
Remembering Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin: the first neurosurgeon at the Lenringad Road Hospital, successor of the neurosurgical school of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Vavilova A.A., Khilova Y.K.
Foundation and development of the oldest orthopedic department and clinic of Russia
Khominets V.V., Kudyashev A.L.
Academician V.N. Tonkov: outstanding domestic anatomist, teacher, scientist and organizer of medical service
Gaivoronskiy I.V., Nichiporuk G.I., Gaivoronskaya M.G., Kirillova M.P., Goryacheva I.A.
Analysis of the association between professional development and the official growth of military pharmacists in modern conditions
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Kononov V.N., Lobachev I.V., Perfiliev A.B.
Graduate of the Imperial Military Medical Academy professor A.A. Maximov: St. Petersburg addresses (to the 150th anniversary of the birth)
Odintsova I.A., Rusakova S.E., Rusakova V.A.
First dissertation in medical geography at the Medico-Surgical Academy
Soldatov E.A., Mamaeva S.A.
The system of training of pedagogical and scientific personnel during the leadership of the department of general and military epidemiology by academician V.D. Belyakov (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of academician V.D. Belyakov)
Belov A.B., Ishkildin M.I., Lantsov E.V.
Bogdan N. Kotiv — surgeon, professor, general of medicine (on the 60th anniversary of his birth)
Kryukov E.V., Dzidzava I.I., Barinov O.V., Kashkin D.P., Shchemelev A.A., Ivanov F.V.
The origin of the Military Medical Academy (dedicated to the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great)
Ovchinnikov D.V., Kryukov E.V., Fisun A.Y., Samoilov V.O., Ivchenko E.V., Milasheva N.V.
Professor Alexey Nikolaevich Kuchmin (on the 60th anniversary of his birth)
Nagorny M.B., Shulenin S.N., Morozov S.L.
I.F. Bush surgical scientific school
Ivanusa S.Y., Kosachev I.D., Dzhachvadze D.K.
The evaluation of the level of training of medical specialists in process simulation training
Lobachev I.V., Drachev V.O., Furmanov E.E.
History and continuity of the first therapeutic departments at the Military Medical Academy
Ovchinnikov D.V.
Professor I.V. Gaivoronsky — an outstanding domestic scientist-anatomist and teacher
Makiev R.G., Ivchenko E.V., Ovchinnikov D.V., Nichiporuk G.I.
Academician Nikolay Anatolyevich Maistrenko (to the 70th anniversary of his birthday)
Romashchenko P.N., Kurygin A.A., Dovganyuk V.S.
Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy
Gaydar B.V., Tsygan V.N., Shvets V.A., Palii K.A., Tsvetkov S.A., Baretskaya A.E.
220 years of teaching botany in the Military medical academy named by C.M. Kirov (to the first issue of pharmacists)
Kazakova E.A., Mokrousov V.N.
Leader of pathophysiology: on the 70th birthday of professor Vasily N. Tsygan
Kryukov E.V., Ivchenko E.V., Fisun A.Y., Belskikh A.N., Kotiv B.N., Ovchinnikov D.V.
The Contribution of Scientists of the Kirov Military Medical Academy to the Development of Military Transfusiology, in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor S.V. Ryzhkov
Vilyaninov V.N., Popova N.N.
The 50th anniversary of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pavel N. Romashchenko
Maistrenko N.A., Sazonov A.A., Krivolapov D.S., Ovchinnikov D.V.
Results of the work of the Military medical academy research institute of novel coronavirus infection problems through 2020–2021
Ivchenko E.V., Kotiv B.N., Ovchinnikov D.V., Bucenko S.A.
The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the imperial military medical academy as a recognition of its special role in the development of russian medicine
Salukhov V.V., Ovchinnikov D.V., Kurenkova I.G.
Experience of the use of endovideosurgical technologies on ships of Russian navy
Solovyov I.A., Zakrevsky Y.N., Surov D.A., Balura O.V., Peretechikov A.V., Egorov S.I., Ershov E.N.
T.Ya. Aryev. Becoming a scientist and a doctor (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V.A., Yakimov D.K., Varfolomeev I.V.
From cadet to professor: service of physiology (to the 80th anniversary of V.N. Golubev)
Alexandrov M.V., Filippova E.B., Antonenkova E.V.
Academician of the Russian academy of sciences Yu.L. Shevchenko and his contribution to the development of the Military Medical Academy and health care of the Russian Federation (on his 75th anniversary)
Kryukov E.V., Khubulava G.G.
Anniversary of the scientist: to the 60th anniversary of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Nikolaevich Belskikh
Kryukov E.V., Ivchenko E.V., Ovchinnikov D.V.
