
Legal Regulation of Individual Housing Construction: Problems of Law Enforcement
Rusev N.
Features of Legal Regulation of Anti-Corruption Among Civil Servants of Russia
Afanasyev M., Ivanova D.
Scientific and Methodological Approaches to the Creation of a Data Matrix as a Priority Instrument for the Development of the «Single Window» Mechanism in the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union
Mozer S.
To the Issue of the Methodology for Assessing the Level of Development of Customs Regulation in the EEU, Taking into Account Legal Means of the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Legal Regulation of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in International Private Law: Challenges and Solutions
Khaddur Z.
The Constitutional and Legal Mechanism for Regulating the Right to Housing of Certain Categories of Citizens in Russia
Battalova L., Kostyleva G.
Research Perspectives on Legal Frameworks for State Control in Russia's Construction Sector
Bilyk V., Poslavsky D.
Improving the Legal Protection of Citizens in Cyberspace
Ostroushko A.
UN Activities in the Implementation of the Rule of Law
Nikiforov V., Starodubtsev G.
Forms and Directions of Behavioral Supervision of the Bank of Russia: Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services
Litovko A.
Analysis of the WCO Conceptual Approaches to the Development of the Legal Institution of E-Commerce in the Framework of the Review of the Revised Kyoto Convention
Mozer S.
Territories and Entities with High Innovation Potential: Problems and Prospects for Development
Gromova E.
The Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Private International Law
Pakshin P.
Legal Sight on the Presence of Nuclear Elements in Outer Space
Panova A.
Balance of Private and Public Interests in Civil Legal Regulation: Balance or Solidarity?
Kashaev K.
Value dissonance in law and strategy improving the efficiency of legal regulation
Glebov A.
Self-Regulation in the Housing Legal Regulation Mechanism
Karyagina V.
Filling Existing Gaps in International Law in the Context of the Development of the Modern World Order
Nikiforov S.
Analysis of the Relationship between Targeted Taxes and Public-Law Payments in the Context of Russian Legislation: Identifying Gaps and Paths for Their Elimination
Guzanova M.
Legal Regulation and Formalization of the Artificial Intelligence’s Legal Personality in Russian and International Law
Nikiforov S.
Variety of concretizing norms of Russian law
Perepletchikova A.
Some features of the administrative legal regulation of public security
Abazov I.
Actual problems of departmental lawmaking
Gerasimova N., Tsukarev A.
Problems of Legal Regulation of Labor Protection and Health of Coal Industry Workers: International and National Level
Moroz E.
Prospects for Legal Regulation of Cryptocurrency Mining in the Russian Federation with Regard to International Experience
Pavlyuk A., Aibazov P., Dubasov M.
Limits of Financial and Legal Regulation of Certain Types of Digital Relations
Savina A.
Problems of Constitutional and Legal Regulation of Property Rights in the Russian Federation
Klepikova O.
Gaps in the International Legal Regulation of Groups of Relations in the Field of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Conditions of Socio-Political Transformation
Nikiforov S.
Discretion extent for subjects of housing legal relations
Karyagina V.
On the Question of the Social Functions of a Legal Prohibition
Idrisov N.
Regulatory sandboxes and their impact on the business law industry of the Russian Federation in the context of theoretical and practical aspects of legal experiment
Borozdina M.
On the Question of Defining the Concept of "Digital Constitutional Human Rights" in the Modern Period of Development of Legal Science
Mikhailichenko I.
On Proposals for Improving the Legal Support of Information Security of the Russian Federation in the Context of Sanctions and Threats from Unfriendly States
Kiselev A., Barkov A.
Prospects for the development of the legal mechanism for the functioning of payment systems
Salina E.
Levels of Law Transformation in the Conditions of Legal Space Digitalization
Rassolov V.
Analysis of Stages and Organizational and Legal Features of Obtaining Membership by the European Union in the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Current Problems of Regulation of Labor Relations with the Participation of a Foreign Element in the Russian Federation in the Conditions of Sanctions and the Use of the UAE Experience for Their Solution
Abdullaev E.
Seregina E., Pavlova D.
Organizational and Legal Features of Obtaining by the European Union Rights and Obligations Akin to Those of the World Customs Organization Members
Mozer S.
Legal Problem in Reproduction of the Mineral Resources Base
Ignatiev D.
Legal regulation of responsibility for crimes in the field of computer information: problems and prospects for development
Berova J.
Legal regulation of annual additional (special) paid holidays in Russia and Germany
Chulkova E.
Scientific and Doctrinal Views on the Problem of Gaps in International Law and the Criteria for Gaps
Nikiforov S.
Criminal Liability for Causing Death by Negligence: Problems of Legal Regulation and Practice
Dmitrieva A.
Main directions for improvement to legal regulation of the management of mining waste
Ignatiev D.
Demchenko M.
The means of the mechanism of legal regulation of insolvency relations and the integrity of their use
Kravchenko A.
Problems of Implementation of the Principles of Criminal Legislation
Khamurzov A.
Information terrorism is a threat to national security in the context of digitalization
Aloeva A., Aloev I., Zhukov A.
Environmental issues and a role of the state in resolving them
Isakova A.
Legal Regulation of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Investment Activities in Russia and Abroad
Khaddour Z.
Legal Regulation of Biomedical Experimental Research and Human Rights
Volkova E., Khapsirokova E.
Gaps in the legal regulation of the use of assisted reproductive technologies
Kruchinina N., Voronova N.
Organization of professional education in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia during high-alert mode or emergency situation
Urumov A.
Sorokin V.
Addressing Some of the Legal Challenges Posed by the Coronavirus Infection Control System (COVID-19)
Reshnyak M., Botasheva Z.
On the Aspects of Gaps in Modern International Legal Regulation
Nikiforov S., Nikiforov V.
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