
The mechanism of the destruction of a firearm in case of an obstructive injury and the topography of the distribution of its fragments in the human body.
Pinchuk P., Sukhareva M., Leonov S., Shakiryanova Y., Likhachev A., Astapova N., Kuzmina V.
Mechanisms of gunshot and mine-explosive wounds in using personal armor protection (Literature review)
Denisov A., Logatkin S., Samokhvalov I., Anisin A., Demchenko K., Khugaev L.
Organ-preserving treatment of peacetime explosive trauma in a garrison hospital
Ramazanov A., Tokarev A., Grigor’ev N., Radzhabov I., Zaitseva N., Bagmet A.
On the effect of transferring the substance of an obstacle by a firearms projectile
Pinchuk P., Leonov S., Sukhareva M., Kuzmina V.
Causes of death of servicemen in modern warfare
Kasimov R., Samokhvalov I., Zavrazhnov A., Kudryashov V., Kovalenko S., Tolmachev I.
Forensic medical diagnostics of damage caused by spherical submunitions of the GMLRS type ammunition multiple launch rocket systems M270 MLRS, M142 HIMARS and their modifications
Kuzmina V., Leonov S., Pinchuk P., Vereskunov A., Blinov N.
Complications of pleural drainage in the practice of a military doctor
Salimov D., Vorobev A., Krainyukov P., Glushkov I., Kalashnikov A.
The structure of combat surgical trauma and features of surgical care in advanced medical groups in the active phase of hostilities
Kasimov R., Prosvetov V., Samokhvalov I., Zavrazhnov A., Kovalenko S., Fedotov A., Kushchev R., Arsentev L.
Specialized surgical care in a modern military conflict: role and place at the advanced stages of medical evacuation
Kasimov R., Ovcharov O., Samokhvalov I., Zavrazhnov A., Reva V., Chuprina A., Lakhin R., Kudryashov V., Skakunova T., Murtazaliev R.
Relevance of the problem of chemical injury
Simonenko V., Krainyukov P., Patsenko M., Dulin P., Sarmanaev S.
On the need to supplement the classification of damaging explosion factors
Kuzmina V., Pinchuk P., Leonov S., Blinov N.
«De novo thrombosis» of the pulmonary artery after chest trauma
Kharitonov M., Salukhov V., Demyanenko A., Varavin N., Bezuzhkevich V.
An algorithm for diagnosing and making an expert decision for injuries of peripheral nerves
Litvinenko I., Tsygan N., Bazilevich S., Bulatov A., Naumov K., Zabolotsky N., Kolomentsev S., Gaivoronsky A.
Problems of vascular care in a special military operation
Yamenskov V., Pinchuk O., Obraztsov A., Rakov A.
Experience in using reduced interventions of damage control tactics in the wounded
Kasimov R., Usoltsev E., Chuprina A., Ovcharov O., Zavrazhnov A., Samokhvalov I., Goncharov A., Kovalenko S.
Ultrasound diagnostics of muscle viability in case of combat limb injury
Esipov A., Yamenskov V., Pinchuk O., Abrosimov A., Zinovev P., Voronova M., Avdeev M.
Extended sympathetic inter-scalene blockade of the brachial plexus from the subclavian approach in patients with mine blast trauma of the upper extremities
Esipov A., Sinitsin M., Kalinin A., Azbarov A., Surina E.
The concept of using the means of temporary intracavitary hemostasis at the advanced stages of medical care (literature review)
Reva V., Grishin M., Golovko K., Denisov A., Medzhidova A., Kovalevsky A., Samokhvalov I.
Treatment of combat trauma of the main vessels of the upper extremities at the specialized care stage
Esipov A., Pinchuk O., Yamenskov V., Rakov A.
Features of formulating a clinical diagnosis and medical examination of military personnel in case of chemical and gas poisoning.
Kryukov E., Gaiduk S., Kuzmich V.
Professor N.A. Bogoraz (1874–1952) – the First Chief Surgeon of the Main Military Hospital
Davydov D., Оnnitsev I., Brizhan L., Nelin N., Bobylev V., Ovchinnikova M.
Features of the clinical course of acubarotrauma in lightly wounded people in modern armed conflict
Sheshegov P., Gadzhiev A., Slivina L., Soldatov S., Filatov S.
The use of extracorporeal isolated perfusion of the injured limb in the experiment: the experience of the tactical-special exercises «Ochag-2022»
Reva V., Potemkin V., Ibragimov R., Ershov E., Tatarintsev S., Denisov A.
Navigational technologies in injury surgery
Badalov V., Spitsyn M., Korostelev K., Yarmoshuk R., Shevelev P.
Scientific-practical conference «Trauma of the genitourinary system. Innovations in urology» (meeting of urologists of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)
Protoschak V., Kharitonov N., Samatygo A.
