
Are thyroid hormone levels and sarcopenia in elderly patients associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and euthyroidism?
Bulgakova S., Treneva E., Kurmaev D., Chetverikova I.
Significance of the N-terminal Fragment of Brain Natriuretic Peptides in Predicting Ventricular Arrhythmias in Young and Middle-Aged Patients with Diabetes and Myocardial Infarction
Wang Z., Makeeva T., Zbyshevskaya E., Butaev T., Saiganov S.
ACTIV SARS-CoV-2 registry (Analysis of Chronic Non-infectious Diseases Dynamics After COVID-19 Infection in Adult Patients). Assessment of impact of combined original comorbid diseases in patients with COVID-19 on the prognosis
Arutyunov G., Tarlovskaya E., Arutyunov A., Belenkov Y., Konradi A., Lopatin Y., Rebrov A., Tereshchenko S., Chesnikova A., Hayrapetyan H., Babin A., Bakulin I., Bakulina N., Balykova L., Blagonravova A., Boldina M., Vaisberg A., Galyavich A., Gomonova V., Grigorieva N., Gubareva I., Demko I., Evzerikhina A., Zharkov A., Kamilova U., Kim Z., Kuznetsova T., Lareva N., Makarova E., Malchikova S., Nedogoda S., Petrova M., Pochinka I., Protasov K., Protsenko D., Ruzanau D., Sayganov S., Sarybaev A., Selezneva N., Sugraliev A., Fomin I., Khlynova O., Chizhova O., Shaposhnik I., Sh'ukarev D., Abdrahmanova А., Avetisian S., Avoyan H., Azarian K., Aimakhanova G., Ayipova D., Akunov A., Alieva M., Aparkina A., Aruslanova O., Ashina E., Badina O., Barisheva O., Batchayeva A., Bitieva A., Bikhteyev I., Borodulina N., Bragin M., Budu A., Bykova G., Vagapova K., Varlamova D., Vezikova N., Verbitskaya E., Vilkova O., Vinnikova E., Vustina V., Galova E., Genkel V., Gorshenina E., Gostishev R., Grigorieva E., Gubareva E., Dabylova G., Demchenko A., Dolgikh O., Duyshobayev M., Evdokimov D., Egorova K., Ermilova A., Zheldybayeva A., Zarechnova N., Zimina Y., Ivanova S., Ivanchenko E., Ilina M., Kazakovtseva M., Kazymova E., Kalinina Y., Kamardina N., Karachenova A., Karetnikov I., Karoli N., Karsiev M., Кaskaeva D., Kasymova K., Kerimbekova Z., Kerimova A., Kim E., Kiseleva N., Klimenko D., Klimova A., Kovalishena O., Kolmakova E., Kolchinskaya T., Kolyadich M., Kondriakova O., Konoval M., Konstantinov D., Konstantinova E., Kordukova V., Koroleva E., Kraposhina A., Kriukova T., Kuznetsova A., Kuzmina T., Kuzmichev K., Kulchoroevna C., Kuprina T., Kouranova I., Kurenkova L., Kurchugina N., Kushubakova N., Levankova V., Lyubavina N., Magdeyeva N., Mazalov K., Majseenko V., Makarova A., Maripov A., Marusina A., Melnikov E., Moiseenko N., Muradova F., Muradyan R., Musaelian S., Myshak A., Nekaeva E., Nikitina N., Ogurlieva B., Odegova A., Omarova Y., Omurzakova N., Ospanova S., Pahomova E., Petrov L., Plastinina S., Pogrebetskaya V., Polyakov D., Ponomarenko E., Popova L., Prokofeva N., Pudova I., Rakov N., Rahimov A., Rozanova N., Serikbolkyzy S., Simonov A., Skachkova V., Soloveva D., Soloveva I., Subbotin A., Sukhomlinova I., Sushilova A., Tagayeva D., Titojkina Y., Tikhonova E., Tokmin D., Tolmacheva A., Torgunakova M., Trenogina K., Trostianetckaia N., Trofimov D., Tulichev A., Tursunova A., Ulanova N., Fatenkov O., Fedorishina O., Fil T., Fomina I., Fominova I., Frolova I., Tsvinger S., Tsoma V., Cholponbaeva M., Chudinovskikh T., Shevchenko O., Sheshina T., Shishkina E., Shishkov K., Sherbakov S., Yausheva E.
