
To the problem of pregnant women's cholestasis
Timofeeva T., Petrishchev N., Zainulina M., Mukhina I.
The bacterial vaginosis treatment in pregnant women
Nesdominova E., Aksenenko V., Rogov V., Kornienko G., Stolyarova K.
Urethritis etiology in pregnant and non-pregnant women
Savitcheva A., Selimyan N.
Etiological structure of urethritis in women
Savicheva A., Selimyan N.
Experience in the Treatment of Severe Thermal Injury in a Pregnant Woman with a Favorable Outcome for the Mother and Child
Movchan K., Chichkov O., Levkov A., Nevlyaev T., Zinoviev E., Sergeeva I., Kuzmichev V., Pankov V., Semenova I., Parshin E.
Chronic pyelonephritis in pregnant women as a cause of intrauterine infection
Etsko L., Zarbailova N.
Prevention of postpartum septic complications in pregnant women with acute gestational pyelonephritis
Oliynyk N., Lymar L., Sopel V., Begosh B., Goryak S.
Efficacy of using progesterone as an immunosuppressant for the prevention of preeclampsia in pregnant women with iron-deficiency anemia
Djabbarova Y., Ismoilova S., Ziyaeva S., Mirzaahmedova K.
The peculiarities of the period of pregnancy and labor in women with chronic placentary insufficiency and infection
Butova E., Kadtsyna T.
Peculiarities of mother-newborn biocenosis in maternal pyelonephritis
Danilova M., Lyashchenko L., Saprykin V., Gritsenko V., Baldina P.
Infections in Pregnant Women (diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis)
Savitcheva A., Bashmakova М., Arzhanova O., Kosheleva N.
Trauma in pregnancy
Tsvelev U., Divin S.
Species composition and persistence characteristics of uromicroflora in pregnant women with pyelonephritis
Gritsenko V., Danilova M., Saprykin V., Baldina P., Pervushina L.
Evaluation of lipid and nitrogen metabolism parameters and antioxidant system in pregnant women with gestosis and chronic pyelonephritis
Yaroslavsky V., Matevosyan I., Danilova L., Basharina O., Chaika N., Ilyina E.
Criteria for early diagnosis of acute purulent pyelonephritis in pregnant women
Gaibullaev A., Abdurizaev A., Bolgarsky I.
HIV / AIDS in St. Petersburg and ways to provide specialized care for HIV-infected pregnant women
Rakhmanova A., Vinogradova E., Stepanova E., Volkova G., Mishustina Y., Kustarov V., Iakovlev A., Mamedova S.
The tactics of treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in pregnant women
Yurovskaya V., Evdokimova E., Semenchenko I., Kozyreva T.
Treatment of acute pyelonephritis in pregnant women using plasmapheresis and laser irradiation of the blood
Vetrov V.
Diagnosis of maternal-fetal infection in pregnant women
Parashchuk Y., Avramenko N.
Dynamics of immunological parameters during exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis in pregnant women
Bragina L.
The frequency of detection and morbidity in children born to mothers infected with ureaplasmas
Morozova A., Matyenko I., Novikova L.
Clinical experience in the prevention and treatment of urogenital infections in pregnancy failure
Kakheli I., Kintraya N., Dzhakeli N., Kashakashvili I.
Efficiency of early monitoring gestational process in women with risk of pregnancy loss
Radzinskiy V., Demidova E., Bazovaia M., Ordiyants I.
Hemodynamical parameters in functional system "motherplacenta-fetus" in women had higher levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and horionic gonadotropin (HG) in 11 trimester of pregnancy
Gagarina A., Pavlova N., Kaicheeva T.
Anemia and thrombocytopenia in HIV-positive pregnant women
Mozalyova O., Samarina A., Rassokhin V.
Central and peripheral hemodynamics at pregnant women with IDD
Buzurukova P.
A case of delivering a pregnant woman with Takayasu disease
Gaidukova I., Yakovleva N., Vanovskaya I.
Placental insufficiency treatment in patients with herpes virus infection
Tioutiounnik V., Ordzhonikidze N., Zaidieva Z., Kravchenko N.
The effect of benzodiazepin tranquilisators on the psychosomatic status of the high risk group of pregnant women
Abramchenko V., Kaplun I.
Interferon therapy of herpes virus infection in pregnant women
Tareeva T., Malinovskaya V., Vitushko S., Kotov Y.
Antioxidants and adaptation in gestosis pathogenesis in pregnant women
Abramchenko V., Kostyushov E., Scherbina L.
Environmental pollution, immunology researches, humoral immunity, immunological indices of risk, pregnant women, new-born, children of the first year of age
Sivochalova O., Dujeva L., Golovaneva G.
The newborn of diabetic mother
Poniedziaiek-Czajkowska E., Leszczycska-Gorzelak B., Laskowska M., Oleszczuk J.
Premedication of pregnant women at risk of developing abnormal labor activity with vasoactive and metabocally active substances
Mengal E., Abramchenko V.
Metabolic control in pregnant women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and the neonatal body weight
Lantseva O., Potin V., Kovaleva T., Kuptsov G.
Psychotherapy of hypertension in pregnant women
Shvetsov M., Startseva N.
Ultrasonic predictors of a condition of a fetus and newborn for the pregnant woman with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Krasnopolsky V., Kovalenko T., Petruchun V., Titchenko L., Kotov Y.
Alternative delivery in the presence of relative indications for caesarean section
Krasnopolsky V., Logutova L.
Modern sonographic markers for the prognosis of preterm birth in women with different somatotypes
Tomaeva K., Gaidukov S., Komissarova E., Tomaev G.
The clinical experience of Gynipral application in pregnant and during labor
Repina M., Kulagina N., Kornilova Y.
Modern approaches to the correction of renal dysfunction in pregnant women
Repin М., Krapivina Е., Kolchin V., Stambulova O.
Mozalyova O., Samarina A.
Bacterial vaginosis and urogenital kandidosis in pregnant women. Treatment with Terginan
Kira E., Simchera I.
Mozalyova O., Samarina A.
On the article by M.V. Shvetsov and N.V. Startseva, "Psychotherapy in Women with the Threat of Miscarriage" (Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases, 1998, v. 1).
Kaplun I.
Analysis of the timing and delivery methods, clinical and laboratory indicators of hiv-infected pregnant women in Saint Petersburg
Mozaleva O., Samarina A.
Diagnostic importance of endoteliogramm in pregnant woman with late gestosis diabetes mellitus
Zainullina M., Mozgovaya E., Niaury D.
Features of the central hemodynamics of the pregnant women with insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) mellitus and gestosis
Busurukova P.
Herpes-virus infection of pregnant women
Yaroslavzki V.K., Isakov V.A., Semenov А.Е.
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