
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of December 12, 1899
Popov N.M.
N. Solovtsov. On congenital deformities of the central nervous system. — Moscow, 1899, 118 p. 80. With 14 tables of photographs and 18 figs. in the text
Geberg A.
The results of the examination of German and some French institutions for the mentally ill
Delov E.
Prof. V.M.Bekhterev. On periodic acute paranoia, as a special type of periodical psychoses. — Review. crazy. 1899. No. 4
Skuridin P.S.
Memory of homogeneous sequential visual impressions
Lazurskiy A.F., Shipov N.N.
А. Habel.About the behavior of the patellar reflexes when the cross-section of the spinal cord is interrupted. (Archiv fur Psychiatrie, Bd. 29. Heft. 1. pg. 25—(52)
Idelson G.
To uchebіyu about the internal detachable activity of the thyroid gland under normal and some pathological conditions
Osokin N.E.
Prof. E. A. Bogdanov. Mendelism or the theory of crossing. Ed. stud. Mosk, agricultural internet. 1914, p. 625.
Osipov V.
A case of vivid feverish dream confusion with validity
Bondarev N.I.
Clonus with multiple neuritis
Gromashevsky L.V.
Mach Löwy. To casuistic rѣdkikh “dyshumoral” (intrasecretory) disorders. Zur kasuïstik seltener "dushumoraler" (innersekretorischer) Störungen. — Prager med. Wochenschrift. XXXVI, Nr. 34-37, 1911
Averbuch R.
On the question of ethiology and pathogenesis of psychosthenia
Kipshidze C.
To the Berliner. On the question of the examination of paranoid mental illnesses after accidents. Zur Begutachtung paranoischer Geistesstörungen nach Unfällen, Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kranch. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. S. 224
Averbuch R.
The First Congress on Genealogy, the Study of Heritage and Regeneration, in Giessen, in April 1912
Sholomovitch A.S.
Chronicle and mix
Editorial B.
Dr. Alan Mc Dougall. On the principles and foundations of epilepsy treatment. On the principles of the treatement of epileptics. The Journal of mental sience, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Dr. Nonet. Mental epilepsy and coffee poisoning. Epilepsie psychique et intoxication cofeique. Journal de Neurologie, 1907
Kovalevsky P.I.
Souques et H Chéine. Tachycardia of the spinal cord with muscle atrophy in the area innervated by nn. trig., vagus, accessor., hypoglossus and lower roots pl. brachialis. — Revue neurol. 1909, no. 5
Osokin N.
Dr. Parhon et Uréchie. Influence of the period of menstruation on the frequency of epilepsy. Revista Stüntelor medicale, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Psychosis as a consequence of trauma
Sholomovich A.S.
Dr. Labbé. Mitral contraction and nanism (Rétrécissement mitral par et nanisme. La Progrès medical, 1908, 73)
Kovalevsky P.I.
Dr. Malaisé. Dorsal tabes and Graves' pseudo-fever. Tabes und Pseudo-Basedow. Monatschr. f. Psych. und Neurol. 1908-2
Sholomovich A.
E. Rodenwaldt. Simplification of the Nissl's coloring and its application with Beri-beri. Eine Vereinfachung der Nissl'schen Färbung und ihre Anwendung bei Beri-beri. — Monatschr. f. Psych und Neurol. 1908. IV
Sholomovich A.
Chronicle and mix
Editorial B.
Prof. Jendrassik. About the origin of hallucination and delusion Neurolog. Centralbl. 1905 № 23
Markelov G.
Analyzes of written works of the mentally ill
Obraztsov V.N.
About the flow of thoughts
Perevoznikov A.
About multinucleated sympathetic nerve cells
Georgievsky I.V.
Prof. M. N. Lapinsky. About degeneration and regeneration of peripheral nerves. - Kiev, 1904
Vorotynskiy B.
Hysteria in science and life
Vorotynsky B.I.
W. Einthoven. About nerve stimulation (through frequent alternating currents - Pflüger’s archive, vol. 82 p. 101, 1900. On irritation of nerves by frequent alternating currents
Polumordvinov D.
Weiss. Influence des variations de temperature sur les periodes latentes du muscle, du nerf et de la moelle. Compt. rend, hebdom. des seances de la Societe de Biologie T. III No. 3 p. 51 1900. About the influence of temperature on the latent period of irritation of muscle, nerve and spinal cord
Polumordvinov D.
