Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
Том 3, № 1 (2023) COVID-19 and arterial hypertension: points of contact and outcomes of the pathological process PDF
Dzhusoeva E., Moiseeva M.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Selfie as a socio-cultural phenomenon PDF
Barzeyeva A.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) “Gastr versus ratio?”: gastrosophy through the prism of rationality PDF
Popello D.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Adaptation of medical university students to distance learning in pandemic conditions (on the example of Omsk State Medical University) PDF
Belova T., Britskaya A.
Том 3, № 4 (2023) Topical issues of antibiotic resistance: modern methods of identification of bacterial pathogens and determination of their qualities PDF
Starikova E., Fominykh S.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Current issues of treatment of lower limb deep vein thrombosis and prevention of pulmonary embolism PDF
Checha E., Norka A.
Том 3, № 3 (2023) Nutritional risk factors and substantiation of nutrition correction measures in older population PDF
Tsuskman I., Turchaninov D.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Alternative forms of testing the antioxidant blood status of cows at different stages of the reproductive cycle PDF
Makarova Y., Rusakov V., Patyukov A., Sukach L., Komarov A., Slapovskaya O., Dikih A.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Analysis of internal and external environment of pharmacy organization PDF
Belikova L., Vasilevskaya E.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) Analysis of the activity of inpatient social service institution and assessment of indicators affecting the quality of life of residents PDF
Padolko A.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) Analysis and assessment of accessibility of dental care to the adult population of Omsk city PDF
Rybyakova V., Goleva O.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Analyzing the use of different procurement procedures in the field of health care PDF
Barkhatova M., Vasilevskaya E.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) Analysis of medical and social rehabilitation measures in the conditions of inpatient social service institution and ways to improve rehabilitation PDF
Markitovich N.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Analysis of motivation of labor activity of pharmaceutical specialists PDF
Shpeid A., Vasilevskaya E.
Том 3, № 3 (2023) Analysis of occupational morbidity among Female agricultural workers in Omsk region PDF
Zaitseva A., Plotnikova O.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Analysis of anxiety, depression and quality of life in endocrinologic patients PDF
Gulyaevskaya N., Sultanova A., Stankevich A., Lugovenko V.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Questionnaires of the comprehensive assessment questionnaire for CAA-25 treatment adherence for pregnant women and legal representatives of patients: internal stability and reliability assessment PDF
Andreev K., Gorbenko A., Savel'eva I., Skirdenko Y., Usov G., Fedorin M., Nikolaev N.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Antibiotic therapy of acute intestinal infections: the problem of antibiotic resistance in Russia and in the world PDF
Svyatogorova E., Musin M.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Gastric mucosal atrophy: from morphologic phenomenon to diagnostic pattern detection in the aspect of gastric cancer prediction PDF
Parygina M., Mozgovoy S.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Biomarkers of cardiac dysfunction in the diagnosis of latent heart failure in preterm infants PDF
Sergeyeva E., Savchenko O.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Biomechanics of direct restorations and the use of reinforcements. The importance of additional reinforcing elements for improving the quality of restorations PDF
Los E., Mikhailovsky S.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Blockade of host cell TMPRSS-2 as an effective strategy for the treatment and prevention of novel coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 PDF
Podkopaeva D., Luneva O.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Vaccination and immunity: the role of the pediatrician in shaping parents' commitment to preventive measures PDF
Antonov O., Roshchina O., Antonova I., Ponkrashina L.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) The relationship between cognition and freedom in the idea of human purpose (according to I.G. Fichte) PDF
Pantaflyuk K.
Том 1, № 4 (2021) Virtual autopsy (postmortem MSCT) in determining the causes of mortality due to brain and lung pathology in pediatric practice PDF
Shatalov A., Khomutova E.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Influence of reactive oxygen species on human health and mechanisms of defense against free radicals PDF
Gureeva V., Kornyakova V.
Том 4, № 1 (2024) Impact of nutritional risk factors on the development of multiple sclerosis PDF
Gomanova L., Balanova Y.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) The impact of art therapy (sand animation) on children's mental health, including after emergencies PDF
Fedorova M., Semenova N.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) The impact of smoking e-cigarettes on human health PDF
Pashchenko D., Kornyakova V.
Том 2, № 2 (2022) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on achievements in tuberculosis control PDF
Belyakov D., Pasechnik O.
Том 4, № 1 (2024) Influence of polyphenolic compounds on human health and the course of a number of diseases PDF
Kyazimova N., Kornyakova V.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Possibilities of using multimedia animated presentation as a form of electronic educational resource in the study of the discipline "Pharmacology" by medical students PDF
Fominykh S., Razumovskaya A., Gonoshenko V., Kalchenko E.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Possibilities of low-dose radiation therapy in the treatment of intrapulmonary lesions caused by COVID-19 infection PDF
Shatalov A., Khomutova E.
