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Issue Title File
Vol 82, No 1 (2015) Device for investigation of seeds of oil crops under compression
Shevchuk R.S., Shevchuk V.V.
Vol 82, No 1 (2015) Device for mechanochemical treatment of hydrocarbon fuel and decrease in fuel consumption
Vorobyev Y.V., Lomovskikh A.Y., Basarev M.V., Dunayev A.V.
Vol 81, No 5 (2014) Device for moisture removal from manure mass
Makhmutov M.M., Zabirov F.G., Khismatullina Y.R., Makhmutov M.M.
Vol 80, No 6 (2013) Device for the extension of calibrating surface of drum potato sorter
Tyutin I.E., Maksimov P.L.
Vol 77, No 3 (2010) Device with self-regulation of power for warming-up of engine in the winter season
Shuvalov A.M., Telegin P.A.
Vol 79, No 2 (2012) Diagnosing the automotive engines according to the parameters of crankcase gases flow and pressure
Nikolayev Y.V.
Vol 76, No 2 (2009) Diagnostics and preventive repairof connecting rod bearings in the diesels
Kulakov A.T., Sakhapov I.A.
Vol 76, No 8 (2009) Diagnostics of diesels by the method of cylinder balance
Kokorev G.D., Nikolotov I.N., Uspenskiy I.A.
Vol 76, No 2 (2009) Diagnostics of fatigue damages of the crankshaft
Mashrabov N.
Vol 90, No 6 (2023) Diagnostics of hydraulic cylinders of road building machines using hydraulic support PDF
Miller A.P., Pugin K.G.
Vol 81, No 6 (2014) Diagnostics of resource structural parameters of geared transmissions
Dobrolyubov I.P.
Vol 81, No 1 (2014) Diagnostics of turbocharger for motor-and-tractor diesel engine using the КИ 5543 running and braking bench developed by GOSNITI
Inshakov A.P., Kuvshinov A.N., Kurbakov I.I., Kornaukhov O.F.
Vol 80, No 10 (2013) Diesel combustion chamber with film carburation
Makarov V.I.
Vol 81, No 5 (2014) Diesel engine conversion to fuel supply with compressed natural gas
Bazarov B.I., Kalauov S.A., Vasidov A.K.
Vol 82, No 1 (2015) Diesel engine operating on methanol and rape oil
Likhanov V.A., Fominykh A.V., Kopchikov V.N.
Vol 85, No 6 (2018) Differential distribution of hardening materials on cutting blades of soil processing machines PDF
Myalenko V.I.
Vol 88, No 1 (2021) Digital on-board clutch tester PDF
Gerashchenko V.V., Lobakh V.P., Kovalenko N.A., Rogozhin V.D.
Vol 88, No 2 (2021) Digital rotation meter PDF
Gerashchenko V.V., Lobakh V.P., Kovalenko N.A., Bilyk O.V.
Vol 81, No 8 (2014) Digital sowing device
Khizhnyak V.I., Avramenko F.V., Yatsenko P.L.
Vol 76, No 8 (2009) Disassemblingless testing internal combustion engine on the base of energetic method for determination of its rotating parts inertia moment
Yegorov A.V., Kozlov K.E.
Vol 77, No 5 (2010) Discrepancy of kinematics of turning steering wheels and efficiency of running gears for wheeled machines
Dubovik D.A.
Vol 83, No 10 (2016) Disk braking mechanism of a tractor produced by Minsk tractor works PDF
Abaev A.K., Kachmazova E.K., Kachmazova E.I.
Vol 80, No 11 (2013) Distribution law of failure function of tractor parts, units and aggregates
Zhutov A.G., Zhidkov G.I., Popov A.Y., Sadchikov A.A.
Vol 78, No 1 (2011) Distribution of the grain material components on the grid of pneumatic fluidizing device
Saitov V.Y., Suvorov A.N.
Vol 78, No 12 (2011) Division of grain heap into fractions by a pneumatic screen separator
Chumakov V.G.
Vol 77, No 7 (2010) Does Russia need the machine testing stations?
Krasnoschiokov N.V., Lipkovich E.I.
