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Issue Title File
Vol 332, No 2 (2011) About the terminology of the battle mechanical damages
Belevitin A.B., Govorun M.I., Gorokhov A.A.
Vol 335, No 4 (2014) About the treatment of battlefield injuries of the musculoskeletal system with the help of new «Rod field package» PDF
Maksimov I.B., Brizhan L.K., Astashov V.L., Davydov D.V., Kerimov A.A., Arbuzov Y.V., Varfolomeev D.I.
Vol 336, No 9 (2015) About ways of improvement of effectiveness of specialized aid to patients with radiation injuries
Antonishkis Y.A.
Vol 335, No 6 (2014) Academy of Medical Sciences during the Great Patriotic War and first years after war
Knopov M.S., Taranukha V.K.
Vol 335, No 8 (2014) Accommodative system condition of eyes in soldiers older than 45 years PDF
Ovechkin I.G., Shalygina E.L., Yudin V.E., Matvienko V.V.
Vol 333, No 9 (2012) Act of bravy of Surgeon in ordinary to the King Yustus Loder
Nakhapetov B.A.
Vol 340, No 2 (2019) Active detection, treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic liver diseases in a multidisciplinary hospital
Pavlov A.I., Shakula A.V., Shchegol’kov A.M., Chernyshev A.V.
Vol 338, No 7 (2017) Activities of military commissariats and protection of public health. PDF
Sidelnikov S.A., Korshever N.G., Mikhnevich A.V.
Vol 339, No 5 (2018) Activity of the all-union committee for assistance in servicing sick and wounded fighters and commanders of the Red Army in 1941-1945 PDF
Goncharova S.G.
Vol 331, No 7 (2010) Activity of the Far East commonstate organization during the Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905
Goncharova S.G.
Vol 343, No 2 (2022) Actual aspects of ophthalmology in the context of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19
Polovko D.N., Zubasheva S.A., Kravchenko T.S.
Vol 343, No 3 (2022) Actual directions of work of representatives of military health care in forming a national drug policy
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Kononov V.N., Shcherba M.P.
Vol 337, No 11 (2016) Actual issues of an improvement of the medical aid delivery system in case of acute radiopathology in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Basharin V.A., Karamullin M.A., Zatsepin V.V., Chekhovskikh Y.S.
Vol 338, No 8 (2017) Actual issues of medical-flight expertise in aortic regurgitation. PDF
Ovchinnikov Y.V., Chaplyuk A.L., Nagovitsyn A.V., Vovkodav V.S., Chernov M.Y., Antonik E.Y.
Vol 340, No 4 (2019) Actual issues of military medical expertise of citizens in the reserve of the Armed Forces
Sanakoeva E.G., Nikolenko S.L., Brovkin S.G., Ignatov Y.G.
Vol 336, No 1 (2015) Actual questions of medical maintenance of aviation specialists in the Arctic region PDF
Blaginin A.A., Vislov A.V., Lizogub I.N.
Vol 330, No 1 (2009) Actual questions of organization of hightechno-qualified medical aid in multiprofile stationary PDF
Belyakin S.A., Fokin Y.N., Frolkin M.N.
Vol 334, No 9 (2013) Acute allergy in practice of military physician
Khalimov Y.S., Vologzhanin D.A., Mitin Y.A., Lobkova O.S., Bala A.M.
Vol 340, No 3 (2019) Acute bronchitis: answers to key questions.
Zaitsev A.A., Budoragin I.E., Likhodii V.I., Savushkina O.I.
Vol 337, No 2 (2016) Acute cholangitis in interstenosis space accompanied by two-component unit of the main bile duct PDF
Yurchenko V.V.
Vol 330, No 3 (2009) Acute coronary syndrome: modern approaches to diagnostics and treatment
Belyakin S.A., Igonin V.A., Shames A.B., Proskurin V.M.
Vol 344, No 9 (2023) Acute COVID-19-associated cardiovascular syndrome: state of the problem and clinical observation
Zanegina T.A., Khachaturyan L.E., Didenko O.I., Pakhomova N.I., Vitrenko E.S.
