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Vol 9, No 4 (1895) A case of giving birth to fours PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 66, No 5 (2017) A case of heterotopic pregnancy with selective reduction of the ovum cervical localization and preservation of intrauterine pregnancy PDF
Romanova M.L., Nesterov I.M., Dyachuk A.V., Chirskiy V.V.
Vol 5, No 7-8 (1891) A case of hypertrophy of the anterior lip of the uterus PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 7, No 10 (1893) A case of incomplete separation of the hymen PDF
Zabolotsky A.P.
Vol 6, No 12 (1892) A case of indomitable vomiting in an ectopic pregnancy. Injection of morphine into the fetal sac. Recovery PDF
Zabolotskiy A.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) A case of indomitable vomiting of a pregnant woman PDF
Petrokovskiy S.V.
Vol 5, No 7-8 (1891) A case of indomitable vomiting outside of pregnancy PDF
Rutkowski A.
Vol 12, No 4 (1898) A case of injury to the vagina during copulation PDF
Bogatyrev D.A.
Vol 8, No 3 (1894) A case of insanity following an ovariosalpingotomy PDF
Zhabotinskiy A.
Vol 11, No 5 (1897) A case of intrauterine infection of the fetus with typhoid bacilli PDF
Kelly V.
Vol 5, No 5-6 (1891) A case of laparo-colpo-hysterectomiae in cancer and fibroids of the uterus PDF
Rutkowski A.
Vol 8, No 7-8 (1894) A case of late birth PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 5, No 5-6 (1891) A case of lateral extrauterine pregnancy. Operation 14 days after the death of the fetus. Extirpation (as much as possible) of a fertile beetle. Convalescence PDF
Ruzi D.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) A case of long-term retention of the fetus in the uterus when breaking it PDF
Abuladze D.
Vol 8, No 7-8 (1894) A case of lymphangiomae subaxillaris obstructing labor PDF
Strogonov V.
Vol 12, No 1 (1898) A case of malignant deciduoma after gallbladder drift PDF
Board E.
Vol 11, No 2 (1897) A case of malignant neoplasm, which has developed from the elements of the villous cover (Desidoma malignum autorum) PDF
Ulezko-Stroganova K.
Vol 8, No 5 (1894) A case of molluscum fibrosum (cutis pendula) PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 12, No 10 (1898) A case of multiple deformities PDF
Bondarev P.G.
Vol 5, No 4 (1891) A case of multiple vaginal fibroids PDF
Olenin S.K.
Vol 9, No 5 (1895) A case of multiplex vaginal sarcoma (Sarcoma multiplex globocellulare alveolare vaginae) PDF
Egorov G.
Dekansky A.P.
Vol 8, No 7-8 (1894) A case of ovarian fibroids PDF
Strogonov V.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) A case of overgrown genital warts on the genitals of a young girl PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 6, No 1 (1892) A case of papillomatous ovarian cyst PDF
Kuhn F.
Vol 11, No 1 (1897) A case of plastic surgery for vaginal fistula and vaginal scar stenosis with a flap from the labia majora PDF
Setkin N.A.
Vol 6, No 6 (1892) A case of Porro surgery for a narrow osteomalacia pelvis; recovery from osteomalacia PDF
Soloviev A.
Vol 11, No 6 (1897) A case of pregnancy and childbirth complicated by cicatricial narrowing of the sleeve PDF
Poroshin M.N.
Vol 7, No 1 (1893) A case of pregnancy and childbirth with complete hymen intact PDF
Zabolotskiy A.
Vol 12, No 1 (1898) A case of pregnancy during pregnancy in the rudimentary horn of a two-horned uterus viable fetus PDF
Serezhnikov G.P.
Vol 11, No 1 (1897) A case of premature physical development of a six-and-a-half-year-old girl PDF
Vladimirov G.E.
Vol 5, No 7-8 (1891) A case of primary syphilitic vaginal ulcer PDF
Rutkowski A.
Vol 11, No 4 (1897) A case of primary tube cancer PDF
Feinberg B.
Vol 11, No 5 (1897) A case of primary tuberculosis of the internal genital organs in a woman PDF
Rachinskiy N.
Vol 5, No 7-8 (1891) A case of primary vaginal cancer PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 11, No 1 (1897) A case of prolapse of the mucous membrane of the female urethra PDF
Kushev N.E.
Vol 5, No 5-6 (1891) A case of prolapse of the uterus, cured by Brandt's method PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 7, No 4 (1893) A case of prolonged stay of the fetus in the abdominal cavity with an ectopic pregnancy PDF
Krasnopolskiy F.