Arterial hypertension and diabetes developed in pregnancy
Zagarskikh E., Partsernyak S., Rishchuk S., Proshchai G.
Pregestational and gestational diabetes mellitus as risk factors for predicting the development of congenital anomalies in newborns
Postoev V., Telkova A., Maevskaya P., Postoeva A., Usynina A., Grjibovski A.
New opportunities of therapeutic hyperthermia (literature review)
Kurpeshev O.
Structural aspects of personality typology of patients suffering from cardiovascular pathology associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Lavinskaia N., Starenchenko Y., Protasov O., Sarsengalieva A.
The first and the second types of diabetes mellitus, autoimmune and non-autoimmune thyroiditis differential diagnosis possibility using the calculated index based on plasma butyrylcholinesterase isoforms activity
Kozlova D., Khizha V., Anosova L., Korolkova A., Benevolenskaya S., Vasilev D., Rybakov A., Yureva K., Shevaldina M., Ballyzek M.
Analysis of clinical features of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with different levels of glomerular filtration rate
Pervyshin N., Lebedeva E., Galkin R., Popova S., Kudasheva E.
Antithrombotic therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus
Kryukov E., Kuchmin A., Umanskaya E., Nagorny M., Shevelev A., Rozhkova A.
Anamnestic, clinical, laboratory and molecular genetic characteristics of patients with neonatal diabetes mellitus
Ivanov D., Ditkovskaya L., Maryina O., Alexandrovich Y., Turkunova M., Suspitsin E.
Diabetic retinopathy screening in the Astrakhan Region
Shamratov R., Ramazanova L., Napylova О., Scandrari М., Alui H.
Assessment of muscle mass and bone density in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus depending on the level of glycated hemoglobin
Bulgakova S., Treneva E., Kurmaev D., Pervyshin N., Kosareva O., Sharonova L., Dolgikh Y.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its role in the development of cardiovascular diseases
Dora S., Semikova G., Shvets Z., Cherebillo I., Khoshafyan N.
The use of a clinical calculator to determine the rate of development of chronic kidney disease in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Pervyshin N., Bulgakova S., Galkin R., Lebedeva E., Vasilkova V., Chertischeva A.
Combination therapy for type 2 diabetes maintains its position. Clinical case
Podachina S., Biryukova E., Solovievа I.
Dynamic Changes in Brain Perfusion after Cognitive Rehabilitation in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Tonkikh O., Samoylova I., Matveyeva M., Shuliko L.
Features of interleukin status in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Mailyan M., Pugachev M., Shustov S., Salukhov V., Livarsky P.
The role of the placenta in the formation of gestational complications in women with metabolic syndrome
Orazmuradov A., Mukovnikova E., Bekbaeva I., Orazmuradova A., Suleymanova Z.
Antibiotic resistance of pathogens causing community-acquired urinary tract infections in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus
Khusnutdinova T., Shipitsyna E., Krysanova A., Savicheva A., Kapustin R.
Fetal growth restriction in diabetic pregnancy: a retrospective single-center study
Kopteyeva E., Shelayeva E., Alekseenkova E., Nagorneva S., Kapustin R., Kogan I.
Spinal anesthesia during caesarean section in parturients with gestational diabetes: prospective controlled non-randomized study
Degtyaryov E., Shifman E., Snezhko V., Zhukоvets I., Khodus S.
Outpatient regenerative therapy of a chronic diabetic foot ulcer with exposed bone surface
Pavlova O., Kalsin V., Konoplyannikov M., Kuznetsova S., Baldin V., Sukhanova Y., Smirnov A., Baklaushev V., Ivanov Y.
Pleiotropic Effects of Alpha-Lipoic Acid in Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Uryasyev O., Baranov V., Demina P.
Analysis of polymorphic variants of the survivin promoter and p53 transcription factor in patients with genital endometriosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus and their combination
Andreeva N., Ivaschenko T., Yarmolinskaya M., Misharina E., Shagina A., Sergeeva M.
The use of E. faecium probiotic and autoprobiotic in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Bakulina N., Tikhonov S., Ermolenko E., Kotyleva M., Lavrenova N., Topalova Y., Simanenkov V., Suvorov A.