Vol 338, No 6 (2017) Acute issues of emergency care delivery in a multidisciplinary military-medical organization. PDF
Klipak V.M., Iskra E.G., Zherebko O.A., Yasakova M.V.
Vol 339, No 8 (2018) Acute issues of the quality management system in the pharmaceutical organizations of the Armed Forces PDF
Levchenko V.N., Zarechenko E.Y., Besedin R.G., Moshchevikin I.V.
Vol 340, No 1 (2019) Acute issues of tuberculosis prevention in the troops of the Central Military District
Kalmykov A.A., Polyakov V.S., Kolotov A.V., Shelkova E.S., Presnyakov D.N.
Vol 331, No 6 (2010) Acute mesenteric lymphadenitis: modern approaches to differential diagnostics and a choice of tactics of treatment (Review of literature)
Yesipov A.V., Kislenko A.M., Eryashev F.A., Bespalko V.I., Shmakov S.N.
Vol 339, No 4 (2018) Acute poisoning with carbon monoxide. PDF
Basharin V.A., Khalimov Y.S., Tolkach P.G., Kuzmich V.G.
Vol 338, No 11 (2017) Adaptation of infantile cardiovascular system to education in cadet schools
Zakharova I.N., Pshenichnikova I.I., Doroshina E.A.
Vol 338, No 7 (2017) Adaptation reactions and their dependence on the period of sanatorium treatment PDF
Vanyukov D.A., Mikheev S.V., Syuris N.A.
Vol 338, No 10 (2017) Adaptatsiya prizyvnikov po dannym obmena zheleza, urovney testosterona, kortizola i vitamina D
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Vol 332, No 10 (2011) Adaptive immune response of people living near chemically hazardous object
Petlenko S.V., Ivanov M.B., Goverdovsky Y.B., Bogdanov E.G., Golubkov A.V.
Vol 334, No 4 (2013) Adaptive process in Vietnamese military pilots during the flights on modern russian aircraft
Ushakov I.B., Pham Xuen Nihn -., Bukhtiyarov I.V., Ushakov B.N.
Vol 337, No 3 (2016) Addictive behaviour monitoring in military personnel: an experience of chemical-toxicity study
Alekseev V.V., Shamrei V.K., Ivanov A.M., Goncharenko A.Y., Tikhenko V.V.
Vol 340, No 3 (2019) A.D.Shaikov - a military doctor, a scientist, a chancellor.
Korneev A.G., Aminev R.M., Shevlyuk N.N., Lantsov E.V.
Vol 332, No 5 (2011) Advanced of progressive design approaches to produce Medical Packaging Boxes for modern Functional Complete Sets of Medical Property
Belevitin A.B., Miroshnichenko Y.V., Milyaev A.V., Kurinnoy E.D.
Vol 330, No 3 (2009) Affect of aircraft-noise on ears of air force’s specialists
Zinkin V.N., Soldatov S.K., Sheshegov P.M., Elefirenko S.V., Mironov V.G.
Vol 343, No 11 (2022) A.F.Golosov (1894–1955) – a prominent figure in military health care, a scientist and teacher
Shevlyuk N.N., Aminev R.M., Korneev A.G., Vovk O.I.
Vol 336, No 8 (2015) Age estimation of two-stage splenic injury
Pinchuk P.V., Levandrovskaya I.A.
Vol 331, No 3 (2010) Age factor in a complex evaluation of health of air staff
Ushakov I.B., Batishcheva G.A., Chernov Y.N., Khomenko M.N., Soldatov S.K.
Vol 331, No 1 (2010) Air medical evacuation on modern stage
Belevitin A.B., Shelepov A.M., Bochenkov A.A., Yamenskov V.V., Grebenyuk S.A., Peshkov V.V.
Vol 333, No 1 (2012) Aktsidental'naya involyutsiya timusa pri konfliktnoy stressovoy situatsii kak modeli sotsial'nogo vzaimodeystviya
Kulikov A.V., Katunyan P.I., Sukhonos Y.A., Novitskiy A.V., Kulikov D.A.
