
Comparative assessment of the camel, goat and cow milks with account of fractional composition of proteins
Shuvarikov A., Yurova E., Tsvetkova V., Pastuh O.
Simple solutions for standard situations
Beregova I.
Efficiency of milk protein in the milk products manufacturing
KOSOVA I., Kosova I.
Productivity, protein in milk and blood of the Holstein cows: dependence on the protein content in the feed
Zaharov L., Musaev F.
Lowering of allergenic properties of milk proteins. Technological approaches
Kurchenko V., Golovach T., Kruglik V., Haritonov V., Agarkova E.
Milk protein concentrate
Smirnova I., Pecherina V.
Future technology for the dairy industry. DSS Silkeborg AS
Role of the phyto feed supplement in the milk proteins synthesis
SEMENOV S., Semenov S.
Production of low calorie fat imitator on milk protein basis: set in module
Smirnova I., Shtrigul V., Smirnov V.
Fermented milk with whey protein hydrolyzate
Novokshanova A., Ababkova A., Abramov D.
Technology of production of the total milk protein concentrate
Dymar O., Efimova E., Mikluh I., Sokolovskaya L., Muavad N.
Effects of skim milk powder on rheological properties of coagulum
Grunskaya V., Korzyuk Y., Grunskaya V., Korzyuk Y.
Functional properties of fermented milk products with whey protein hydrolysates
Koroleva O., Agarkova E., Botina S., Nikolaev I., Ponomareva N., Melnikova E., Haritonov V., Prosekov A., Kruchinin A., Krohmal M., Berezkina K., Rozhkova I., Raskoshnaya T., Yurova E., Zhizhin N.
Domestic the red stepnaya breed of the cattle: result of the efficient selection
Knyazeva T.
Membrane technologies in milk processing
Kroll Y.
Raw milk: legislations requirements
Abdullaeva L.
Milk protein concentrates in the products with foam like structure
Prosekov A., Ivanova S., Smetanin V., Prosekov A., Ivanova S., Smetanin V.
Protein structure forming and thickening agents
Kravchenko E., Zahlestnyh V.
Calculation of the ryazhenka recipes with the account of fat and protein contents
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
Improvement of the milk production technology
Baranov A., Baranova N., Fedosenko E., Baranov A., Baranova N., Fedosenko E.
Technological aspects of applying microparticulates of whey proteins at milk products manufacturing
Dymar O.
Composition and properties of the milk protein concentrates
Arkhipov A., Ostroumov L., Arhipov A., Ostroumov L.
Microfiltration in dairying
Bou-Khabib D., Tal'khammer V., Boy-Habib J., Talhammer V.
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