Peculiarities of nutrition in pregnant females with different subtypes of gestational diabetes mellitus
Davidenko I., Sorokina Y., Volkova N., Degtyareva Y., Kovalenko V., Golubev M.
Prognostic assessment of risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in young military personnel
Petrankov K., Salukhov V., Pugachev M., Dobrovolskaya L., Alexandrova A., Shipilova D., Livarsky P.
Retrospective analysis of patients with diabetes in a Multidisciplinary Clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy in 2018–2020
Ergasheva Z., Nuruzova Z., Zalalieva M., Dustov F.
Relationship of comorbidity to the severity of the course of the novel coronavirus infection in patients who have delivered in a District Clinical Hospital of Khanty-Mansiysk
Chernaya E., Kasparova A., Yanin V., Kutefa E., Vasilkovskaya E., Chegus L., Semenchenko S., Hidirnebieva F.
Assessment of quality of life, psycho-emotional state, eating behavior, obstetric and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with early and late gestational diabetes mellitus
Batrak N., Malyshkina A., Tkachenko A.
Diagnostical value of intestinal microbiota as one of the leading factors of the development of ulcerative colitis in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
Lagutina S., Pashkova A., Dudurich V., Danilov L., Ermachenko E.
Blood flow redistribution in the fetal umbilical-portal venous system in pregnancy complicated by diabetes mellitus
Kopteeva E., Shelaeva E., Alekseenkova E., Kapustin R., Kogan I.
The role of polymorphic variants of the kisspeptin gene in the pathogenesis of ovarian insufficiency in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, genital endometriosis and combination of these diseases
Misharina E., Osinovskaya N., Yarmolinskaya M.
Changes in the epidemiological indicators of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents living in the closed administrative and territorial entity
Taranushenko Т., Proskurina М., Kiseleva N.
Pregnancy and labor in overweight and obese women with and without supplementation of a complex containing myoinositol and D-chiroinositol in the ratio of 5:1, manganese and folic acid
Solovyova A., Rudenko D., Ermolenko K., Spitsyna M., Doronina O., Mamchich D.
Peculiarities of the course of COVID-19 in patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases (literature review)
Sharipova M., Ivkina M., Arkhangelskaya A., Gurevich K.
The role of metformin in the treatment of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronavirus infection
Belousova O., Chupakha M., Rukavishnikov A., Lenkin S.
Practice of work of a nurse in organizing care for patients with diabetes mellitus: training programs «from innovation to quality of life» in the conditions of the Union State
Petryaykina E., Grigoryev K., Matveychik T., Vykhristyuk O.
Tactics of hypoglycemic treatment in patients with pancreatogenic diabetes: a prospective study
Nikulin I., Bagriy A., Mikhailichenko E., Kutya A., Sovpel Y.
Peculiarities of anesthesia for caesarean section in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus
Ryazanova O., Shadenkov V., Kapustin R., Kogan I.
Epidemiological and Metabolic Aspects and Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease in Comorbid Pathology of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Primary Hypothyroidism
Berstneva S., Uryas’yev O., Dubinina I., Nikiforov A.
Possible pathways of regener ative strategy in correction of type I diabetes mellitus by methods of cell transplantation
Zakiryanov A., Onishchenko N.
Chronic kidney disease risk calculator: new possibilities for predicting pathology in patients with diabetes mellitus
Vikulova O., Elfimova A., Zheleznyakova A., Isakov M., Shamkhalova M., Shestakova M., Mokrysheva N.
Finerenone cardiorenal effects and its placement in treatment of chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review
Salukhov V., Shamkhalova M., Duganova A.
Distribution of vimentin in the human pancreatic islets in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Krivova Y., Proshchina A., Otlyga D., Saveliev S.
Predictive calculator of the risk of perinatal complications in women with pregestational diabetes mellitus
Dudareva Y., Seroshtanova D., Dronov S., Antoshkina L.
Neonatal diabetes mellitus and polycystic ovaries in a child with severe insulin resistance caused by a variant in the INSR gene. Description of the clinical case
Ivanov D., Taits A., Ditkovskaya L., Matveeva N., Krasnogorskaya O., Pozdnyakov A., Myznikova I., Malysheva A., Kuzminykh S., Orlova A., Veretennikova A.
