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Vol 1, No 2 (2007) Influence of chromium on the properties of molded steel for hot deformation PDF
Nitkin N.M., Zuev V.M.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Influence of Clutch Damper Springs Preload on Dynamic Load of Vehicle Transmission PDF
Solomatin N.S., Simonov D.V., Zotov E.M.
Vol 16, No 2 (2022) Influence of cooling of high temperature vane systems on efficiency gas turbine units regarding working substance specific heat capacity dependence on temperature
Basati Panah M., Rassokhin V.A., Barskov V.V., Okunev E.I., Laptev M.A., Kortikov N.N., Chu V., Gong B.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Influence of friction in joints on the performance of tensioning device of continuous track PDF
Bulbutenko S.S., Fedotkin R.S., Ovcharenko A.S., Beynenson V.D.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Influence of geometry and design of a roller-type dynamometer on the accuracy of cornering characteristics of automobile tires PDF
Kondrashov V.N., Bernadskiy V.V.
Vol 8, No 2-4 (2014) Influence of gradient tensor shape in geometrically nonlinear endochronic theory of creep PDF
Kadashevich Y.I., Pomytkin S.P.
Vol 16, No 2 (2022) Influence of heat-protective coatings on the temperature state of tractor diesel pistons
Belov V.P., Apelinsky D.V., Bezhenar V.N.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Influence of Human Resources Development to address the problems of import substitution PDF
Krekova M.M., Samohalova I.O.
Vol 8, No 2-2 (2014) Influence of modes of diamond grinding on cutting forces during machining of structural ceramics PDF
Alexeev S.V.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Influence of Occilations in Sectional Shape of Non-rigid Parts Quill Cylinder Type on the Cutting Force in the Process of Combined Machining and Surface Plastic Deformation PDF
Maximov Y.V., Ankin A.V., Vetrova E.A.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) Influence of Operation and Assembly Interaction of Pipe Valves on Their Quality Rating PDF
Semenov A.N., Naumova S.A.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Influence of parameters and conditions of rolling of elastic wheels on their power and kinematic characteristics PDF
Balabina T.A., Balovnev N.P., Ivanov V.A., Chepurnoy S.I.
Vol 8, No 4-4 (2014) Influence of parameters of geometrically nonlinear endochronic theory of inelasticity on description of stress relaxation process PDF
Kadashevich Y.I., Pomytkin S.P., Pomytkina T.B.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Influence of parameters of the plasma arc and the workpiece material on the structure and properties of Stellite 190 W built-up alloy PDF
Zhatkin S.S., Parkin A.A., Minakov E.A.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Influence of phase composition on the electro-thermal-physical properties of powder tungsten alloys for high-load electric contacts PDF
Arzamasov V.B., Antipenko V.S., Stroev A.A., Galkin K.V.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Influence of Population Settlement Pattern of Russian Federation on the Regional Economics of the Country PDF
Kozlova A.A.
Vol 4, No 1-4 (2014) Influence of pressure and temperature on thermal conductivity of limestone PDF
Ramazanova A.E., Magdiev A.M.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Influence of processing factors on the structure and properties of carbon steel powder obtained by sintering and hardening of electropulse nanoparticles PDF
Panov V.S., Skorikov R.A., Eremeeva Z.V., Nitkin N.M., Sharipzjanova G.H., Zherdickaja N.N., Ivanov S.A.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Influence of reinforcing on structure, mechanical and technological properties of composite materials PDF
Pechnikov A.A., Toleshuli A., Meshcheryakov E.G.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Influence of Residual Stresses on Product Quality on Cold Forming of Sheet Workpieces PDF
Kolikov A.P., Lyutsau A.V., Lisunets N.L., Gladkov V.I., Shpunkin N.F.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Influence of salinity on bioconcentration and genotoxicityof heavy metals for Asteria srubens L. sea stars PDF
Poromov A.A., Peretykin A.A., Smurov A.V.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Influence of social factors on the share of the market of the russian cars PDF
Arkatova N.A.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Influence of steering drive and axle layout of all-wheel drive vehicle on soil impact PDF
Korkin S.N., Pereladov A.S.
Vol 17, No 2 (2023) Influence of switching sequences on the neutral point voltage balance in a three-level voltage source invertor
Shishkov A.N., Dudkin M.M., Le V.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Influence of the Aggregate Demand on the Investment Formation through Internal Resources of Economic Units PDF
Katanaev N.T., Panevina E.M., Simutina M.N.
Vol 17, No 4 (2023) Influence of the centrifugal pump impeller vanes parameters on its energy performance at operating with high-viscosity liquid
Cheremushkin V.A., Lomakin V.O.
Vol 15, No 2 (2021) Influence of the cross-sectional shape and length of the compressible sections on the characteristics of a linear peristaltic pump PDF
Grishin A.I.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Influence of the Distribution of Power Flows on the Vehicle Traction PDF
Vyuhin A.V., Bazhenov E.E., Buynachev S.K.