Value and structure of isolated limb injuries in modern local conflicts
Esipov A., Sukhorukov A., Musailov V., Abdulaev K., Shorokhov P., Mokhnatov E.
The use of neurogymnastics in the process of medical and psychological rehabilitation of combatants
Ivanov I., Syrnikova B., Gladkova T., Storozhenko D.
Clinical features of a gunshot injury to military personnel protected by body armor, defining tactics of medical aid delivery
Krainyukov P., Denisov A., Logatkin S., Kokorin V., Demchenko K.
Combined burn and non-burn trauma in the array of modern civilian and combat burns.
Ivchenko E., Borisov D., Golota A., Krassii A., Rusev I.
Peripheral nerve injuries with extensive defects: experimental and topographic - anatomical approaches to substantiate accelerated tissue reinnervation
Nisht A., Fomin N., Chirskii V.
Clinical case of application of the technique of minimally invasive drainage in the treatment of subphrenic abscess
Panov V., Kim I., Malakhanov S.
Prospective methods of combat burn injury treatment
Ivchenko E., Golota A., Krassii A., Sechin A.
Combined mechanical-cold and mechanical-burn injuries in patients injured in maritime disasters
Zakrevskii Y., Shevchenko A., Peretechikov A., Serdyuk V., Arkhangelskii D.
Battle-field surgery in the beginning of 21st century
Kotiv B., Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Goncharov A., Severin V., Reva V., Petrov Y.
Anthropomorphic manikins for studying the mechanism of the mine-explosive trauma of the lower extremities and predicting the severity of injuries
Anisin A., Logatkin S., Denisov A.
Standardized experimental model of open - fire gunshot eye injury type B, C, D
Kolbin A., Churashov S., Kulikov A., Troyanovskii R., Kopylov R., Zdorovtsov D., Kanevskii B., Alekperov S.
Current state of the problem of assessing the severity of the explosive injury of the lower extremities
Anisin A., Logatkin S., Denisov A.
Surgical peculiarities of gunshot injuries to arteries of the extremities caused by modern small arms and light weapons
Samokhvalov I., Reva V., Denisov A., Ozeretskovskii L., Pronchenko A.
Use of spectral index of heart rate variability as a predictor of poor clinical outcome in patients with severe combined chest trauma
Sakhin V., Gordienko A., Sotnikov A.
Experience of surgical care administration to patients with closed abdominal trauma, serving on the ships of the Navy.
Pleskach V., Mosyagin I.
Heart contusion in case of closed chest injuries: etiology, diagnosis, severity of heart damage (literature review)
Denisov A., Kuzmin A., Gavrilin S., Meshakov D., Suprun T., Zhirnova N., Demchenko K., Dmitrieva E.
Hybrid technologies in the treatment of the severe concomitant injury (Literature review)
Samokhvalov I., Petrov A., Reva V., Myasnikov N.
Features of blood transfusions in the period of traumatic shock in patients with severe concomitant injury with acute massive blood loss of severe and extremely severe stage
Samokhvalov I., Suvorov V., Gavrilin S., Meshakov D., Nedomolkin S., Denisov A., Markevich V., Dmitrieva E.
Combat burn injury. The Afghanistan and Iraq military campaign experience
Ivchenko E., Golota A., Kondratenko D., Krassii A.
Use of the tacticts of multistage surgical treatment on the model of combined radiation-and-mechanic injury
Samokhvalov I., Seleznev A., Grebenyuk A., Nosov A.
Role of abdominal paracentesis for the treatment of abdominal injuries.
Panov V., Kulikov A., Kabanov A., Makhov A.
Pulmonary contusion: diagnostic problems and treatment tactics
Denisov A., Suprun A., Gavrilin S., Meshakov D., Nedomolkin S., Markevich V., Suvorov V., Zhirnova N., Dmitrieva E., Demchenko K.
Patriarch of Russian Ophthalmology (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Major General of the Medical Service V.V.Volkov)
Kulikov A., Reituzov V., Sobolev A., Kirillov Y., Shamrei D.
Clinical and forensic diagnosis of cerebral concussion
Starnovskii A., Butin A., Reshetnikova S., Burdienko T.
Prospects for the use of cochlear implantation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Yanov Y., Dvoryanchikov V., Glaznikov L., Chernysh A., Mironov V., Syroezhkin F.
Membranes structure and physical and mechanical erythrocytes properties in the early period of traumatic brain injury caused by less-lethal firearms
Gaidash A., Ivchenko E., Levichev V., Denisov A.
Planning and organisation of allo-grafting performed on the soldier’s face
Khubulava G., Alekseev V., Kravchuk V., Sukharev A., Skvortsov A., Povarenkov A., Mitrokhin S.
Peculiarities of elbow joint replacement in case of wounds and injuries: long-term results
Gritsyuk A., Lychagin A., Kryukov E., Brizhan L., Davydov D.