Vol 77, No 3 (2010) Domestic manufacturers against the repeal of agricultural machines and equipment subsidies
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Vol 78, No 5 (2011) Double-acting hydraulic cylinder with a mechanical ball lock
Khristoforov Y.N., Sakovich N.Y., Kuznetsov A.A., Nikulin V.V.
Vol 77, No 8 (2010) Draught resistance of chisel moldboard plow
Pyndak V.I., Novikov A.Y.
Vol 77, No 4 (2010) Draught resistance of double-deck plough bodies
Murodov N.M.
Vol 77, No 9 (2010) Draught resistance of multifunction colter group of row-crop drill
Potapov A.A., Rudenko N.Y.
Vol 86, No 6 (2019) Drift of mechanical characteristics of Common Rail fuel lines during operating time PDF
Sveshchinskij V.O.
Vol 77, No 7 (2010) Drive (milling) machines for the secondary tillage in seed farms
Zvolinskiy V.N.
Vol 77, No 6 (2010) Drive (milling) machines for the secondary tillage in seed farms
Zvolinskiy V.N.
Vol 84, No 6 (2017) Drying grain using solid fuel PDF
Golubkovich A.V., Pavlov S.A., Marin R.A., Dadyko A.N.
Vol 81, No 6 (2014) Dual-fuel system for tractor diesel with multi-stage heating
Ryzhov Y.N., Inshakov A.P., Kurochkin A.A.
Vol 80, No 8 (2013) Duplex electromechanical transmission with automatic control system
Dushutin K.A., Ageyev V.A., Vantyusov Y.A.
Vol 80, No 8 (2013) Durability of end seal of a centrifugal pump with nanoceramic composite coatings produced by means of micro-arc oxidation technology
Godzhayev Z.A., Zaytsev S.D., Suminov I.V., Somov O.V.
Vol 80, No 8 (2013) Dynamic loading of load-bearing parts of crawled tractor transmission during the operation in «acceleration – stopping» mode
Tesker Y.I., Shekhovtsov V.V., Taranenko V.Y., Podshivalin K.P.
Vol 79, No 5 (2012) Dynamic loading of outboard shafts of mechanical stepless transformer with oscillatory motion of internal links in transmission
Blagonravov A.A., Yurkevich A.V., Soldatkin V.A.
Vol 82, No 5 (2015) Dynamic operation modes of machine drive with adaptive friction clutch
Shishkarev M.P., Vu T.D.
Vol 77, No 5 (2010) Dynamic simulation of grain combine harvester
Smirnov V.P.
Vol 80, No 7 (2013) Dynamic stability of a crawled tractor equipped with hydrovolumetric slewing mechanism when it is aggregated with a plough
Lebedev A.T., Lebedev S.A.
Vol 80, No 11 (2013) Dynamic stability of tractor dump trailers
Slivinskiy Y.V.
Vol 76, No 8 (2009) Dynamics of straightforward operational movement of caterpillar plowing machine-and-tractor unit and a possibility of its decreasing
Ivantsov V.D., Chernyshov K.V., Dolgov I.A., Ivantsov A.V.
Vol 84, No 10 (2017) Dy-namics of the movement of the elastically fixed working body of the cultivator machine-tractor aggregates PDF
Gapich D.S., Fomin S.D., Shiryaeva E.V.
Vol 77, No 6 (2010) Dynamics of vertical movements of a caterpillar machine with rubber-cord tracks
Streltsov V.V., Lapik V.P., Mikhalchenkov A.M., Akimenko D.A.
Vol 89, No 5 (2022) Ecological and reclamation method of tillage
Tarasenko B.F., Drobot V.A., Sokolova V.A., Orekhovskaya A.A.
Vol 78, No 4 (2011) Ecological, operational and technical parameters of diesel engines by the use of biodiesel fuel
Voytov V.A., Sandomirskiy M.G., Karnaukh N.V., Datsenko N.S.
Vol 77, No 12 (2010) Economic aspects of root crops harvesting
Martynov V.M.
Vol 80, No 7 (2013) Economic assessment of a soil cultivating cutter with B-shaped two-stage knives
Mozhayev Y.Y., Dzhabbarov A.K.
Vol 88, No 6 (2021) Economic feasibility of using the technology of carbon-vibro-arc hardening for hardening the pointed paws of tillage machinery PDF
Titov N.V., Kolomeychenko A.V., Vinogradov V.V., Kolomeychenko A.S.
