Articles Bifidogenous preparation «Lactobel»
No 5 (2004) Articles Fermented milk with the prebiotic «Laiel»
No 4 (2004) Articles Synbiotic milk products
No 4 (2004) Articles Events of IDF
No 7 (2004) Articles Usage of hitosan in the milk drinks manufacture
No 10 (2005) Articles Clarification of quark whey with natural polymere hytozan
No 1 (2006) Articles Activity of the International Dairy Federation and Russian National Committee of IDF in 2005.
No 2 (2006) Articles Necessity of the bacterial sanitation of raw milk
No 3 (2006) Articles Neobkhodimost' bakterial'noy sanatsii moloka-syr'ya
No 2 (2006) Articles Situation and future of milk whey processing
No 6 (2006) Articles Demineralizatsiya podsyrnoy solenoy syvorotki metodom elektrodializa
No 6 (2006) Articles Ispol'zovanie laktozy i ee proizvodnykh
No 6 (2006) Articles Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya proizvodnogo laktozy - laktitola
No 6 (2006) Articles Kontsentraty s prebioticheskimi svoystvami na osnove syvorotki
No 12 (2008) Articles Scientific and technical basis of the lactose anomers technology
No 12 (2008) Articles Galaktooligosakharidy: sostoyanie i perspektivy proizvodstva
No 12 (2008) Articles Intensification of the lactose crystallizationin concentrated and powdered milk products
No 12 (2008) Articles Bifidogenous concentrate «Lactobel-ED»
No 12 (2008) Articles Marketing of milk sugar: situation, problems and prospects
No 1 (2011) Articles Effektivnyy sposob pererabotki tvorozhnoy syvorotki
No 10 (2011) Articles Application of the fermentative hydrolysisin the technology of the low lactose ice-cream

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