
In memory of Nikolay Alexandrovich Sosnin, a pioneer of endoscopic operative gynecology in the Arkhangelsk region (to the 70th anniversary of his birth and the 100th anniversary of N.A. Semashko Northern Medical Clinical Center, Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Andreeva A.V., Baranov A.N., Kazakevich E.V., Kozyr O.F., Samburov G.O., Tuchina T.A., Dyachkov S.K.
From hospital to perinatal center
Andreeva A.V., Baranov A.N., Samburov G.O., Tuchina T.A.
The history of the Journal of Obstetrics and Women’s Diseases (to the 135th anniversary of the first issue and the 25th anniversary of the revived edition)
Aylamazyan E.K., Kira E.F., Rodin I.G.
Ureteral trauma in obstetric and gynecological practice
Loran O.B., Pushkar D.Y., Gumin L.M., Godunov B.N.
From the history of the evolution of laparoscopic surgery in the Northern Scientific Medical School of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Andreyeva A.V., Samburov G.O., Baranov A.N., Dyachkov S.K., Burenkov G.M.
The first 5th anniversary of the revived "Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases"
Tsvelev Y.V.
Ways to reduce the risk of bladder traumatization during obstetrical and gynecological surgeries
Sergeev A.P., Glebova N.N., Trubina T.B.
Principles of bladder injury prevention in obstetric and gynecological practice
Loran O.B., Lipsky V.S., Spirin V.A., Popkov V.M., Blumberg B.I.
Application of enhanced recovery after cesarean delivery. A review
Ryazanova O.V., Shifman E.M., Olina A.A., Alexandrovich Y.S., Medzhidova D.R., Ezhova V.O., Kogan I.Y.
From the history of the Otts' stock
Yakovenko T.G.
Contemporary approach to infusion-transfusion therapy of obstetrics bleedings
Baryshev B.A.
Tsvelev Yu.V. Urgent gynecology (a practical guide for doctors)/. Yu.V. Tsvelev, V.F. Bezhenar, I.V. Berlev. - SPb .: OOO "Foliant Publishing House". - 2004 .- 384 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-93929-099-X (in translation)
Bagnenko S.F., Niauri D.A.
Who was the first obstetrician in Russia?
Abashin V.G., Tsvelev Y.V.
Cesarean in Saint Petersburg
Tsvelev Y.V., Pakhomov А.A., Gaivoronskikh D.I.
Early preventive maintenance of bone basin deformation in girls of different age
Beglaryan G.A., Akunts N.G.
The role of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov in the development of domestic obstetrics and gynecology
Tsvelev Y.V.
Resolution of the Joint Meeting of the Interdepartmental Council "Medical and Environmental Problems of Reproductive Health Protection" and the Problem Commission "Ecology and Reproductive Function of Women" of the Scientific Council on Obstetrics and Gynecology of RAMS on May 11-12, 2000
Aylamazyan E.K., Sivochalova O.V., Belyaeva T.V.
The main indexes of the work of obstetrical and gynecological services in Saint-Petersburg for 1999
Novikov B.N.
Professor Alexey S. Slepykh on the 95th anniversary
Bezhenar V.F., Turlak A.S.
Information about dissertations on obstetrics and gynecology defended at the D.001.21.01 Dissertation Council (Ott Research Institute of Gynecology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) in 1999
Ailamazyan E.K.
To the casuistry of circular detachment of the vaginal part during childbirth
Letsius L.
About VII europian symposium concerning psychosomatical investigations in obstetrics and gynaecology. Debretsen. Hungary
Kaplun I.B., Abramchenko V.V.
Greetings to the participants of the International Congress "Environment and Perinatal Medicine"
Ailamazyan E.K.
About the use of high forceps, especially with a narrow pelvis
Khazan S.Y.
The use of electricity for the treatment of amennorrhea
Torre L.
A case of ugliness, surplus lips
Goshkevich M.I.
To casuisticѣ foreign bodies in the vaginaѣ in women in labor
Popov N.I.
Ovarian tumors or inflammation?
Doran A.
Uterine bleeding and marriage
Olivier A.
Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies in Kiev. Protocol No. 95
Board E.
About the structure of blister skid
Team E.
0 vulvo-vaginitis in small girls
Gurshun G.Y.