Pharmacological correction of experimentally induced osteoporosis complicated by type 2 diabetes mellitus
Bairamov A., Mamina N., Karonova T., Simanenkova A., Kozhyurin M., Kosyakova G., Shabanov P.
Evaluation of long-term treatment results of patients with critical limb ischemia and diabetes mellitus with different management approaches
Kalinin R., Suchkov I., Krylov A., Mzhavanadze N., Pshennikov A., Vinogradov S., Solyanik N., Karpov V.
Clinical and immunological parameters of dental status in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Kiselnikova L., Gutnik A., Ostrovskaya I., Malanchuk I., Laptev D.
The role of retroelements of the human genome in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus
Mustafin R.
Evaluation of serotonin levels in full-term newborns of diabetic mothers
Zvereva N., Milyutina Y., Arutjunyan A., Evsyukova I.
Risk factors for development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with obesity in late post-COVID period
Yuzhakova E., Shanko Z., Smirnova E.
The potential of survivin as a non-invasive diagnostic marker for endometriosis in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Andreeva N., Yarmolinskaya M., Misharina E., Tkachenko N.
In silico and in vivo study of the antidiabetic properties of some natural biologically active substances
Giyoszoda A., Sharopov F., Stepanova E., Saidakhmadov S., Storozhenko S.
Current possibilities of predicting the development of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Petrankov K., Salukhov V., Pugachev M., Dobrovolskaya L., Stepanova T., Izilyaeva E., Shustov S.
Features of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its pharmacotherapy in outpatients
Samoilova I., Podchinenova D., Matveeva M., Oleynik O., Stankova A., Kudlay D., Mazurina A., Pak I., Kharakhulah M.
Features of the course of type 1 diabetes mellitus and its complications against the background of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia
Mazepa S., Kotovshchikova E., Veitsman I., Lomakina N., Nechaeva M.
Genetic aspects of type 1 glucagon peptide agonists clinical efficacy: A review
Golovina E., Grishkevich I., Vaizova O., Samoilova I., Podchinenova D., Matveeva M., Kudlay D.
Capillaroscopic diagnostics of diabetic microangiopathy using artificial neural networks in patients with diabetes mellitus
Krutikov E., Zhitova V., Rudenko M., Akaev R., Burdin D.
Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy — complications for the fetus and newborn
Gadzhieva P., Dikareva L.
Difference of genetic polymorphisms in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with absence or presence of chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Sveklina T., Shustov S., Kolyubaeva S., Kuchmin A., Kozlov V., Halimov Y., Konyaev V.
Clinical significance of flash monitoring indicators in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Alimova I., Demyanenko A.
Neonatal outcomes in women with diabetes mellitus — analysis of DAPSY data
Kapustin R., Kopteeva E., Alekseenkova E., Kovalchuk-Kovalevskaya O., Rybachek A., Arzhanova O., Kogan I.
Evaluation of survivin expression in the endometrium and endometriotic lesions in patients with genital endometriosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus and their comorbidity
Andreeva N., Yarmolinskaya M., Misharina E., Tolibova G., Semenova V.
Tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus: the current state of the problem
Komissarova O., Polushkina E., Abdullaev R.
Diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with diabetes mellitus (Literature review and own research)
Fedorchenko Y., Korneeva N., Martynyuk M., Tagryt I.
Analysis of markers associated with unfavorable clinical outcomes in the process of hospital therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Karnaushkina M., Baysultanova R., Osmanov E., Akayeva S., Elzhurkaeva L., Tokaeva M.
Comparative descriptive analysis of socio-demographic status in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients with mycoses of the skin, hair and nails
Ivanova Y., Klimko N., Khairutdinov V., Ponomarenko I., Telichko I.
Analysis of the association of FTO, PPARG and PPARGC1A gene polymorphisms with carbohydrate metabolism disorders
Valeeva F., Khasanova K., Sozinova E., Kiseleva T., Valeeva E., Egorova E., Ahmetov I.
Extended combined screening for preeclampsia prediction in women with diabetes mellitus
Kapustin R., Tcybuk E., Kopteeva E., Alekseenkova E., Chepanov S., Shelaeva E., Arzhanova O., Korenevsky A., Kogan I.