Minimally invasive surgical intervention in case of a gunshot blind penetrating injury of the lumbar spine: a case from practice.
Kravtsov M., Landik S., Dubinin A., Orlov V., Gaidar B., Svistov D.
Differentiated surgical tactics for abdominal trauma, accompanied by damage to the liver and spleen
Suvorov V., Markevich V., Goncharov A., Pichugin A., Myasnikov N., Petukhov K., Kuraev P., Nosov A., Kaznacheev M., Skakunova T.
Description of the modern combat acoustic trauma
Dvoryanchikov V., Mironov V., Grigorev S., Chernysh A., Sergeev A., Koroleva K., Sushcheva N.
Navigation as progressive methods. Prospects of usage in case of polytrauma
Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Korostelev K., Spitsyn M., Tyulikov K., Shevelev P., Antonov E.
Organization and carrying out sanitary and air evacuation of injured with severe concomitant injury in the Arctic
Sushilnikov S., Zakrevskii Y., Shevchenko A., Peretechikov A., Panina T.
Possibilities of computed tomography in the diagnosis of injuries of CIII-CVII spinal bones, postoperative control
Priporova Y., Kravtsov M., Trufanov G., Svistov D., Boikov I.
Development of an experimental model of severe craniocerebral trauma
Badalov V., Shevelev P., Reva V., Semenov E., Adzhieva Z., Mikhailovskaya E., Bagnenko S., Zheleznyak I., Denisov A., Arutyunyan A., Spitsyn M.
Assessment of the quality of life of patients after surgical rehabilitation of an extremely severe open eye injury
Kulikov A., Shamrei D., Churashov S., Danilichev V., Grigorev D., Kokareva E.
Perilymphatic fistula of labyrinth in case of explosive trauma, especially their identification.
Egorov V., Kozarenko A., Egorov S.
Lines of research in the field of cellular technologies and its application in military medicine
Chepur S., Yudin A., Shperling I., Yurkevich Y., Vengerovich N., Shchipanov S., Shulepov A.
Burn injuries in pregnant women: prevalence, structure, outcomes
Sokolov V., Abashin V., Admakin A., Petrachkov S., Stepanenko A.
International experience of neurosurgical care delivery during the armed conflicts of the last decade
Poroiskii S., Solontsova E., Khrapov Y.
Experience in organizing specialized assistance to burnt English pilots during the Second World War
Sokolov V.
The structure and nature of modern combat surgical trauma
Denisov A., Badalov V., Krainyukov P., Goncharov A., Markevich V., Golovko K., Anisin A., Suprun T.
Forensic reconstruction of the bodies of victims of explosive injuries based on dermatoglyphic studies
Bozhchenko A., Kapustin E.
Computed tomography as a mean of the diagnosis of combat combined injury of the neck
Dmitrashchenko A., Akhiev M., Klyanshin A., Berestyuk M., Filatov A.
Peculiarities of surgical treatment of wounded with combined thermomechanical injuries of the lower extremities under conditions of counter-terrorist operation.
Dubrov V., Koltovich A., Khanin M., Paltyshev I., Ivchenko D., Tsvigun O., Kobritsov G., Gereikhanov F.
Structure and physico-mechanical properties of the olfactory bulb while traumatic brain injury inflicted by firearms of limited destruction
Gaydash A., Ivchenko E., Yudin A., Shperling I., Mavrenkov E.
Current state and improvement of traumatologic and orthopedic aid to the wounded with limb trauma
Shapovalov V., Khominets V., Brizhan L., Davydov D., Chirva Y., Shchukin A., Fedotov A.
Impact of previous work in the conditions of industrial noise on the development of sensorineural hearing loss in the outcome of a military injury.
Churkin D., Lastkov D., Dolgoshapko O., Antropova O.
Surgical treatment of closed testicular injury in military personnel
Protoshchak V., Sivakov A., Kushnirenko N., Kharitonov N., Karandashov V., Gozalishvili S.
The evolution of the concept of medical care for the wounded and injured with injuries of the musculoskeletal system
Trishkin D., Kryukov E., Chuprina A., Khominets V., Brizhan L., Davydov D., Kolobaeva E., Grechukhin D.
Experience in performing a simultaneous operation in the case of a gunshot wound to the chest
Skorobogatov V., Salimov D.
Staging rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries in the Saki central military clinical resort after N.I.Pirogov
Dovgan I., Khashchuk T., Khashchuk A.
Sanatorium-and-surgical treatment of patients with complicated spinal trauma in a specialized department of a sanatorium.
Khashchuk A., Ponomarenko Y., Nenko A.
Blunt head trauma: morphology, modeling and expert evaluation
Pinchuk P., Leonov S., Vereskunov A., Shakiryanova Y.
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