
Issue Title File
Vol XIX, No 4 (1912) On the question of ethiology and pathogenesis of psychosthenia PDF
Kipshidze C.
Vol XIX, No 4 (1912) From the Physics and Medicine Society in Moscow PDF
Sukhov A.A.
Vol XIX, No 4 (1912) Therapeutic significance of lumbar puncture in epilepsy and growing paralysis PDF
Glushkov N.A.
Vol XIX, No 4 (1912) Hospital of All Sorrows in St. Petersburg Report for 1911 PDF
Sholomovich A.
Vol XIX, No 4 (1912) Is mercury injected into the body for therapeutic purposes released into the spinal fluid? PDF
Lazarev V.
Vol XIX, No 4 (1912) Chronicle and mix PDF
Baklushinsky I.D.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) A case of radial nerve palsy (Paralysis n. Radialis) PDF
Protopopov X.I.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Dr. med. V. Dzerzhinskiy. Clinical observation in the field of neuropathology. Moscow. 1912 V. I. PDF
Favorskii A.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) To forensic casuistry PDF
Eichenwald L.I.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) On April 18, s. The following reports were heard: 1) I. A. Golyanitskago) on the topic: "Experiments with tissue cultures"; 2) E. R. Shnitkind: "Some bizarre movements" PDF
Sukhov A.A.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) The First Congress on Genealogy, the Study of Heritage and Regeneration, in Giessen, in April 1912 PDF
Sholomovitch A.S.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) G. Freud. The theory of sexual attraction. Authorized translation from the 2nd nѣm. ed. Dr. A. Vyakhirev and H. E. Polyakov. Ed. Psychotherapeutic Library. Issue III. Moscow 1911 PDF
Obraztsov V.N.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Morphology of the nervous apparatus of the heart PDF
Mikhailov S.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Prof. P. Dubois. Imagination as a cause of illness. Psycho-therapeutic library V. Authorized translation. Moscow. 1912 Publishing house "Science" PDF
Dobrovolskii E.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Klett Graphic depiction of movements of the frontal muscles. Die graphische Darstellung der Stirnmuskelbewegungen. Klinik. f. psych. u. nerv. Krankh. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. s. 232 PDF
Averbuch R.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Chronicles and mix PDF
Donskov N.A.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Sommer. On the question of kindred marriages and reduction of the number of ancestors in humans and animals. Zur Theorie der Verwandtenehe und des Ahnenverlustes bei Menschen und Tieren. Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kankh. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 4. S. 291 PDF
Averbuch R.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Somnier. About one case of hereditary six-fingered. Bemerkungen zu einem Fall von vererbter Sechsfingerigkeit. Klinik, t. psych. u. nerv. Krankh. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. S. 297 PDF
Averbuch R.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Steinbrecher. Differential diagnosis hydrocephali interni. Zur Differentialdiagnoslik des Hydrocephalus internus. Klinik. f. psych. u. nerv. Kranch. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. S. 216 PDF
Averbuch R.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) On the question of the influence of mental fatigue on the psyche of students. PDF
Plaksin N.V.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Georg Klepper. Differential diagnosis between epileptic and catatonic states based on association. Die Unterscheidung von èpileptischen und Katatonischen Zuständen, spesiel aus den Assoziationen. Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kranch. v. R. Sommer. B. VI. H. I. S. I. PDF
Averbuch R.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) The case of demonic possession PDF
Shalabutov K.V.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) Soliar. About the essence of hysteria. Zum Wesen der Hysterie. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Neurol. u. Psych. Sonderabdruck aus B. X. H. 3. PDF
Averbuch R.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) To the physiology of the nervous retarding apparatus of the heart PDF
Ivanov V.F.
