
Prognostic value of sarcopenia in patients with CKD
Sokolova A.V., Dragunov D.O., Arutyunov G.P., Mitrokhin V.M.
Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere - from Prevention to Detection and Equitable Access to Care
Li P.K., Garcia-Garcia G., Lui S.-., Andreoli S., Fung W.W., Hradsky A., Kumaraswami L., Liakopoulos V., Rakhimova Z., Saadi G., Strani L., Ulasi I., Kalantar-Zadeh K.
New iron-containing phosphate-binding agents for the correction of hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic kidney disease
Ermolenko V.M., Filatova N.N.
Nephrolithiasis of transplanted kidney
Yankovoy A.G., Ivanov A.E., Urenkov S.B.
Hyperkalemia: a modern view on the problem and the potentials for therapy (Part 2)
Mikhailova N.A., Kotenko O.N., Shilov E.M.
Renal function and some indicators of homeostasis in women with pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia
Akhmedov F.K., Avakov V.E., Negmatullaeva M.N.
Modern concept of the renal transport mechanisms of uric acid
Zverev Y.F., Bryukhanov V.M.
Organ-preserving surgery of tumor lesions in transplanted kidney
Jankovoj A.G., Prokopenko E.I., Bazaev V.V., Vatazin A.V., Kazanceva I.A., Gurevich L.E., Urenkov S.B., Sinjutin A.A., Stepanov V.A.
Successful treatment of segmental mesenteric thrombosis in renal transplant recipient
Yankovoy A.G., Zulkarnaev A.B., Sinyutin A.A., Stepanov V.A.
Unresolver problem of calcium in phosphate-binding therapy of bone-mineral metabolism dis-turbances in patients with chronic kidney disease on program hemodialysis
Khoroshilov S.E.
Early diagnosis and correction of nutritive status abnormalities in predialysis and hemodialysis chronic kidney disease patients
Aleksandorva I.I., Milovanov Y.S., Dobrosmyslov I.A.
Plasmapheresis in controlling of the severity of ischemia-reperfusion damage of renal transplant
Vatazin A.V., Siniutin A.A., Zul'karnaev A.B., Kantaria R.O., Krstich M.
MDRD study: role in clinical nephrology
Moukhin N.A., Kozlovskaya L.V., Fomin V.V., Milovanov Y.S.
Serum levels of morphogenetic proteins (fibroblast growth factor-23 and Klotho): clinical significance
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V., Moukhin N.A.
Zheleza sakharat: rol' v lechenii anemii pri khronicheskoy bolezni pochek
Fomin V.V.
Otsenka funktsii pochek s ispol'zovaniem pokazatelya skorosti klubochkovoy fil'tratsii v ambulatornopoliklinicheskoy praktike
Kurochkina O.N.
Fomin V.V., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y.
HCV-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis with severe kidney involvement and B-cell lymphoma development. Monoclonal anti-CD-20 antibodies and antiviral therapy as options of prognosis improvement
Mukhin N.A., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanova L.Y., Tegay S.V., Gordovskaya N.B., Ignatova T.M., Kudlinskiy I.S.
Use of cinacalcet in children with chronic kidney disease stage V
Molchanova M.S., Petrosyan E.K., Pankratenko T.E., Zverev D.V., Rumyantsev A.L., Bykova L.P., Gracheva L.A.
Dysembriogenesis of urinary system and nephropathies
Fomin V.V., Kiyakbaev G.G.
Alekseeva L.A., Popova L.A., Ryzhenkova I.V., Alekseeva L., Popova L., Ryzhenkova I.
Loop diuretic treatment: time for new options
Nutritional disorders among elderly and senile patients depending on the state of renal function
Borkhanova E.G., Maksudova A.N., Alaskari S., Derbali M., Konyukhov E.A.
Insulin resistance in chronic kidney disease pages of history
Bachmakov I.E., Fedoseev A.N., Denisova V.E.
Gorrection of nutritional status violations by a diet in patiets on maintenance hemodialysis with and without diabetes type 2
Tishkina S.V., Mikhailova N.A., Kartsev A.M., Tishkina A.V., Pushkina A.V., Derinova E.A.
