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Issue Title File
Vol 332, No 2 (2011) Official communications
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Vol 332, No 9 (2011) Official communications
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Vol 332, No 12 (2011) Official communications
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Vol 332, No 10 (2011) Official communications
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Vol 332, No 11 (2011) Official communications
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Vol 335, No 2 (2014) Official communications PDF
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Vol 330, No 1 (2009) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL PDF
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Vol 330, No 10 (2009) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL
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Vol 330, No 11 (2009) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL
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Vol 330, No 12 (2009) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL
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Vol 340, No 1 (2019) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 340, No 2 (2019) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 339, No 5 (2018) Ofitsial'nyy otdel PDF
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Vol 338, No 10 (2017) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 337, No 3 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 337, No 1 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel PDF
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Vol 337, No 2 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel PDF
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Vol 337, No 5 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel PDF
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Vol 337, No 4 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 337, No 6 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 337, No 8 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel PDF
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Vol 337, No 9 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel PDF
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Vol 337, No 11 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 337, No 10 (2016) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 336, No 3 (2015) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL
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Vol 335, No 5 (2014) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL
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Vol 335, No 3 (2014) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL PDF
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Vol 335, No 6 (2014) OFITsIAL'NYY OTDEL
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Vol 340, No 4 (2019) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 342, No 2 (2021) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 342, No 7 (2021) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 342, No 6 (2021) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 342, No 8 (2021) Ofitsial'nyy otdel
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Vol 332, No 8 (2011) Okazanie ekstrennoy psikhologicheskoy pomoshchi pri likvidatsii mediko-sanitarnykh posledstviy v zone chrezvychaynykh situatsiy na zheleznodorozhnom transporte
Vol 336, No 2 (2015) Okazanie pomoshchi Gvineyskoy Respublike v bor'be s epidemiey gemorragicheskoy likhoradki Ebola
Kholikov I.V., Zhdanov K.V.
Vol 343, No 3 (2022) Oleg Sergeevich Lobastov (1921–2005) – a prominent scientist and organizer of military healthcare
Kulnev S.V., Shelepov A.M., Kryuchkov O.A.
Vol 338, No 1 (2017) On advantages of spinal anesthesia during penile surgery PDF
Myagkov Y.A., Samoilov A.A., Kazantsev S.N., Myagkova A.Y.
Vol 338, No 10 (2017) On disadvantages of medical and expert opinions on the category of eligibility of citizens subject to conscription for military service
Pinchuk P.V., Burmistrova N.V., Chaplyuk A.L., Datsko A.V.
Vol 340, No 7 (2019) On ensuring epidemiologic safety and prevention of HIV infection in a multidisciplinary hospital
Esipov A.V., Breskina T.N., Antoshina I.N., Kazakova T.V., Yurev I.V.
Vol 345, No 3 (2024) On gunshot wounds of the rectum (Literature review)
Kim I.Y., Panov V.V., Musailov V.A., Starokon P.M., Potapov V.A., Galik N.I.
Vol 341, No 3 (2020) On health services for railway workers during the Great Patriotic War
Zelenskaya Y.N.
Vol 338, No 1 (2017) On improvement of standard medical examination of military personnel of the Armed Forces PDF
Popov A.P., Pastukhov A.G.
Vol 341, No 3 (2020) On improving the prevention of tuberculosis in the Armed Forces
Muchaidze R.D., Zaretskii B.V., Dantsev V.V., Spitsyn M.G.
Vol 341, No 12 (2020) On memorable meetings with Lieutenant-General of the Medical Service E.I.Smirnov
Ibadulin R.R.
Vol 343, No 9 (2022) On prevention of persistent seromas after the Liechtenstein operation
Chernykh V.G., Krainyukov P.E., Rybchinsky S.S., Bondareva N.V., Efremov K.N.
Vol 339, No 10 (2018) On prevention of the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia among conscripts at the Arkhangelsk Territorial Garrison PDF
Zakrevskii Y.N., Sitko O.V., Kukhanov A.V., Popov I.O.
Vol 337, No 7 (2016) On selection of external bleeding models for preclinical evaluation of the effectiveness of local haemostatic agents (literature review)
Chepur S.V., Yudin A.B., Shperling I.A., Dezhurnyi L.I., Makhnovskii A.I., Blinda I.V.
Vol 344, No 7 (2023) On some mechanisms of the pulmonary tuberculoma pathogenesis
Polyansky V.К.
Vol 341, No 6 (2020) On the 200th anniversary of the birth of Yakov Alekseevich Chistovich
Budko A.A., Brinyuk N.Y.
Vol 341, No 7 (2020) On the adaptation of cadets of military schools and the prevention of respiratory diseases
Rakhmanov R.S., Bogomolova E.S., Tarasov A.V.