On the question of applying dirt vykh baths (from the so-called Tsikhisjvar mineral mud) with peri-parametrite
Burland M.B.
Participation and role of the zemstvo in order to streamline labor assistance in Russia
Artemiev A.P.
Billiteri. - Two congenital cases of Roberts pelvis.- (Teratologia, 1895, april, p. 125) .- Two cases of transversely narrowed pelvis of congenital origin
Ginzburg M.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. Vol. III, no. 7, 8, 9. Report in Gynecology. Pp. 764. Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins Press, 1894. - (By reference to Americ. Journ. Of Obstetrics, 1894, VI, pp. 843-851). - Johns Hopkins Hospital Report in Baltimore
Ginzburg M.
A. Mueller (Victoria in Australia). - Two Curiosities in Midwifery practice. (Australasian Medical Gaz., 1894, VIII, p. 258). Two rare cases in obstetric practice
Ginzburg M.
Dr. Pryor and others. - The Abuse of Trachelorrhaphy. (New-York Medic. Journ., 1894, 28 / VII, p. 120). Abuse of Emmet's operation
Ginzburg M.
Emil Knauer. - A case of a uterine cyst. - (Ibid., No. 19)
Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases E.
Senile Uterine Catarrh
Croom H.
А Case of partial Retroflexion of the gravid Uterus persisting till the end of the eigth month spontaneous Delivery
Herman G.Е.
The Frenquency of controetad pelvis in the Obsterical service of the Johns Hopkins Hospital
Dobbin G.W.
W. Thorn. — Operations of large carcinomas of the posterior wall of the vagina .— (Cent. F. Gynaec., No. 9, 1895)
Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases E.
Dr. N. Peters. - Incarceration of the elongated vaginal part. - (Centr. F. Gynaec., No. 3, 1895)
Stroganov A.
W. von Skowronski. - Ueber das runde Geschwür der Scheide. Beobachtung an einer lebenden Frau. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 10). About a round ulcer of the vagina. Observation in a living woman
Kakushkin N.
Voigt. - Fall von Kaiserschnitt nach Porro in der Schwangerschaft wegen malignen Ovarialtumors nebst Beitrag zur Pathologie des Corpus luteum. (Arch. F. Gyn., Bd. XLIX, Hft. 1). A case of surgery Porro during pregnancy due to malignant ovarian tumor and pathology of the corpus luteum
Khazan S.Y.
N. Thomson. - Beiträge zur Extrauteringravidität. (Zeitschr. F. Geb. Und Gyn., Bd. XXXII, Hft. 1). To the casuistry of ectopic pregnancy
Khazan S.Y.
Three cases of a conservative Caesar section
Strauch M.A.
Ein seltener Fall von abgelaufener Tubenschvangerschaft
Kretschmar K.
V.A.Petrov. - A case of complete rupture of the uterus during childbirth with the outcome in recovery. (from the Proceedings of the Physico-Medical Society in Saratov, for 1893-1894)
Kakushkin N.
A. A. Muratov. - To the question of sarcoma transplantation to the healthy part of the body in the same patient. (Yezhenedelnik, 1895, No. 15)
Kakushkin N.
Dr. Lloyd G. Smith - On five Cases of hydrocele in the Female. (British medic. Journ., 28 / VIII, 94, pp. 179-180). Five cases of dropsy of the labia majora
Ginzburg M.
A. Martin's clinic
Weber F.
Several gynecological operations on organs of the abdominal cavity
Nadezhdin G.
Accumulation of pus in the uterus
Ginzburg M.
Application of the Champetier de Ribes'a balloon with placenta presentation
Kakushkin N.
About aliens in one case of ovarian cancer
Kakushkin N.
Dr. A. H. Buckmaster. — The Vaginal Anus and its Treatment, as illustraded by the Report of a Case and a Suggestion for a Method of Forming an artificial Sphincter. (New-Iork Med. Journ., 1894, 11 / VIII, pp. 168-176). Anus vaginalis and its treatment from one case report and a plan for the formation of an artificial sphincter
Ginzburg M.
Two cases of extrauterine pregnancy
Sheinis L.
Leucoplasia of the external genitalia and vagina
Pettit P.
Volvulus in postpartum parametritis, celiac disease, recovery
Kakushkin N.