Association of proteolysis factors with progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in children
Bashirova Z.R., Osmanov I.M.
Peculiarities of vascular remodeling in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 5D: prognostic role of the intima-media thickness
Kolomyitseva M.N., Gasanov M.Z., Batyushin M.M., Manukyan O.M., Rudenko L.I.
Selective screening for Fabry disease: review of literature data and experience in the Russian Federation
Ilyushkina A.A., Baydakova G.V., Bychkov I.O., Buruleva N.A., Zakharova E.Y.
Hyperkalemia - clinical significance, treatment approaches
Shutov E.V.
Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease among residents of Moscow
Dudko M.Y., Kotenko O.N., Shutov E.V., Vasina N.V.
New instrumental options for optimizing the hemodialysis program
Shilo V.Y., Drachev Ivan Y.Y.
Tong-term clinical results of the use of photopheresis as a prophylaxis of renal allograft rejection
Fayenko A.P., Zulkarnaev A.B., Fedulkina V.A., Kantaria R.O., Kildyushevsky A.V., Vatazin A.V.
Assessment of aortal stenosis severity in a patient with a functioning arterovenous fistula (dinical observation from practice and brief literature review)
Zeltyn-Abramov E.M., Kotenko O.N., Belavina N.I., Sokolova N.V., Artyukhina L.Y., Iskhakov R.T.
Effect of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on the development and progression of chronic kidney disease
Bolotova E.V., Dudnikova A.V., Yavlyanskaya V.V.
Clinical relevance of determination of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin-2 in children with acute kidney injury
Eremeeva A.V., Dlin V.V., Korsunsky A.A., Zaikova N.M., Bondarenko E.D., Kondrikova E.V.
The study on the causes of resistance to antihypertensive therapy in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis
Mil'chakov K.S., Fomin V.V.
Biomarkers for risk stratification in patients with atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease
Fomin V.V., Kijakbaev G.G.
Pulmonary hypertension in dialysis patients
Borodulina E.O., Karpunin S.A., Shutov A.M.
Renal osteodystrophy: initioal events
Ermolenko V.M.
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the treatment of anemia in russian patients with chronic kidney disease
Ryazhenov V.V., Gorokhova S.G.
Comparative clinical and age-related features and criteria for evaluating the results of treatment of urinary tract tuberculosis
Skornyakov S.N., Zuban O.N., Novikov B.I., Borodin E.P., Arkanov L.V., Medvinsky I.D., Fadina O.V.
Kidney glomerular affections in rheumatoid arthritis
Zhygalov S.A., Marasaev V.V., Bazhina O.V., Zagorodnikova N.V.
Pulmonary hypertension as a sign of heart involvement in chronic kidney disease progression
Solomakhina N.I., Kutyrina I.M., Rudenko T.E., Vaslyeva M.P.
Renal dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension in presense and absense of comorbid conditions
Rebrov A.P., Kuklina A.L.
Use of continuous erythropoietin receptor activator in treatment of anemia in patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Predictive medicine and clinical nephrology
Moukhin N.A.
Korrektsiya giperfosfatemii pri khronicheskoy pochechnoy nedostatochnosti: rol' sevelamera
Shilov E.M.
Lipid metabolism in chronic kidney disease
Rudenko T.E., Kutyrina I.M., Shvetsov M.Y., Rudenko T.E., Kutyrina I.M., Shvetsov M.Y.
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease and it's etiological structure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Rebrov A.P., Voloshinova E.V., Tyapkina M.A.
Sokratov N.V.
Tsalman A.Y., Vatazin A.V., Vasilenko I.A., Metelin V.B., Vyshenskaya T.V.
Hypertensive nephropathy evolution in patients with metabolic syndrome
Galushkin A.A., Batyushin M.M., Terent'ev V.P., Gorblyanskiy Y.Y., Stepkova V.N., Volikov N.N.
Chronic kidney disease and program of increase of life span in Russian Federation
Shilov E.M., Kozlovskaya N.L., Bobkova I.N., Shvetsov M.Y., Vatazin A.V., Shilov E.M., Kozlovskaya N.L., Bobkova I.N., Shvetsov M.Y., Vatazin A.V.