Vol 336, No 11 (2015) Aktual'nye problemy meditsinskoy reabilitatsii v Vooruzhennykh Silakh
Yudin V.E., Shchegol'kov A.M., Sychev V.V.
Vol 336, No 1 (2015) Aktual'nye problemy obespecheniya meditsinskim imushchestvom voysk (sil) PDF
Vol 337, No 4 (2016) Aktual'nye voenno-psikhiatricheskie i psikhologicheskie issledovaniya v bundesvere
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Vol 339, No 2 (2018) Akupunktura kak effektivnoe obezbolivayushchee sredstvo v mestakh postoyannoy dislokatsii voyskovykh chastey PDF
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Vol 335, No 3 (2014) Alcoholic liver disease: possibilities of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in multidisciplinary hospital PDF
Pavlov A.I., Belyakin S.A.
Vol 332, No 5 (2011) Aleksandru Vasil'evichu Voropayu - 90 let!
Vol 330, No 5 (2009) Aleksej Vasilje-vich Martynov - the 1st surgeon-consulter of CMCH by P.V.Mandryka PDF
Val'V.V V.V., Simonenko A.V.
Vol 332, No 7 (2011) Alekseyu Petrovichu Golikovu - 90 let!
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Vol 337, No 12 (2016) Alfavitnyy imennoy ukazatel'
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Vol 341, No 7 (2020) Algorithm for detecting carbohydrate metabolic disorders in personnel officers
Popov A.P., Didenko O.I., Grabarnik E.A., Kruglova M.A., Sibagatova E.G.
Vol 340, No 3 (2019) Algorithm for diagnosing bronchial asthma in citizens of military age.
Zakrevskii Y.N., Arkhangelskii D.A., Balakhnov D.O., Lemeshko P.N.
Vol 343, No 1 (2022) Algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic urticaria in military personnel of various categories
Zakrevskii Y.N., Balakhnov D.O., Lemeshko P.N., Ivanitskaya O.A., Mikhailova E.V.
Vol 338, No 8 (2017) Algorithm of diagnostics and rational tactics of surgical treatment of patients with carbon-vertebral syndrome in military medical organizations PDF
Khominets V.V., Kudyashev A.L., Shapovalov V.M., Metlenko P.A., Miroevskii F.V., Teremshonok A.V., Rezvantsev M.V.
Vol 332, No 3 (2011) Algoritm ranney diagnostiki porazheniya pochek u bol'nykh khronicheskoy obstruktivnoy bolezn'yu legkikh
Vol 339, No 10 (2018) All-army meeting of the main specialists of the therapeutic profile of the Armed Forces, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Emergency Situations Department of the Branch of the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy PDF
Ovchinnikov Y.V., Tyrenko V.V., Krainyukov P.E.
Vol 337, No 10 (2016) All-army meeting of the medical service overhead personnel of the Ministry of Defence, dedicated to modern strategy of health care delivery during different stages of evacuation
Ovchinnikov Y.V., Shchegolev A.V., Agapitov A.A., Dolgov E.N., Gorbunov Y.G., Murkin A.A.
Vol 344, No 6 (2023) Allergen-specific immunotherapy in the treatment of allergic diseases
Varfolomeeva M.I., Kulagina I.T., Zaitsev A.A.
Vol 343, No 7 (2022) All-Russian Interdepartmental Scientific and Practical Conference «Applied Issues of Military Medicine».
Chepur S.V., Lyutov R.V., Yudin A.B., Tyunin M.A.
Vol 339, No 5 (2018) All-russian scientific and practical conference «Actual issues of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry» PDF
Grebnev G.A., Nikitenko V.V., Iordanishvili A.K., Zheleznyak V.A., Guk V.A.
Vol 341, No 9 (2020) All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Actual issues of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry»
Grebnev G.A., Zheleznyak V.A., Guk V.A., Chepik G.S.
