
From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 4. Ensuring Public Order and Personal Safety During Entertainment Events, Lotteries, Sweepstakes, and Card Games
Shurukhnov N.
Legal Support of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Citizens During Digitalization in the Field of Housing and Communal Services
Kluychnikova Y.
Prospects for the Use of Unmanned Aircraft by Police Employees when Performing Official Tasks
Tsvetov S., Chaplygin N.
Formation of the Concept of «Medical Police» in the Russian Empire
Lukyanov S., Tarasova I.
«Cholera Riot» in St. Petersburg in 1831 and the Police: Who Is to Blame?
Kulikova S., Lukyanov S., Tarasova I.
From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 3. Ensuring public order and personal safety during certain public events (meetings, congresses, election campaigns)
Shurukhnov N.
Modern Problems of Physical Training of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies and Ways to Solve Them
Tkhazeplov R.
The Spiritual and Moral Consciousness of the Russian People and the Liberal Ideology of Criminal Justice: Dialectics of the Concrete and Abstract
Agutin A.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a Result of Humankind Conscience
Abashidze A.
Legal Support for Strategies to Increase Digital Literacy: the Experience of China
Yakovleva A.
The Role of Independent Training in the Discipline "Physical Training" in Educational
Meshev I.
To the Issue of the Methodology for Assessing the Level of Development of Customs Regulation in the EEU, Taking into Account Legal Means of the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Disadvantages of Using Forensic Techniques in the System of Counteraction Factors to the Investigation
Isaenko V.
Territories and Entities with High Innovation Potential: Problems and Prospects for Development
Gromova E.
Regulation of Lawmaking in the Fight Against Crime: Problems and Ways to Solve Them
Asnis A.
The Reality of the Threat and Its Role for the Correct Qualification of Extortion and Attempted Fraud Committed Using Information and Communication Networks
Alexandrova E.
Concept and Classification of Evidence Presented During Interrogation
Boziev M.
Micro-Traces (Micro-Objects) in Criminology: Concept, Classification, Methods and Methods of Detection, Fixation, Seizure and Research
Lozinsky O.
Criminal law risks in the provision of medical care
Ilin D.
Interaction of Civil Society with Law Enforcement Authorities in the Paradigm of Fighting Extremism and Terrorism
Animokov I.
Trends in Legal Culture in Modern Russian Society
Kochesokov Z., Mankieva A., Voropaev I.
Scientific and Methodological Approaches to the Creation of a Data Matrix as a Priority Instrument for the Development of the «Single Window» Mechanism in the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union
Mozer S.
On the Issue of Ways to Improve Legislation on Private Detective and Security Activities
Alekseev S., Uvarov M., Remizov P.
Human Rights Bodies to Ensure Human Rights in Places of Detention
Kankulov A.
Modern Trends in the Development of Motor Abilities in Physical Training Classes in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Dadov A.
Theoretical and Legal Analysis of the Conceptual Apparatus in the Field of Construction and Operation of Linear Objects of the Oil and Gas Complex
Kravtsova A.
Legal Infrastructure as a System and Business Environment
Gazizullin R.
Conceptual Foundations in the Development of the Police Statute: Proposals of the Interdepartmental Commission "On the Transformation of the Police into the Empire" (1906-1911)
Lobacheva L., Shurukhnov N.
The Impact of Information Technology on the Process of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings
Ramaldanov K.
Features of Legal Regulation of Anti-Corruption Among Civil Servants of Russia
Afanasyev M., Ivanova D.
Historical and Legal Aspects of Prosecutor’s Supervision of Intelligence Activities in the Russian Federation
Maydykov A., Sarkisyan G.
History of the Development of Domestic Criminal Legislation on Pornography
Kochkina M.
Features of the Legal Regime of the Property of Spouses
Gasanov N.
Historical Experience in the Implementation of State Policy in the Field of Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Soviet Russia in 1917-1935
Krasnov D., Sapozhnikova T.
In the Struggle for the Laws and Customs of War and Peace: Ideas of P.S. Romashkin's Scientific Heritage
Sushkova Y.
The Role of Law in Preserving Traditional Family Values in Modern Russia
Dovnar A.
Analysis of the Hazards Associated with the Appearance of Robots Moving in Pedestrian Zones
Tarasov A., Tarasova I.
Transformation of the Land Use System in Russia in the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries
Petyukova O., Dereglazov A.
Problems of General Measures for the Prevention of Professional Crime
Kravets I., Zhuk I., Bazanova N.
Criminal-Legal and Procedural Issues of the Investigator’s Activity in the Investigation of Crimes Under Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Alexandrov A., Limar A.
Gaps and Their Filling in Modern International Law (on the Example of Gaps in "Traditional" and "New" International Legal Institutions and Industries)
Nikiforov S.
The Use of Digital Technologies in the Activities of the Department of Internal Affairs
Kushkhov R.
Current Problems of Combat Extremism in the Information Environment
Kardanov R.
Improving Mechanisms to Combat Extremism and Terrorism Among Youth
Kharaev A., Mokhovikov O.
Problems of Ensuring Access to Justice at the Stage of Initiating a Criminal Case
Shalagina Z.
Legal Sight on the Presence of Nuclear Elements in Outer Space
Panova A.
Features of Legal Regulation of Disputes About Children, Domestic and Foreign Experience
Petrov D., Ushankov I., Filippov N.
New Means of Technical and Forensic Support for the Fight Against Crime
Berova D., Gauzhaeva V.
Analysis of the WCO Conceptual Approaches to the Development of the Legal Institution of E-Commerce in the Framework of the Review of the Revised Kyoto Convention
Mozer S.
