
Е. Hallerworden. About anemic language disorder. - Archive for Psychiatry, Vol. Booklet. I.
Board E.
Report on the Fourth International Congress of Criminal Anthropology in Geneva, read by V.P. Serbsky in the Moscow Psychological Society
Postovsky N.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Minutes of the year's appointment January 31, 1899
Popov N.M.
Dr. S. M. Mashchenko. About pathological changes in the cerebral cortex in secondary dementia. — Diss. SPb. 1899
Vorotynskiy B.I.
On the issue of blood circulation disorder in the area of paralyzed nerves
Lapinsky M.
Physiological and psychological basis of aesthetics
Smirnov A.I.
Galvanometric determination of cerebral cortex currents in the area of tone centers in case of irritation of peripheral auditory organs
Larionov V.E.
Prof. E. Kraepelin. Psychiatry. Textbook for students and doctors. Per. from the 5th German edition. 2 part. St. Petersburg. 1898. Price 5 rubles
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Muscular atrophies in craniocerebral suffering
Popov N.M.
Ophthalmoplegia with periodic raising and lowering of the upper eyelid and with a kind of visual illusion
Bekhterev V.M.
Prof. V.M.Bekhterev. Further observation of the fear of blushing. - Review of psychiatry, neurology and experimental psychology. No. 5. 1898
Yanishevskiy A.
A typical case of syphilitic spinal cord injury
Yanishevsky A.
G. Marinesco. L’origine du facial supérieur. — Revue neurologique. 1898. № 2
Yanishevskiy A.E.
Bilateral periodically aggravated paralysis of the eye muscles with peculiar fluctuations in the control of the movement of the upper eyelids
Bekhterev V.
On the application of the theory of dissociation of electrolyte solutions of Arrenius to electrophysiology
Chagovets V.
H. Verger. Des troubles de la sensibilité dans les hémiplégies organiques d’origine cérébrale. — Archives cliniques de Bordeaux. 1897. № 10
Board E.
Influence of music and color spectrum on the nervous system of humans and animals
Dogel I.
Minutes of the annual meeting of the society on January 26, 1897
Popov N.M.
P. Karuzin. About the systems of fibers of the spinal cord, emitted on the basis of the history of their development. - Diss. Moscow. 1894
Board E.
On the technique of staining the central nervous system according to marchi
Telyatnik O.K.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of September 28
Popov N.M.
Some notes about the retina
Reznikov M.
Folie à deux case
Genik E.A.
S. Havelock: A case of Recurrent Mania. (The journal of mental science, № 143)
Board E.
Differential diagnosis of multiple neuritis. Polyesthesia and macroesthesia
Shcherbak A.E., Ivanov I.I.
V.A.Muratov. To pathological physiology and differential diagnosis of cortical epilepsy. Medical Review. 1896, n ° 1
Zhestkov V.
L. Bruns. Clinical and pathological-anatomical contributions to the surgery of spinal cord tumors. Archive for Psychiatry, Vol. ХХVIII, Issue. 1
Board E.
Case of Periodic Oculomotor Nerve Palsy
Klyachkin G.A.
Кеrzhenevich R.L., Маjorova Е.V.
G. Marinesco. Studies on the evolution and involution of the nerve cell. (Neurological review 1899, № 20)
Kovalevsky B.
N. Solovtzoff. Sur les difformites congenitales du cerveau dans leurs rapports avec l’etat des cellules nerveuses de la moel- le. Extrait de la Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere 1898 г
Yanishevskiy A.
Prolonged contracture of the chewing muscles
Popov N.M.
The relationship between the borderline trunk of the sympathetic nerve and the central nervous system
Trushkovskiy S.A.
G. Etienne. Generalized paralysis in typhoid fever. Neurological review. February 1899
Obraztsov V.
"To the question of the descending fiber systems in the posterior columns of the spinal cord"
Yanishevsky A.E.
On the results of research on the excitability of the posterior frontal lobe
Bekhterev V.
Syringomyelia et pachymeningitis spinalis hypertrophica
Поповъ H.M.
Dr. S. Sukhanov. Contribution à l'étude des modifications des cellules nerveuses de l'écorce cerébrale dans l'anemie expérimentale. —Journal de neurologie. Avril, 1898
Yanishevskiy A.