Vol XIX, No 3 (1912) To the Berliner. On the question of the examination of paranoid mental illnesses after accidents. Zur Begutachtung paranoischer Geistesstörungen nach Unfällen, Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kranch. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 3. S. 224 PDF
Averbuch R.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) F. Rose. Muscle headache. La cephalée musculaire. Semaine Médicale, №13, 1911 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Seglas et Collin. Mental shock. Emotion choc. Psychose confusionelle.—Presse medicale, 1911 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) M. Neuchaus. Experiments with salvarzan in syphiliscentral nervous system. Erfarungen mit Salvarsan, speziell bei Lues des Zentralnemensystems. Münch. med. Woeh. 1911 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) On the question of the centrifugal fibers of the posterior roots of the spinal cord and their trophic centers PDF
Timashev K.N.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Schanz. Treatment of salvarzanam and lesion of the optic nerve. Salvarsanbehandlung und Neuritis optica.-München. med. Woch. 1911 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Care of the restless, untidy and contagious mentally ill according to Russian psychiatric institutions PDF
Glushkov N.A.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Marinesco. Some results achieved in the treatment of nervous diseases are applied. «606» Sur quelques résultats obtenus par le 606 daus le traitement des maladies nervenses.— Presse medicale, 1911, № 8 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) On the question of histopathological changes in the spinal cord when it is compressed PDF
Simileyskaya A.V.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) From the life of psychiatric institutions. Medical report for 1909 and 1910 PDF
Sholomovich A.S.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Dementia praecox paranoides. Psychological research PDF
Rudnev V.I.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Chronicle and mix PDF
Donskov N.A.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) To pathological anatomy and clinic of myasthenia gravis PDF
Reiss A.E.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Minutes of the meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan Universityѣ May 11, 1911 PDF
Darkshevich L.O., Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) To study about myopathy PDF
Pervushin V.P.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Minutes of the meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on October 29, 1911 PDF
Darkshevich L.O., Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) Dr. K. Agajanianz. About the nuclei of the human cerebellum. Berlin. 1911 PDF
Favorsky A.E.
Vol XVIII, No 4 (1911) H. Oppenheim. About prolonged dizziness. Ueber Dauernschwindel. (Vertigo permanens). Neurolog. Centr. 1911, № 6 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) About hallucinations and pseudo-hallucinations PDF
Rudnev V.I.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) Minutes of the II meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on February 28, 1911 PDF
Osipov V.P., Voroshilov V.K.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) Brain preservation according to the modified Kaiserling's method PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) Protocol of the IIIrd meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on April 6, 1911 PDF
Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) To the study of myopathy PDF
Pervushin V.P.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) Protocol of the IV meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on April 23, 1911 PDF
Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) K. Weiler. Study of the colonic reflex in humans. Untersuchungen an Knieschnereflexes bei Menschen. Zeitschr. für die gesam. Neurol. und Psychiatrie. Bd. I, (1910). PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) J. Pfahl. Graphic depiction of motor processes, especially with knee reflexes. Ueber dié graphische Darstellung von Bewegungsvorgängen, ins besonderen des Patellarreflexes. Zeitschr. für d. ges. Neurol. und Psychiatrie. Bd. I, s. 502 (1910). PDF
Likhnitskiy V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) A. Kronfeld. To the question of the study of Wasserman's reaction and its discriminatory meaning in psychiatry. Beitrage zur Studium der Wassermanschen Reaction und ihrer diagnostischen Anwendung in der Psychiatrie. Zeitschr. für die ges. Neurol. und Psychiatrie. Bd. I, s. 376 (1910) PDF
Likhnitskiy V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) H. Schnitzer. To the current state of the issue of the treatment of epilepsy. Zum gegenwärtigen Stände der Epilepsiebehandlung. Zeitschr. für d. gesamt. Neurol. und Psych. Bd. II, s. 77 (1910) PDF
Likhnitskiy V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) To the question of the "Apraksii" PDF
Obraztsov V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) A. Sézary. Treatment of parasyphilitic nervous diseases. Traitement pathogénique des affections parasyphilitiques. Presse Médicale, 1910, № 3 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) To the doctrine of the localization and pathogenesis of athetosis movements (a case of hemiatetosis with epilepsy) PDF
Starokoplitsky N.I.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) G.I. Markelov. Organotherapy of nervous diseases. Therapeutic Review, 1911, No. 13 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) The modern epidemic of school suicides in Russia PDF
Popov N.M.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) Priv.-Assoc. A. N. Bernstein. Clinical approaches to the psychological study of the mentally ill. Experience of experimental clinical semiotics of intellectual disorders. Cb 26 fig. in the text and IX tables on separate sheets. Ed. student medits. ed. commission named after N.I. Pirogov. Moscow. 1911 C. I p. 25 r. PDF
Osipov V.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) The use of osteoplastic craniotomy in two cases of partial epilepsy PDF
Arkhangelskaya E.N.
Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911) Chronicle and mix PDF
Donskov N.A.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) A. Shilov. Pris. turn. On the question of how to combat drunkenness PDF
Sholomovich A.S.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) M. Allen Starr. Deafness caused by brain damage. Deafuesse due to lesion in the brain. Journ. of Nerv. and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 7. PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) N.I. Tezyakov. The incidence of the population of the Saratov province in 1904. General outline and materials. Publication of the Saratov Provincial Zemstvo. PDF
Sholomovich A.S.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Little-described forms of acutely developed dementia after trauma PDF
Lapinskiy M.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) W. G. Spiller. Fridreich's disease. Fridreich’s ataxia. — Journ. of Nervous and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 7 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Dr. M. A. Zakharchenko. "Vascular diseases of the brain stem". Issue I. Blockage art. cerebelli post. infer. Moscow. 1911 g. PDF
Favorsky A.E.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) The modern epidemic of school suicides in Russia PDF
Popov N.M.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) G. Markelov. To the pathogenesis and therapy of myasthenia. - Therapeutic Review, December 1910. PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Report on the activities of the Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1910 PDF
Favorsky V.K.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) About hallucinations and pseudo-hallucinations PDF
Rudnev V.I.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) G. Clérambault. Materials on the issue of the abuse of ether. Notes sur l’éthérisme.—Archives de Neurologie, 1910, p. 268, 315 и 397. PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Chronicles and mix PDF
Donskov N.A.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Coordination-motor function of the cerebellum PDF
Grecker R.A.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) T. Prout and A. Taylor. Severing the posterior roots in the case of persistent gastralgia in a tabetic. Introspinal neurectomy for intractable tabetic gastralgia. — Journ. of Nervous and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 7 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Minutes of the annual meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on January 26, 1911. PDF
Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Military psychiatric affairs in the Austro-Hungarian, German and French armies PDF
Sobolevsky A.V.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) A. Taylor and Ch. Beling. Spastic paraplegia caused by brain damage. А case of spastic paraplegia following cerebral injury.—Journal of Nervous and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 8 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) O. Maas. On the question of Recklingausen'a disease. Beitrag zur Kentniss der Recklinghausenschen Krankheit. Monatschr. für Psychiatrie u. Neurol., Bd. XXVIII (1910 г.) PDF
Leshchinsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) N. Willige. Observations on the action of Ehrlich-Hata on neurological and psychiatric material. Uber Erfahrung mit Ehrlich-Hata 606 an psychiatrisch-neurologischen Material.—Münch. med. Wochensch. 1910, № 46 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Prof. Treupel. Further observations on injections of Ehrlich Hata, especially in syphilis of the central nervous system, in tabes dorsalis and paralysisѣ.Weitere Erfarungen mit Ehrlich-Hata Injectionen, insbesondere bei Lues des zentralen Nervensystem bei Tabes und Paralyse.—Münch. med. Woch. 1910, №46 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Physiotherapy. L. Blum. Treatment of sciatic nerve inflammation with epidural injections. Uber die Behandlung der Ischias mit epiduralen Injectionen.—Münch. med. Wochensch. 1910 PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911) Report on the state of public health and the organization of medical care in Russia for 1908 — Managing Director. Ch. Doctor. Inspection MVD Institutions for the mentally ill. PDF
Sholomovich A.S.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Minutes of the VIII-th meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on November 30, 1910. PDF
Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Priv.-Assoc. Preobrazhensky. About acute encephalitis. Honey. review 1910, no. 21. PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Minutes of the 9th meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on December 17, 1910. PDF
Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) K. M. Tanashev. Paradoxical movements of the upper eyelid with paralysis of the oculomotor nerve (PseudoGraefe symptom).Proceedings and duct. Imp. Kavk. total April-October 1910. PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Coordination and motor function of the cerebellum PDF
Grecker R.A.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Piradov. On the issue of the modern doctrine of Basedow's disease and its treatment. Proceedings and duct. I. Caucasus. m. total. February-April 1910. PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) A case of chronic progressive chorea PDF
Lapukhin V.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) V. Kafka. Polynucleosis of cerebrospinal fluid with progressive paralysis. PDF
Likhnitsky V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Experience in the treatment of inflammation of the adherent nerve (ischias) by injections of cooled saline solution PDF
Osipov V.P.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Priv.-Assoc. L. M. Pussep. Surgical treatment of traumatic aphasia. Surgeon. archive book. IV-th, 1910. PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Materials on student mental fatigue PDF
Plaksin V.N.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) M.D. Lyon. Specific treatment for epilepsy. Doctor. Gas. 1910, No. 49. PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Nerve seam from the point of view of the study of nerve healing PDF
Krasin P.M.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) S. A. Brushtein. Phototherapy for nervous and mental illnesses. — Russian. Doctor 1910, no. 48, 49. PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Military psychiatric affairs in the Austro-Hungarian, German and French armies. PDF
Sobolevskiy A.V.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Prof. Lapinskiy. Significance of hyperemia in the treatment of paralysis of neuritic origin. — Russian. Doctor 1910, no. 48. PDF
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) To the clinic "epilepsiae gastricae" PDF
Sukhov A.A.
Vol XVIII, No 1 (1911) Chronicle and Sms PDF
Donskov N.A.
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