Vol 5, No 9 (1891) A case of puerperal insanity PDF
Kuhn F.
Vol 11, No 4 (1897) A case of putrefaction cured by antistreptococcal serum PDF
B — r V.
Vol 5, No 5-6 (1891) A case of radical cure of posterior uterus inflection by ventrotixatio surgery PDF
Fisher A.
Vol 6, No 2 (1892) A case of rare injury during childbirth PDF
Hermonius A.
Vol 8, No 7-8 (1894) A case of recovery from a ruptured uterus PDF
Strogonov V.
Vol 12, No 1 (1898) A case of rectal prolapse caused by the operation for the sake of a full uterus prolapse. PDF
Westphal D.
Vol 12, No 11 (1898) A case of retention of the uterine ring in the vagina PDF
Board E.
Vol 9, No 3 (1895) A case of ruptured uterus during pregnancy PDF
Kaufman R.L.
Vol 5, No 5-6 (1891) A case of sarcomatous degeneration of both ovaries. Successful laparotomy with relative recovery PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 6, No 2 (1892) A case of sarcomatous ovarian degeneration PDF
Lapina A.
Vol 12, No 4 (1898) A case of septic disease, treated with antistreptococcal serum PDF
Korde V.K.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) A case of sexual mania during the months of the month and female sadism PDF
Peskov V.N.
Vol 63, No 4 (2014) A case of spontaneous splenic rupture in pregnancy
Mikhaylin Y.S., Ivanova L.A., Savitskiy A.G., Kucheryavyy S.G., Krasnolobov R.A., Krasnolobova P.Y.
Vol 6, No 4 (1892) A case of spontaneous twisting ("evolutio spontanea") PDF
Kuhn F.
Vol 11, No 3 (1897) A case of stenosis orificii externi uteri post partum cum haematometra cervicali temporaria et eniometritide consecutiva PDF
Paperny M.L.
Vol 5, No 7-8 (1891) A case of supravaginal amputation of the uterus. Intraperitoneal method. Recovery PDF
Ruzi D.
Vol 12, No 11 (1898) A case of the haematometr's of the right horn of a two-horned uterus PDF
Board E.
Vol 12, No 2 (1898) A case of the right tubal-uterine interstitial pregnancy (Graviditas tubo uterina s. Interstitialis dextra) PDF
Warszawski М.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) A case of thrombosis of the inferior vena cava, embedded ny with myomotomy PDF
Gausmann A.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) A case of tubal pregnancy PDF
Andriyashev K.
Vol 6, No 6 (1892) A case of tubal pregnancy with rupture of the fetal sac; gluttony; recovery PDF
Soloviev A.
Vol 6, No 7-8 (1892) A case of TUBO-PAROVARIAL cyst PDF
Ott D.
Vol 7, No 2 (1893) A case of twisting of the leg of the broad ligament cyst with the displacement of the tumor to the opposite side of the pelvis and the growth here PDF
Nadezhdin G.
Vol 9, No 12 (1895) A case of twisting of the legs of an ovarian tumor every time after the appearance of the first menstruation
Muratov A.A.
Vol 9, No 12 (1895) A case of ugliness, surplus lips PDF
Goshkevich M.I.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) A case of underdevelopment of the birth canal PDF
Jaworski J.
Vol 9, No 11 (1895) A case of using strychnine with weakness of labor pains and strychnine tetanus in the fetus PDF
Abrazhanov A.A.
Vol 6, No 3 (1892) A case of uterine artery aneurysm PDF
Krasnopolskiy F.
Vol 6, No 3 (1892) A case of uterine rupture during childbirth due to head dropsy of the fetus. Recovery PDF
Krasnopolskiy F.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) A case of uterine treatment PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 9, No 12 (1895) A case of vaginal extirpation of a cancerous-born uterus PDF
Smirnov N.I.
Vol 7, No 5 (1893) A case of vaginal infection with the formation of haematometra and haematocolpos after the first birth PDF
Litkens A.A.
Vol 5, No 7-8 (1891) A case of vaginal suffering of mycotic properties PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 12, No 7-8 (1898) A Case of Varicose vein of the broad ligament PDF
Ginzburg M.D.
Vol 12, No 7-8 (1898) A case of vesico-uterine Fistula; closure by Turning cervical Canal into Bladder; Subsequent oophorectomy PDF
Duncan W.