The Theory of Operational Investigative Activity and the Variety of Private (Special) Theories Based on It
Lozinsky O., Akhmatov K., Bargishev S.
Current Methods of Committing Fraud
Taova L., Tokhova D.
The Right as a Reference and a Reference to the «Right»
Grishin K.
Problems of International Law in the Sphere of Struggle with Terrorism
Pankina N., Kravets I.
The Essence and Procedural Form of Judicial Proceedings for the Selection of Preventive Measures
Popov A., Pitko R.
Parallels from October 1917 to Potsdam 1945 to Our Time: History of the Issue
Lipovetskaya A.
Pension Provision in Territories with a Special Climate: Problems of Theory and Practice
Antonova N.
Features of the Investigation of Serial Murdering
Akkaeva H.
Distribution of Extremist Materials on the Internet: Problems of Detection
Mukhtarov D.
Topical Issues of Using Innovative Educational Technologies in the Process of Physical Training of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Kanukoev A.
To the Question of the Fight Against the Dissemination of Incorrect Information About the Work of State Bodies of Russia Abroad
Kumysheva M.
Problems of Implementing the Principle of Subjective Imputation in Criminal Law
Gadzhieva A.
The Genesis and Development of Criminal Legislation in the Field of Protection of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population in Russia
Mustafazade R.
The Identity of the Criminal as an Element of the Criminalistic Characteristics of Crimes Against Life and Health
Baranchikova M., Moroz I.
Excess of Authority or Good Faith Conduct: Liability Issues in the Energy Sector Under Foreign Unilateral Restrictive Measures
Sedova Z.
Problems of Countering Extremism and Terrorism in Modern Russia
Lyuev T.
Problems of Social Security and Protection of Families with Children of Mobilized Citizens
Letova N.
Netishinskaya L., Olefir Y.
Organizational and Methodological Assistance in the System of Internal Affairs Bodies: Problems and Development Prospects
Shkhagapsoev Z.
Current State and Prospects for the Development of Countering the Ideology of Extremism in the Russian Federation
Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva H.
Current Features of Criminological, Criminal Law and Criminological Characteristics of the Involvement of a Minor in Committing Crimes
Sitdikova G.
Criminogenic Situation in the Sphere of Financial and Credit Relations
Strokan V.
Features of a Comprehensive Forensic Examination in the Investigation of Violations Of inventive and Patent Rights Related to Medical Devices (Article 147 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Steshich E., Berdnikov A.
Theoretical and Practical Problems of Bidding for the Privatization of State and Municipal Property in Electronic Form
Korolev E.
On the Issue of Criminal Liability in the Absence of Formal Evidence of Treason
Shogenov Z.
Juvenile Crime: Criminological Aspect
Cherednichenko E.
The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Commission of Violent Crimes Against Minors
Tarabrina K.
Problems of Differentiation of Moral and Physical Harm
Blazhkova T.
On the Main Results of International Cooperation of the Prosecution Authorities of the Russian Federation and Its Promising Areas in Modern Conditions
Grigoryev V., Tarasov M.
Current Issues of the Development of the Causes and Conditions of Crime in the Russian Federation
Berova D., Akkaeva H.
Features of Using Special Knowledge in the Investigation of Crimes Related with Illegal Traffic of False Medicines, Medical Devices and Biologically Active Supplements
Berova J., Kardanov R.
The Constitutional and Legal Mechanism for Regulating the Right to Housing of Certain Categories of Citizens in Russia
Battalova L., Kostyleva G.
Features of Counteraction to Fraud Acts Performed Remotely Through the Use of Mobile (Cellular) Communication and Information and Telecommunication Networks (by the Example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)
Pavlov V., Shkhagapsoev Z., Kanunnikova N., Misrokov T.
About Some Features of the Functioning of Investigative and Operational Groups: Errors and Recommendations
Zakharova V., Samokhvalov I.
Actual Problems of Distinguishing Petty Hooliganism Committed at the Facilities of the Moscow Metro with Related Offenses
Matyukhina M., Uzdenov R.
The Tasks of Technical and Forensic Support for the Inspection of the Scene
Shkhagapsoyev Z., Gauzhaeva V.
High Technologies in Countering Extremist and Terrorist Crimes
Kurshev A.
Organization and Tactics of Working with Computer Traces at the Stage of Search and Cognitive Activity
Komov A.
Legal Regulation of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in International Private Law: Challenges and Solutions
Khaddur Z.
Organized Crime in the Russian Financial Market
Pinkevich T., Bakasov R.
Analysis of the Relationship between Targeted Taxes and Public-Law Payments in the Context of Russian Legislation: Identifying Gaps and Paths for Their Elimination
Guzanova M.
The Legal Mechanism and Consequences of Taking a Child away from Parents or Other Persons in Whose Care He is in a Direct Threat to the Life and Health of the Child
Shepeleva D.
Cybersecurity Issues In Modern Digital Systems
Takov A.
Major Reforms of the Land Supervision
Zinnatullin A.
Cyberspace as a Resource Base for the Spread of Terrorism
Kanokova L.
Abesalashvili M., Tutarishcheva S., Tseeva S.
Family and Legal Aspects of the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Rumyantseva N., Shepeleva D.
Legal Cooperation Between Russia and China in the Field of Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity
Zelenina A.
Karaev R., Barsukova E., Polyakova E.
Ibragimova A.
Dualism of the Legal Nature of the Claim Procedure as an Independent Type of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
Emerov M.
1 - 100 de 304 resultados 1 2 3 4 > >> 
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