Vol 76, No 3 (2009) Economical and ecological indicesof a diesel by the work on the different grade biodiesel fuels
Semenov V.G., Vasilyev I.P.
Vol 90, No 3 (2023) Economical efficiency of using a diesel-powered electric plant combined with an air heat pump
Frolov M.Y., Shatalova I.I., Shkarin K.V., Sokolov D.A.
Vol 80, No 1 (2013) Economy land dimensions as the main minimizing factor of its need for tractors and other machinery
Melnik V.I.
Vol 89, No 1 (2022) Editor-in-Chief’s Column PDF
Kaminsky V.N.
Vol 77, No 6 (2010) Effect of biomass-and-mineral fuel ultrasonic treatment on the tractor diesel indices
Ukhanov A.P., Ukhanov D.A., Ivanov V.A., Blagodarina L.M., Demidov Y.V., Safarov R.K.
Vol 77, No 2 (2010) Effect of combustion controllers on the technical-and-ecological characteristics of internal combustion engines
Kozhin D.V.
Vol 78, No 9 (2011) Effect of ethanol-fuel emulsion on the indicator, environmental performance and the characteristics of diesel engine heat release
Likhanov V.A., Chuprakov A.I., Zonov A.V., Sharomov I.M.
Vol 77, No 3 (2010) Effect of geometric parameters of blank surface quality on the macro- and microgeometry of processing surface
Bekayev A.A., Sсhedrin A.V., Tsvetkov I.A.
Vol 77, No 9 (2010) Effect of intermediate layer on the mechanical properties of coatings obtained by electric arc welding
Burak P.I.
Vol 77, No 9 (2010) Effect of laboriousness of antiskid devices arrangement on the number of detachable grousers
Slavkin V.I., Makhmutov M.M.
Vol 79, No 8 (2012) Effect of lifting height of exhaust valve on the exhaust system
Zholobov L.A., Suvorov Y.A.
Vol 76, No 1 (2009) Effect of oscillations of supported housing parts on the loading sections of tractor power train
Godzhayev Z.A., Shekhovtsov V.V., Lyashenko M.V., Sokolov-Dobrev N.S., Shevchyuk V.P.
Vol 77, No 1 (2010) Effect of physical-and-chemical indices of biodiesel fuel on the parameters of diesel and its ecological-and-operating characteristics
Semenov V.G., Rudachenko S.V.
Vol 77, No 3 (2010) Effect of structure of flow divider for electrohydraulic servovalve on the inflexibility of hydraulic drive speed characteristic
Goravskiy S.G., Strok Y.Y.
Vol 77, No 10 (2010) Effect of turbine compressor cooling on the indexes of tractor diesel
Antipov Y.A., Barskiy I.A., Valyekho Maldonado P.R., Shatalov I.K.
Vol 78, No 10 (2011) Effective and environmental performance of diesel with dual fuel supply system
Likhanov V.A., Chuvashev A.N., Polevschikov A.S., Dolgikh M.A., Verstakov S.A.
Vol 76, No 7 (2009) Effective characteristics of power plant for the transporting-and-technological machine with energy-accumulating drive
Gryazin V.A., Zinatullin F.K., Yakovlev L.V.
Vol 81, No 10 (2014) Effective design of protection module for passive safety of cabs
Karapetyan M.A., Orlov N.B., Kuzmin D.G.
Vol 81, No 7 (2014) Effective indicators of 2Ч 10,5/12,0 diesel operating on ethanol and rape oil and using binary system of fuel supply
Likhanov V.A., Araslanov M.I., Kozlov A.N.
Vol 77, No 3 (2010) Effective indices of diesel by work on the methanol fuel emulsion
Likhanov V.A., Romanov S.A., Toropov A.E.
Vol 80, No 9 (2013) Effective methods and engineering tools for grubbing
Bartenev I.M., Pozdnyakov Y.V.
Vol 78, No 10 (2011) Effective soil separator for potato harvesters
Davidson Y.I., Dmitriyev D.G.
Vol 84, No 10 (2017) Effective use of biohydrocarbon fuel compositions in the energy complex of the agroindustrial complex PDF
Fomin V.M., Abu-Nidzhim R.K.
