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Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Management of normative-technical information at mechanical engineering enterprises PDF
Krakovtsev V.G., Petrova T.V.
Vol 9, No 3-5 (2015) Management of strategic sustainability of energy sector corporations in conditions of transformation PDF
Gridchina A.V.
Belova S.N.
Vol 9, No 1-6 (2015) Mandates of Little Russian nobles for the Legislative Commission of Catherine the Great (1767-1768) PDF
Frantsuzova O.A.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Manufacture and processing of advanced composite materials PDF
Hashem M.S.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Manufacturing Capabilities of Brushes with Abrasive Polymeric Fibres
Pini B.E., Yakovlev D.R.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Manufacturing of Round and Square Hot-rolled Bars of Nickel and Titanic Alloy on the Rolling Mill 280 - 380
Burlakov I.A.
Vol 9, No 1-5 (2015) Marketing aspect of development of customer loyalty programs in the context of formation of consumer behavior PDF
Dudin M.N., Popovskiy Y.N., Lyasnikov N.V.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Mass transfer in electro-membrane separation of water systems PDF
Berengarten M.G., Gulyaeva E.S.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) Matching of Tractor Diesel Engines and Transmissions Indices PDF
Titov A.I.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Material flows in engineering enterprises PDF
Makarenko S.A.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Material prerequisites for the creation of machine-building products of new generation PDF
Volkov G.M.
Sharipov V.M., Gorodetsky K.I., Dmitriev M.I., Shchetinin Y.S., Malalnin I.A., Zenin A.S.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Mathematical description and optimization of performance of transmission and brake control in problems of optimal vehicle engineering PDF
Akhmedov A.A., Bakhmutov S.V.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Mathematical methods for monitoring the quality of education PDF
Amelkin S.A., Egorychev A.A.
Vol 9, No 1-4 (2015) Mathematical methods for the analysis of migration processes on the basis of demographic data PDF
Butusov O.B., Nikiforova O.P., Redikultseva N.I.
Vol 16, No 1 (2022) Mathematical model creation for the lithium-ion battery and its comparing with analogs
Barsegyan K.R., Perepeliza M.A., Onishchenko D.O.
Vol 12, No 2 (2018) Mathematical model for assessing the influence of a coupled suspension system on the smooth running of a tracked vehicle PDF
Sarach E.B., Cipilev A.A., Kurasova M.S.
Vol 7, No 3-1 (2013) Mathematical model of dynamics of highly nonlinear guided mechanical system PDF
Bozhkova L.V., Noritsina G.I., Ryabov V.G., Akulshina T.V.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Mathematical model of electric discharge machining and processing management tasks PDF
Ovsyannikov B.L.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Mathematical model of heat network and development of recommendations for calculation of the efficiency for arbitrary temperature graphics PDF
Sister V.G., Yamchuk A.I., Polivoda F.A.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Mathematical model of heat transfer in the exhaust system of gasoline engine PDF
Bell S.S., Erokhov V.I.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Mathematical model of operation of an active two-axle four-wheel carriage with equalizing beam suspension in steady rectilinear motion on deformable bearing surface PDF
Lepeshkin A.V.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Mathematical Model of Physical Processes in Vibration-laden Screw-thread Joint
Berezin S.Y., Leonov V.N.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Mathematical Model of Road Complex Risk Assessment PDF
Komarov V.V., Kuklev E.A.
Vol 1, No 2 (2007) Mathematical Model of Rolling Elastic Wheel over Deformable Ground PDF
Chistov M.P., Naumov A.N.
Vol 10, No 1 (2016) Mathematical model of shifting sleeve switching process PDF
Safonov B.A., Smirnov A.A.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Mathematical Model of Steady Movement of an Articulated Truck with an Active Trailer that Allows to Estimate the Losses in Transmission PDF
Lepeshkin A.V.
Vol 10, No 2 (2016) Mathematical model of test bench PDF
Gorobtsov A.S., Lyashenko M.V., Sokolov-Dobrev N.S., Shekhovtsov V.V., Potapov P.V., Klementyev E.V., Dolotov A.A.
Vol 17, No 4 (2023) Mathematical model of the hovercraft lift system
Lepeshkin A.V., Sosnovsky N.G., Nguyen V.H.
Vol 11, No 1 (2017) Mathematical model of the lateral traction of the tractor PDF
Noskov N.K., Pozin B.M., Troyanovskaya I.P.
Vol 17, No 2 (2023) Mathematical model of the moment distribution algorithm along the axes of an electric vehicle with a two-motor type
Zavatsky A.M., Debelov V.V., Malyshev A.N., Keller A.V.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Mathematical Model of the Tire Cornering Coefficient for Wheeled Vehicles
Mikhailin I.A.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Mathematical model of the top-N problem for content recommender systems PDF
Amelkin S.A., Ponizovkin D.M.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Mathematical Model of Vehicle Motion as a Multimass System PDF
Bakhmutov S.V., Gusakov D.N.
