
Issue Title File
Vol LV, No 3 (2023) Pediatric multiple sclerosis: pathogenesis, clinical and radiological features, diagnosis and treatment PDF
Lebedev V.M.
Vol LV, No 2 (2023) The prevalence of mental disorders in patients with posterior segment eye disease PDF
Jakovlev D.A., Shurygina A.D., Kuzmina S.V., Rascheskov A.Y.
Vol L, No 1 (2018) Mental disorders associated with flooding PDF
Kalashnikov D.I., Portnova A.A., Shport S.V.
Vol L, No 1 (2018) Spontaneus resolution of syringomyelia is a rare variant of the disease course: analysis of clinical and neuroimaging descriptions PDF
Mendelevich E.G., Nurullina C.S.
Vol L, No 1 (2018) Possibilities’ analysis of modern methods in diagnostics of autism spectrum disorders PDF
Pichugina Y.A., Arapiev Y.U., Lopatina O.L., Salmina A.B., Higashida H.
Vol L, No 1 (2018) New psychoactive substances: kratom, DMT, serotonergic hallucinogens, dissociative drugs. The mechanism of action, psychoactive effects PDF
Antsyborov A.V.
Vol LV, No 1 (2023) Remote damage after spinal cord injury PDF
Chelyshev Y.A.
Vol LV, No 1 (2023) Multiple sclerosis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic PDF
Karpov S.M., Vyshlova I.A., Klimenko A.I., Tkachenko E.A., Gadaborshev R.N., Dzutsev A.I.
Vol LV, No 1 (2023) On the psychological structure of alienation syndrome and the mechanisms of negative “voice” content PDF
Sagalakova O.A., Truevtsev D.V., Zhirnova O.V.
Vol LIV, No 4 (2022) Magical thinking in normal and pathological conditions: literature review PDF
Chertischev M.S.
Vol LIV, No 3 (2022) Cognitive-behavioral approach to the treatment of night eating syndrome PDF
Melehin A.I.
Vol LIV, No 3 (2022) Social intelligence in the context of the development of subjective cognitive impairment PDF
Yakupov E.Z., Bakanova A.S., Zhamieva R.A.
Vol LIV, No 3 (2022) Some theoretical models of addictive disorder are used for behavioral transformation PDF
Zobin M.L.
Vol LIV, No 3 (2022) The anticipatory concept of neurosis and cognitive behavioral model: prospects for integration PDF
Granitsa A.S.
Vol LIV, No 2 (2022) Antiamyloid therapy of Alzheimer’s disease: origins, current state and prospects of development PDF
Vorobev S.V., Emelin A.Y., Yanishevskij S.N., Kostina E.V., Galaeva A.A.
Vol LIV, No 2 (2022) Efficacy of hypnotherapy in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. A systematic review with meta-analysis PDF
Markin K.V., Temniy A.V., Dnov K.V.
Vol LIV, No 1 (2022) Dysfunctional use of social networks: can we talk about addiction? PDF
Abdrakmanova A.E., Efremov I.S., Gizatullin T.R., Asadullin A.R.
Vol LIII, No 4 (2021) Cervical dystonia with dystonic tremor: a modern view of the problem PDF
Buriak I.V., Zakharov D.V., Mikhailov V.A., Bogacheva V.A., Zakharova O.P.
Vol LIII, No 3 (2021) Psychosocial, clinical, and organizational perspectives of the risks of remote work for employees` mental health PDF
Zalmunin K.Y.
Vol LII, No 4 (2020) Neurophysiological aspects of diagnosis of the pudendal nerve and sacral pathways: a summary literature review PDF
Shiryaeva A.V., Belyakov K.M., Antipenko E.A., Streltsova O.S., Alexandrova E.A.
Vol LII, No 4 (2020) Medical students’ disease. Truth or myth? Literature review PDF
Gashkarimov V.R., Asadullin A.R.
Vol LII, No 4 (2020) Psychological characteristics of women with primary dysmenorrhea (literature review) PDF
Makaricheva E.V., Burguvan M.S.
Vol LII, No 3 (2020) Major aspects of working-age population disability caused by mental disorders PDF
Beybalaeva T.Z., Yakhin K.K.
Vol LII, No 3 (2020) Role of the immune response in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and possibilities of anti-inflammatory therapy PDF
Vorobev S.V., Emelin A.Y., Kuznetsova R.N., Kudryavtsev I.V.
Vol LII, No 3 (2020) Multiple sclerosis-modifying therapies: view in the future PDF
Belova A.N., Sheiko G.E., Belova E.M.
Vol LII, No 1 (2020) Status of water-soluble vitamins and neurological disorders in dialysis patients PDF
Khrulev A.E., Baykina A.N., Shiyanova N.A., Sirotkina A.Y., Salokhina O.Y., Grigorieva V.N.
Vol LI, No 4 (2019) Gilles De La Tourette syndrome. Clinical diagnostic and therapeutic features PDF
Sofronov A.G., Zaytsev D.E., Zaytsev I.D., Titov N.A.
Vol LI, No 4 (2019) Stroke in dialysis patients PDF
Khrulev A.E., Monashova E.A., Shestakova N.A., Paramonova Y.A., Grigorieva V.N.
Petrova N.N.