Vol 11, No 1 (1897) A child born without lower limbs PDF
Znamenskiy N.V.
Vol 47, No 3-4 (1998) A class of preparations «progestagens» PDF
Repina M.A.
Vol 63, No 3 (2014) A clinical case of pregnancy with suspected trophoblastic disease in 3 trimester
Mikhaylin Y.S., Ivanova L.A., Lisyanskaya A.S., Savitskiy A.G., Minina A.G., Gederim M.N.
Vol 70, No 5 (2021) A clinical case of the uterine complete rupture along with the previous scar during pregnancy with atypical clinical features
Mochalova M.N., Mudrov V.A., Alexeyeva A.Y., Kuzmina L.A.
Vol 61, No 4 (2012) A clinical trial of the value of recombinant allergen tuberculosis (protein CFP10-ESAT6) in a standard dilution (Diaskintest ®) in the diagnosis of genital tuberculosis in women at risk for disease PDF
Niauri D.A., Dzhumaeva L.M., Lavrynovych O.E., Bazhenov A.G., Malushko A.V.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) A comparative assessment of uteroplacental circulation in fetal distress syndrome PDF
Titchenko L.I., Vlasova E.E., Novikova C.V., Gasparyan N.D., Dub N.V.
Vol 61, No 3 (2012) A comparative cytogenetic analysis of miscarriages following natural conception and assisted reproductive technologies PDF
Chiryaeva O.G., Pendina A.A., Tikhonov A.V., Efimova O.A., Petrova L.I., Dudkina V.S., Sadik N.A., Kuznetzova T.V., Baranov V.S., Galembo I.A.
Vol 48, No 2 (1999) A comparative estimation of the results of 'natural’ and 'synthetic' estrogens application in gonadal disgenesis PDF
Uvarova E.V., Bogdanova E.A., Martysh N.S., Shavaeva V.A., Rudneva T.V.
Vol 12, No 5 (1898) A Conutibution to the pathologic of the Fullopian Tube PDF
W. Bettman H.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) A. Dührssen. - About vaginal keliotomy in 2 cases of tubal pregnancy. - (Ibid., No. 15) PDF
Stroganov V.
Vol 7, No 5 (1893) A few comments about therapy and miscarriage with tamponade PDF
Ansheles Y.O.
Vol 12, No 12 (1898) A few comments on Dr Massen's article titled "The question of safety and treatment in a narrow pelvis" PDF
Matseevsky K.F.
Vol 11, No 11 (1897) A few more words on the issue of streamlining the obstetric care in Russia PDF
Artemiev A.
Vol 12, No 2 (1898) A few notes about intermediate pregnancy PDF
Kosminski F.
Vol 9, No 1 (1895) A few notes about obstetric forceps PDF
Cherneviy E.F.
Vol 9, No 3 (1895) A few notes about the research of women in labor per rectum based on 25 cases of personal observations PDF
Anufriev A.A.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) A few notes on peeling endometritis PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 6, No 5 (1892) A few observations on Dr. Auvard's baby bed warmer PDF
Arnoldov V.A.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) A few words about kraurosis vulvae PDF
Mars А.
Vol 12, No 10 (1898) A few words about the recent samples of the tampon-vaginal electrical conductor and the nonpolating cutaneous electrode of the A.N. Aleksandrova and on the method of using them for internal-external electrification of the female genital area PDF
Alexandrov A.N.
Vol 9, No 1 (1895) A few words on the issue of fetal rigor mortis. PDF
Kannegiser N.S.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) A few words on the issue of streamlining midwifery in Russia PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) A. Goenner. - Zur Hinterscheitelbeineinstellung. (Zeitschr. F. Geb. und Gyn., Bd. XXXI, Hft. 2). To the doctrine of the posterior position of the parietal bone PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 8, No 12 (1894) A. Goldberg. Ein Fall von Haematoma vulvae et vaginae post partum. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 30). A case of hematoma of the external genitals and vagina after childbirth PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 9, No 2 (1895) A. Karchevskiy (in Warsaw). To the treatment of rotting blood. ("Przeglad chirurgiczny". Volume II, book II, 1894. p. 285) PDF
Polonsky B.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) A. Kochetkov. - The first case of symphysiotomy in the clinic, prof. Phenomenova. (Diary Society of Physicians at Kazan Univ., 1894, issue IV) PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 8, No 10 (1894) A. Kochetkov. Two cases of uterine rupture. (Weekly, 1894, No. 12) PDF
Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases E.
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