Vol 339, No 1 (2018) On the bioterror issue in modern conditions PDF
Shabelnikov M.P., Mikhailov V.G., Komratov A.V., Makeikin E.V., Kanaev K.A.
Vol 340, No 10 (2019) On the causes of contracted tuberculosis of military personnel
Beznosik R.V., Grishin V.K., Aksenova K.I.
Vol 345, No 7 (2024) On the clinical manifestation of plexopathy in Lyme disease
Meshcheryakova Y.B., Maslo N.V.
Vol 343, No 1 (2022) On the distribution of transfusion hazardous erythrocyte antigens among the military personnel of the Central Military District
Voronova N.V., Polyanin N.A.
Vol 343, No 4 (2022) On the effect of transferring the substance of an obstacle by a firearms projectile
Pinchuk P.V., Leonov S.V., Sukhareva M.A., Kuzmina V.A.
Vol 342, No 7 (2021) On the effectiveness of using nitrogen - siliceous thermal baths in combination with sulphide - silt mud in the treatment of lumbosacral radiculopathy
Skorikova A.V., Bai S.A., Tikhanskii S.N., Pal’chevskii D.A., Abakumov V.E., Glushko M.V., Voloshinova M.V.
Vol 339, No 10 (2018) On the formation and development of the system of sanitary-epidemiological surveillance in the Strategic Missile Forces PDF
Gnashko O.M., Kazantsev A.Y., Kachurovskii I.A., Aleksandrovskii V.G., Rascheslavskii B.Y.
Vol 345, No 2 (2024) On the history of additional professional education of military medical specialists in Moscow
Kryukov E.V., Makiev R.G., Lobachev I.V., Polovinka V.S., Baryshev V.Y., Yumanov A.P.
Vol 337, No 3 (2016) On the history of medical support of the White movement in the south of Russia (1918-1920).
Yanshin L.A.
Vol 344, No 2 (2023) On the history of the medical service of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
Zemlyannikov D.A., Grabsky Y.V., Butuzov S.V.
Vol 337, No 11 (2016) On the history of the medical support for the White movement on the South of Russia (1918-1920): The Don Army
Yanshin L.A.
Vol 341, No 12 (2020) On the history of the Military Medical Academy: musical pages
Petrov R.E.
Vol 345, No 8 (2024) On the history of the Military Medical Academy: the musical heritage of A.P.Borodin
Petrov R.E.
Vol 341, No 4 (2020) On the history of the Omsk garrison military hospital
Kalmykov A.A., Uskov A.V., Burtasov A.G., Gudozhnikov M.G., Eselevich R.V.
Vol 344, No 7 (2023) On the history of the Syzran garrison military hospital
Ignatov М.Y., Lomakin D.N.
Vol 344, No 6 (2023) On the implementation of federal regulatory documents on the organization of immunoprophylaxis in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Kucherov A.S., Khakimov V.T., Korotchenko S.I.
Vol 345, No 7 (2024) On the importance of early diagnosis of epilepsy during pre-conscription training
Ponomar E.V.
Vol 337, No 12 (2016) On the interaction of the Russian Defence Ministry with the subjects of the Russian Federation on health protection of citizens, called up for military service
Pastukhov A.G., Datsko A.V.
Vol 342, No 2 (2021) On the issue of assessing the chemical safety of the territories of the former launch sites for silo - based intercontinental ballistic missiles
Chistyakov S.V., Semenova O.N., Tarabara A.V., Ryabova T.V., Smirnova S.V., Khudyakova O.M., Shashkova O.B.
Vol 344, No 9 (2023) On the issue of developing models for short-term forecasting of the development of the epidemic process using the example of COVID-19
Grigoriev S.G., Zagorodnikov G.G., Sanzharevsky V.A.
Vol 339, No 1 (2018) On the medical geography of medicinal sources used in sanatorium-and-spa organizations of the Ministry of Defense of Russia PDF
Starikov S.M.
Vol 340, No 2 (2019) On the medical library of the Kronstadt Naval Hospital
Roskostov M.V., Kalganova I.B.
Vol 338, No 4 (2017) On the narrative ethics of the relationship between the doctor and the patient PDF
Andreev S.I., Dondokova B.B., Odnostalko M.A.
Vol 344, No 11 (2023) On the need of healthcare and departmental medicine re-engineering
Krainyukov P.E., Stolyar V.P., Kurraeva T.V., Papkov A.Y., Ivantsov V.A.
Vol 344, No 12 (2023) On the need to supplement the classification of damaging explosion factors
Kuzmina V.A., Pinchuk P.V., Leonov S.V., Blinov N.N.
Vol 345, No 2 (2024) On the need to transform the system of medical support for troops (forces) in modern conditions
Kalachev O.V., Papkov A.Y., Tokmakov M.A., Zhukov A.A., Kanibolotsky M.N., Melnik A.A.