Correspondence About the article of the Privat-docent V. F. Maslovkago: "To the doctrine of self-infection of maternity hospitals".
Application of dermatol in gynecology
Asch R.
Predictive significance of protein urine in pregnant women
Kakushkin N.
About milk quantity by feeders
Budin P.
On the issue of decay during childbirth and gynecological operations
Mars А.
About bleeding in case of general infectious diseases
Kakushkin N.
A case of underdevelopment of the birth canal
Jaworski J.
On the operative treatment of urinary incontinence
Gubarev A.P.
Case of vaginal rupture sub coitu
Finkelkraut В.
Clinical materials for the doctrine of tubal pregnancy
Dranitsyn A.A.
Report on cancer patients in the gynecological department of the Tiflis Mikhailovskaya hospital for two years
Sobustianskiy E.M.
Purulent inflammation of the longitudinal connection.
Kholmogorov S.S.
Graviditas extrauterina
Gurvich B.S.
A case of deformity of genital organs, which makes it difficult to determine gender and civil rights
Bellin E.F.
Monod. Difficulté du diagnostic différentiel de l’ascite et de certains kystes de l’ovaire. (Société de Chirurgie Séance 25 mai. Semaine Medicale № 28, 1892). Difficulty of differential diagnosis between ascites and some ovarian cysts.
Sadovsky P.
Medical report of the Gynecological department of the faculty obstetric-gynecological clinic
Vladimirov V.V.
The treatment of vesicoureteral fistulas by separating the urinary bladder from the cervix, and the advantage of this method compared to other methods used from the vagina
Dranitsyn A.A.
On symphysics; validity shown when the operation is necessary.
Novi R., Cucca С.
E. Kummer - Ueber Endresultate der Alexander'schen Operation. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 14). On the final outcomes of the Alexander's operation
Kakushkin N.
Nijhoff. — Ein neues Verfahren zur Behandlung der Placenta praevia centralis. (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1895, No. 8). A new way of giving birth with a central presentation of the placenta
Kakushkin N.
A. N. Soloviev. - A case of endometritis complicated by aphonia and parotitis. Restoration of the voice after incision of an abscess of the parotid gland. (Medical Review., 1895, No. 9)
Kakushkin N.
Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 12. Meeting on April 13, 1895
Ott D.O.
А marked Result in the Treatment of Puerperal Sepsis obtained by the Use of Serum; also Two Failures of the same Mothod of Treatment
Ginzburg M.
Notes of Case of intra-peritoneal Rupture of the Bladder. Operation. Recovery
Rian C.
A few notes about intermediate pregnancy
Kosminski F.
On the use of thyroidin in gynecology
Saks I.
Obstetric and gynecological notes
Potenko V.V.
Walthard. Bacteriologische Untersuchungen des weiblichen Genitalsecretes in Graviditate und im Puerperium. (Arch. F. Gyn., Bd., XLVIII Hft., 2). Bacteriological research of the secret of female genital tract during pregnancy and in the maternity period
Khazan S.Y.
D-r Eccles. Monocular fetus. (British. Med. Journ., 1894 "14 / VI, p. 802). One-eyed embryo
Ginzburg M.
Fibromyoma (cervix) of the uterus, removed immediately after childbirth
Zakharievskiy A.I.
Memories of the stay at the Academic Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of I. Military Medical Academy
Brusilovskiy V.D.
D. Abuladze. On the issue of cholera disease during pregnancy. (Protocol of the meeting of the Obstetric and Gynecological Society in Kiev, book 7, 1894, p. 111)
Kakushkin N.
A. Redlikh. A case of radical surgery for hernia of the white line during pregnancy. (Protocol of the meeting of the Obstetric and Gynecological Society in Kiev, book 7, 1894, p. 153)
Kakushkin N.
Ectopic gestation twice in the Same Patient within seven Months
Worral R.
On Caesarian section and indications therefor with a contracted pelvis
Khazan S.Y.
On bacterium coli commune and its meaning in obstetrics
Khazan S.Y.
To the treatment of chronic vaginal gonorrhea
Weber F.
Meetings of obstetrical and gynaecological communities. Protocol No 90
Board E.
Walthard. — An Experimental Study on the Treatment of the Stem in Fibromatous Uterine Dissection. (Centr. F. Gynaec., No. 1, 1895).
Stroganov V.
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