
About rennet properties of milk
Murunova G., Municheva T.
Liquid rennet:application at cheeseproduction
Murunova G., Sviridenko Y., Municheva T., Kalinina G., Murunova G., Sviridenko Y., Municheva T., Kalinina G.
Study of enzymatic stability of the liquid preparations of the recombinant bovine (Bos taurus taurus L.) chymosin
Rudometov A., Belenkaya S., Shcherbakov D., Balabova D., Krieger A., Elchaninov V.
Determination of the melting salts dose
Zelenina L., Zyuzina O., Dvoretskii S., Strashnov N.
New natural milk coagulating enzyme preparation of the company Danisco
Shergin A., Shergin A.
Production of the liquid complex enzyme preparations using membrane methods
Murunova G., Abramov D., Sviridenko Y., Municheva T.
Rennet enzyme «RENCO» - pledge of success
Cheese suitability of milk produced by cows of the Mihailovskii type
Tamarova R., Yarlykov N., Tamarova R., Yarlykov N.
Rennet coagulation: formation of the milk proteins microparticulates
Smirnova I., Shtrigul V., Smirnov D.
Effects of the temperature on the special features of the types of the semi-hard rennet cheese
Mironenko I.
Brief retrospectiveof applying and studying milk clottingenzymes
El'chaninov V., Elchaninov V.
Production of the combined rennet cheese
Veziryan V., Evdokimov I., Anisimov S., Veziryan A.
To the item of applying calcium chloride in cheese making
Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I., Tetereva I.
Production of brine cheese from reconstituted milk
Kaplenko A., Evdokimov I., Kaplenko N.
Special features of preparing milk for rennet coagulation
Mironenko I.
Composition of the nitrogencontaining substances formedat milk fermentation with mouldsPenicillium
Sadovaya T., Sadovaya T.
Quality of the hard rennet cheese and technological properties of milk depending on cows feeding
Savina I.
Fluctuating rheometer for controlling rennet coagulum formation
Pirogov A., Shilov A., Zaharova L., Ratnikov S., Zaharenko S.
Methods for determination of milksuitability to rennet coagulating
Sviridenko G., Zakharova M., Sviridenko G., Zaharova M.
Use of products of complex processing of stevia for improvement of milk quality
Surkova N., Pelevina G., Vostroilov A., Polyansky K.
Intensification of the semi-hard rennet cheese technology
Gavrilova N., Borovskaya A., Gavrilova N., Borovskaya A.
Brief retrospective of applicationand studying of the milk coagulatingenzymes
El'chaninov V., Elchaniniv V.
Factors effecting activity of the enzymes preparations of the animal origin
Sturova Y., Kriger A., Jydkih K.
Intensification of the rennet cheese ripening
Ostroumov L., Nikolaeva E., Ostroumov L., Nikolaeva E.
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