Vol 15, No 1 (2021) Mathematical modeling of a system for monitoring the insulation resistance of a high-voltage power grid of a hybrid vehicle PDF
Malyshev A.N., Grunenkov Y.A., Debelov V.V., Kozlovskiy V.N., Shishkov A.N.
Vol 10, No 2 (2016) Mathematical modeling of cargo oscillations on the mobile machine manipulator load lifting body PDF
Kovalskiy V.F., Lagerev I.A.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Mathematical Modeling of Cyclic Deformation PDF
Temis Y.M., Azmetov K.K.
Vol 14, No 2 (2020) Mathematical modeling of drives with tandem pneumatic cylinders PDF
Zhurkin N.A., Donskoy A.S., Zharkovskiy A.A.
Trukhanov K.A.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Mathematical modeling of measuring transducers PDF
Golovin V.V., Latyshenko K.P.
Vol 10, No 4 (2016) Mathematical modeling of motion of lorry convoy on the deformable support surface in view of emerging dynamic processes PDF
Selyuk D.V., Karpukhin S.A.
Vol 9, No 4-4 (2015) Mathematical modeling of near pointing of the spacecraft PDF
Ivanov V.A., Ruchinskiy V.S., Ruchinskaya E.V.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Mathematical modeling of piston movement in a cylinder PDF
Makarov A.R., Smirnov S.V., Osokin S.V.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Mathematical modeling of regeneration of granular filter material from petroleum PDF
Ivanova A.A., Stanislavskaya Y.S., Bulatov M.A., Haddad J.
Vol 10, No 3 (2016) Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of manipulation system for mobile transport and technological machine with reference to the elasticity of elements PDF
Kovalskiy V.F., Lagerev I.A.
Vol 14, No 3 (2020) Mathematical modeling of the functioning process of a single-cylinder air-cooled diesel engine taking into account the consumption of crankcase gases PDF
Pavlov D.V., Platonov K.Y., Khmelev R.N.
Vol 7, No 1-3 (2013) Mathematical modeling of the processes of thermo-viscous plastic deformation of materials PDF
Bondar V.S., Danshin V.V., Kostin A.V.
Vol 9, No 2-1 (2015) Mathematical models of electromechanics as an asymptotics of Maxwell-Minkowski equations PDF
Nigmatullin S.M., Shenderovskiy I.M.
Vol 11, No 3 (2017) Mathematical models of tires and calculation of contact pressure on soil PDF
Manafi Sheydan H.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Mathematical problems of calculating the multi-zone models of a cycle of internal combustion engine with spark ignition PDF
Apelinskiy D.V., Shenderovskiy I.M., Runovskiy K.S.
Vol 3, No 2 (2009) Mathematical Simulation of Automotive Pollution Spreading by Control Volume Method
Gadelshin V.K., Lyubomischenko D.S., Sukhinov A.I.
Vol 16, No 1 (2022) Mathematical simulation of the automatic control of the tractor power unit
Hoodorozhkov S.I., Krasilnikov A.A., Gubachov M.S.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Mathematical software of an optimal control system of heat exchange object with dynamic parameters specified in algorithmic form PDF
Artyushkin A.Y., Voronina P.V., Tatarinov A.V.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Mathematical support and software for the durability calculation of an expansion joint bellows PDF
Lugantsev L.D., Trubaeva I.Y.
Vol 9, No 2-1 (2015) Matrix LED headlamps PDF
Pakhomova E.E., Gorkin V.P.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Mechanical processing with activated air PDF
Chekalova E.A., Chekalov P.D.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Mechanical properties of automotive tyres PDF
Voronin V.V., Kondrashov V.N., Timaev D.M.
Eremeeva Z.V., Nitkin N.M., Sharipzyanova G.K., Latypov R.A., Slukovskaya K.A., Skorikov R.A.
Vol 8, No 3-5 (2014) Mechanism of investment market functioning: essence, basic principles, features PDF
Tereshkina O.S.
Vol 8, No 2-5 (2014) Mechanisms of industrial cooperation in the Vishegrad countries and opportunities for Russia PDF
Drynochkin A.V.
Vol 7, No 4-2 (2013) Metaphor as one of the effective ways of engineering terms formation in the modern Russian language PDF
Anokhina T.Y., Zaytseva T.N., Martirosyan N.V.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Metaphorization in the language of science and technology PDF
Anokhina T.Y., Platonova E.N.
Vol 8, No 4-5 (2014) Metaphorization of terms of machine-building industry PDF
Zaitseva T.N., Martirosyan N.V.