Vol 343, No 5 (2022) All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Theoretical and practical issues of clinical dentistry»
Zheleznyak V.A., Kovalevsky A.M.
Vol 333, No 9 (2012) All-russian scientific epidemiologic forum
Ogarkov P.I., Kuzin A.A.
Vol 335, No 12 (2014) Alphabetic list of autor
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Vol 333, No 12 (2012) Alphabetic list of autor
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Vol 331, No 12 (2010) Alphabetic list of autor
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Vol 332, No 12 (2011) Alphabetic list of autor
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Vol 341, No 9 (2020) Always in combat formation (on the history of the department of organization and tactics of the medical service of the Military Medical Academy)
Kulnev S.V., Shelepov A.M., Kryuchkov O.A.
Vol 330, No 12 (2009) Always in combat ranks
Budko A.A.
Vol 343, No 11 (2022) Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis types 1 and 2: features of clinical manifestations
Davydov D.V., Chernavsky S.V., Borisov A.G., Stremoukhov A.A., Dorokhina A.V., Artyushkevich O.V., Kudentsova L.A.
Vol 336, No 5 (2015) An activity of forensic services during the Great Patriotic War: events, facts, people.
Pinchuk P.V., Fokin A.A.
Vol 345, No 7 (2024) An algorithm for diagnosing and making an expert decision for injuries of peripheral nerves
Litvinenko I.V., Tsygan N.V., Bazilevich S.N., Bulatov A.R., Naumov K.M., Zabolotsky N.N., Kolomentsev S.V., Gaivoronsky A.I.
Vol 335, No 10 (2014) An analysis of economic efficiency in the use of drugs at a group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs PDF
Gorin S.F., Goryachev A.B.
Vol 336, No 6 (2015) An analysis of the case of successful treatment of fungal pneumonia in 1469th Naval Clinical Hospital.
Kostovskii P.P., Balakhnov D.O., Panina T.V., Lemeshko P.N., Shagarova S.M.
Vol 331, No 3 (2010) An automized workplace of dermatologist in multiprofile hospital
Belyakin S.A., Tarasenko G.N., Mikheev A.V., Osipov P.M.
Vol 336, No 3 (2015) An importance of early diagnosis in the course of knee joint instability treatment in military personnel
Khominets V.V., Rikun O.V., Fedorov R.A., Abramov G.G., Gamolin S.V., Grankin A.S., Fedotov A.O.
Vol 336, No 3 (2015) An improvement of experimental model for a study of local hemostatic agents’ effectiveness
Samokhvalov I.M., Reva V.A., Denisov A.V., Golovko K.P., Sokhranov M.V., Telitskii S.Y., Yudin A.B.
Vol 343, No 1 (2022) An outstanding military epidemiologist, scientist, and teacher academician Vitaly Dmitrievich Belyakov
Belov A.B., Ishkildin M.I., Kuzin A.A., Zobov A.E.
Vol 330, No 3 (2009) Anabrosis and chancres of upper gastrointestinal tract by injureds with hard concomitant injury
Samohvalov I.M., Boyarintsev V.V., Gavrilin S.V., Gritsay A.N., Frolovich Y.N., Gavrishchuk Y.V.
Vol 330, No 4 (2009) Analiz effektivnosti ekspertnoy diagnostiki VICh-infektsii v Vooruzhennykh Silakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii PDF
Bulan'kov Y.I.
Vol 330, No 11 (2009) Analiz spektra i chastoty infitsirovannosti potentsial'nykh donorov pochki razlichnymi laboratornymi metodami
Tsygan V.N., Gumilevskaya O.P., Gumilevskiy B.Y.
Vol 330, No 4 (2009) Analiz vyyavlyaemosti raka predstatel'noy zhelezy v zavisimosti ot ee ob\"ema PDF
Kitaev S.V.
Vol 330, No 8 (2009) Analiz znaniy voennykh vrachey o lechenii vnebol'nichnoy pnevmonii PDF
Zaytsev A.A., Guchev I.A., Mironov M.B., Klochkov O.I.
