卷 19, 编号 4 (2017)


Clinical Trials

Severe community-acquired Legionella pneumonia in servicemen

Cherkashin D., Grishaev S., Filippov V., Shahnovich P., Sharova N., Orlov I., I.V. Bersheva I., Menkov I.


Despite significant progress in pathogenesis understanding, rational antimicrobial therapy and respiratory support for community-acquired pneumonia, the incidence of severe community-acquired pneumonia is currently increasing. In the etiology of severe community-acquired pneumonia in Russia, proportion of legionellosis reaches 15%. The lethality in different outbreaks varies from 8 to 40%. The main causes of death are bilateral subtotal lung damage, severe respiratory or renal and hepatic failure, toxic shock, toxic encephalopathy. The formation of complications and the outcome of «Legionnaire’s disease» directly depends on the terms of appointment of adequate antimicrobial chemotherapy. Being an intracellular parasite, legionellas are found to be insensitive to all antibiotics that are able to accumulate exclusively or mainly in interstitial space.

The presented clinical case of pneumonia legionella demonstrates the difficulty of diagnosis, solution to the problem of choosing an optimal antibiotic therapy. For the treatment of «Legionnaire’s disease», it is necessary to use drugs penetrating well through biological membranes and characterized by a high intracellular accumulation - macrolides and fluoroquinolones, which is reflected in the accepted recommendations and confirmed by our clinical observations. Early entry into the stage of specialized medical care, control of epidemiological factors, analysis of the clinical picture, use of high-tech X-ray, endoscopic, molecular genetic diagnostics and procedural recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of severe community-acquired pneumonia in a timely manner allow to correct diagnosis in order to prevent fatal outcome and to achieve a full recovery.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):7-12
pages 7-12 views

Parameters of platelet apheresis

Ayupova R., Sultanbaev U., Zhiburt E.


We studied characteristics of platelet apheresis from 46 donors. The apheresis of 3 1011 platelets leads to a decrease in their concentration in the blood at 47,4±6,9 1011/L (1,4 to 38,9%). At the same time, a decrease in the concentration of platelets less than 10% was observed from 22% of donors. This phenomenon, which may be based on the release of platelets sequestered in the spleen from the depot, may be the basis for the selection of donors of several units of platelets. To ensure compliance with the regulated concentration of cells in the container of apheresis platelets, the use of an additional solution should be envisaged. The implantation of a regulated minimum concentration of platelets in the blood of the donor after apheresis (at least 100 1 09/L) will allow for the procurement of two doses (the number of platelets is at least 3 1011) in 80% of donors, and in three doses in 50% of donors. A direct correlation was found between the coefficient of variation of the average platelet volume after donation with the body weight and donor body surface area. For comparative studies of the efficacy of platelet apheresis, two indicators have been proposed: the efficiency of platelet collection and the rate of platelet collection. In our study their values were 66,5±3% and 0,040±0,002 1011/min respectively. The results of hemocytological screening of platelet donors allow us to recommend both continuation of studies and revision of the regulated norms for the composition of peripheral blood.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):13-16
pages 13-16 views

Radiographic and histological parallels of stages of chronic osteomyelitis

Diachkova G., Klyushin N., Migalkin N., Larionova T., Leonchuk D., Diachkov K., Begimbetova N.


Hip joint replacement in trauma and orthopedic practice has become a standard surgery for adult patients. Among all complications, which have negative effect on the outcome of joint replacement, the special place is taken by a deep infection of the surgical wound, chronic osteomyelitis. Timely diagnostics and revealing the character of the infection process play an enormous role in determining amount of surgical intervention. In recent years it has been proposed to include morphologic confirmation of the stage and extension of the infection process in diagnostic algorithm of osteomyelitis. In 58 patients with chronic osteomyelitis peculiarities of structure of the proximal femur were studied by method of multisection computer tomography and histologically. Radiographic and morphological properties of acute, sub-acute course of osteomyelitis and bone condition during remission were revealed. Visual differences and morphological parallels of anatomy and architectonics of bone during acute stage and remission were discovered. The head of the femur (or a fragment thereof), the cervical stump had uneven contours, contained resorption zones with density in the negative spectrum of the Hounsfield scale, the density of the acetabular roof, the area of the large trochanter was significantly reduced in the period of exacerbation and in the subacute phase. Cortical plate had a different thickness and density and was below normal values. Cortical plate defects of various lengths were detected in the presence of fistulas. The specified spongy bone of the femoral head was determined histologically with almost complete destruction of the articular cartilage, thinning of the subchondral bone plate, necrosis of the bone trabeculae, substitution of the intertubular space with necrotic detritus fields, clusters of purulent exudate, granulation tissue, fibrosing fields. In the subacute form, a large number of segment-nucleated leukocytes were determined in the intertrackal spaces of a spongy portion of the examined material. The phenomena of osteoporosis in the acetabular region and the preserved part of the femur remained, no fresh destructive changes were detected in the period of remission. In a number of cases, small, loose, caseless granulomas of lymphocytic and macrophagal composition, parts of reparative bone formation on the surface of partially necrotic bone trabeculae with a layer of newly formed osteoid and a layer of osteoblasts on the endosteal surface of the bone trabecular complex were morphologically determined.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):17-22
pages 17-22 views

Polymyalgia rheumatica - from knowledge to practice

Kuchmin A., Morozov S., Diskalenko O., Evsyukov K., Izotova A., Chernyahovskaya A., Makarova I.


Despite the well known clinical picture, polymyalgia rheumatica remains a big diagnostic problemfor the general practice doctors, since it is often leads to the wrong. way of diagnostics. In order to diagnose polymyalgia rheumatica a doctor needs to exclude a lot of other potential diseases with similar symptoms and the patients undergo plenty of sometimes invasive diagnostic procedures. This disease affects people over than 50 years old. It has acute onset and characterized by proximal myalgia of the hip and shoulder girdles accompanying with morning stiffness that lasts for more than 1 hour, as well as inflammatory laboratory picture. The diagnosis established clinically after a thorough differential diagnosis. Sometimes it becomes the «diagnosis of exclusion». In this case the decisive criterion is a quick complete or near-complete symptoms resolution from the trial treatment with the low dose corticosteroids. The modern classification criteria and mane provisions for treatment of polymyalgia rheumatica are presented in this article. Three clinical cases from the internal medicine department practice are presented in this article, which demonstrate the difficulties in diagnosis in elderly patients. First case is a woman 63 years old who complies of fatigue, spontaneous weight reduction, fever which is accompanied by a pronounced laboratory signs of inflammation. Polymyalgia rheumatica was diagnosed as an «diagnosis of exclusion» after one month of conducting different diagnostic procedures and other specialists consultations. Trial corticosteroid therapy leaded to complete relapse of the symptoms which proved the diagnosis. Third and second cases demonstrate how the knowledge of clinical symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica based on experience, allows one to establish the diagnose and to treat effectively comorbid patients. It helps significantly to improve quality of life.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Early sexual activity as a model of risk behavior

Bolehan V., Emelyanov V., Orlova E.


Reproductive health of young people determines thefuture of any state, and the quality of health and the number of the next generation, provision of economic and defense security and the development of the state are associated with it. An early and high sexual activity, spreading of bad habits, low level of sexual culture among young people contribute to the rise tn number of sexually transmitted infections, including the human immunodeficiency virus, and the decline in reproductive function in the future. Unfavorable tendencies in youth health values are becoming more widespread and require the development and implementation of effective prevention programs and technologies in order to improve reproductive potential of the younger generation. Factors of risky sexual behavior of young people with an early onset of sexual activity are considered. It has been established, that the first sexual experience have 25.3% of respondents aged 14 to 17 years. In this group of persons, multiple sexual intercourse is observed 1.5 times more often than in young people with a later entry into a sex life. In the group of young people with early sexual experience, the constant use of condoms with multiple sexual relationships with regular and casual partners occurs 1.3 times less frequently than in the group of people with a later onset of sexual activity. Persons with an early onset of sexual activity often use alcohol and had experience of taking psychoactive substances. Thus, it is shown that people with early sexual intercourse have a risky behavior pattern that poses a threat of infection and the spread of sexually transmitted infections and can lead to reproductive health problems.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Surgical aspects of prevention of complications in patients with postoperative ventral hernias

Sigua B., Zemlyanoy V., Sokolova A., Cherepanov D., Vinnichuk S., Nikiforenko A., Sakhno D.