Pogosov A.V., Bogushevskaya Y., Petrova M.
Vol LI, No 2 (2019) Type 1 Chiari malformation and cognitive impairment: focus on the cerebellum PDF
Kokurkina R.G., Mendelevich E.G.
Vol LI, No 2 (2019) Self-damaging behavior of children and adolescents with psychic disorders PDF
Krasilnikova A.M., Pyrkova K.V.
Vol LI, No 2 (2019) Cerebral amyloid angiopathy and hypertensive cerebral microangiopathy. Differential diagnosis PDF
Novosadova О.А., Grigorjeva V.N.
Vol XXXV, No 3-4 (2003) Obesity: psychological and psychopathological aspects PDF
Mendelevich D.M., Nikishova T.V., Grishkina M.N.
Vol XXXV, No 1-2 (2003) On the question of psychogenic factors in the pathogenesis of dyshormonal focal breast diseases PDF
Ustimov D.Y.
Vol XXXIV, No 3-4 (2002) Modern concepts of molecular genetic mechanisms and pathogenesis of the main forms of idiopathic generalized epilepsy PDF
Perunova N.Y.
Vol XXXIV, No 3-4 (2002) Symptomatic therapy for spasticity PDF
Тахавиева F.V., Bogdanov E.I.
Vol XXXIV, No 1-2 (2002) Mechanisms of development of temporal lobe epilepsy: clinical and experimental studies PDF
Balykova O.P., Shikhanov N.P., Inozemtseva V.S., Sosunov A.A., McKhann G., Chelyshev Y.A.
Vol XXXIV, No 1-2 (2002) The structure of mental disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis PDF
Matveeva T.V., Mendelevich V.D., Rechanik D.P.
Vol XXXIV, No 1-2 (2002) Some modern methods of diagnosis and pathogenetic therapy of multiple sclerosis PDF
Stolyarov I.D., Bisaga G.N., Votintseva M.V., Ilves A.G., Nikiforova I.G., Nikolaeva N.V., Rudas M.S., Petrov A.M., Prakhova L.N., Totolyan N.A., Skoromets A.A.
Vol XXVI, No 3-4 (1994) Blink-Stuart-Morel syndrome PDF
Ismagilov M.F., Khasanova D.R., Galimullina Z.A., Sharayienidze D.M.
Vol XXV, No 1-2 (1993) Astroglia and its role in epileptogenesis PDF
Zavalishin I.A., Zakharova М.N.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) E. Canton & J. Ingegnieros. Locura del embarazo (Folie gravidiqne). Buenos. Aires. Br. 1903 PDF
Skuridin I.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) Fere. Note sur I’influence de l’incontinence sexuelle pendant la gestation sur la descendence. "Archiv, de Neurolog". V. XIX. No. 112.1905 PDF
Skuridin I.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) A. Marie. — Eunuchisme et Erotisme (Nouvelle Icuno graphic de la Salpetridre. No. 5, 1906) PDF
Zaitsev A.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) Prof. Ѵ. Monakow. Aphasie und Diaschisis. Neurol. Centralblatt. 1906. No. 22. PDF
Shapiro L.М.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) G. Marinesco et J. Minea. Recherches sur la regenere- scence de la moelle.—Nouv. Iconogr. de la Salpetriere 1906. № 5 PDF
Shapiro L.М.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) Prof. Mingazzini und dr. Polimanti. Über die physiologischen Folgen von succesiven Exstirpationen eines Stirn- loppens (regio praecruciata) und einer Kleinhirnhälfte. (Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie. 1906 November) PDF
Markelov G.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) I. Rabinski. Ma conception de l’hysterie et de Phypuo- tisme (pithiatisme). 1906 PDF
Markelov G.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) And L. Schwartz. To the doctrine of degenerative and regenerative changes in the central nervous system. From Pathologic. office of the Institute Experim. medicine. Dissertation. 1906 PDF
Shevalov Е.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) Pierre Marie. Reconsideration of the question of aphasia: aphasia from 1861 to 1866; experience of historical criticism of the origin of Brock's teachings. Revision de la question de l'aphasie; l'apha-sie de 1861-ä 1866; essai de critique liisforique sur la genese de la doctrine de Broca. La semaine medicale No. 48, 1906. PDF
Sholomovich A.S.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) M. Ya.Droznes. The tasks of medicine in the fight against modern nervousness. Public sanatoriums for nervous patients. Odessa 1907 PDF
Rudnev V.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) Luig and Mongeri. (Constantinopel). Die Ätiologie uud die Behandlung der Puerperalpsychosen. „AUg. Leitschr. f. Psychiatrie “. LVII B. 2 & 3 H. 397 s PDF
Skuridin I.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) S. Korshun. Colony for the mentally ill "Eglfing" near Munich (Oberbayerische Heil und Pfleganstalt Eglfing). Kharkiv Medical. zhurn. 1907 Ns 1 PDF
Rudnev V.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) Robert Jones (London). A case of Chorea and Pregnancy with Insauity. "The Journal of Mental Science". V. XLIX. No. 206. p. 486 PDF
Skuridin I.
Vol XIV, No 1 (1907) Society for Labor Aid in the Yaroslavl Province Report on the asylum of alcoholics for 1905 Compiled by doctor A.A. Golosov PDF
Sholomovich A.
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