
Burykin, A I

栏目 标题 文件
编号 3 (2003) Articles Supply of the drying plants with heat generatorsmanufactured by Russian industry
编号 2 (2003) Articles Energysaving work of the equipment for milk powders
编号 9 (2003) Articles About effective heat recuperationfrom the used dry plants heat carries
编号 10 (2003) Articles Analysis of the drying plants design
编号 12 (2004) Articles Methodological bases for reducing milk powder losses at spray drying
编号 7 (2005) Articles O pravil'noy modernizatsii sushil'nykh ustanovok
编号 9 (2005) Articles About decrease of milk powder losses at spray drying
编号 4 (2006) Articles Snizhenie energopotrebleniya vyparnymi ustanovkami «Vigand»
编号 3 (2006) Articles Snizhenie energopotrebleniya pri modernizatsii sushil'noy ustanovki A1-OR2Ch
编号 8 (2006) Articles Reguliruemaya aglomeratsiya chastits pri proizvodstve sukhogo bystrorastvorimogo moloka
编号 5 (2008) Articles Applications of the secondary energy resourcesin theSlavgorodskii milk combine
编号 5 (2008) Articles Improvement of the operating efficiencyof the drying plant A1-ОР2Ч
编号 9 (2008) Articles Home pumps for evaporating plants
编号 5 (2009) Articles Milk degassing (simple solutions - minimum expenditures)
编号 5 (2009) Articles Potential of fuel saving in boilers of milk processing plants.
编号 10 (2009) Articles About strength of the details of centrifugal machines
编号 3 (2010) Articles Improvement of milk quality is impossible without deep milk purification
编号 11 (2010) Articles The equation for controlling and managing moisture of aproduct in the drying process
编号 9 (2010) Articles Clarification of milk and its microbiology
编号 4 (2011) Articles Express-method for determination milk products viscosity
编号 2 (2012) Articles About physical model of the homogenization process
编号 1 (2012) Articles Industrial energy saving: maximum efficiency at minimum expenditures