The analysis of results of treatment of 113 patients with postoperative ventral hernias, divided into two groups, was carried out. 74 patients have received treatment (II (control) group) from 2013 to 2014 year. Patients of the control group were examined according to the accepted diagnostic algorithms, in addition to physical examination algorithm included chest and abdominal x-ray examination, ultrasound diagnosis of abdominal organs and fibro-esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Plastics by reticular endoprostheses was carried out in various methods. Methods have been chosen directly by surgeon during the operation. The draining of the postoperative wound was mandatory. Main (I) group included 39 patients who received treatment from 2015 to 2016. The diagnostic algorithm was supplemented with fibrocolonoscopy and spiral computed tomography, and the plastics method was predominantly the sub-lay. Hypoderma treatment by high-temperature oscillating plasma flow energy according to the original technique for prevention of lymphorrhea was provided to all patients. Wounds were mostly sutured tightly. This approach allowed to reliably reduce frequency complications from 13,4 to 1,8% and, as a consequence, the length of the patient’s staying in the hospital.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):59-62
pages 59-62 views

On the desirability of initiating an examination of victims of chest trauma with thoracoscopy

Zaitsev D., Movchan K., Lyshenko V., R.M. Gedgafov R., Rusakevich K., Slobodkina A., Voytsitskiy A.


The experience of examination and treatment of330 victims with lesions of the chest is generalized. Medical care was provided in one of the city's multidisciplinary hospitals in Staint Petersburg, in which there are no posts for specialists in the field of thoracic surgery. An algorithm for therapeutic and diagnostic measures based on mandatory primary thoracoscopy under local anesthesia in cases of drainage of the pleural cavity performed according to indications is developed. It has been demonstrated that navigation ultrasound tomography can play a special role in increasing the effectiveness of thoracoscopic manipulations in the provision of medical care to victims with chest trauma. It is proved that the results of rendering medical assistance to victims with chest trauma essentially depend on the quality of treatment of patients after the completion of the hospital stage of medical provision of the population. The use of combined variants of restorative treatment of victims with lesions of the chest justifies itself. It is advisable to attach special importance to the pulmonological support of the technologies of thoracic surgery, which should be considered not as competing but as complementary components of the treatment and diagnostic process.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):23-28
pages 23-28 views

Comparative characteristics of the dynamics of bioimpedanceometry in young men with overweight and normal body weight in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia

Gayvoronsky I., Khalimov Y., Pashkova I.


The component composition of the body of men with normal and overweight body mass in the age of 18-44 years with community-acquired pneumonia of non-severe course was studied. It is established that the body composition of men with normal and excessive body weight at different periods of treatment undergoes significant changes in the total fat content, total muscle mass with water and total water content. At the same time, in both groups, slight changes in body weight, body mass index and stability of the total defatted-dehydrated bone mass were revealed. In all patients, the total water content and total muscle mass with water were less in comparison with 1 day of treatment on the 3rd, 7th and 15th days of the study. At the same time, the lowest values of these indicators were registered on the 3rd day of treatment. As a percentage, the total water content for the indicated treatment period in men with normal body weight decreased by 12,8, 7,8 and 10,9%,^ and in men with normal body weight by 14,4, 3,8 and 8,1% respectively. With regard to the total muscle mass with water in percentage terms, its value decreased by 8,6, 3,3 and 5% in the 1st group and by 6,4, 2,4 and 4,4% in the 2nd group, respectively. It was revealed that in both groups the total fat content at different treatment times exceeded the values of the 1st day of the treatment, increasing as a percentage in men with normal body weight by 9,5; 2,6 and 9,5%, and in men with excess body weight by 6,9; 1,8 and 7,8% respectively. During treatment, the total fat content tended to change inversely with the total water content (r= -0,6; p<0,05). Generally, bioimpedansometry allows to adequately and timely detect changes in the body composition of a patient with pneumonia, thereby helping to optimize treatment.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):35-39
pages 35-39 views

Characteristic of motivation, knowledge and skills employees of internal affairs bodies for individual care for the orval cavity

lordanishvili А., Kevlova E., Golovko А.


Motivation, knowledge and skills on individual oral care of480 certified employees of internal affairsbodies in Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region at the age of 19 to 57 were studied. It was established that individual hygiene of the oral cavity is performed regularly by 57,92%, at the same time, at least 2 times a day 76,67% of the examined patients take care of their teeth and oral cavity. Necessary and sufficient knowledge of the technique and tools for personal care of the oral cavity have 44,16%, and the corresponding manual skills for oral care only 10,62% of them, which indicates the need to practice with the rules of cavity care as a part of ongoing medical examination and sanitation of the oral cavity. The study was conducted by interviewing patients and determining on the phantom the level of manual skills for oral care of examined individuals in the course of carrying out a planned sanitation of the oral cavity. Special scales have been developed to evaluate the studied indicators. The knowledge of certified employees of internal affairs bodies was assessed on a five point scale: 0 -there are no ideas about methods and tools for oral care; 1 - has only an idea of the methods and tools for oral care; 2 - has a superficial knowledge of methods and tools for oral care; 3 - has knowledge of methods and tools for oral care but not fully; 4 - has sufficient knowledge about methods and means for oral care; 5 - has a deep knowledge of the methods and tools for oral care.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Characteristics of discolorites, state of enamel and care-resistance factors in patients with atopic dermatitis

Kraynyukova L., Epifanov S.


Features of the state of tooth enamel, factors of caries resistance in atopic dermatitis in adults are considered. The following methods were used: assessment of degree of teeth darkening; assessment of gingival condition using a chromatic indicator (alphabetic and digital); determination of mineralization of enamel and oral fluid by calcium and phosphorus ions with calculation of remineralization index; test for enamel resistance. As a result, a conclusion was drawn about the type of solubility and mineralization of enamel. Caries resistance of enamel and dentine was also assessed; determined the degree of dissemination of cariogenic and resident bacterial species by bacteriological examination of plaque; concentration of the antimicrobial peptide catelicidin LL-37 in the oral and gingival fluid was measured. To assess the severity and prevalence of atopic dermatitis, the Scoring Atopic Dermatitis index was calculated. It was found that in patients with atopic dermatitis, pronounced discoloritis of hard tooth tissues was observed, which was accompanied, mainly, by high and medium degree of acid resistance of enamel, by normal content of calcium and phosphorus in oral fluid and in acid bioptate of enamel. In comparison with patients who had discolored teeth without any allergic pathology, despite the absence of color differences, mineral metabolism and enamel solubility, the structure of types of solubility and mineralization of enamel was disrupted in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. In addition, in these patients, increased colonization of acid-producing cariespathogenic streptococcal microflora was detected, with a decrease in the activity of congenital antimicrobial immune response. These features should be taken into account during the whitening procedures, as they may affect their effectiveness.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Dynamic of the functional state indices of patients with chronic hepatitis C during the therapy with antiviral drugs depending on the age of patients

Plokhotyuk E., Sysoev V., Budko D., Dovgusha V.


We conducted a comparative analysis of the dynamic parameters of physiological systems voltage of the patient’s organism with chronic hepatitis C from all groups of viruses receiving antiviral therapy by means of polyfunctional psychophysiological testing (stress testing). It was revealed that there is an increase in the stress index in the first six months of therapy; an increase in the index of low-frequency waves of cardiac rhythm with a simultaneous decrease in power of contribution of high-frequency waves, as well as an increase in a coefficient of the vagosympathetic balance in the first three months of taking medications; decrease in values of skin-galvanic reaction in the first three months of therapy. These changes indicate an increase in the activity of sympathetic part of an autonomous nervous system, the predominance of a central contour of regulation in patients of different age groups against the background of treatment with antiviral drugs. In addition, there was a pronounced tendency to increase in values ofthe neurotic index in different age groups during the first six months of antiviral therapy and to stabilize it by the end of the observation period. The indicator of mental tension increased in both age groups during the whole period of observation, however, its values did not exceed the level corresponding to the state of psychological adaptation to workloads. The results of the study testify to the tension o compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of organism of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C against the background of antiviral drugs in different age groups. These changes are more pronounced in the age group from 40 to 58.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):63-66
pages 63-66 views

Assessment of severity of complicated forms of an acute odontogenic infection progress

Karshiyev K., Robustova T., Muzykin M., Iordanishvili A.