Vol 81, No 6 (2014) Effective use of hydrogen power resources in the power supply structure of agroindustrial complex
Fomin V.M.
Vol 79, No 1 (2012) Effectiveness of fuel system protection from contamination during the operation of mobile machines
Isayenko V.D., Isayenko P.V., Khalturin D.V.
Vol 83, No 11 (2016) Effectiveness of protection of mobile power unit cab from direct solar radiation PDF
Polivaev O.I., Zhuravets I.B., Manoylina S.Z., Teslenko I.S.
Vol 76, No 8 (2009) Effectiveness of providing wheeled tractors with traction-and-additionally loading device
Grebnev V.P., Vorokhobin A.V.
Vol 76, No 12 (2009) Effectiveness of technological line for edible roots treatment
Zaitsev S.P., Zaitseva N.P.
Vol 76, No 9 (2009) Effectiveness of the use of small-sized device for grain squashing
Mamedova G.A., Bagirov B.M.
Vol 76, No 3 (2009) Effectiveness of treatment of seed potato bydisk sprayer in the trough chamber
Klimenko V.N., Petrovets V.R., Chaichits N.V.
Vol 77, No 3 (2010) Effectiveness of use of the mobile electric sets
Legeza G.V., Sapozhnikov I.I.
Vol 83, No 11 (2016) Efficiency checking of use of stiffening ribs for piston skirt of a low-sized diesel engine PDF
Putintsev S.V., Ageev A.G.
Vol 81, No 10 (2014) Efficiency estimation of mechanic regulators of high-pressure fuel injection pumps
Shiriyazdanov R.R., Khaliullin F.K.
Vol 83, No 7 (2016) Efficiency evaluation of machine and tractor fleet based on multipurpose power vehicles with sets of replaceable modules in conditions of the South of Russia PDF
Bur'yanov A.I., Dmitrenko A.I., Goryachev Y.O.
Vol 81, No 5 (2014) Efficiency improvement and functional properties extension of repair-recovery composition
Zimin A.G., Popov S.Y., Ostrikov V.V., Safonov V.V.
Vol 82, No 5 (2015) Efficiency improvement of automatic assembly in automotive and tractor engineering
Bukhteyeva I.V., Petukhov S.L.
Vol 82, No 4 (2015) Efficiency improvement of tractor diesel engine operating on biofuel
Fomin V.M.
Vol 87, No 5 (2020) Efficiency of a cogeneration plant based on a diesel engine under uneven electrical load conditions PDF
Antipov Y.U., Val'yekho M.P., Oshchepkov P.P., Shatalov I.K., Shatalova I.I.
Vol 82, No 10 (2015) Efficiency of application of gas turbine engines on tractors for agricultural purposes
Shkrabak V.S., Dzhabborov N.I.
Vol 86, No 6 (2019) Efficiency of cleaning and the life cycle of the modernized filter for rough cleaning of diesel fuel PDF
Halturin D.V., Lysunec A.V.
Vol 77, No 11 (2010) Efficiency of man-machine systems
Lipkovich I.E., Lopatin A.D.
Vol 79, No 12 (2012) Efficiency of power part transfer to rotary working organs
Nikitin A.F.
Vol 80, No 10 (2013) Efficiency of soil cultivating cutters with convertible knife approach angle
Naumkin N.I., Kupryashkin V.F., Knyazkov S.A.
Vol 85, No 3 (2018) Efficiency of surface treatment of soil by a stubble multifunctional cultivator PDF
Maslov G.G., Yudina E.M., Zhurij I.A.
Vol 83, No 9 (2016) Efficiency of technology of grain harvesting by means of combine stripping PDF
Bur'yanov A.I., Goryachev Y.O., Bur'yanov M.A.
Vol 88, No 6 (2021) Efficiency of use of machine and tractor units operating with elastic damping drives of driving wheels PDF
Polivaev O.I., Pilyaev S.N., Bolotov D.B.
Vol 79, No 1 (2012) Efficient assessment of traction and transport machines' clutch slip
Geraschenko V.V., Yaskevich M.Y., Mironov K.D., Geraschenko A.V., Boyko A.A., Lesnik O.A.
Vol 81, No 10 (2014) Efficient depth of primary soil cultivation
Blednykh V.V., Svechnikov P.G.
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