
Parikal'tsitol - novye vozmozhnosti optimizatsii nefroprotektivnoy strategii i lecheniya vtorichnogo giperparatireoza
Plotnikova A.A., Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S.
Role of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in treatment of progressive kidney diseases
Kulina E.V.
Use of cinacalcet in children with chronic kidney disease stage V
Molchanova M.S., Petrosyan E.K., Pankratenko T.E., Zverev D.V., Rumyantsev A.L., Bykova L.P., Gracheva L.A.
Nephrogenic anemia: influence on cardiovascular prognosis and chronic kidney disease progression
Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Prevalence of diabetic nephropathy and chronic kidney disease in diabetes mellitus in Russian Federation
Maslova O.V., Suntsov Y.I., Shestakova M.V., Kazakov I.V., Vikulova L.K., Sukhareva O.Y., Martynov S.A., Maslova O.V., Suntsov Y.I., Shestakova M.V., Kazakova I.V., Vikulova L.K., Sukhareva O.Y., Martynov S.A.
Low birth weight as a risk factor for chronic kidney disease
Impaired sleep-wakefulness and quality of life in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic kidney disease
Osipov E.V., Batyushin M.M., Nalgieva Z.M.
Gorrection of nutritional status violations by a diet in patiets on maintenance hemodialysis with and without diabetes type 2
Tishkina S.V., Mikhailova N.A., Kartsev A.M., Tishkina A.V., Pushkina A.V., Derinova E.A.
Possibilities of a patient-oriented approach in elderly and senile patients with chronic kidney disease
Efremova E.V., Shutov A.M., Semenov A.D., Volkova K.O., Samoshilova A.A.
The results of 5-year experience in testing the glomerular filtration rate by the INVITRO laboratory in the territory of the Russian Federation
Fadin D.V., Fedin V.A., Zingerman B.V., Kotenko O.N., Kargalskaya I.G.
Chronic kidney disease in patients with impaired thyroid function
Bolotova E.V., Dudnikova A.V., Kiyanitskaya I.S.
Hyperphosphatemia - the value and methods of correction
Shutov E.V., Sorokoletov S.M.
Diagnostic errors and dialysis complications are factors of unfavorable prognosis in 4-5 stage chronic kidney disease
Nikolayev A.Y.
Relationship of hyperchemerinemia and parameters of nutritive status in patients with chronic renal insufficiency
Poganeva V.N., Batyushin M.M., Efimenko L.I.
Clinical and pathogenetic associations in atrial fibrillation with concomitant chronic kidney disease
Kijakbaev G.G., Fomin V.V., Krasnova T.N.
Sudden cardiac death in chronic kidney disease
Moukhin N.A., Fomin V.V., Moisseev S.V., Kiyakbaev G.G.
Magnesium-containing phosphate-binders: new therapeutic opportunities in chronic kidney disease
Mikhailova N.A.
MDRD study: role in clinical nephrology
Moukhin N.A., Kozlovskaya L.V., Fomin V.V., Milovanov Y.S.
Secondary hyperparathyreoidism in chronic kidney disease. Role of fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) and Klotho
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Dobrosmislov I.A.
Cardiomyopathy in anemia, associated with chronic kidney disease: role of erythropoetin-beta
Fomin V.V., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S.
Disturbances of calcium-phosphate metabolism disturbances in chronic kidney disease stage III - V
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Perspectives on long-acting dihydropiridine calcium antagonists in treatment and prophylaxis of chronic kidney disease
Fomin V.V., Girina S.S., Fomin V.V., Girina S.S.
Fomin V.V., Kurashov M.M., Fomin V., Kurashov M.
Left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy and its prognostic role at chronic kidney disease
Gendlin G.E., Shilo V.Y., Tomilina N.A., Storozhakov G.I., Borisovskaya S.V., Ettinger O.A., Badaeva S.V., Gavryushina O.A., Gendlin G.E., Shilo V.Y., Tomilina N.A., I Storogakov G., Borisovskaya S.V., Ettinger O.A., Badaeva S.V., Gavryushina O.A.