The retrospective research of primary medical documentation of patients of specialized unit of a versatile hospital is carried out. In total 89 case histories of the patients with the odontogenic phlegmons of maxilla-facial area complicated by a sepsis were studied. Among them there were 23 persons with a severe form of an odontogenic sepsis. In the research the possibility of use of integrated scales of acute physiological and chronic functional changes evaluation and sequential organ failure assessment for patients with a severe form of acute odontogenic infection which is followed by the development of an odontogenic sepsis was studied. It was shown that the integrated scale of aeute physiological and chronic functional changes evaluation more differentially approaches disease severity diagnostics, than a scale of sequential organ failure assessment. Use of the scale of aeute physiology and chronic health evaluation in specialized maxilla-facial unit of a versatile hospital allows to diagnose sepsis in due time, and in particular its severe forms as a complication of an acute odontogenic infection and differentially to estimate results of a treatment. At severe forms of an odontogenous sepsis including of a double irrigation of wounds with sodium hypochlorite solution and ultra-violet radiation of a blood in a complex therapy allowed to reduce score on an integrated scale of assessment of acute and chronic functional changes to 0 by 5 days.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Psychological characteristics of boys and young men whose mothers suffered the vital stress under exposure to a high risk of terrorist threat

Temirkhanova K., Tsykunov S., Apchel V., Pyatibrat E., Pyatibrat A., Shangin A.


The article analyses the peculiarities of psychological status among boys in the Republic of Dagestan mothers, which period before pregnancy experienced a high risk of a terrorist threat during the occupation by militants in September 1999. They revealed that mild depression and masked depression in boys of mothers, who experienced psychological trauma associated with life-threatening was defined, is much more frequently than in the group of boys whose mothers have not experienced the vital stress. In both groups of cases of severe depression was not observed. Boys, whose mothers are in a period before pregnancy experienced mental trauma associated with life-threatening, characterized by a high level of neuroticism combined with introversion. They demonstrate a lack of confidence, emotional instability, and vulnerability combined with resentment and suspicion, at the same time at the age of 13 to 14 years, these boys are less aggressive than peers in the control group. They have masked depression much more often than boys of the control group, coldness, formality in contacts; they are less interested in the life of the school community, have a destructive position in a conflict, are more exposed to affective experiences, more labile and emotional. Typical treats for them are unjustified resentment, emotional excitability, irritability, high neurotic fatigue, moodiness, impulsivity, anxiety, distractibility, lack of concentration, frustrations and high level of anxiety.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Role of radiologic imaging in selection of sanatorium rehabilitation regimen in patients with degenerative spine disease

Shershnev S., Ipatov V., Zheleznyak I., Babirin V., Zakolodnev I., Boykov I., Rameshvili T.


Sanatorium rehabilitation has its own special place in patients with degenerative spine disease. Sanatorium treatment modalities can be aimed at pain syndrome and structural alteration decreasing as soon as functional state improvement. Currently patients with this pathology can be sent for such a treatment having contradictions for certain types of sanatorium treatment or climate state. Selection ofindividual treatment course depends of vertebral structure state but this is not always reflected in sanatorium case history. Radiologic imaging methods are the part of a complex examination of thesepatients. They can determine morphological and functional spine condition and help to schedule correct sanatorium rehabilitation programs. 952 patients with degenerative spine disease were examined using radiography, radiologic osteodensitometry, computed and magnetic resonance tomography. Three main groups of patients were selected and depending on severity of spine changes the range of sanatorium treatment modalities were divided. Radiologic computed tomography is recommended as the main method of radiation examination for patients with degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):72-81
pages 72-81 views

Experimental trials

Physiological characteristics of swimming strokes under water in a waterproof coverall and kit № 1

Ryabchuk V., Ponimasov O., Grachev K.


Thefeatures of influence of physical activity of long swimming under water on dynamics of physiological parameters of underwater swimmer are investigated. A brief characteristic of the features of various strokes of swimming under water in a waterproof coverall is given. The factors influencing the choice of one or another stroke of swimming under water are indicated. The necessity of using methods of movement under water depending on their profitability and its influence on the efficiency of solving professional problems is substantiated. The possibility of maintaining breathing through the respiratory tube and self-contained breathing apparatus during swimming in and without waterproof coveralls has been studied. Possible criteria for choosing the ways to solve professional problems under water are formulated: data on changes in physiological parameters under the influence of a long load in swimming with various strokes and in various waterproof clothing. It is revealed that the nature and degree of influence of a prolonged load on the physiological functions of the organism depends on the methods of breathing and swimming under water. The results of studies characterizing differences in changes in physiological parameters of subjects depending on the chosen method of swimming are presented. It was established that under the influence of physical activity by means of various methods of swimming under water with a respiratory tube and an autonomous respiratory apparatus, progressive changes in physiological characteristics occur. Simultaneous movements of legs leads to a greater strain on the physiological functions of the body of a swimmer both in swimming with an autonomous respiratory apparatus and in kit No 1. The functioning of a circulatory system proceeds more actively by 4-5%, respiratory system by 2-3%.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):82-84
pages 82-84 views

Leukocyte reaction of blood in combined (cold and algesic) influence in experiment

Leontyev O., Dushenin V., Kahiani E.


In the experiment on 48 male rats of the Vistar line, leukocyte responses to combined impact (cold - swimming in water at a temperature of + 7°C with lead sinker (10% of body weight) attached to the root of a tail andpainful (formalin 2% administration under plantar aponeurosis) were studied. To maintain the homeostatic equilibrium of a body, the blood system plays an important role in the adaptive changes under extreme impacts. It is established that cold influence causes increase in quantity of leukocytes, mainly due to sharp increase in quantity of granulocytes. Painful influence also leads to increase in number of leukocytes, causing still bigger increase in quantity of leukocytes at the expense of fraction of granulocytes. We observe raising amount of leukocytes under influence of pain and cold factors. lhe leukocyte index to G. Garkavi confirms the organism to be in a state of acute stress reactions. Course introduction of cortexin leads to improved long-term adaptation and saving of adaptive resources (reactions to stress factors become less pronounced). Thus, the use of cortexin in emergency situations can lead to harmonization of the leukocyte formula.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Using of optical coherence tomography in diagnosis of lesions caused by gas-based self-defense weapon

Kacherovich P., Kulikov A., Maltsev D., Reytuzov V., Lapina N.


The article presents the experience of using optical coherence tomography in diagnostics of lesions in the anterior segment of a rabbit eye caused by inducing an experimentally modeled trauma resulting from exposure to a gas-based selfdefense weapon. Gas-based weaponry is presently used tn special forms by law enforcement agencies for the purpose of not control as well as for self-defense. The law enforcement structures and means of self-defense have been provided in the last years by modern gas-based weapons: oleoresin capsaicin and its synthetic analogues, used alone or in combination with ort ochlorbenziloidenmalonodinitrile. Diagnostics and treatment of eye trauma have largely been neglected in Russian medical literature and their criteria have not been sufficiently defined. The optical coherence tomography data illustrate changes in the cornea structure at various times after the trauma incident and in relation to the applied therapeutic treatment. These structural changes have been confirmed by pathomorphology studies. It has been found that optical coherence tomography is a high-sensitivity method of study of the cornea damaged by the gas-based weaponry, which allows to track dynamically, the development of the trauma and the results on various media (electronic, paper), letting to perform a retrospective analysis as well. It has been concluded, as a result of this study, that applications of optical coherence tomography for diagnostics and evaluation of treatment pertaining to experimental animals are acceptable and effective.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):91-94
pages 91-94 views

Comparative Assessment of a Special Protective and Moistening Bandages for Eventrated Abdominal Organs in Experiment

Samokhvalov I., Golovko K., Denisov A., Adamenko V., Yudin A., Zhirnova N., Vostrikov K., Sorokin A., Yablokov I.