Vol 12, No 2 (2018) Influence of the elements of the spatial bearing system of the vehicle of increased cross-country ability of the “buggy” class on the parameters of its stress-strain state PDF
Bazhenov E.E., Bujnachev S.K., Kustovskij A.N.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Influence of the geometry of plate heat exchanger inlet manifold on the hydraulic unevenness of heat carrier flow PDF
Merkulov V.I., Sugonyaev M.V.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Influence of the Human Development Index to the socio-economic policy PDF
Zyulina V.V.
Vinogradov V.M., Shvychkov D.V.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Influence of the mode parameters on the technological characteristics of the injector hole broaching operation PDF
Belov I.I., Gruzdev A.A., Saushkin B.P.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Influence of the Surface Energy of Metallic Specimens on Strength of Adhesive Joints PDF
Zinina I.I., Pimanov M.V.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Influence of the type of wide nomenclature of a machine-building production on the size of unproductive losses of time in the technological and production processes of manufacturing PDF
Ryabov A.N.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Influence of tolerances of main dimensions of flow part of a centrifugal pump on spread of its basic parameters PDF
Sheipak A.A., Chivileva M.S., Sheipak I.A.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Influence of torque distribution between axles on off-road capability of KamAZ-4350, 5350 and 6350 PDF
Komarov V.A., Ostretsov A.V., Kondrashov V.N.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Influence of traffic emission on distribution of heavy metals and benzo(α)pyrene in water of recreational areas PDF
Sorokin A.V., Sotnikova E.V.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Influence of Uneven Workpiece Allowance on the Output Parameters of Technological Equipment PDF
Ivannikov S.N., Shandov M.M.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Influence of velocity on separation efficiency of drops under partial condensation of vapor on tube bundle PDF
Zhikharev A.S., Mantrova Y.S.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Information and energy converters for control systems PDF
Melnikov A.A.
Vol 9, No 1-5 (2015) Information and innovation-based economic growth as the economic security of the new economy of innovative type PDF
Gridchina A.V.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Information Component of Competitiveness Recovery of Russian Small and Medium Enterprises PDF
Rognova O.V., Igumnov V.M., Goncharova A.A.
Vol 7, No 4-2 (2013) Information culture as a condition for successful adaptation of human in information society PDF
Loschilina M.A., Petrova E.V.
Vol 9, No 1-6 (2015) Information environment as a part of anthropo-ecosystem: philosophical analysis PDF
Loshchilina M.A., Petrova E.V.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Information search for identifying of the trends in the motor engineering development for a specific region (Kazakhstan) PDF
Kim V.V., Kaminskiy V.N.
Vol 9, No 2-5 (2015) Information security as a factor in the stability of the integrated corporate structures PDF
Apalkova T.G.
Vol 9, No 1-6 (2015) Information Society and Space of Freedom PDF
Omarova L.B.
Vol 9, No 4-1 (2015) Information support of an automated control system of work of the rolling stock PDF
Bunakov P.Y., Kondakova A.B.
Vol 8, No 4-5 (2014) Information support of controlling PDF
Zadornov K.S.
Vol 5, No 1 (2011) Information support of the restructuring process of engineering enterprise PDF
Ionov V.I., Koltunov A.I.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Information system for calculating medical risk factors PDF
Safariants D.S., Sofiev A.E.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Information technologies is an essential tool in creation of modern production of automotive components PDF
Kaminskiy V.N.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Informatization of Laboratory Works in the Field of Metal Forming PDF
Voronkov V.I., Petrov P.A., Saprykin B.Y., Prokopov F.B., Taranov A.V.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Innovation activities of enterprises and the problems of development in the Russian Federation PDF
Blinkova E.S., Zadornova N.A., Ivanov V.A.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Innovation and small business survival in Nigeria PDF
Ofem L.U., Ivanova T.B.
Vol 7, No 4-1 (2013) Innovation management in companies in a socially-oriented market economy PDF
Umrikhina M.V.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Innovations and problems of the course “Science of materials and technology of construction materials” PDF
Smolkin A.A., Batyshev A.I., Kuznetsov V.A.
Vol 8, No 2-5 (2014) Innovations in energy management of metallurgical enterprise PDF
Alexandrova A.V., Kondrasheva N.N., Stepochkin E.A., Gorokhova A.E.
Pivovarov V.I., Strakovskaya M.V.
Vol 1, No 2 (2007) Innovations: the key factor of economic growth PDF
Kravtsova V.I., Evdokimova S.S.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Innovative activity in the modern organization PDF
Boiko I.A., Levitskaya A., Novichkov V.I.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Innovative approaches to market segmentation and product positioning PDF
Sekerin V.D., Gorokhova A.E.
Vol 8, No 4-5 (2014) Innovative development of Russian enterprises in the context of globalization PDF
Kargina A.V., Lubenets N.A.