Prof. N.M. Popov. Six lectures on the progressive paralysis of the obsessed. — Kazan, 1900
Vorotynskiy B.
Syringomyelia case
Heisin I.
Okar Kohnstamm. About the crossed-ascending spinal tract and its relation to Gowers’s bundle. Neurological Centralblatt, No. 6, 1900
Troshin G.
P. B. Gannushkin. Acute paranoia (paranoia acuta). The clinical side of the issue. —Diss., Moscow, 1904
Vorotynskiy B.
To casuistic progressive paralysis (several cases with acute and prolonged course)
Dedov G.A.
Prof. W. Bechterew. Heilgymnastische Behandlung im Bade. (Centralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie. 15 März 1904). Treatment with medical gymnastics in baths. (Review of psychiatry, neurology and experimental psychology. September 1903)
Boldyrev V.
On the descending connections of the visual hillock
Bekhterev V.M.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the next appointment of the Society on February 8, 1904
Kovalevskiy P.I.
The points of view and the facts of the psychophysical method. By G. E Müller Wiesbaden. 1904. p. 244
Aykhenvald L.
On the question of the peripheral innervation of the rectum. Critical and experimental research
Vishnevskiy A.V.
Dr. Jahrmarker. Contribution to Dementia paralytica in the female sex — general. Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 58 H. 1. 1901
Vorotynskiy B.
Letter to the editors
Sukhov S., Johansson E.
Vladimir Yakovenko. The mentally ill of the Moscow province. - Moscow, 1900
Vorotynskiy B.
About a little-known system of fibers running along the periphery of the antero-external part of the cervical part of the spinal cord
Bekhterev V.
Bikeles. Thrombosis of the anterior cerebral artery.— Neurol. Centralblatt. 1899, p. 443
Troshin G.
On the influence of different reading on the course of associations
Lazursky A.F.
Sergey Sergeevich Korsakov
Sukhanov S.
Е. Holmgren. Note d. Spinal ganglion cells. (With. 11 images.). Anat. Vol. 16, № 7, p. 161-171. 1899. Idem. Further communications about d. Structure of the nerve cells. (With. 13 images.). Ibidem. Vol. 16. N 15/162 р. 388-397. 1899. F. Studnicka. About the occurrence of v. Canals u. Alveoli in the body d. Ganglion cells and in the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers, vol. 16. N 15/162 р. d. Vertebrates. Ibid. 397-401. 1899. Alb. Adamkiewicz. To the blood vessel system of the ganglion cell. Ibid. Vol. 17. N 2/3 p. 44. 1900. Е. Holmgren. Still other communications about the construction d. Nerve cells from various animals. (With. 17 image). Ibid. Vol. 17, N 6/7 p. 113 - 129. 1900. Idem. A few words on the occasion of the last communication published by Prof. Adamkiewicz. Ibidem, Vol. 17, N 15. 1900. A. Bethe. Some remarks on the “intracellular tubules” d spinal ganglion cells, etc. — Ibid. Vol. 17. N 16/17 p. 304-309 (with 3 images). 1900
Geberg A.
Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1899
Nikolaev V.V.
Prof. Ya.A. Anfimov. About neuritis, polyneuritis and ascending paralysis Landry in connection with the theory of neurons. — Kharkov, 1899
Vorotynskiy B.
About special sensitivity in degenerate neuropaths
Babarov F.A., Nilsen E.A.
On the question of operative interventions in epilepsia partialis continua
Steinberg S.U.
Saline infusions for sciatic neuralgia
Baklushinsky I.D.
Towards casuistic acromegal gigantism
Kapustin A.A.
Physiology of vagus nerves
Polumordvinov D.V.
K. Yatsuta. Tripod for installation of skulls during measurements. Medical Newspaper No. 37, 1912
Averbuch R.
Graphic method in application to the study of the nervous cells of the sympathetic system
Bykov K.M.
Soliar. About the essence of hysteria. Zum Wesen der Hysterie. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Neurol. u. Psych. Sonderabdruck aus B. X. H. 3.
Averbuch R.
To forensic casuistry
Eichenwald L.I.
Report on the doctoral debate at the Imperial Kazan University
Sholomovich A.
Prof. Friedenreich. About mindfulness. (Criminal value of suspicion) Ueber Zurechnungsfähigkeit (In strafretlicher Bedeutung). Monatsschr. f. Psych. und Nervenheilk. 7-1908
Sholomovich A.