Abdominal organs eventration refers to absolute findings of penetrating injury of the abdomen, its rate reaching 35% in the given casualty category. Complete eventration is always complicated by abdominal cavity infection contamination that can result in serious consequences, such as intestinal obstruction, postoperative peritonitis, which in the case of its persistence for 20 min or more, can inevitably cause adhesions development. At present, there are no ready-to-use multipurpose aseptic impregnated bandages including those to protect eventrated abdominal organs, in the enclosures of complete-authorised equipment of the Medical Corps, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A series of long-term experiments dealing with the use of traditional and experimental bandages to protect and moisten eventrated small intestine loops was carried out. 45 laboratory rodents were subdivided into 6 groups: 2 control groups using traditional covering methods and 4 experimental groups using ready-to-use samples. 4 h, 2 and 7 days after bandaging the bandage efficiency was assessed with respect to visual and laboratory criteria (bandage adhesion, presence of peritonitis and adhesions, complete blood count findings). It was shown that in the case of traditional bandages the animals from the group using saline solution developed peritonitis and adhesions in 50% of cases whereas in the group using petrolatum - in 14 and 57% of cases respectively. Proposed ready-to-use bandages demonstrated better protection: there was no peritonitis in all the experimental groups, and only 25% of animals developed adhesions. The lowest rate of complications was noted when «spunlace» bandages without impregnation and «spunbond» bandages impregnated with vinyl+silicone were used. The results of the conducted experimental study evidence the need to revise and improve traditional protective and moistening techniques for eventrated abdominal organs (gauze bandage impregnated with saline or petrolatum) presently used. At present, by an order of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, experimental samples of special aseptic bandages made of nonwoven textile material impregnated with vinyl-silicone gel and chlorhexidine are being developed. These samples after being improved and tested could be recommended for addition to the enclosures of complete-authorised equipment and supply registration of the Medical Corps, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):95-100
pages 95-100 views

Modeling of acute cholecystite

Garaev G., Faradzhev V., Ibragimli F.


The technique of modeling acute cholecystitis using the influence of pathogenic intestinal microflora is presented. The experiments were carried out on 21 rabbits of chinchilla breed in two groups. A model of acute peritonitis was developed on 5 rabbits from the first group, according to the method of F.F. Usikov [11]. Then a highly toxic peritoneal exudate was injected into the gallbladder of animals of the second group (16 rabbits). The administration of highly toxic peritoneal exudate into the gallbladder led to the development of an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. The pathological process developed slowly and in the interval from 7 to 15 days of modeling was of acute nature. The injection of a highly toxic peritoneal exudate that includes many types of pathogenic microflora of the intestine causes the development of acute cholecystitis. This model reflects the corresponding underlying etiopathogenetic links of gallbladder diseases. The adequacy of the proposed model is confirmed by the results of changes in the markers of acute cholecystitis increasing the level of alkaline phosphatase, alanine transferase, aspartate transferase, total bilirubin, у-glutamine transferase and amylase in blood after modeling.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):101-103
pages 101-103 views

The radiophysic model of the resonance phenomena in lipidic membranes of cells

Domakov A., Kuzmin A., Turygin S.


The radiophysic model of resonance phenomena in lipidic membrane of cell was assumed. The membranes have a quasistatic electric field. The basis this model is phenomenon of the transformation energy of this field in the acoustoelectric oscillation. It was established that each resonance has own way of waves motion. In this case, the model of opposing acoustoelectric waves makes it possible to establish different ways of wave propagation not only for different resonances, but also to determine the wavelength in the lipid membrane of the cell. That wavelength is significantly different than the calculated. The model allows to study information about the resonance properties of biological membrane. It was shown that biological cells was excited to the circular polarization external microwaves in three-dimensional space preferably. The radiophysical model makes it possible to study such important characteristics of multiresonance systems (biological and technical), such as the change in the quality factor and energy loss with a change in the resonant frequency.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):104-110
pages 104-110 views

Theoretical and experimental research of flying personnel professional health

Krachko E., Krasilnikov G., Malchinsky F., Medvedev V.


The article presents theoretical analysis of professional health components and its level in various sample groups of flying personnel. Structural complexity of the professional health, which consists of such components as clinic (medical status), functional stability and professionally important qualities, is considered. Impact of unfavorable professional factors of flying labor causes reduction of body functional reserves and after 8-10 years of flying service it becomes damaging, that is why 30 percent of pilots were diagnosed with various health deviations, and 60 percent of aviators older than 35 were found to have diseases, implying some or other limitations to flying work. Medical component offlying personnel professional health is determined during flight medical expertise. According to the results, 85 percent of flying personnel are disqualified due to medical evidences at the age of 31-45 years. Professionally important qualities, as significant aspects of professional health, are estimated in a process of professional psychological selection and support for flying personal education. The results of experimental researches of the peculiarities of professionally important qualities of the applicants to aviation school and cadets-pilots with different level of professional health have shown that certain psychological and psycho-physiological features correlate with medical survey criteria. It turned out that cadets suitable for flying education truly differ both from candidates, unsuitable for enrollment into aviation school and from cadets, recognized as inapplicable for further flying education according to flight medical board assessment due to many psychological and psycho-physiological characteristics, detected on the stage of professional psychological selection.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):111-115
pages 111-115 views

Public Health

Features of a specialized aeromedical evacuation team work at providing medical support for mass sporting events (on the example of the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup)

Shelepov A., Papko S., Savchenko A., Pylnik N.


The problem of terrorism becomes one of the main of social dangers threatening humanity. The number of terrorist attacks and the number of victims are increasing. Protection of sports competitions from terrorism is actual in modern conditions. Large international competitions create ideal conditions where international terrorists can manifest themselves. Conducting events with mass concentration of people puts the problem of ensuring public security to the forefront. At the same time, an important task arises in front of the medical service: to ensure the timely provision of medical care to victims and their evacuation to a medical organization where medical assistance can be provided in full extent. The materials of work of the specialized aeromedical evacuation brigade are being analyzed during the preparation and holding of matches of the Confederations Cup 2017 in Sochi. The reanimation brigade was separated from the medical unit (special purpose) of the 1602nd Military Clinical Hospital to carry out medical evacuation of victims in the event of possible terrorist attacks. The medical staff of the brigade provided medical assistance in an urgent and urgent form to the personnel of the air commandant's office and to the duty crews of combat helicopters. In general, when planning a medical support of major sporting events, it is advisable to allocate a medical-nursing team for airmanship evacuation. Moreover, it is preferable to use equipped sanitary helicopters for these purposes. An important task for a specialized aeromedical evacuation brigade is to monitor the degree of charging of medical equipment for medical modules (helicopter) and timely recharging. In August 2017 in Zernograd, Rostov Region, the state flight test center (Moscow) successfully tested an operation of medical modules (helicopter) in the conditions of new electrical equipment, which allows adapting the module's equipment to the on-board helicopter network.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):116-119
pages 116-119 views

Statistical data of cancer cases in Saint-Petersburg within 2015—2016

Khizha V., Movchan K., Kuzin A., Popov S., O.A. Grinenko O., Skryabin O., Grinenko O., Fedorov K., Rusakevich K., Khizha V.