Том 2, № 3 (2022) Perception and experience of loneliness in the modern world PDF
Elkina A.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Congenital cystic adenomatous malformation of the lung. Embryology of the lung. Classification. Antenatal and postnatal diagnosis PDF
Kostyuchenko A., Pisklakov A.
Том 4, № 1 (2024) Identifying professional and pedagogical deficiencies of a medical university teacher PDF
Getman N., Kotenko E.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Heroism of students of Omsk Medical Institute during the Great Domestic War through the prism of formation of historical memory in modern youth PDF
Britskaya A., Belova T.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Gestational pyelonephritis: therapeutic and diagnostic tactics of patient management in a multidisciplinary hospital setting PDF
Kalinichenko D., Degovtsov E., Zubenko L., Klinkov V., Pavlov S., Bozhakanov N.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Hygienic aspects of professional counseling of students PDF
Dolgikh A., Gudinova J.
Том 3, № 4 (2023) Hygienic aspects of the implementation of the federal project "clean air" in the Omsk city PDF
Ovchinnikova E., Kolchin A., Kryga A., Plotnikova O., Cherkashina M., Vinokurova I., Shirinskaya N.
Том 1, № 4 (2021) Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with a new coronavirus infection: current issues of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment PDF
Ulchenko T., Mingairova A.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Diagnosis of dentate masses of the large intestine: modern approaches in interpretation of biopsy material and molecular bases of carcinogenesis PDF
Belonozhkina A., Parygina M., Mozgovoy S., Pomorgaylo E., Kolokoltsev V.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Dynamics of lipid peroxidation parameters in alcohol withdrawal syndrome PDF
Efremenko E., Titov D., Nikonov D.
Том 2, № 4 (2022) Clinical case of Human Dirofilariosis PDF
Kostin N., Matnenko T., Krasnogorova E.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Discussion issues of anticoagulant use in patients with new coronavirus infection in the acute period and in the period of rehabilitation PDF
Osit A., Fominykh S.
Том 3, № 3 (2023) Liver transplant dysfunction: outcomes and prospects for the prevention of liver cirrhosis in the recipient PDF
Memus K., Khramikh T.
Том 2, № 3 (2022) Differential diagnosis of chest pain PDF
Viktorova I., Ivanova D., Nosko E.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Road traffic injuries: directions for improving the organization of medical care PDF
Artamonova O., Semenova N.
Том 3, № 1 (2023) Pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy PDF
Zinoviev A., Lokhmacheva A.
Том 2, № 4 (2022) Immanuel Kant on Will, Maxim and Morality PDF
Shishkanova A.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Immunohistochemical markers in the assessment of gastric mucosa atrophy PDF
Parygina M., Shimanskaya A., Mozgovoy S., Kononov A., Panyushkin L.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Individuality as a result of transgression PDF
Smirnov M.
Том 3, № 1 (2023) Innovative methods for the treatment of pulpitis in permanent teeth with unformed roots in children PDF
Ermakov R., Ekimov E.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Myocardial infarction of the second type - current state of affairs PDF
Lisitsa E., Zolotov A.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Infographics as a tool for improving the medical literacy of the population in relation to critical health conditions PDF
Nikitina V., Kozubenko O., Pasechnik O., Turchaninov D.
Том 3, № 4 (2023) Artificial intelligence in radial diagnostics of breast cancer PDF
Teodozova E., Khomutova E.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Artificial intelligence in medicine: expectations and challenges (philosophical and sociocultural aspects) PDF
Kutsin I., Belenok K., Glushchuk D.
Том 2, № 3 (2022) History of hedonism: from Ancient Greece to the present day PDF
Evgrafov I.
Том 4, № 1 (2024) History of the use of chemical weapons for military purposes and the possibility of their current use PDF
Kozlov M., Ashvits I.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) To the centenary of humanitarian education at Omsk State Medical University PDF
Zhikharev V.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Staffing and training of medical personnel in the budgetary health care institution of omsk region PDF
Dulenko L., Stasenko V.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) How to choose a vaccine against a new coronavirus infection PDF
Koshchey N., Morozova T.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Communication channels for obtaining information on healthy lifestyle issues PDF
Britskaya A., Burashnikova I.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Catheter-associated bloodstream infections: essence, methods of prevention and factors influencing them PDF
Leshonok A., Andreev K., Gorbenko A., Loktev A., Fedorin M., Nikolaev N.
Том 2, № 4 (2022) Cell-intercell interactions in adenocarcinoma of the small intestine with neuroendocrine component PDF
Todorov (jr.) S., Todorov S.