Features of Nf-kb expression in the outer granular and outer pyramidal layers of the motor cortex of rats with experimental type I diabetes mellitus
Tyurenkov I., Smirnov A., Bisinbekova A., Bakulin D., Galkin M.
The effectiveness of the use of natural mineral water “Donat” in the complex therapy of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders
Mubarakshina O., Elizarova I., Cherenkova O.
The prospect of using a workstation by an endocrinologist for telemedicine counseling
Pervyshin N.
Modern approaches to the treatment of diabetes mellitus: A review. Moscow City Congress of Endocrinologists “Endocrinology of the capital – 2024”. Review of the congress on March 29–31, 2024
Editorial B.
DF-5 compound delays development of diabetic nephropathy in rats
Spasov A., Zhukovskaya O., Rashchenko A., Brigadirova A., Litvinov R., Gurova N., Smirnov A., Pan’shin N., Abbas H., Morkovnik A.
Treatment options for different subtypes of gestational diabetes
Davidenko I., Volkova N., Degtyareva Y.
Variability of arterial pressure and cardiac rhythm in patients with coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus: Effect of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor
Kotskaya A., Salaychuk E., Kudinov V., Terentyev V., Lankina M.
Successful application of conditioned culture medium for the treatment of a chronic wound of an amputation stump: a clinical case
Cherepanin A., Pavlova O., Kalsin V., Konoplyannikov M., Kucherova O., Baldin V., Deryabin S.
Viktor Vasilievich Trusov — organizer of endocrinology service of Izhevsk
Khalimov E., Mikhailov A., Styazhkina S., Zavalina M., Likhovskikh S.
Modern practice of lipid-lowering pharmacotherapy: the choice of the optimal fixed combination
Biryukova E., Shinkin M., Morozova I.
Intermittent fasting: endocrine aspects: A review
Altashina M., Ivannikova E., Troshina E.
Analysis of population mortality from endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) since 2018 to 2022
Sydykova L., Burtseva T., Bugova L.
The influence of some general diseases for changes on the ocular surface after trabeculectomy
Аntonova А., Nikolaenko V., Brzheskiy V., Vuks A., Koskin S.
IGF1R rs907806 and GHSR rs572169 genetic variants in fetal macrosomia
Alekseenkova E., Tonyan Z., Nasykhova Y., Kopteeva E., Kapustin R., Kogan I.
Serotonin receptor and serotonin transporter expressions in the placental villous tree in gestational diabetes mellitus
Bettikher O., Belyaeva O., Dukovich A., Vorobeva O., Tral T., Tolibova G., Bart V., Kogan I., Zazerskaya I.
Cardiovascular outcomes of dapagliflozin in type 2 diabetes mellitus in real clinical practice: a meta-analysis of observational studies
Antsiferov M., Demidov N.
Management of a patient with diabetes mellitus after total pancreatectomy. Case report
Ametov A., Shabunin A., Pashkova E., Amikishieva K., Golodnikov I., Tavobilov M., Vlasenko A., Lukin A.
New technologies in the control of the course of diabetes mellitus in children (continuous monitoring of glycemia): what a pediatrician should know
Taranushenko T.
Chemical analysis of meibum composition of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Safonova T., Zaitseva G., Timoshenkova E.
Mathematical modeling of the chronic kidney disease progression rate in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Pervyshin N.
Glycemic variability diary as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of diabetes therapy. Clear and accessible. Case series
Smirnova E.
Surgical treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Analysis of long-term remission
Neimark A., Danilov I., Shulyakovskaya A., Lapshina S., Kornyushin O., Salov M.
Clinical and metabolic features of diabetic encephalopathy
Golovkin V., Privalova M., Garan T., Gulak D.
Theory and practice of use of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors: focus on evogliptin
Biryukova E.
Microcirculation disorders in diabetic patients
Zelenina T., Zemlianoi A., Salukhov V., Ismailov D.
Neural network modeling of the dependence of RAGE inhibitory activity of chemical compounds on the energy spectrum of multiple docing
Vasiliev P., Perfiliev M., Kochetkov A.
Effectiveness of the choice of the optimal method for surgical treatment of genital prolapse
Musin I., Yashchuk A., Urmantsev M., Berg E., Molokanova A., Berg P.
Electrocardiographic patterns of autonomic dysfunction in the diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Sharov S., Usanova A.
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