Kidney damage in Covid-19: clinical-pathogenetic aspects and management of patients with chronic kidney disease
Abdullaev S.S., Igamberdiyeva R.S., Sharapov O.N.
MicroRNAS and their significance in the population of dialysis patients
Rind A.R., Yesayan A.M., Kayukov I.G., Zaraysky M.I.
Membranous glomerulonephritis: a modern view of the problem and treatment options
Murkamilov I.T., Sabirov I.S., Fomin V.V., Murkamilova Z.A., Aitbaev K.A.
Gender features of cardiorenal relationships and cytokine status in patients with chronic kidney disease
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V.
Contemporary opportunities for using phosphate binders in dialysis patients
Gorelova E.A., Chernysheva N.N., Kotenko O.N., Shutov E.V.
Features in managing patients with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes: the need for a multidisciplinary approach
Mihajlova N.A., Tishkina S.V.
Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in glomerulopathies
Aiypova D.A., Beishebaeva N.A., Kaliev R.R.
Unresolver problem of calcium in phosphate-binding therapy of bone-mineral metabolism dis-turbances in patients with chronic kidney disease on program hemodialysis
Khoroshilov S.E.
Perspectives of sevelamer in hyperphosphatemia treatment in patients with chronic kidney disease stage III-V
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Dobrosmislov I.A., Moiseev S.V.
Use of continuous erythropoietin receptor activator in treatment of anemia in patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Renal function parameters and endothelial disfunction in patients with arterial hypertension
Rebrov A.P., Kuklina A.L.
Iron sucrose in treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease - original and generic drugs: what are the guidelines in drug choose?
Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrosmyslov I.A., Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrsmislov I.A.
Primenenie ingibitorov apf s tsel'yu korrektsii endotelial'noy disfunktsii u patsientov na raznoy stadii khronicheskoy bolezni pochek
Fedoseev A.N., Kudryakova A.S., Smirnov V.V., Krutova T.A., Ovsyannikov K.V.
Otsenka funktsii pochek s ispol'zovaniem pokazatelya skorosti klubochkovoy fil'tratsii v ambulatornopoliklinicheskoy praktike
Kurochkina O.N.
Fomin V.V., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y.
Gallyamov M.G., Severova M.M., Surkova O.A.
Variants of renal osteodystrophy
Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Anaemia correction in diabetic nephropathy: target haemoglobin values and cardiovascular complications
Shestakova M.V., Martynov S.A.
100 year anniversary of Kakovsky-Addis test
Milovanov Y.S., Lysenko L.V., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrosmyslov I.A., Milovanov Y.S., Lysenko L.V., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrosmislov I.A.
Acute glomerulonephritis -all questions are answered?
Insulin resistance in chronic kidney disease pages of history
Bachmakov I.E., Fedoseev A.N., Denisova V.E.
Endothelial dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease: prognostic potential of endothelin-1
Gasanov M.Z., Panchenko M.G., Batyushin M.M., Bronovitskaya N.A., Razina A.V.
Features of pathogenetic mechanisms of protein-energy wasting development in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 5D
Kuzyarova A.S., Gasanov M.Z., Batyushin M.M., Bogomolova K.R., Adamokova I.H.
The evolution of anemic syndrome against the background of chronic kidney disease in real clinical practice
Korneeva S.I., Pribylov S.A., Bezgin A.V., Trigub A.
The mechanisms of chronic kidney disease progression: evolution of views
Plenkina L.V., Simonova O.V., Rozinova V.A.
Experience of the use of iron oxyhydroxide complex for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in patients with stage 5 diabetic chronic kidney disease at the stage of starting dialysis therapy
Batyushin M.M., Kastanayan A.A.
Hyperkalemia: a modern view on the problem and the potentials for therapy (Part 2)
Mikhailova N.A., Kotenko O.N., Shilov E.M.