About the influence of thyroidectomy on the growth and development of the bone and nervous system in young animals
Akopenko A.F.
Dr. V. V. Muravyov. Nerve cell in normal and pathological state (Russian archive of pathology, clinical medical and bacteriology. 1898, December)
Tsvetaev A.A.
Further research in the area of the central endings of the X-th pair of cranial nerves
Osipov V.P.
Report on the activities of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University for 1897
Vorotynsky B.I.
А. van Gebuchten. L’anatomie fine de la cellule nerveuse. — Revue neurologique. № 18. 1897
Yanishevskiy A.
On the relationship between the value of the latent period and the height of the wave of tendon reflexes in the graphical research method
Borovikov I.V.
Protocol of the meeting of the society on November 26
Popov N.M.
G. A. Klyachkin. Materials for scholarship about the origin and central movement of V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI and XII pairs of cranial nerves. - Diss. Kazan. 1897
Board E.
On the issue of anatomical and pathological changes in the spinal cord under the influence of its compression
Dydynsky L.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of appointment on May 14
Mislavskiy N.A.
G. Marinesco. The ratio of multiple neuritis to primary and secondary lesions of nerve cells. Des polyn evrites en raport avec les lesions secondaires et les lesions primitives des cellules nerveuses. Revue neurologique, no. 5, Mars 1896
Board E.
To the structure of the spinal cord in sterlets
Pavlovsky S.
The volume of changes in the nerve cells of the intervertebral nodes in the active state
Kovalevsky V.
В. Stewart: The Increase of general Paralysis in England and Wales: its Causation and Significance. (The journal of mental science. 1896, № 143)
Board E.
The current state of science on aphasia
Idelson G.
D-r. Travie Drennen. Syphilis as an aetiological factor in the production of locomotor ataxia. —The alienist and neurologist, 1896, № 4
Board E.
А. Cramer. About sensory delusions in mentally ill deaf people. —Archiv f. Psychiatrie, Vol. XXVIII, Issue 3
Board E.
Chizh V.F.
Dr. W. Otuszewski: Of the importance of d. Association centers from Flechsig for research d. Development of the spirit, the language of the psychology of language, as well as the doctrine of speechlessness. Neurolog. Cental leaf. 98 № 4 and 5
Troshin G.
G. Marinesco. Recherches sur les lesions des centers nerveux, consecutives a 1'hyperthermie escperimentale et a la fievre. Revue neurologique. Ianvier 1899
Obraztsov V.
Bed rest, its application and therapeutic significance
Chizh V.F.
Cutting the nerve and its consequences 1. Biedl. Ueber das histologische Verhalten der peri pheren Nerven und ihrer Centren nach der Durchschneidung. Wien. Klin. Wochenschrift, 1897 № 17. 2. Marinesco. On the phenomena of reporation in the nerve centers after the section of peripheral nerves. Press medic .; 1898 № 82. 3. A. Van-Gehuchten. The repair phenomena in the nerve centers after the section of the peripheral nerves. Press medic .; 1899 № 1. 4. М. А. Halipré. State of the nucleus of the hipoglossus nineteen months after the section of the corresponding nerve in the rabbit. C. r. h. d. s. d. the Soc. of Biology. 1899 № 3, p. 43—44.
Murzaev B.
Hemiplegia complicated by opposite hemichorea
Popov N.M.
S. Sukhanov. The pathological anatomy of the nerve cell in relation to varicose atrophy of the dendrites of the cerebral cortex. Extract from the Journal "La Cellule" t. XIV, 2nd fascicle
Yanishevskiy A.
Changes in the craniocerebral circulation under the influence of calcium bromide
Gerver A.V.
Syringomielia. Morvan's type
Popov N.M.
D-r Arnold Pick. Beiträge zur Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie des Cetralnervensystems mit Bemerkungen zur normalen Anatomie desselben. Mit 205 Abbildungen. Berlin, 1898. Pr. M. 12
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Chizh V.F.
Dr. Brauer. Der Einfluss des Quecksilbers auf das Nervensystem des Kaninchens. (Deutsch. Zeitschr, f. Nervenheilkunde. XII Band, Heft.)