Optimization of loop diuretic therapy in chronic heart failure and chronic kidney disease
Kozlovskaya L.V., Fomin V.V., Moiseev S.V., Khamkhoeva M.S.
Ultrasound scanning of kidney: opportunities and limitations
Gendlin G.E., Ettinger O.A., Reznik E.V., Tronina O.A., Solomonova L.N., Gendlin G.E., Ettinger O.A., Resnyk E.V., Tronina O.A., Solomonova O.A.
Evaluation of the dynamics of the glomerular filtration rate in patients with chronic kidney disease according to the data of the regional register
Kurochkina O.N., Kerimova S.N., Ismailov Z.B., Yagupova T.A.
Chronic Kidney Disease: Non-invasive Diagnosis of Chronic Renal Failure by Monochrome Nanoparticle Analysis
Choi E.G.
Possibilities of a patient-oriented approach in elderly and senile patients with chronic kidney disease
Efremova E.V., Shutov A.M., Semenov A.D., Volkova K.O., Samoshilova A.A.
Covid-19-associated acute kidney injury: consensus report of the 25TH ACUTE DISEASE quality initiative (ADQI) workgroup: translation of recommendations
Gasanov M.Z., Batyushin M.M., Litvinov A.S., Terentyev V.P.
State of renal replacement therapy for chronic kidney disease in Moscow in 2015-2020
Kotenko O.N., Vasina N.V., Marchenkova L.V., Lysenko M.A.
MicroRNAS and their significance in the population of dialysis patients
Rind A.R., Yesayan A.M., Kayukov I.G., Zaraysky M.I.
Hyperphosphatemia - the value and methods of correction
Shutov E.V., Sorokoletov S.M.
Comparison of risk factors for developing post-transplant diabetis mellitus in patients with kidney allograft
Allazova S.S., Novikova M.S., Kotenko O.N., Shilov E.M.
Experience of the use of iron oxyhydroxide complex for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in patients with stage 5 diabetic chronic kidney disease at the stage of starting dialysis therapy
Batyushin M.M., Kastanayan A.A.
Post-transplantation diabetes mellitus in patients with kidney allotransplantation
Novikova M.S., Allazova S.S., Kotenko O.N., Shilov E.M.
Modern strategy for erythropoiesis-stimulating therapy in chronic kidney disease
Vetchinnikova O.N.
Features of urinary excretion of cytokins in chronic disease in kidneys in children
Semeshina O.V., Luchaninova V.N., Markelova E.V., Ni A., Bykova O.G.
Simultaneous cancer in renal transplant recipient
Yankovoi A.G., Prokopenko E.I., Gurevich L.E., Zul’karnaev A.B., Maister T.I.
New approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of CKD-MBD (KDIGO 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline Update for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD)
Batyushin M.M.
Chronic kidney disease and hyperparathyroidism: primary and/or secondary? (a case report)
Vetchinnikova O.N., Britvin T.A., Gulimova S.Y.
Acute kidney injury in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Serov V.A., Shutov A.M., Kuzovenkova M.J., Krajnova N.V., Garagedjan J.T., Staraja M.M., Ivanova J.V.
Therapeutic tactics in tertiary hyperparathyroidism after renal transplantation (Review and clinical observations)
Vetchinnikova O.N., Kantariya R.O.
Subsequent successful pregnancy and unusual course of preeclampsia in a patient with renal allograft
Prokopenko E.I., Nikolskaya I.G., Vatazin A.V., Novikova S.V., Gurieva V.M., Yankovoy A.G., Shcherbakova E.O.
Role of plant medicines in treatment of renal diseases
Bratchikov O.I.
Phosphate-binder therapy: economical aspects
Mikhailova N.A.
Frequency and predictors of acute kidney injury in patients after surgical correction of heart valve disease
Iskenderov B.G., Sysina O.N.
Nephrocardioprotective role of the Klotho protein circulating form in patients with chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Mukhin N.A., Alekseeva L.A., Babanin V.S., Dokina E.D., Minushkina L.O.