The main medico-statistical data on neoplasms supervision aid in Saint-Petersburg citizens were analyzed for the period of 2015-2016. Despite an increase in the number of citizens in Saint-Petersburg patients with neoplasms, quality of inspection and treatment of sick neoplasms is still at the proper level. During the period studied the increase in professional workload of oncologists medical organizations of the city is registered. The latter is caused by the increased technological and organizational advantages in timely neoplasms verification and patients’ treatment. Targeted introduction of new information technologies into the healthcare practice of Saint Petersburg in the implementation of the activities of the Russian healthcare development program for the collection, processing, storage and analysis of medical and statistical data on cases of malignant neoplasm among city residents remains one of the priority tasks in terms of improving the organization of the anticancer fight. The structure of the frequently encountered diseases within two years of the analyzed period (2015 - 2016) has not changed. In men, there were mainly detected malignant tumors of prostate, lung and stomach. In women there were mostly identified breast cancer, skin (except melanoma) and colon. Among patients with the first time diagnosed malignant neoplasm there are mostly people over 60 years old. Taking into account the age-specific characteristics of patients and the stages of the oncological process, it is possible to distribute health resources in a rational manner when providing medical care to cancer patients. In St. Petersburg, the index of one-year lethality continues to decrease in dynamics. Five-year survival indicators show the effectiveness of the complex treatment. Main medical statistical data on the activity of specialists of oncological service in Saint Petersburg characterize positive trends in the organization of cancer control in the city.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):120-122
pages 120-122 views

Scientometrics in pharmaceutical personnel training research and professional development in the national healthcare

Miroshnichenko Y., Lobachev I., Perfilev A., Kabakova T.


The irrational personnel policy in the initial period of the reformation of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation led to a massive discharge and reduction of specialists engaged in the organization of medical equipment properties for troops (forces). This inevitably led to the growth in the personnel deficit in the medical supply system, and soon the well-trained and highly qualified specialists of the pharmaceutical profile again were of high demand. The related issues to their training, professional development and career growth require an effective solution. The analysis of works of the national scientists devoted to problems of reformation, working with pharmaceutical personnel using scientific methods, significant practical researches’ results and their introduction into civil health is presented. It has been revealed that the management issues, problems of effective and rational use of pharmaceutical personnel in units (military units) and military medical organizations were not enough studied. An analysis of various literary sources revealed the main trends that can be used to solve problems of improving the work with pharmaceutical personnel in military healthcare. The reasonableness of conducting scientific research on improving the work with pharmaceutical personnel in the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the problems and possible solutions to them have been identified. This will allow developing a multi-level system of training, creating reserves and moving up on the career ladder of leading personnel of the system of medical supply of troops (forces) in accordance with the needs of military health.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):123-128
pages 123-128 views


Adaptation disorders to training conditions in military universities and it’s psychological correction specificity in female cadets

Zelenina N., Nazarov S., Yusupov V.


The adaptation disorders to training circumstances in military universities and it’s psychological correction specificity in female cadets are considered. It is shown, that military occupational adaptation process takes the first two- three years and namely in this period the most thorough and intensive intervention of the medical and psychological support service is required. The approaches to psychological prevention and correction of adaptation dysfunction are analyzed. It was established that the general principle of psychological prevention and correction programs creation should be a differential combination of psychophysiological, personality-oriented and psychosocial methods. Among psychophysiological methods, special attention should be devoted to method of biological feedback. This method is the most effective both for diagnosis and correction of adaptation disorders in female cadets. Personality-oriented psychological correction can be based on the D. Keirsey’s adapted questionnaire, which is showing the statistically significant correlation with such an external criteria as the incidence of morbidity and progress of trainees. Well-thought-out development of such typological features, as «sensation», «judging» and «thinking» on early stages of adaptation contribute to prevention of psychosomatic diseases and increase the professional success. The basis for psychosocial training can serve the Stress Associative Coping Strategies questionnaire, which is showing statistically significant correlation of coping-models with somatic health and academic performance. Work in groups of psychosocial training should be aimed at developing constructive and understanding the inefficient coping-models.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):129-134
pages 129-134 views

Values and motivation in the professionalization of the serviceman

Ovchinnikov B., Dnov K., Zaitsev A., Fedorov E., Yusupov V., Yatmanov A.


Theories and concepts existing in foreign and domestic literature that study value and motivational sphere of a person and their influence on the professionalization of a serviceman are considered and discussed. Values and motivation are traditionally studied as interrelated and mutually deterministic concepts. For Russian psychology in general it is typical to understand the system of values as the highest characteristic of individuality and as the basis of motivation. Values can be interpreted as forms of personality, and motivation - as situational regulators associated with mental states and processes. Regulation of activities based on value factors provides the optimal level of performance of activities in terms of risk and uncertainty, as well as extremes. Motivation of achievement significantly complements the intellect to ensure a high level of efficiency of life. Values of professional development of personality can be divided into two types. The first type characterizes processes of formation of general competence and subject activity of professional competencies, and is responsible for entering the professional space. These are values, meanings, values-ideals. The second type of values reveals foundations of individual development in the professional space. These are individual values that are responsible for peculiarity and uniqueness of the life path, including but not limited to the profession. The value-motivational sphere is a resource of individual development of a person in the professional sphere, which allows professionalization to be realized as a process of gaining high-class professionalism.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):135-139
pages 135-139 views

Aetiopathogenesis of hepatopathies and the possibilities of pharmacological correction

Guseinova G., Polukhova S., Musayeva E., Gasymova S., Dzhafarova R.


The results of studies on the liver failure of different etiology are generalized, the present situation with regard to the pharmacological treatment of pathological changes in the liver are considered, and the opportunities for prevention and treatment of such pathologies are determined. It has been established that toxic liver damage caused by an increased rate of drugs intake, alcoholization of society, environmental degradation and unhealthy lifestyles also play an important role in the development of liver diseases alongside with infections. It was also found that regardless of the etiology of the liver failure, the pathogenesis is distinguished by two mechanisms: direct and autoimmune hepatic cell damage. This causes inflammatory, necrotic and apoptotic reactions, leading to hepatic cells death in the terminal phase. There have been identified the similarities in body compensatory reaction processes aimed at defending the liver against intense pathogenic impact of both exogenous and endogenous factors. It was found that eventual failure of the compensatory mechanisms results in the impairment of hepatocytes, followed by the development odfevheelpoatitides and hepatosis with the potential to transform into cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The probability of these pments in terms of both time and frequency depends primarily on the activity level of immune system, adaptive capacities of the body, duration and intensity of the exposure to the damaging factors, certain genetic factors, accompanying other diseases, lifestyle and nutrition habits and timely and correct treatment strategies and etc. It was also found that regardless of the etiology of the pathologic process, the rehabilitation period is distinguished by restoration of the compensatory mechanisms in the first instance. Thus, the intensity of liver metabolic processes is increased, and phagocytosis is activated along with enhancement of toxic substances excretion, development of anastomosis. The blood is redistributed, which leads to the activation of hepatic cell regeneration.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):143-146
pages 143-146 views

The influence of polymorphism on CCR5DELTA32 on the clinical course of acute respiratory viral infection

Ivanov A., Nikitin Y., Krivoruchko A., Karimov A.


In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the spread of influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases is associated with the characteristics of military service (adaptation of recruits, barracks placement, military professional and environmental impacts) and is the most important problem of military medicine. Flu and acute respiratory viral infections are characterized by intensity of the epidemic process with a wide geographical spread and high frequency of complications and lethal outcomes. It is established that the individual response of an immune system to infectious agents exposure is characterized by high variability. The variability of the individual response to the effect of etiologic agents of acute respiratory viral diseases increases the importance of searching for molecular factors that determine pathogenesis variants of this infectious pathology and can be applied for risk group formation of severe and complicated clinical course development, and for planning an individual therapy approach. Molecular genetic analysis of the polymorphism of key genes determining the efficiency of an immune response allows to predict predilection, severity of the clinical course and complications of infectious diseases. This article examines the relationship between carriage of the CCR5DELTA32 allele and increased incidence, severity and risk of complications of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):140-142
pages 140-142 views

Predictors for gastric cancer: precancerous changes of the gastric mucosa (intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia), factors of pathogenicity Helicobacter pylori (Cag А, Vac A)

Pegasheva I., Pavlovich I., Gordienko A.