Implications of low-protein diet and ketoanalogues of essential amino acids' supplementation for cardiovascular and renal protection in patients with chronic kidney disease
Kotenko O.N., Evstigneeva K.A.
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the treatment of anemia in russian patients with chronic kidney disease
Ryazhenov V.V., Gorokhova S.G.
Nephrocardioprotective role of the Klotho protein circulating form in patients with chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Serum levels of morphogenetic proteins (fibroblast growth factor-23 and Klotho): clinical significance
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kozlovskaya L.V., Moukhin N.A.
Mild cognitive disorders in chronic kidney disease: clinical spectrum, pathogenesis, risk factors, treatment
Rogova I.V., Fomin V.V., Damulin I.V., Mukhin N.A.
Kalyuzhin V.V., Sibireva O.F., Urazova O.I., Kalyuzhina E.V., Tkalich L.M., Zibnitskaya L.I., Kolesnikov R.N., Grankina V.Y.
Lipid metabolism in chronic kidney disease
Rudenko T.E., Kutyrina I.M., Shvetsov M.Y., Rudenko T.E., Kutyrina I.M., Shvetsov M.Y.
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease and it's etiological structure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Rebrov A.P., Voloshinova E.V., Tyapkina M.A.
Fomin V.V., Kiyakbaev G.G.
Chronic kidney disease and program of increase of life span in Russian Federation
Shilov E.M., Kozlovskaya N.L., Bobkova I.N., Shvetsov M.Y., Vatazin A.V., Shilov E.M., Kozlovskaya N.L., Bobkova I.N., Shvetsov M.Y., Vatazin A.V.
Calcinosis of abdominal aorta in chronic kidney disease patients, not receiving renal replacement therapy
Volkov M.M., Smirnov A.V., Degtereva O.A., Kirillova E.V., Gordeeva L.A., Volkov M.M., Smirnov A.V., Degtereva O.A., Kirillova E.V., Gordeeva L.A.
Beyond glycemic control: nephroprotective effects of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists
Shamkhalova M.S., Sklyanik I.A., Shestakova M.V.
Homocystein and folic acid in chronic kidney disease: clinical and predictive significance
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V., Murkamilova Z.A., Yusupov F.A., Kudaibergenova I.O.
Study of endothelial vascular growth factor, markers of inflammation and vascular stiffness in chronic kidney disease
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V., Murkamilova Z.A., Yusupov F.A., Redzhapova N.A., Rayimzhanov Z.R., Schastlivenko A.I.
New instrumental options for optimizing the hemodialysis program
Shilo V.Y., Drachev Ivan Y.Y.
The first russian darbepoetin alfa bioanalogue: results of a double-blind, randomized clinical study of efficacy and safety for patients with nephrogenic anemia on programmed hemodialysis
Shilo V.Y., Babich V.P., Vasilieva G.V., Vishnevsky K.A., Gomova T.A., Doru-Tovt V.P., Dudarev M.V., Yeremeeva L.F., Zuev A.V., Kotova L.I., Novoseltsev I.L., Rodoman G.V., Ryasnyansky V.Y., Sabodash A.B., Solovyova A.V., Solovyova O.M., Suchkov V.N., Strokov A.G., Timokhovskaya G.Y., Chistyakov V.M., Shpagina L.A., Fedotova L.A., Khadikova N.G., Khazova E.V., Morozova M.A., Dokukina E.A., Lin’kov Y.N.
Biomarkers for risk stratification in patients with atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease
Fomin V.V., Kijakbaev G.G.
Pulmonary hypertension in dialysis patients
Borodulina E.O., Karpunin S.A., Shutov A.M.
Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease at an early stage
Borodulin V.B., Protopopov A.A., Goremykin V.I., Utts I.A., Shevchenko O.V., Volkov A.S., Bychkov E.N., Losev O.E., Nesterenko O.V.
Chronic kidney disease in elderly: diagnostic and management challenges
Fomin V.V., Milovanov Y.S., Yu Milovanova L.Y., Moisseev S.V., Moukhin N.A.