Role of R990G polymorphism of calcium-sensing receptor gene in regulation of parathyroid hormone level in children with chronic kidney disease stage III-V
Molchanova M.S., Tikhomirov E.E., Bykova L.P., Molchanova E.A., Rumyantsev A.L., Valov A.L., Ektov D.B., Ektov V.A., Yurasova Y.B., Petrosyan E.K., Molchanova M.S., Tikhomirov E.E., Bykova L.P., Molchanova E.A., Rumiantsev A.L., Valov A.L., Ektov D.B., Ektov V.A., Yurasova Y.B., Petrosian E.K.
Pigareva Y.A., Avdoshina S.V., Dmitrova T.B., Efremovtseva M.A., Tigay Z.G.
Optimal target hemoglobin level in chronic kidney disease patients, treated with erythropoesis-stimulating agents: controversial questions
Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y.
Makovetskaya G.A., Terekhin S.S., Danilova Z.B., Bazranova Y.Y., Barinov I.V.
Disturbances of calcium-phosphate metabolism disturbances in chronic kidney disease stage III - V
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Nephrogenic anemia: influence on cardiovascular prognosis and chronic kidney disease progression
Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Chronic kidney disease in women
Mukhin N.A., Moukhin N.A.
Left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy and its prognostic role at chronic kidney disease
Gendlin G.E., Shilo V.Y., Tomilina N.A., Storozhakov G.I., Borisovskaya S.V., Ettinger O.A., Badaeva S.V., Gavryushina O.A., Gendlin G.E., Shilo V.Y., Tomilina N.A., I Storogakov G., Borisovskaya S.V., Ettinger O.A., Badaeva S.V., Gavryushina O.A.
The scientific legacy of professor g.a. zakharin (1829-1897) - A GREAT CLINICIAN AND TEACHER. on the 125th anniversary of the scientist's death
Morgoshiya T.S., Inkin A.V.
Beyond glycemic control: nephroprotective effects of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists
Shamkhalova M.S., Sklyanik I.A., Shestakova M.V.
Kidney damage in Covid-19: clinical-pathogenetic aspects and management of patients with chronic kidney disease
Abdullaev S.S., Igamberdiyeva R.S., Sharapov O.N.
The use of a complex of ferric oxyhydroxide, sucrose and starch (Velforo 500) in patients on programmed hemodialysis in the routine practice of an outpatient dialysis center: results of a prospective randomized trial
Artemov D.V.
In memory of Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694) -an outstanding doctor and scientist-innovator (on the 325-th anniversary of his death)
Morgoshia T.S., Tishic D.V.
Features of pathogenetic mechanisms of protein-energy wasting development in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 5D
Kuzyarova A.S., Gasanov M.Z., Batyushin M.M., Bogomolova K.R., Adamokova I.H.
Kidney condition in patients with spondyloarthritis receiving genetically engineered biologic drugs
Dorogoykina K.D., Sedov D.S., Gamayunova K.A., Rebrov A.P.
Pathogenetic features of systemic hypoxia in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 5d on hemodialysis
Bondarenko N.B., Batyushin M.M., Gasanov M.Z., Sarvilina I.V., Golubeva O.V.
The role of ICAM-1 and a number of clinical and morphological factors in the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis in chronic glomerulonephritis
Bayandurova K.M., Batyushin M.M., Sarvilina I.V., Antipova N.V., Sinelnik E.A.
The first russian darbepoetin alfa bioanalogue: results of a double-blind, randomized clinical study of efficacy and safety for patients with nephrogenic anemia on programmed hemodialysis
Shilo V.Y., Babich V.P., Vasilieva G.V., Vishnevsky K.A., Gomova T.A., Doru-Tovt V.P., Dudarev M.V., Yeremeeva L.F., Zuev A.V., Kotova L.I., Novoseltsev I.L., Rodoman G.V., Ryasnyansky V.Y., Sabodash A.B., Solovyova A.V., Solovyova O.M., Suchkov V.N., Strokov A.G., Timokhovskaya G.Y., Chistyakov V.M., Shpagina L.A., Fedotova L.A., Khadikova N.G., Khazova E.V., Morozova M.A., Dokukina E.A., Lin’kov Y.N.
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