
Immunoprophylaxis of infection diseaseswith the aid of fermented milk products
Polyanskaya I., Semenihina V.
Immunoprophylaxis of the infection diseases with the aid of fermented milk products
Polyanskaya I., Semenihina V.
Effects of technological factors of keepability of the fermented milk product with Lactobacillus reuteri LR1
Begunova A., Rozhkova I., Raskoshnaya T., Shyrshova T.
Development of the nutritient medium for cultivation of the consortium of the probiotic microorganisms
Begunova A., Semenihina V., Rojkova I., Shyrshova T.
Selection of strains for the composition of the combined starter culture for receiving probiotic fermented milk
Irkitova A., Funk I., Dorofeev R.
Probiotic bacteria reducing cholesterol in milk products
Golovin M., Ganina V., Mashentseva N.
Association of the probiotic cultures Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus helveticus for development of the bacterial concentrate
Semenihina V., Rojkova I., Begunova A., Raskoshnaya T., Shyrshova T.
Microbial flora of the national Yakut's fermented milk products
Stepanov K., Eliseeva L.
Probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri: selection of the technological regimes for cultivation
Raskoshnaya T., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I., Shirshova T.
Immobilization of the probiotic microorganisms on the bio-carriers
GANINA V., ANAN'EVA N., ZAKhARChENKO A., Ganina V., Anan'eva N., Zaharchenko A.
Resources saving biotechnology of the milk containing product
Ganina V., Tereshina E., Karpychev S., Ganina V., Tereshina E., Karpychev S.
Biotechnology of curds products with application of the starter cultures immobilization
Gavrilova N., Chernopol’skaya N.
Acid stability of probiotic strains added to the fermented milk products
Shygina E., TA B., Polyanskaya I., Semenihina V.
Bio-fermented ice-cream with functional properties
Anisimov G., Anisimov S., Ryabtseva S., Evdokimov I., Ahmedova V.
«Christian Hansen» creates ecological products for healthy nutrition
Anan'eva N., Ananeva N.
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