Tsvetaev A.A.
Pathological and anatomical changes in the nervous system of dogs in case of arsenic poisoning
Tsvetaev A.A.
Bratz. Zur Opiumbehandlung der Fpilepsie nach Flechsig. — Allg. Zeitschr, f. Psychiat. Bd. 54, pg. 208—220
Idelson G.
Research of the central beginnings and endings of the accessory nerve (N. accessorius Willisii)
Osipov V.P.
A. P. Bazilevsky. On the descending systems of the cerebellum in the spinal cord by the method of fresh rebirths (Marchi). — Diss. SPb. 1896
Board E.
Chizh V.F.
Dr. V. M. B-r. Hamlet Shakespeare from the medical and psychological point of view. —Archive of psychiatry etc. T. XXX, No. 2, 1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
On the question of servants in psychiatric hospitals
Morozov M.S.
About the connections of the cerebellum with the rest of the central nervous system
Telyatnik F.K.
John Turner. Statistics dealing with Hereditary Insanity, based on upwards of a Thousand Cases occuring in the Essex County Asylum. (The journal of mental science. 1896, № 142)
Board E.
Materials for the study of secondary degeneration in the spinal cord after transverse injuries
Vorotynsky B.I.
Harriet С. В. Alexander. —Abuse of bromides. —The Alienist and Neurologist, 1896, № 3
Board E.
The volume of changes in the cerebral cortex in senile dementia
Zhestkov V.I.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of December 13, 1898
Popov N.M.
The volume of changes in the cells of the brain under the influence of carbon monoxide poisoning
Spirtov I.
About the influence of sodium bromystago, ammonium bromystago and lithium bromystago on the cerebral circulation
Gerver A.V.
Dr. Ed. Bérillon. Hypnotism and mental orthopedics. — Paris, 1898
Vorotynskiy B.I.
About the feeling function of the so-called the motor region of the human cerebral cortex
Bekhterev V.M.
S. Sukhanov. Contribution to the study of changes undergone by dendritic extensions of nerve cells under the influence of narcotics. Extract from the Journal “la Cellule” t. XIV, 2nd fascicle
Yanishevskiy A.
Physiological and psychological basis of aesthetics
Smirnov A.I.
Damage to the Varoliyev bridge with bilateral paralysis of volitional movements of the eyeballs, violent confusion and crying and early muscle atrophy of the right lower leg
Bekhterev V.
Prof. D-r Н. Oppenheim. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten für Aerzte und Studirende. Mit 287 Abbildungen. Zweite wesentlich vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1893. Pr. M. 23
Vorotynskiy B.I.
The tasks of forensic psychopathology and its modern meaning for a doctor and a lawyer
Vorotynsky B.I.
A. N. Bernshtein. New insight in the theory of perception. Questions of philosophy and psychology. 1898, January-February
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Secretory nerves of the prostate
Mislavsky N., Borman V.
М. van Erp Taalman Kip. Acute Manie. — Allg. Zeitschr. für Psychiat. Bd. 54. pg. 119—135
Idelson G.
About ascending degenerations in the brainstem and descending in the spinal cord (after damage to the lateral part of the brain between the occipital foramen and atlant)
Sukhanov S.A.
К Strozewski.—A case of hysteria simulating multiple sclerosis of the nerve centers. — Medical newspaper.. 1897, № 6
Board E.
About the end of the nerves in pepsin glands in mammals
Kytmanov K.A.
Prof. I. A. Sikorskiy. Epidemic free deaths and murders in Ternovsky farms (near Tiraspol). - Questions of neuropsychic medicine. T. II, no. 3.1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
The case of erythrophobia
Popov N.M.
The volume of the anatomical connections of the frontal lobes
Zhukovsky M.N.
Report on the scientific activity of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1896, with the inclusion of data on the state of the library and the fund of the society
Vorotynsky B.I.
Ferrari. Mental disorders in combination with multiple neuritis. (Korsakov's Cerebropathia psychica toxaemica, Polyneuritis Psychosis by other authors). —The Alienist and Neurologist, January 1896, no. 1
Board E.
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