
Quickly, efficiently and without using paper as an information carrier
Motorin Y., Mollov I.
Constituents for milk products from the company DSM Food Specialties (The Netherlands)
Water preparation from the company «Altair»: theory and practice
Sankov V., Kolomiitsev A.
Preparation of water is a factor for improving economical efficiency of enterprise
GALSTYaN A., ChERVETsOV V., TUROVSKAYa S., ShKLOVETs A., Galstyan A., Chervetsov V., Turovskaya S., Shklovets A.
To the item of traditional preparation of water for industrial purposes
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Manevich E.
80 years to the Voronezh State Technological Academy
Golubeva L., Stanislavskaya E.
Ferment preparations from the «Flora Ingredient» - simple and correct solutions
Madzhitov D.
Compounds for cheese imitators
Svistun N.
Scientific-research work - one of the integral parts of masters preparation
Dunchenko N., Kalinina L., Ionov A.
Preparation of the personnel for the agrarian sector of the present day Russia
Nechaev V.
Biologically active fermentative hydrolyzates
Babich O., Kozlova O., Babich O., Kozlova O.
Tonic drinks with enzyme preparations
Krupin A., Krupin A.
Application of the enzyme «Lactafree» in the low lactose products manufacturing
Trushnina Y.
Ultra-sonic sonochemical preparation of water
Shestakov S., Krasulya O., Artemova Y., Tikhomirova N., Shestakov S., Krasulya O., Artemova Y., Tihomirova N.
Automation of microbiological testing of foods and raw materials safety
Sokolov D., Sokolov M.
Composition and properties of the milk protein concentrates
Arkhipov A., Ostroumov L., Arhipov A., Ostroumov L.
About technical regulation of fresh milk products manufacturing in the territory of the Customs Union
Zobkova Z., Fursova T., Zenina D., Gavrilina A., Shelaginova E.
Present day technologies for water preparation and equipment protection from corrosion and scale formation
Anan'eva N., Ananeva N.
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