Dr. Baugl. Observation of mentally ill epileptics treated with hospital problems. Observations on insane Epeleptics treated imber Hospital principles. — The Journal of mental science, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
F. Conzen. Uterine crises with tabes. Uteruskrisen bei Tabes. Neurolog. Centralbl. No. I, 1909
Nakhsidov G.
Dr. Perugia. About the epileptic aura. La Reforma medica. 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
The significance of the nervous system in the life of the organism in connection with the structure of it
Favorsky A.V.
Dr. Laignel-Lavastein. Mental disorders are caused by the defeat of the glands without excretory ducts. (Destroubles psychiques par perturbations des glandes à séctétion interne. La Progrès medicale, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Mach Völsch in Magdeburg. A case of acute sclerosis. Ein Fall von akuter Multipler Sclerose. — Monatschr. f. Psych. u. Neurol. 1908
Sholomovich A.
To the question of the relationship n. depressoris to the vasoconstrictor and vasodilator centers
Chalusov M.A.
Wladimir Serbsky. Contribution to the study of mixed forms (vésanies). Annales méd. — psychol. 1906, Mai-Iuin
Toporkov N.
Е. Stransky. Dementia tardiva. (A contribution to the clinic of dulling psychoses). Monthly Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology. 1905. Volume. XVIII.
Markelov G.
Chronicle and mix
Editorial B.
From the Committee of the All-Russian Foundation for Mutual Aid to Physicians Victims of the Russo-Japanese War and their Families, at the St. Petersburg Medical Society of Mutual Aid
Nizhegorodtsev M.N.
Sciatic nerve vasodilator pathway
Bystrenin I.N.
About multinucleated sympathetic nerve cells
Georgievskiy I.V.
Annals of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrovs at the Imperial Kazan University
Popov N.M.
About the so-called “recurrent paralysis of the oculomotor nerve”. Paralysis n. oculomotorii recidiva
Mering M.M.
P.I.Kovalevskiy. Crime and jealousy.-Zhurn. Min. Yust. 1901
Obraztsov V.
Vl. Serbian. Forensic psychopathology. Lectures read at the Moscow University. Issue II. Clinical psychiatry. - Moscow, 1900
Vorotynskiy B.
Epilepsiae partialis continuae case
Maevskiy M.M.
P. Ladame and С. von Monakow. Left vertebral artery aneurysm (Autopsy). New Iconography of the Salpêtrière, № 1, 1900
Troshin G.
А. Bethe. About the neurofibrils in the ganglion cells of vertebrates and. their relations with the Golginets.— Archives f. microscope. Anatomy, Vol. 55, 1900. p. 513
Geberg A.
Paralysis spinalis spastica
Popov N.M.
K. Abraham. Ueber Versuche mit “Veronal” bei Erregungszuständen der Paralytiker. (Centralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie, 15 Marz 1904). Observation of the action of "veronal" in paralytics in the state of excitement
Boldyrev B.
On the casuistry of progressive paralysis (several cases with acute and prolonged course)
Dedov G.A.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the annual meeting of the Society on January 25, 1904
Myslavsky N.A.
Care and Treatment of Epileptics in England. - Fletches Beach, Médecin au "West End Hospital, London". Archines de neurologie, 1903 octobre
Tsaregradskiy A.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on September 30, 1901
Popov N.M.
Mental and nervous diseases in the Far East
Erickson E.V.
Dr. М. Probst. Experimental investigations on the end of the loop, the hood tracks, the dorsal longitudinal bundle and the posterior commissure Arch. F. Psychiatry and Nervous Diseases, Vol. 33, Issue. 1, 1900
Troshin G.
On the question of the termination of motor nerves in the muscles of the heart of vertebrates
Smirnov A.E.
A case of combined spinal cord disease due to lead poisoning from dishes
Blumenau L.V.
Probst. Over the Vierhügel, from the bridge and from the cerebellum descending trajectories. — Deutsche Zeitschr. f. Neurology. Vol. XV. 1899
Troshin G.
Pathological changes in the central nervous system, caused by a lumbar puncture
Osipov V.P.
Chronicle and mix
Nikolaev V.V.
Prof. P.I.Kovalevskiy. Forensic psychopathology. Part 1. SPb. 1900
Vorotynskiy B.I.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of March 28
Popov N.M.
V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous and mental illnesses. — Vol. 2. Moscow. 1899
Vorotynskiy B.
Konstantin Vasilievich Voroshilov. (1842-1899)
Mislavskiy N.
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