To the 150 anniversary of the Military medical academy department of dermatology and venerology
Samtsov A.V., Ravodin R.A., Zhukov A.S.
Theory and practice of pharmacy at the Military Medical Academy: formation and development history
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Bunin S.A., Kononov V.N., Perfiliev A.B., Golubenko R.A., Enikeeva R.A., Merkulov A.V., Kostenko N.L., Shcherba M.P.
To the 50th anniversary of Historical-Memorial Hall of Military Medical Academy by S.M. Kirov
Tsygan V.N., Shvets V.A., Paly K.A.
The oldest surgical departments of the Military Medical Academy history and continuity
Ovchinnikov D.V.
V.N. Sheinis. A way to science (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V.A., Yakimov D.K., Gusev M.Y.
Son of the priest E.I. Bogdanovsky – outstanding surgeon, scientist, teacher
Kosachev I.D., Ivanus S.Y., Zubarev P.N., Khozin K.R.
Studying of military hygiene in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red army
Zholus B.I., Petreev I.V.
To the history of the creation of anatomical theaters in the Medical and Surgical (Military Medical Academy)
Gaivoronskiy I.V., Tvardovskaya M.V.
Museum N.I. Pirogov: history and modernity
Budko A.A., Chigareva N.G.
Results of scientometric work in the Military Medical Academy in 2016–2017
Borisov D.N., Mamaeva S.A., Ovchinnikov D.V., Ivchenko E.V.
Actual problems of radiation hygiene in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Petreev I.V., Tsvetkov S.V., Kukhanov A.V., Batov V.E., Grechukhina G.N., Styozhka S.N., Zubov A.N.
Pages of history and achievements of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I.
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov - 220 years old
Fisun A.Y., Kruglov V.I., Paliy K.A.
Military doctor, surgeon, organizer of dental care (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.P. Zabelin)
Iordanishvili A.K., Voskresenskiy V.V.
The physiological characteristics of puberty in girls whose mothers experienced a high risk of terrorist threat
Temirkhanova K.T., Tsikunov S.G., Apchel V.Y., Pyatibrat E.D., Pyatibrat A.O.
Psychological adaptation of adults at loss of teeth and elimination of defects of dentitions with use of various designs of dentures
Iordanishvili A.K., Tsygan V.N., Volodin A.I., Muzykin M.I., Lobeiko V.V.
Development of transfusiology in the Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov: dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first immunologically justified blood transfusion in Russia
Ovchinnikov D.V., Yakovlev R.A., Krivets A.S.
Doctor of medicine – the histologist Vera Mikhaylovna Danchakova (to the 140 anniversary since birth)
Odintsova I.A., Rusakova S.E., Gadjiev S.Z., Kujenyazov A.A.
Of the 90th anniversary of the birth of professor Alexander B. Zorin
Khubulava G.G., Sizenko V.V., Volkov A.M., Sazonov A.B., Akhadov R.A.
Yakov Vasilyevich Willie - more than half a century in the service of military medicine The Russian Empire and the Medico-surgical Academy (to the 250th anniversary of the birth)
Fisun A.Y., Porokhov S.Y.
P.A. Kupriyanov – the beginning of a creative way
Khubulava G.G., Sizenko V.V.
The development of individual communication style of a teacher at the higher military medical an educational institution
Borisova E.G., Nikitenko V.V.
Outstanding toxicologist: professor Nikolay Vasilyevich Savateev (100th birth anniversary)
Sofronov H.A., Preobrazhenskaya T.N., Lutsyk M.A., Basharin V.A.
Honorary doctor of the military medical academy professor V.V. Volkov (To the 100th anniversary of his birth)
Kulikov A.N., Reituzov V.A., Sobolev A.F., Kirillov Y.A., Shamrey D.
N.I. Pirogov and his proverbial: «I believe in hygiene»
Zholus B.I., Petreev I.V.
Samoilov Vladimir Olegovich (on the 80th anniversary of his birth)
Ponomarenko G.N., Golubev V.N., Antonenkova E.V., Korolev Y.N., Savokina O.V.
Naval hygienist Zun Andrey Vadimovich: professionalism, erudition and fidelity to traditions
Petreev I.V., Zun S.A., Shevchuk I.A.
The activities Imperial military medical academy during First World War
Gadylgareev V.G., Fedorin S.V.
Professor I.P. Skvortsov the author of the first domestic manual of military hygiene for officers and army doctors
Zholus B.I., Petreev I.V.
Professor Anatoly Mikhailovich Shelepov – founder of the scientific school of military healthcare administrators (to the 70th anniversary)
Tsygan V.N., Kulnev S.V., Porokhov S.Y.
