
Implementation of the organoprotective properties of fixed combinations of valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide (Vamloset® and Co-Vamloset) in patients with grade 2 and 3 hypertension in the Russian clinical study VICTORY II
Chazova I., Martynyuk T., Rodnenkov O., Gorieva S., Rogoza A., Arkhipov M., Grinshtein Y., Ostroumova O., Galiavich A., Rotar’ O., Khaisheva L., Kameneva T.
Fixed combination of amlodipine and lisinopril effectiveness in hypertensive smokers
Ostroumova O., Kochetkov A.
Fixed dose combinations for the treatment arterial hypertension: the real way to improve control
Morozova T., Andreev S.
Practical aspects of fixed combinations in the treatment of hypertension
Ogarkov M., Baranova M., Skripchenko A.
Amlodipin in the treatment of arterial hypertension
Galyavich A.
First results of Russian multicenter prospective clinical study VICTORY II: Vamloset® and Co-Vamloset effectiveness and safety in patients with stage 2 and 3 arterial hypertension
Chazova I., Martynyuk T., Rodnenkov V., Gorieva B., Rogoza A., Arkhipov M., Grinshtein Y., Ostroumova O., Galiavich A., Rotar’ O., Haisheva L., Kameneva T.
The influence of Losartanum and Amlodipinum fixed combination use on cardiovascular complications risk factors seasonal variability in patients with arterial hypertension
Smirnova M., Fofanova T., Ageev F., Blankova Z., Vicenia M., Barinova I.
Effects of amlodipine and atorvastatin on endothelial vasoactive mediators in patients with metabolic syndrome
Blinova N., Masenko V., Chazova I.
The value of blood pressure variability in clinical practice. Opportunities of amlodipine in reducing blood pressure variability (based on the Russian program «VARIATIONS»)
Ostroumova O., Bondarets O., Guseva T.
Pri vsem bogatstve vybora drugoy al'ternativy net Issledovanie ETNA Plyus (ETNA v zhizni vracha polikliniki)
Chazova I., Ratova L.
Amlodipine: its ability to reduce the risk of complications of arterial hypertension
Runikhina N., Tkacheva O.
A new fixed combination of perindopril, indapamide and amlodipine. "Three in one" is the way to improve the results of arterial hypertension treatment
Temnikova E.
Perindopril - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor is approved for usage
Napalkov D.
Modern approaches to combined therapy of arterial hypertension
Napalkov D., Zhilenko A.
Efficacy of amlodipin in treatment of arterial hypertension.
Prokhorovich E.
Dihydropyridine calcium antagonists: conscious choice
Ostroumova O., Vikentev V., Abrosimov A., Smoliarchuk E.
The impact of fixed combination of amlodipine and perindopril (drug Prestance)on the mechanisms of heat adaptation in patients with arterial hypertension
Ageev F., Smirnova M., Fofanova T., Svirida O., Mikhailov G., Revich B.
Covremennye predstavleniya ob ideal'noy kombinatsii antigipertenzivnykh preparatov dlya profilaktiki insul'ta
Ostroumova O., Fomina V., Guseva T.
Arterial hypertension and treatment of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: advantage amlodipin
Ezhov M., Yezhov M.
The effect of combined antihypertensive therapy on arterial wall rigidity in male patients with hypertension, obesity and obstructive sleep apnea
Elfimova E., Zairova A., Andrievskaya M., Bogieva R., Rogoza A., Litvin A.
The telmisartan and amlodipine combination in the treatment of hypertension
Shehyan G., Yalymov A., Schikota A., Zadionchenko V., Varentsov S.
Korrektsiya dislipidemiy pri soputstvuyushchey arterial'noy gipertonii s pozitsiy obnovlennoy paradigmy serdechno-sosudistogo riska
Gurevich V.
Modern combination antihypertensive pharmacotherapy
Mubarakshina O., Somova M., Batishcheva G.
A fixed combination of amlodipine and losartan: effectiveness and safety in abnormal weather conditions in patients with arterial hypertension
Ageev F., Smirnova M., Fofanova T., Blankova Z., Vitsenya M., Tsybulskaya T., Neverova E., Samsonova N.
Efficacy and safety of amlodipine and perindopril (Prestance) fixed combination in patients with arterial hypertension during the summer heat
Chazova I., Ageev F., Smirnova M., Ageeva N., Fofanova T., Svirida O., Mikhailov G., Levin A., Revich B.
Additional possibilities of antihypertensive therapy for metabolic syndrome
Kislyak O., Pokhilchenko M.
Advantages of control over the course of hypertension disease with the fixed combination of amlodipine and perindoprilе arginin
Alyokhina O., Chesnokova I.
From the choice of antihypertensive drug to the choice of fixed combinations of antihypertensive drugs: a paradigm shift
Ostroumova O., Bondarets O., Kopchenov I., Guseva T.
A differentiated approach to the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease
Napalkov D.
Effect of the fixed-dose combination Ekvator on blood pressure level and cognitive functions in elderly patients with arterial hypertension
Ostroumova O., Pervichko E.
Aspects of efficacy, safety and adherence to antihypertensive therapy with single pill combinations of valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide (Vamloset® and Co-Vamloset) in patients with 2 and 3 grade of arterial hypertension in the Russian clinical study VICTORY II
Chazova I., Martynyuk T., Rodnenkov O., Gorieva S., Rogoza A., Arkhipov M., Grinshtein Y., Ostroumova O., Galyavich A., Rotar’ O., Khaisheva L., Kameneva T.
Improving blood pressure control, organoprotection and metabolic disorders correction in patients with hypertension switching from diuretic-based combinations to fixed combination lisinopril + amlodipine + rosuvastatin
Nedogoda S., Chumachek E., Ledyaeva A., Tsoma V., Salasyuk A., Smirnova V., Khripaeva V., Palashkin R., Popova E.
The meaning of hypertensive therapy choice in the correction of cerebral affection: from mild cognitive impairment to dementia
Shishkova V.
Place of arterial hypertension in brain lesion development - from minor cognitive disorders to dementia
Shishkova V.
Real and potential benefits of third-generation calcium antagonists
Kirichenko A.
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