Vol 342, No 7 (2021) On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the formation of the Pirogov Russian Surgical Society (1881-1930)
Kozovenko M.N.
Vol 344, No 8 (2023) On the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of military medical expertise in the Far East
Datsko A.V., Perelygin S.G., Pashkovsky R.D., Kabalin A.P.
Vol 341, No 8 (2020) On the organization of medical care for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome in the regional vascular center
Gritsanchuk A.M., Gridnev O.V., Fomin V.V., Steklov V.I., Kuznetsov V.A.
Vol 337, No 4 (2016) On the possibility of an automatic ejection. Rescue aircraft crews in the optionally-invertible emergencies is performed by means of ejection
Korzhenyants V.A., Moiseev Y.B., Strakhov A.Y.
Vol 337, No 6 (2016) On the possibility of the use of chondroitin sulphate for reducing burn severity as a consequence of combined infrared radiation and sulphuric acid exposure
Minenko N.A., Popov V.A., Andriyanov A.I., Shchukina N.A., Panov P.B.
Vol 340, No 11 (2019) On the prevention of alcoholic liver disease
Belyakin S.A., Frolkin M.N.
Vol 345, No 5 (2024) On the prevention of respiratory diseases among conscripts
Shklyar A.P., Mikheeva E.B., Manueva R.S.
Vol 338, No 1 (2017) On the problem of calcific acquired aortic stenosis PDF
Gulyaev N.I., Tishko V.V., Galenko A.S.
Vol 343, No 5 (2022) On the problem of development of hospital-replacing surgical care in the Armed Forces
Popov A.P., Astakhova T.P., Rogov Y.V.
Vol 340, No 5 (2019) On the provision of medical care to patients of the dispensary group in a multidisciplinary military medical organization
Mashkov T.N., Krainyukov P.E.
Vol 339, No 5 (2018) On the question of the anthropometric characteristics of modern pilots PDF
Moiseev Y.B., Strakhov A.Y., Ignatovich S.N.
Vol 342, No 2 (2021) On the question of the term «tactical medicine»
Kozolup A.P.
Vol 342, No 1 (2021) On the rationing of medicines for patients undergoing medical rehabilitation in sanatorium - resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Kirsanova A.A., Dolgikh S.V., Stavila A.G., Rodionov E.O., Ilenko I.I.
Vol 340, No 7 (2019) On the requirements of sanitary legislation for the design of buildings and structures for treatment-and-prophylactic organizations
Aleksandrov A.V., Polyakov V.S., Yumanov A.P.
Vol 345, No 2 (2024) On the results of endoscopic examining methods used for the gastrointestinal tract in children on an outpatient basis
Kudryavtseva M.A., Nedumov Y.N.
Vol 344, No 5 (2023) On the risk factors for acute kidney injury in myocardial infarction in military personnel
Gordienko A.V., Sotnikov A.V., Tasybaev B.B., Nosovich D.V.
Vol 339, No 3 (2018) On the severity criteria of burn injury. PDF
Matveenko A.V., Chmyrev I.V., Skvortsov Y.R., Tarasenko M.Y.
Vol 344, No 9 (2023) On the simultaneous implementation of endovascular prosthetics of the aortic valve and abdominal aorta in the central military hospital
Esipov A.V., Ivanov A.V., Maksanov S.D., Ivanov V.A., Lishchuk A.N., Aliyarov R.A., Shabaev R.M., Baksheev V.I.
Vol 345, No 5 (2024) On the structure of cardiovascular risk factors in male military personnel with myocardial infarction and chronic inflammatory lung diseases
Gordienko A.V., Sotnikov A.V., Menshikova A.N., Nosovich D.V.
Vol 338, No 2 (2017) On the training program for military paramedics in Russia in the last quarter of nineteenth century PDF
Chizh I.M., Karpenko I.V., Sergeeva M.S.
Vol 342, No 4 (2021) On the treatment of precancerous lesions of the skin with the help of external local preparations
Lamotkin I.A., Selezneva E.V., Khlebnikova A.N., Smirnova L.M., Anpilogova E.M., Lamotkin A.I.
Vol 340, No 4 (2019) On the use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and its complications
Avakyan S.G., Kim I.Y., Tatevosov E.S., An G.F G.F., Zotova N.V., Fokina M.A.
Vol 341, No 7 (2020) On X-ray studies of the abdomen in conditions the chambers
Alekseeva O.M., Vasilev A.Y., Kryukov E.V., Troyan V.N., Lezhnev D.A., Egorova E.A., Petrovskaya V.V., Smyslenova M.V., Truten V.P.
Vol 340, No 3 (2019) Opening of main medical building in the Branch N 1 of the A.A.Vishnevsky 3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Meshkov A.V., Nezhivov R.N., Galik V.P., Musailov V.A.
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