The problem of prevalence of oncological diseases is becoming more urgent every year. Modern science has made some significant progress in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. However, despite this, a large number of tumors is not always possible to identify in the early stages, resulting in reduced survival rates ofpatients after treatment even in the best cancer centers, and in some cases modern medicine is powerless. In the structure ofoncological morbidity, ones of the leading localizations are malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. As theprocess of development ofpre-cancer takes several decades, theprospects of early detection arefavorable, but the problem lies in the lack of suitable samples for screening ofgastric cancer, the symptoms appear within a short period prior to the development ofgastric cancer. The main problem in the study ofHelicobacter-associated diseases remains theprevention ofgastric cancer, therefore, the search for adequate ways of early detection of this disease continues, which, in turn, determines the need for new markers ofprecancer and cancer of the stomach, including genes that increase the risk of adenocarcinoma of the stomach. The ability to prevent the development of a stomach cancer is due to the fact, that timely started treatment ofsome changes of the mucosa are reversible, which in turn depends on their early diagnosis. In the article the problem of identifying predictors ofgastric cancer: role of Helicobacter pylori, the impact of some virulence factors of H. pylori infection on the development of intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia ofgastric mucosa in the screening stages of the study is discussed. Detection ofpredictors ofcancerous changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach - is the best way to reduce morbidity and mortality from stomach cancer.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):147-152
pages 147-152 views

Role of chemokines in the antibacterial immune response development

Moskalev A., Sboychakov V., Tsygan V., Apchel A.


General immunopathological characteristics of an antibacterial immune response development were analyzed. Evolutional changes of mutual phagocytes and bacteria interaction were represented. Thus, the predominant effect of interleukin-8 on neutrophils is shown, while for macrophage chemotactic protein 1 there are monocytes and macrophages, which are typically under its effect. ELR-negative chemokines are lymphocytes’ chemotactic agents. Conversely, cell cooperation of monocytephagocyte system (neutronphils, monocytes, macrophages) with endotheliocytes is one of the key phagocytosis component, which is realized through cytokine-chemokine production and provides development of solid neutrophil adhesion phase and its transendotheliac barrier overcome. Betta 2-Integrins - Lymphocyte Function-Associated Antigen provides development of the next immunoinflammatory process stage with lymphocytes attraction to the focus of inflammation. The lack of the third and fourth proteins of the complimentary system prevents the development of solid adhesion phase; a Very Late Antigen-4 mediates selective basophil and eosinophil adhesion, playing an important role in allergic response development in bacterial infections. Many bacteria prevent phagocytosis development, especially through chemokine system disturbing due to protease production. Bacterial proteases affect intracellular signal pathways that inactivates the activity of monocyte-phagocyte system cells. Toxinproducing bacteria effectively blocks an activation of a gene complex, which expression depends on NFkBfactor. In the end, the discussed mechanisms promote uncompleted phagocytosis development and accelerate apoptotic phagocyte death.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):153-157
pages 153-157 views

Role of chewing muscles and temporomandibular joint in the realization of mandibula buttress function

Gayvoronsky I., Rodionov A., Gayvoronskaya M., Nichiporuk G., Shashkov V.


The article contains a discussion on the features of the buttress of a lower jaw. It is shown that the maxillofacial segment is its morphofunctional unit, while the total chewing pressure from all dentition segments is transmitted along the ascending buttress, which should be considered in a broader view as a basal-condylar-coronary buttress. It is shown that in its essence the ascending buttress in the process of evolution of a masticatory function was divided into two buttresses - basal-condyle and basal- venous-muscular - in a region of the angle of the lower jaw. It is shown that when the basal-condyle buttress is not working, the masticatory tension on the structures of a facial and cerebral skull transmits the basal-venous-muscular buttress through the chewing musculature, which takes up most of the masticatory tension and forms a new basal-muscular-cranial buttress consisting ofseveral parts: coronary-temporal, basal-cheek-temporal, basal-pterygoid and condylar-pterygoid. It is proved that the development, structure and biomechanics of the chewing apparatus at various stages of its evolution were determined by the ways offeeding and processing offood. These methods were the main shaping factors of the dentoalveolar system and the temporomandibular joint formation through the chewing pressure, which determined all their biomechanics. In the implementation of the counterforce function of the lower jaw, an important role is played by the chewing muscles and temporomandibular joint.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):158-163
pages 158-163 views

Lymphotropic therapy — the key to the blood-brain barrier functions restoring

Pesin Y., Borodin Y.


Mechanisms that ensure the protective function of the blood brain barrier are provided by the coordinated work of blood tissue barrier, blood liquor barrier and lymph liquor barrier. Inadequate secretion of cerebrospinal fluid is one of the main causes of violations of its outflow from the cranial cavity in acute and chronic diseases of the central nervous system. When there is a tissue fluid shortage the disruption of its current from the interstitial occurs. This leads to the fact that the lymph liquor barrier does not function and blood tissue barrier, through which the brain compensates for fluid deficit, opens. It was established that indirect lymphostimulation should consist of two stages. The first one aims at covering the lack of tissue water. During the second stage, patients are affected by indirect stimulatuon of lymphatic drenage -1 hour after intravenous injections. One session of indirect lymphostimulation lowers cerebrospinal fluid pressure in meningitis, meningoencephalitis for 21,28-22,14%, and in hemorrhagic stroke for 20,4%, with cerebral infarction by 12,1%. Simultaneously, ventricular dimensions in patients reduces, the liquid outflow from the subarachnoid space recovers. The brain is cleared of toxic substances - bilirubin. Decongestant effect of one session of indirect lymphostimulation maintains for 18-20 hours. At all, indirect lymphostimulation of lymphatic drainage mechanism of a nervous system can be used in the rehabilitation ofpatients with cerebrovascular disease, inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, patients with infantile cerebral paralysis, which developed after undergoing intracranial birth trauma, or after prolonged neonatal jaundice, patients with traumatic brain injury, with syringomyelia, hydrocephalus and neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):164-170
pages 164-170 views

The evaluation of the level of training of medical specialists in process simulation training

Lobachev I., Drachev V., Furmanov E.


Trends in the development of higher, secondary professional and additional professional education identify a fundamental change in the educational process and necessitate a completely new approach to training and introduction of modern educational technologies. Requirements of State educational standards aimed at the introduction in the educational process of simulation courses that provide practical skills and skills for all categories of students, practicing the skills of team work, development of clinical thinking and the formation of professional competencies. Introduction in educational process of training simulation courses contributes to reducing errors and improving the quality of medical care. The present level of development of the technology and methodology of simulation training, including original techniques, has allowed us to implement in the medical education system is a brand new kind of practical training and objective assessment of the level of practical knowledge and skills of trainees - simulation training - realistic simulation scenarios of pathological conditions, medical procedures, surgeries and other clinical situations. A significant advantage of using simulation training in conjunction with the traditional training system is the possibility of multiple practicing certain exercises and activities. Objective quality control jobs in progress and the results of training allows to improve the management of simulation training. Assessment of the level of proficiency of a specialist after conducting simulation training allows one to determine the effectiveness of a simulation course, to plan further training with the use of simulation technologies to achieve the specific quality values of the available jobs. Following the completion of the program of training simulation course, data on recorded in the learner portfolio. This allows an objective control of the correct development of practical skills, that enables the learner to progress from one training level to another.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):171-174
pages 171-174 views

Role and significance in medical consequences of radiation incidents in peaceful time that belongs to Military Field Therapy Departament’s in S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy in the system of medical catastrophes services belonging to Defense Ministry of Russian Federation

Khalimov Y., Vlasenko A., Matveev S., Gajduk S.


In the period of over 60 years the Military Field Therapy Departament was consistently involved in rectification and study of the medical consequences of the radiological accidents, accompanied by radiation exposure. Problems of radiation pathology took a leading place in scholastic, scientific and clinical research of Departament s staff. Scientific research was based on established at Departament experimental toxic-radiological laboratory where different types of radiation injury were simulated. Obtained results were penetrated into educational process and have found practical application in the treatment of victims of the accident at the nuclear submarine. Patients with other forms of radiation damage were treated in the clinic of military field therapy in the following years. There are 2 cases of radiation disease due to intestinal irradiation caused by radium poisoning, intestinal case of radiation disease, which was treated using extracorporal haemosorbtion. After Chernobyl disaster Departament s research is concentrated on biological outocomes of «low dose radiation». In the course of the research we obtained scientific data contributing to the formation of a unified view of the role of small doses of ionizing radiation in the development of somatic pathology in the early and remote periods after radiation exposure.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):175-179
pages 175-179 views

Damage factors of explosive munitions

Denisov A., Anisin A., Bozhchenko A., Mavrenkov E., Ozeretskovskii L., Svirida V.