Pulmonary hypertension as a sign of heart involvement in chronic kidney disease progression
Solomakhina N.I., Kutyrina I.M., Rudenko T.E., Vaslyeva M.P.
Renal dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension in presense and absense of comorbid conditions
Rebrov A.P., Kuklina A.L.
Batyushin M.M., Galushkin A.A., Poganeva V.N., Asrumyan E.G., Litvinov A.S., Sadovnichaya N.A., Tsvetkov D.S., Rudenko L.I.
Predictive medicine and clinical nephrology
Moukhin N.A.
Zheleza sakharat: rol' v lechenii anemii pri khronicheskoy bolezni pochek
Fomin V.V.
Pigareva Y.A., Avdoshina S.V., Dmitrova T.B., Efremovtseva M.A., Tigay Z.G.
Optimal target hemoglobin level in chronic kidney disease patients, treated with erythropoesis-stimulating agents: controversial questions
Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y.
Treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease: the present, the past and the future
Shilo V.Y., Denisov A.Y.
Chronic kidney disease in women
Mukhin N.A., Moukhin N.A.
Chronic kidney disease as an outcome of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
Pimenov L.T., Dudarev M.V., Vasil'ev M.Y., Pimenov L.T., Dudarev M.V., Vasil'ev M.Y.
Frequently asked questions about glomerular filtration rate
Arutyunov G.P., Oganezova L.G., Aroutiunov G.P., Oganesova L.G.
The functional state of the kidneys and albuminuria in individuals with cardiovascular risk factors
Mikhailova L.V., Shupina M.I., Safonova V.S., Butova V.V., Sheremet V.V.
The role of oxidative stress in the development of protein-energy wasting and sarcopenia in patients with stage 5D chronic kidney disease
Gasanov M.Z., Negoda V.M., Batyushin M.M.
State of renal replacement therapy for chronic kidney disease in Moscow in 2015-2020
Kotenko O.N., Vasina N.V., Marchenkova L.V., Lysenko M.A.
Blood plasma cystatin c level and its relationship with the augmentation index and central arterial pressure in therapeutic patients
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V., Murkamilova Z.A., Sabirov I.S.
Features of urinary excretion of cytokins in chronic disease in kidneys in children
Semeshina O.V., Luchaninova V.N., Markelova E.V., Ni A., Bykova O.G.
New approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of CKD-MBD (KDIGO 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline Update for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD)
Batyushin M.M.
The impact of chronic kidney disease on the morphofunctional and electrical remodeling of the heart in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery with concomitant radiofrequency ablation
Iskenderov B.G., Sisina O.N., Lazareva E.N.
Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in patients with risk factors for cardiovascular complications observed in outpatient settings
Alekseeva L.A., Kravcova N.N., Shashina N.B., Babanin V.S., Volkova N.A., Myhin N.A.
Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic kidney disease in nizhnii novgorog region
Yarkova Ν.A., Borovkov N.N., Solov’ianova E.N., Filina L.V.
Phosphate-binder therapy: economical aspects
Mikhailova N.A.
Early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in teenagers in ambulatory practice
Karpacheva N.A., Petrosian E.K.
Mukhin N.A., Alekseeva L.A., Babanin V.S., Dokina E.D., Minushkina L.O.
Korrektsiya giperfosfatemii pri khronicheskoy pochechnoy nedostatochnosti: rol' sevelamera
Shilov E.M.
Growth retardation and body mass deficiency in children with chronic kidney disease stage II - V (Russian registry of children with chronic renal failure)
Molchanova M.S., Petrosyan E.K., Kazymova S.E., Molchanova E.A.
Ways of modernization of chronic kidney disease classification
Smirnov A.V., Dobronravov V.A., Kayukov I.G., Smirnov A.V., Dobronravov V.A., Kaukov I.G.
Difficulties in renal anemia treatment. Role of prolonged erythropoietin receptor activators
Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrosmyslov I.A., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrosmislov I.A.
101 - 200 of 219 Items << < 1 2 3 > >> 

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