
Radaeva, I A

栏目 标题 文件
编号 3 (2003) Articles Dedicated to the 80 anniversaryof academician Lipatov
编号 8 (2003) Articles Organoleptic evaluation of canned milksand their quality improvement
编号 1 (2004) Articles About the draft of the methodologicalrecommendations for selection, testingand training people for milk products tasters
编号 1 (2004) Articles About draft of the methodological recommendationsfor sensor (organoleptic) evaluation of milk products
编号 1 (2004) Articles Canned milks defects and measures to prevent them
编号 8 (2004) Articles Milk powder. Reasons of burnt milk and methods of eliminating.
编号 12 (2004) Articles Development of canned milks science and industry
编号 10 (2005) Articles Introduction of the quality monitoring system and technologicalauditing to the enterprises
编号 7 (2006) Articles Uvelichenie sroka khraneniya molochnykh produktov putem ispol'zovaniya antioksidantov
编号 8 (2006) Articles Obuchenie sovremennym metodam organolepticheskoy otsenki molochnykh produktov
编号 1 (2008) Articles New national standard for milk powder
编号 3 (2008) Articles Terminology and definitions adaptedto the organoleptic evaluation of canned milks
编号 5 (2008) Articles Effects of dihydroquercetin on the lactic acid bacteria
编号 4 (2008) Articles Bactericide properties of dihydroquercetine
编号 3 (2008) Articles Bioflavonoinds in the dairy industry
编号 7 (2010) Articles Comments of the Typical Technological Instruction on the standard for milk and cream concentrated with sugar
编号 6 (2010) Articles New national standard on raw skim milk
编号 7 (2010) Articles VYaChESLAV MIKhAYLOVICh BOGDANOV(1899 - 1989)
编号 5 (2010) Articles The canned milksproduction: innovations in the formation of raw materials characteristics
编号 1 (2010) Articles National standard on condensed milk and cream
编号 7 (2011) Articles Milk based canned products with complete replacement of milk fat with vegetable oil
编号 6 (2011) Articles Amendment N1 and revised typical technological instruction for the state standard GOST R 52791-2007 «Canned milk products. Milk powder. Technical conditions»
编号 1 (2011) Articles Nikolay Nikitovich Lipatov (1923-1994)