Damaging factors of munitions of explosive action were considered. It is known that explosive injury have ceased to be the prerogative of local wars and armed conflicts nowadays. Terroristic acts, sweeping across many countries all over the world, are increasingly being committed by undermining camouflaged explosive devices in crowded places and public buildings. As a result of exposure explosion factors to human a number of damage with different mechanisms arise, which in most cases are multiple and combined by anatomic localization and combined in mechanogenesis. The main damaging factors in the explosion are explosive gases with high pressure and high temperature, shock wave, shards of the ammunition (mines) and secondary shells. Thermal impact of explosive ordnance is manifested by local burns, localized, usually, in the explosion area. The gases formed during the explosion can additionally cause severe poisoning. Specificity of the pathological changes that arise in the organism from the explosion requires from medical specialists of all levels a full knowledge of the features of the formation of trauma when the factors of the explosion act on the human body. An equally important aspect of the comprehensive study of the mechanism of explosive effects is the creation of individual and collective protection against explosion, as well as the development of methods for assessing the effectiveness of their usage.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):180-185
pages 180-185 views

Evacuation of seriously burned patients of foreign armies in conditions of local wars and armed conflicts

Admakin A., Simonova M.


Burns as one of the severe types of combat trauma have always been among the sanitary casualties of all local wars and armed conflicts. And questions about the improvement of the system of rendering medical care to seriously burned patients remain actual until now.We present information about the number of injured people with severe thermal trauma during local wars and armed conflicts of foreign countries. Especially this problem has been actualized since the XX century, when there were many sanitary casualties because of burns during wars due to the improvement of military weapons. It is shown that the main principle of the organization of care for seriously burned patients is stage treatment. The most effective methods of delivery of burned persons to the points of specialized medical care, as well as the main specialized burn centers in foreign countries. An important attainment was the development of airmobile evacuation, which gives a possibility of fast transportation of burned in critical condition that allows keeping them alive. It is established that, despite the possibility of aviation transport to move patients quickly over long distances, a changes of altitude can make an adverse effect on seriously burned patients. The need for early delivery of injured people to specialized care and early surgical treatment is shown, which is important for assessing the results of treatment of injured people with severe burns. The analyzed literary data will be actual forever when choosing a strategy for the treatment of injured with extensive and deep burns at the stages of medical evacuation, which will allow to make a significant impact on the results of wound healing.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):186-189
pages 186-189 views

The relationship of computer tomography results with the Glasgow coma scale in patients with acute traumatic brain injury

Gasimzade G.


The results of computed tomography in patients with acute traumatic brain injury and the relationship between computer tomography scan results and the level of Glasgow coma scale are presented. The computer tomography scans in 90 individuals with traumatic brain injury were studied. The average age of patients studied was 31,56±2,09 years, 88,9% of which were men and 11,1% - women. The severity of traumatic brain injury was assessed using the Glasgow coma scale. Computed tomography was carried out according to standard methods in the normal mode without contrasting. The main reasons for traumatic brain injury were traffic accidents (60%), falling down (32,2%), sport trauma (6,7%) and criminal trauma (1,1%). Mild traumatic brain injury was diagnosed in 43,3% of cases with the average score on the Glasgow coma scale - 13,14±0,84. The average degree of head injury is noted in 44,4% of cases, the average score is 9,2±1,28 and severe head injury in 12,2% of cases, the average score is 6,36±1,27 mm. Mixed lesions have lower indices on Glasgow coma scale (9,78±1,65) than solitary lesions (12,89±1,24). Mixed lesions combined with fractures have the lowest value on the Glasgow coma scale (6,42±1,03). It is shown that computed tomography is a widely available, fast and effective diagnostic technique that allows to accurately determine the location of a lesion in acute craniocerebral trauma. Early and timely diagnosis using computed tomography is essential for further treatment tactics and predicting the result.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):190-193
pages 190-193 views

Medicine history

T.Ya. Aryev. Becoming a scientist and a doctor (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)

Sokolov V., Yakimov D., Varfolomeev I.


There are a short introduction about youth and scientific activity of Tuvia Yakovlevich Ariev. Some little-known facts were established from his childhood and youth. First independent researches and publications were already highly appreciated by his scientific adviser and published in foreign scientific literature. The main milestones of his becoming as a doctor-researcher and scientist are considered. This stage in life was promoted by studying in the adjuncture of the Military Medical Academy and the subsequent work in the clinic of hospital surgery under the direction of the outstanding scientist and surgeon S.S. Girgolava. The proposed problem of the cold effect on the human body with surgeon point of view became the main direction of independent scientific activity in the 1930-1940s for T.Ya. Aryev. The study and analysis of numerous and often contradictory in their conclusions of domestic and foreign literature, the clarification of controversial and poorly studied questions in the experiment and during the treatment of patients with cold trauma that came to the clinics of the Academy and city hospitals in Leningrad enabled young scientist to systematize and clarify many of the teaching’s fundamental principles about frostbite. In this period T.Ya. Aryev mastered the methods ofsetting various experiments, acquired solid surgical skills, greatly strengthened his analytical abilities when working with domestic and foreign scientific literature. The subsequent participation in the armed conflicts of the 1930s allowed to receive the practice of rendering assistance to the wounded with combat surgical pathology during the stages of medical evacuation. New clinical observations made possible to develop a number of fundamentally new provisions for the theory and practice of treating frostbites in the everyday clinical practice of military medical institutions. It was during this period that T.Ya. Aryev’s life became a highly trained scientist and clinician, acquired an invaluable scientific, medical, combat experience that tempered his character, allowed him to lead the first in our country department and clinic of thermal lesions.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):194-198
pages 194-198 views

V.N. Sheinis. A way to science (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)

Sokolov V., Yakimov D., Gusev M.


The initial period of scientific activity of VeniaminNikolaevichSheinis is briefly covered. Little-known facts of his youth, start of labor activity and military service were established. The main milestones of his becoming as military doctor, researcher and scientist are considered. Becoming a V.N. Sheinis as a military doctor were happened during mainly the service in combat units, in some cases - during their deployment and formation. It was required to show a strong-willed character and organizationalskills in that exact time, the ability to solve not only medicalproblems, but also economic issues. Admission to the postgraduate study of the Military Medical Academy, subsequent studies and work in the hospital surgery clinic under the direction of outstanding scientist and surgeon S.S. Girgolava became a new stage in the V.N. Sheinis life. Fluency in several foreign languages was facilitated the reading and analysis of foreign scientific publications for him. The information were received became the basis for organizing and conducting scientific research and writing analytical works on various topical issues of surgery at that time. One of the first was devoted to the experience of providing surgical care in the French army during the First World War. Investigating the specifics of the deployment of the medical service in the initial period of combat operations, the subsequent stage-by-stage treatment of the wounded, depending on changes in the operational-tactical situation at the front, V.N. Sheinis systematized and clarified many of the principal provisions for the deployment of the forces and means of the medical service. There are examples of effective solutions to existing problems and those problems that could not be resolved before the end of the war. The expediency of carrying out of medical-diagnostic actions at wounds of various anatomical areas was investigated. Some little-known facts of the beginning of studies for young scientists of the effect of low temperatures on the human body problem were given. The urgency of this medical problem was determined by the limited knowledge of the many related issues and the controversial nature of the conclusions that were outlined in the publications of that time. Intensive scientific work allowed the young doctor to gain invaluable experience as a scientist and doctor. The experience that tempered his character, allowed him to become a recognized specialist, the author of unique publications, an example for young doctors.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):199-204
pages 199-204 views

Guillaume Dupuytren (to the 240th anniversary of a French surgeon)

Zemlyanoy V., Sigua B., Filenko B., Mavidi I., Melnikov V., Zaharov E.