Том 2, № 3 (2022) Clinical manifestation of liver damage in a COVID-19 patient PDF
Gavrilenko D., Gaus O.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Clinical and hygienic condition of oral cavity of pa-patients with chrysis on the background of chronic cholecystitis. PDF
Kamilov H., Ibragimova M., Ubaydullaeva N.
Том 2, № 2 (2022) Key stress hormones and free radical oxidation in the blood of cattle of different ages PDF
Stepanova I., Makarova Y., Rusakov V., Sukach L.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Cognitive-behavioral therapy: evolution of the method and review of effectiveness PDF
Tsymbal M., Kolomytsev D.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Indoor plants as an additional preventive means of improving the air environment in closed rooms of preschool educational organizations PDF
Chuyenko N., Savchenko O., Novikova I., Plotnikova O., Savchenko O.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Craniosynostosis in children PDF
Hubert V., Larkin I.
Том 2, № 3 (2022) Love among ruins PDF
Ivanova D.
Том 2, № 2 (2022) Medical and social aspects and prevalence of myocardial infarction in the population PDF
Usova E., Leonov I.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) Medico-social aspects of mortality of the population of Omsk region PDF
Shteinborm I., Pasechnik O.
Том 2, № 4 (2022) Medicine and the Trinitary approach PDF
Nikolayev N.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) The dead body: the aestheticization of death PDF
Krasovskaya M.
Том 3, № 4 (2023) Microviscosity of tumor cell membranes PDF
Khlynova A., Shirmanova M.
Том 1, № 3 (2021) Risk prediction model of gastric adenocarcinoma development in chronic gastritis PDF
Rubtsov V., Pomorgaylo E., Mozgovoy S., Fedotova Y., Shimanskaya A., Ivanov M., Titov S., Kononov A.
Том 1, № 4 (2021) Molecular genetic features and receptor status of benign tumors and breast cancer PDF
Tsygankova M., Naboka .
Том 3, № 4 (2023) Scientific development of the concept of disaster medicine as an effective measure to prevent negative consequences of natural disasters PDF
Loginova V., Semenova N.
Том 2, № 4 (2022) Our everyday life in the heyday of the World wide web PDF
Kushch E., Kushch E., Poroshina A.
Том 1, № 4 (2021) Neurosyphilis: from the history of research to diagnostic perspectives PDF
Novikov Y., Zadorozhnaya A., Zubareva E., Radul E., Filippov S.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the light of reproductive health preservation PDF
Lagutochkina V., Lavrinenko I.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) A new view on the pathogenesis and possibilities of treatment and prevention of autoimmune diseases from the perspective of the intestinal barrier and increased intestinal permeability syndrome PDF
Kostoglod T., Krolevets T.
Том 1, № 4 (2021) Norovirus infection: clinic and diagnosis in modern conditions PDF
Musin M., Nikolskaya M.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Medicine as a science and art, a vocation and a craft PDF
Matienko A.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) The relevance of alcoholic psychosis in the population of omsk region PDF
Maliev A., Tasova Z.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) The relevance of HIV infection PDF
Virchenko O., Tasova Z.
Том 1, № 1-2 (2021) Obesity and inflammatory bowel disease: is there a relationship? PDF
Shmurygina E., Bikbabova G.
Том 3, № 1 (2023) Omega-3 fatty acids: promising plant sources and effects on the human body PDF
Kuberskaya A., Podgurskaya V.
Том 3, № 3 (2023) Optical coherence tomography and optical coherence tomography with angiography in the diagnosis of eye diseases PDF
Nadyarnaya K., Matnenko T.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Experience of organizing specific medical classes at Omsk state medical university in general educational organizations PDF
Getman N., Rusakov V., Sukach L., Sheikman A.
Том 4, № 2 (2024) Organization of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity in a polyclinic PDF
Kazimirik N., Vaitovich M.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) Organization of complex geriatric care for the elderly population in social service institutions PDF
Kirsanov A., Sabaev A.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) Organization of medical rehabilitation of patients with new coronavirus infection in the conditions of the sanatorium "Prokopyevsky" PDF
Shishkin A., Pasechnik O.
Том 3, № 2 (2023) Organization of sanatorium-resort treatment of patients with diseases of the nervous system PDF
Knasper S., Goleva O.
Том 1, № 4 (2021) Main manifestations of postcovicular syndrome in ophthalmology PDF
Nadyarnaya K., Matnenko T.
Том 2, № 1 (2022) Main trends in mortality, lethality and morbidity of gastric and duodenal ulcer disease in the Russian Federation PDF
Shirinskaya N.
Том 4, № 1 (2024) Features of the impact of production factors on the processes of premature aging and changes in biological age PDF
Savchenko O., Novikova I., Plotnikova O., Savchenko O.
Том 4, № 1 (2024) Peculiarities of CLABSI in oncologic hospitals PDF
Belova N., Wilms E.
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