
And again about cheese varieties or new developments of the All Russian Research Institute of Cheese and Butter Making
Sviridenko Y., Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I.
Application of rice and albumin flours in the technology of processed cheese product
Bogdanova N.
Is it possible to make cheese like the Swiss one in Russia?
Sviridenlo Y., Mordvinova V.
Application of the rice flour and albumin in the technology of the processed cheese product
Bogdanova N.
New concepts and names of the cheese making products
Mordvinova V., Onosovskaya N.
Emulsifying characteristics of the natural aroma and flavoring ingredients Butter Buds
Osad'ko M., Rumyantseva G., Zotkina D., Osad'ko M., Rumyantseva G., Zotkina D.
Technology of the brine cheese product enriched with vegetable ingridients
Kryuchkova V., Korneichuk K., Skripin P., Belik S.
Application of ultrafiltration in production curd products
Merzlikina A., Polyansky K., Ponomarev A., Kluchnikov A.
Identification and consuming properties of processed cheese
Svyatkina L., Andruhova V.
The company ICL Food Specialties / BK Giulini and Omya Algol Rus: expanding the range of proceed cheese with the emulsifying salts BK Giulini. Recipes and recommendation
Free fat in cheese and cheese products
Lepilkina O., Smykov I., Loginova I.
New brine cheese product«Grecheski»
Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I., Il'ina S., Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I., Ilina S.
New mineral enricher «Calcium- MAKG» for cheeseproduct
Gavrilova N., Sokhryakov S., Shmat E., Gavrilova N., Sohrjakov S., Shmat E.
Production of milk products with protected name of the place of origin of goods
Mordvinova V., Onosovskaya N.
Reverse osmosis separation of solutions cornstarch production as an effective Way to reduce the cost processed cheese product
Kovaleva O., Lazarev S., Polanskii K.
Production of the combined rennet cheese
Veziryan V., Evdokimov I., Anisimov S., Veziryan A.
Prospects of stabilizers application in the processed cheese manufacturing
Ostroumov L., Arhipov A.
Cheese product for functional nutrition
Gavrilova, N., Ryabkova D., Gavrilova N., Ryabkova D.
Dynamics of the strength of the fermented milk gels with kappa-carrageenans
Dimitrov V., Shchetinin M., Nikolaeva E.
Processed cheese products with powdered milk ingredients
Ostroumov L., Leonenko Y.
Vegetable oil ingredients for processed cheese products
Dunaev A., Dunaev A.
New functional products - soft cheese «Globozum» and semi-hard cheese «Pladolens»
Musina O., Ott E.
Cheese products with vegetable ingredient curcuma
Gavrilova N., Moliboga E., Moiseikina D.
Development of stabilization mixture for melting of curd raw materials in the production of pasty fused cheese products
Lupinskaya S., Chechko S.
Cheese product for foodsoperations
Gavrilova N., Burakovskaya N., Gavrilova N., Burakovskaya N.
The influence of stabilizers on the quality indicators of cream cheese
Kabanova T., Shuvalova E., Ambrosieva E.
Processed cheese product on the bases of skim curds with use of appies
Lupinskaya S., Gantseva A.
Cheese product for melting with vegetable puree
Shchetinin M., Kol'tyugina O., Rozhkova E., Shchetinin M., Koltyugina O., Rojkova E.
Soft cheese «Globozum»
Funk I., Dorofeev R., Ott E.
Technology smelt of the cheese product on the basis ofalbuminous - carbohydrate weight.
Gavrilova N., Shmat E., Sokhryakov S., Gavrilova N., Shmat E., Sohrjakov S.
Application of the soft cheese in the recipes of the jell products for sports nutrition
Polyanskii K., Hodyreva O., Magomedov M., Lobosova L., Magomedova A.
Effects of the melting salts produced in Russia on the quality of processed cheese products
Sokolova N., Sokolova N.
Cheese products - the objective reality
Mordvinova V., Ostrouhova I.
Vegetable components in the processed cheese manufacturing
Shchetinin M., Azolkina L., Bogdanova N.
Food value of cheese products with vegetable oils
Lepilkina O., Lepilkina O.
1 - 35 de 35 resultados
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