Hero of the Soviet Union Dyskin Efim Anatolyevich - legendary person (to the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War)
Fisun A.Y., Gaivoronsky I.V., Odinak M.M., Litvinenko I.V., Nichiporuk G.I., Dyskin D.E., Koshkaryov M.A.
Life and work of Henry Ivanovich Turner (on the 160th anniversary of his birth)
Morgoshia T.S., Apchel V.Y., Syroezhin N.A.
Twenty years at the head of the department and clinic of nervous diseases of the military medical academy named after S.M. Kirov (on the occasion of the 75th birthday of corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences Miroslav Mikhailovich Odinak)
Litvinenko I.V., Tsygan N.V.
The second life of the small anatomical collection of F. Ruysch «The eighth wonder of the world»
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I., Tvardovskaya M.V.
Analysis of incidence of tibia stress fractures among the militaries
Omarov G.J., Paltushev A.A., Panov S.A., Iontsev V.I., Apchel V.Y.
Epidemiological characteristics of transport injuries in a large city (according to forensic studies of the deceased in hospitals of St. Petersburg)
Bozhchenko A.P., Pilnik N.M.
Current state and prospects of development of personalized medicine, high-tech health care and health saving technologies in the medical service of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation
Trishkin D.V., Fisun A.Y., Makiev R.G., Cherkashin D.V.
Patriarch of military neurosurgery
Kryukov E.V., Svistov D.V.
Maxim SemenovichSubbotin – the founder of asepsis and antiseptics in Russia, an outstanding surgeon, scientist, inventor, teacher
Kosachev I.D., Ivanus S.Y., Zubarev P.N., Golovanov P.A.
Optimization of diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using polymerase chain reaction in a large multi-specialty hospital
Zhdanov K.V., Kozlov K.V., Bulankov Y.I., Zakharenko S.M., Uliukin I.M., Zagorodnikov G.G., Grigoriev S.G., Orlova E.S., Shuklina A.A., Ivanov A.M., Maltsev O.V., Sukachev V.S., Kasyanenko K.V., Grinchenko N.E.
Topographic features of the recurrent motor branch of the median nerve in relation to the restoration of the active opposition of the thumb with proximal injuries of the median nerve
Nisht A.Y., Fomin N.F.
Professor T.Ya. Aryev. The first experience of the management of the clinical department (to the 110th anniversary of his birth)
Sokolov V.A., Yakimov D.K.
The post-war period of the scientific work of Professor T.Ya. Arieva. Research and publication topics for the period 1946–1958
Sokolov V.A., Mamaeva S.A., Butrin Y.L.
Optimization of diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using polymerase chain reaction in a large multi-specialty hospital
Zhdanov K.V.
The contribution of the faculty of Departments S.M. Kirov’s Military-medical academy into the limitation the consequences of Chernobyl nuclear power plant acciden
Kuznetsov S.M., Petreev I.V., Terentev L.P., Tsvetkov S.V.
The 100th birth anniversary of Ravil Garifovich Imangulov
Davydova Е.V., Starkov A.V., Grebenyuk A.N.
Grigory Vitalievich Khlopin is the pride of Russian hygiene science
Subbotina T.I., Krivtsov A.V., Andriyanov A.I., Sorokoletova E.F., Smetanin A.L., Ichuk Y.V.
In memory of Komarov Fyodor Ivanovich (on the occasion of his centenary)
Fisun A.Y., Yakovlev V.A., Malov Y.S.
Centenary on the protection of the health of military communication workers
Klimzov A.G., Shalkayev E.D., Lemeshkin R.N.
Contribution of Institute of preventive sciences of Z.P. Solovyov of Military Medical Academy to development of military health care
Voskresensky V.V., Kuznetsov S.M., Maydan V.A., Zaymagov S.V., Bokharev M.A.
Features of the skin microbiota in patients with diabetes
Khasiev N.D., Shaposhnikova E.B., Shevchuk N.I., Mironov I.V.
Contribution of professor Tuviy Yakovlevich Aryev to development of topical issues of thermal trauma. Main research and publications for 1958-1972
Sokolov V.A., Mamaeva S.A., Butrin Y.L., Gerasimova A.A.
The Ladoga Tragedy of September 17, 1941: Underreported Facts
Shevchuk I.A., Arutyunyan L.V., Petreev I.V.
Professor Sergey V. Grebenkov - naval doctor, scientist, teacher (on the 65th anniversary)
Lobzin Y.V., Petreev I.V.
Thoughts of N.I. Pirogov «About desirable transformations of the Medico-Surgical Academy»
Zholus B.I., Petreev I.V.
The evolution of methods and techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis in the Military medical academy named after S.M. Kirov
Protoschak V.V., Paronnikov M.V., Samatygo A.B., Kiselev A.O.
1 - 83 of 83 Items

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