Vol 334, No 2 (2013) Analysis and working data of day hospital of district consultation-and-diagnostic out-patient hospital
Malykh A.B., Ivantsov V.A., Bogachenko S.M., Kutuzova E.A., Antipova E.V., Sklyarov V.N.
Vol 333, No 12 (2012) Analysis of foreign experience of usage of automation systems of medication distribution in prevention and treatment facilities
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Umarov S.Z.
Vol 333, No 9 (2012) Analysis of frequency and structure of cerebrovascular diseases in servicemen during the military physician expertise
Dremov V.V., Odinak M.M., Brovkin S.G., Emelin A.Y., Churilov Y.K.
Vol 333, No 9 (2012) Analysis of infringements of exchange processes in combatatnts with psychosomatic disorders in the period after participation in operations
Pyatibrat E.D., Tsikunov S.G., Gordienko A.V., Balaban I.V., Klyueva N.N., Pshenichnaya A.G., Beznin G.V., Leychinsky S.V.
Vol 332, No 5 (2011) Analysis of recruits and doctors satisfaction in Orenburg region organization of medical support training of citizens for military service
Kuz’min S.A.
Vol 339, No 12 (2018) Analysis of the etiological structure of acute respiratory viral infections in military personnel
Alimov A.V., Kalmykov A.A., Zakharova Y.A., Polyakov V.S., Artebyakin S.V., Markaryan A.Y., Vyalykh I.V., Malchikov I.A.
Vol 333, No 9 (2012) Analysis of the health of citizens of military age in Orenburg region
Kuzmin S.A.
Vol 338, No 5 (2017) Analysis of the most significant tuberculosis risk factors for military personnel in modern conditions PDF
Dantsev V.V., Muchaidze R.D., Beznosik R.V., Karpushchenko V.G., Grishin V.K., Shitov Y.N., Spitsyn M.G.
Vol 339, No 1 (2018) Analysis of the results of the implementation of the screening and correction program for iron deficiency anemia among pupils of the Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation PDF
Zakharova I.N., Machneva E.B., Doroshina E.A.
Vol 345, No 3 (2024) Analysis of the state of the immunoprophylaxis system for infectious diseases among the civil population and military personnel in the Russian Federation
Zhogolev S.D., Kobylkin D.V., Kuzin A.A., Gorenchuk A.N., Zhogolev K.D., Kulikov P.V., Kolesnikov V.V., Tokmakov V.S., Zharkov D.A., Artebyakin S.V., Shipitsyn K.S.
Vol 333, No 2 (2012) Analysis of the structure and causes of acute poisoning of chemical etiology in the Northern Fleet
Khankevich Y.R., Askerko N.V., Myznikov I.L., Domashov V.I.
Vol 332, No 12 (2011) Analysis of the use of field medical units in the armies of NATO and Russian Armed Forces
Kornyushko I.G., Yakovlev S.V., Murashev N.V., Sidorov V.A., Medvedev V.R., Matveyev A.G.
Vol 339, No 2 (2018) Analysis of weight and volume characteristics of the norms for the supply of medical equipment to military units and organizations of the Armed Forces PDF
Levchenko V.N., Likhogra I.A., Shestaev K.A.
Vol 330, No 4 (2009) Analyze of morbidity of acute diseases of respiratory organ and experience of effectuating of controepidemic measures in Leningrad Military Region PDF
Grishchuk A.V., Ogarkov P.I., Zhogolev S.D., Podlesny I.V., Bersky O.V., Udal’tsov O.E., Shipitsyn K.S.
Vol 344, No 11 (2023) Anaphylaxis and antibiotics
Zholondz N.N., Makarevich A.M., Zaitsev A.A., Bekmurzov. S.M.
Vol 343, No 10 (2022) Anatomical and physiological basis of endolymphatic therapy
Musailov V.A., Eryashev A.F., Kharitonov V.V., Chernekhovskaya N.E., Varaksin M.V.
101 - 200 of 3747 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 > >> 

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