People remember the Eiffel towers, but not milestones. And if one remembers doctors of long past centuries, we thereby prove that they were outstanding representatives of medicine of their time. In 2017, 240 years passed since the birth of one of the greatest surgeons of France - Guillaume Dupuytren. The article is dedicated to his life stages, personal qualities and professional achievements. He was called «riverside robber» and «wild animal on the Seine», however, he was listened to. The famous surgeon, protege of Pinelo, Cuvier and Corvizar, despite the hardest times for his country, made a huge contribution to the development of not only French, but the world surgery. Absolute perfectionism in everything, gloominess, arrogance towards colleagues and students prevented Dupuytren from finding a common language with the surrounding people, and sometimes making the work under his leadership unbearable. Nevertheless, these features did not prevent Dupuytren from writing his name in the history of world medicine. Some of the symptoms and diseases are named after him, and the most famous among them at the present time is Dupuytren’s flexural contracture. Lectures written by his assistants according to his words, made a huge contribution to the development of surgery. In addition, under his leadership, the oldest hospital in Paris took one of the leading positions among hospitals in Europe. Dedicated to his job, Guillaume Dupuytren saw patients until the very last day. Outstanding skills, enthusiasm and conscientious work made Dupuytren one of the greatest surgeons in history, his contribution in science impossible to overrate.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):205-208
pages 205-208 views

To the 50th anniversary of Historical-Memorial Hall of Military Medical Academy by S.M. Kirov

Tsygan V., Shvets V., Paly K.


The article presents the main stages in the creation of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy history museum. The museum is a special subdivision of the Academy, in the activity of which professional, historical and cultural traditions of the Academy are united. The initial stage of the museum is connected with the names of P.P. Goncharov, A.S. Georgievsky, A.N. Maksimenkov, V.I. Voyachek, Z.M. Volynsky, E.F. Selivanov, V.I. Selivanov, P.A. Koptev, A.M. Karpuchek. The Academy Museum was created by the efforts of many people as a genuine national one. Under the leadership of the head of the Academy academician, colonel-general of the medical service N.G. Ivanov it was restored and significantly expanded. N.F. Loginov, V.A. Dolinin, G.M. Yakovlev, V.O. Samoylov, A.A. Lopatenok, G.I. Vasiliev, N.M. Shulenin, V.P. Gudkov, E.I. Veselov, V.D. Adazhy, S.A. Tsvetkov, V.N. Tsygan., N.F. Fomin, A.V. Gordienko, A.M. Shelepov, O.L. Evlanov, P.F. Gladkikh, I.D. Kosachev, V.N. Mokrousov, D.V. Ovchinnikov, V.I. Kruglov, G.S. Chepik, A.V. Kuvshinnikov and many others took an active part in the development of the museum at various stages. The Academy is a special unique institution in the military medicine and the phenomenon of the national culture in general. The museum has become a center that searches for and stores historical exhibits that are the true heritage of Russian culture. First of all, it is «The Vase of Napoleon» which is a decorative and applied monument of military history, as well as the Book of honorary members of the Academy. The first entry in the book is dated August 28, 1808 and says: «His Imperial Majesty Alexander Pavlovich, the Emperor of All-Russia». Today the main task of the museum (historical-memorial hall) is the education of all categories of trainees based on the principles of professionalism, patriotism and humanism. The main directions of the museum work are: educational, excursion activities, consulting and reference, archival search and museum itself from the inside. On the basis of the museum, classes on disciplines that are taught at academic departments are held. The classes are conducted by the museum staff and the academy faculty lecturers. The museum of the academy (historical-memorial hall) is its «visiting card», a special unit in which the past, the present and the future are united.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):209-212
pages 209-212 views

Contribution of Ivan Ivanovich Grekov to fundamental and practical surgery (to 150th anniversary)

Morgoshiya T.


The article presents the main milestones of life and creative path of one of the leaders of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad school of surgeons of Ivan Ivanovich Grekov - doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, honored worker of science. Ivan Grekov published more than 150 scientific papers on surgery of lungs, heart, abdominal organs, heal wounds and etc. He was one of the first in Russia to introduce a method of surgical field treatment with tincture of iodine (1909). The best-known scientific works of I.I. Grekov are in the field of abdominal surgery. He developed methods of resection of the sigmoid colon (1910, 1924) implemented in practical surgery as the operation «Grekov I and Grekov II» (double-stage method of resection of the sigmoid and descending large intestine). He created to the method of ileocecal valve plastics during a spasm (Grekov method), methods of gut emptying at high and low intestinal obstruction (Grekov methods). For Hirschsprung’s disease he suggested producing the mobilization of sigmoid and rectum (operation Swenson - Grekov). He identified the functional and reflexive relationship of appendicitis with gastric ulcer, ileocecal valve with a pylorus and pointed out that in diseases of the cecum violations of motor and secretory functions of the stomach may occur. For the first time in Russia he successfully performed the operation of removal of a pancreas (1913). I.I. Grekov proposed modification of operations if the damage to the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint or resection of intestine in strangulated hernia took place; in 1903 successfully performed stitching of the heart wound, and in 1928 opened the cavity of the heart to remove the bullet. About 40 years he was working in the Obukhov hospital.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):213-216
pages 213-216 views

Professor G.I. Alekseev — an outstanding military therapist-radiologist (to the 95th anniversary)

Khalimov Y., Vlasenko A., Matveev S.


On August 18, 2017, 95 years ago, the prominent military radiation therapist, a corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), the Council of Ministers of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics prize laureate, Major-General of the Medical Corps Grigoriy Iliych Alekseev was born. He had been working at the War Therapy department for 32 years, being the Head of the department for 12 years, he made a great contribution to the development of the national Military Field Therapy. It is under his direction that the department became the research and training center for War Therapy, the alma mater for clinical radiology, clinical toxicology and medical care organization for the Armed Forces of our country and some of the foreign countries, being widely known both in our country and abroad. Having defended a doctoral dissertation on clinical findings and treatment of acute radiation disease caused by combined exposure in 1964, he got an academic status as a professor and was appointed to the post of the Head of the department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, and was in that position for almost 10 years. In 1978 Grigoriy Iliych returned to the Military Field Therapy department to take the post of the Head, this period appeared to be the most productive in his research, pedagogic and clinical activity. Since 1982 he held concurrently positions of the Head of the department and the Chief Radiologist of the Ministry of Defence of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. During the Chernobyl accident G.I. Alekseev competently coordinated the work of the Medical Corps of the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics and public health authority in the accident zone. For many years, the department was engaged in the study of the accident factor complex effect on various activities of Chernobyl accident liquidators. After the retirement he continued working as a professor at the department. G.I. Alekseev is an author and co-author of more than 200 academic papers, among them are textbooks, manuals, instructions and study guides. He was a scientific adviser on 4 doctoral and 32 candidate dissertations, among his students are two chiefs of the department and the Head of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine. G.I. Alekseev died on August 21, 1997, was buried at Bogoslovskiy cemetery, St. Petersburg.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):217-222
pages 217-222 views

Book reviwew

Review on the manual of L.N. Soldatova, G.A. Grebnev, A.K. Iordanishvili «Military-medical examination on the dent-alveolar anomalies»

Horoshilkina F., Belskikh O., Lapina N.


The analysis of the manual of L.N. Soldatova, G.A. Grebnev, A.K. Iordanishvili «Military-medical examination on the dent-alveolar anomalies» is represented. The main information of the frequency of occurrence of major dent-alveolar anomalies at recruits, applicants, cadets of high military educational institutions and also the military personnel are covered in the manual and the characteristic of these anomalies is given. The features of medical examination of citizens at initial military registration and military conscription in connection with dent-alveolar anomalies are described. The occurring imperfections of work of the military-medical commissions which examine the young with dent-alveolar anomalies are brought. The existent difficulties in providing the orthodontic help in conditions of the military service are noted. The ways of solving problems on the examination of young people during the initial military registration and induction into military service in connection with their dental anomalies, as well as military personnel, in connection with injuries and loss of teeth are indicated.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):223-225
pages 223-225 views


100 years anniversary colonel of medical service in retirement Averkiev Anatoly Matveyevich

Rostomashvili E., Fomin N., Minnullin I.
Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(4):226-229
pages 226-229 views