Vol 10, No 2 (2016) Innovative developments in the field of intensification of fuel-air mixtures ignition PDF
Egorushkin E.A., Shabanov A.V., Shabanov A.A.
Vol 17, No 2 (2023) Innovative developments on the use of hydrogen in transport internal combustion engines and power plants
Shabanov A.V., Dunin A.Y., Vanin V.K.
Vol 8, No 2-5 (2014) Innovative environment as a factor of innovation commercialization effectiveness PDF
Sekerin V.D., Gorokhov A.E.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Innovative potential of universities for post-crisis development PDF
Kravzova V.I., Gavshin B.N., Vasin V.A., Kanashkin A.D., Nikulin N.A.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Innovative research and development based on of 3D parametric modeling technology
Shpun'kin N.F., Petrov P.A., Strokov P.I., Gnevashev D.A., Nikitin M.Y.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Innovative Technologies in Educational Process for Preparation of Engineering Students PDF
Zabenkina E.O., Artamonov I.V.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering PDF
Zadornova N.A.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Innovative technologies of advertising design PDF
Povysheva S.V., Novikova V.M.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Innovative Technology and Training Teachers for Secondary Education
Kharitonov V.I.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Innovative waste processing technology PDF
Sister V.G., Zhivotov V.K., Korobtsev S.V., Ivannikova E.M., Yamchuk A.I.
Vol 9, No 3-5 (2015) Innovative way of Russia PDF
Gorokhova A.E., Kargina A.V., Surov I.A.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Installation for Belt Transmission Testing PDF
Semin I.N.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Institutional environment of financial infrastructure in context of globalization PDF
Kudryashova V.V., Smirnova T.V.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Instrumentation and methodological support of determination of waterand fat-soluble antioxidants PDF
Fedina P.A., Latyshenko K.P.
Vol 8, No 4-3 (2014) Integrated approach to the technical condition of the process equipment PDF
Paraev S.A., Kardashev G.A.
Vol 7, No 4-1 (2013) Integrated assessment of corporate security of a motor transport enterprise PDF
Levkovets N.P.
Vol 3, No 2 (2009) Integrated assessment of power distribution law influence on operating characteristics of allwheel drive vehicle PDF
Bakhmutov S.V., Gusakov D.N.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Integrated use of all secondary resources as the strategic goal of car utilization PDF
Bobovich B.B.
Vol 10, No 2 (2016) Integrated vehicle safety PDF
Azarov V.K., Gayisin S.V., Kutenev V.F.
Vol 8, No 2-4 (2014) Integration of Navier-Stokes equations PDF
Vyskrebtsov V.G.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Integration of Research Activities of Students and the Educational Process in Order to Create an Innovative Environment at the Department of "Chemistry" PDF
Artamonova I.V., Zabenkina E.O., Rusakova S.M., Godunov E.B.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Integration of Russian Higher Education into European Educational Space PDF
Kochanova E.N., Kochanov N.P.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Intellectual capital in the growth factors of competitiveness of the Russian economy PDF
Novichkov A.V., Kochetkov A.A.
Vol 9, No 1-6 (2015) Intellectual potential for improvement in the world scientific and educational cyberspace PDF
Tsilenko L.P.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Intellectual property as a factor of development of innovative economy of Russia PDF
Ulyanova N.S., Ibroimov G.F.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Intelligent encoders using galvanomagnetic effects PDF
Gorkin V.P., Zubkov A.S., Tyapkin P.Y.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Intelligent Materials Based on Ceramic Composites PDF
Maximov Y.V., Merzlikin V.G., Sidorov O.V., Suttugin V.G.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Intelligent vehicle. Adaptation of subsystem for determination the relative position of moving vehicles PDF
Ivanov A.M., Shadrin S.S., Karpukhin K.E.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Intensification of flotation cleaning of oil-contaminated water by the preliminary ultrasound activation reagent PDF
Aitova I.Z., Veksler G.B., Golberg G.Y., Mullakaev M.S.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Intensification of fuel combustion process and reducing emissions on application of anti-wear additive PDF
Klykanova A.A.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Intentional-historical transformation of the major concepts of Russian philosophy in the intellectual intuition in Frank's philosophy PDF
Zhdanov S.S.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Interaction of educational organizations and families for development of educational process subjects PDF
Vornokova G.V.
Vol 14, No 2 (2020) Interaction of elements of the telescopic boom as a result of sudden load removal PDF
Potakhov E.A., Vatulin Y.S.
Vol 9, No 1-6 (2015) Interactive methods in teaching translation PDF
Borishanskaya M.M., Kurbakova M.A.
Vol 7, No 1-6 (2013) Interactive methods of formation of linguistic competence in teaching of Russian language for non-Russian students of non-philological specialties PDF
Gasanova P.M., Buyskikh T.M.
Vol 7, No 4-2 (2013) Interactive training in the study of legal disciplines in nonspecialized institution PDF
Yurchenko N.A., Medyankova E.V.
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