Vol 9, No 2-4 (2015) Method and some results of application of the gas-dynamic surface modification technology for machine parts to increase their lifetime PDF
Moskvitin G.V., Arkhipov V.E., Londarskiy A.F., Polyakov A.N., Pugachev M.S., Shirokova N.V., Falaleev N.S.
Vol 10, No 4 (2016) Method for assessing the changes of the thermal state of cylinder head of engine with air-cooling when boosting PDF
Vasilyev A.V., Lartsev A.M., Fedyanov E.A.
Vol 14, No 2 (2020) Method for assessing the effectiveness of the use of electromechanical transmissions of vehicles at the design stage PDF
Padalkin B.V., Ivanenkov V.V., Kositsyn B.B., Stadukhin A.A., Balkovskiy K.S.
Vol 15, No 3 (2021) Method for calculating technical characteristics and parameters of movement of scale models of wheeled vehicles, ensuring the similarity of the processes during testing PDF
Zhileykin M.M., Zhurkin M.M.
Vol 12, No 3 (2018) Method for calculating the characteristics of a linear type peristaltic pump with incomplete compression of the working member PDF
Grishin A.I.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Method for determination of kinetic parameters of oxidation of ground carbon materials PDF
Obvintseva N.Y., Kaminskiy A.V., Epshteyn S.A.
Ivannikov S.N., Shandov M.M.
Vol 11, No 1 (2017) Method for determining probabilistic estimates of the specific fuel consumption of a gas turbine engine as a part of arable unit PDF
Shkrabak V.S., Dzhabborov N.I.
Vol 15, No 1 (2021) Method for determining the temperature fields of the spark plug PDF
Yakhutl' D.R., Maleyev R.A., Zuyev S.M., Shmatkov Y.M., Ryabykh Y.A.
Vol 9, No 3-1 (2015) Method for increasing the reliability of transmission bench testing PDF
Lyashenko M.V., Shekhovtsov V.V., Sokolov-Dobrev N.S.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Method for measuring small segments of cylindrical surfaces PDF
Suslin V.P., Dzhunkovsky A.V.
Vol 17, No 2 (2023) Method for selecting the damping characteristics of the pneumohydraulic suspension system of a wheeled vehicle
Sarach E.B., Krokhin M.E., Lychagov A.A., Smirnov I.A., Kositsyn B.B.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Method of Building of Traction-speed and Fuel-economic Characteristics of a Car with Two-stream Hydromechanical Transmission Voith PDF
Selifonov V.V., Tuan Anh V.
Vol 13, No 1 (2019) Method of calculating the heat and stress-deformed state of the cylinder head of a transport diesel with liquid cooling PDF
Gotz A.N., Klevtsov V.S.
Vol 7, No 1-3 (2013) Method of calculation of calcite thermal analysis curves PDF
Artamonova I.V., Chernysheva E.N.
Vol 11, No 1 (2017) Method of calculation of probabilistic estimation of noise emitted by passenger automobile aggregates PDF
Pobedin A.V., Lyashenko M.V., Shekhovtsov M.V., Dolotov A.A.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Method of calculation of the electric starting system with battery and capacitive energy storage PDF
Maleev R.A., Shmatkov Y.M.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Method of chemical reactions rate detection in the processes of neutralization of exhaust gases PDF
Samuel B.S.
Vol 9, No 3-1 (2015) Method of detonation calculation in the cylinder of biogas engine with spark ignition PDF
Larionov L.B., Boloev P.A., Iliin P.I., Kabanov A.N., Siryaeva I.V., Palamodov E.O.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Method of forecasting of fatigue durability in the conditions of quasimonotonous degradation of physico-mechanical properties of an object PDF
Borovskikh V.E., Podvoyskiy A.O.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Method of forecasting of fatigue durability in the conditions of quasimonotonous degradation of physicomechanical properties of the object PDF
Borovskikh V.E., Podvoyskiy A.O.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Method of formation and selection of the optimal configuration of forming system for multi-coordinate processing PDF
Lukina S.V., Ivannikov S.N., Manaenkov I.V.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Method of generation a torque in hybrid and combined powerplants PDF
Grabovskiy A.A., Maksyashev I.A.
Vol 10, No 4 (2016) Method of identifying transfer function of a pneumatic/hydro apparatus PDF
Trykhanov K.A., Efremova K.D., Makarov I.V.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Method of improving the performance of gasoline engine work with internal mixing PDF
Fomin V.M., Platunov А.S.
Vol 8, No 1-3 (2014) Method of intracyclic regulation of kinematic parameters of a linkage mechanism PDF
Ivanov V.A., Brovkina Y.I.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Method of magnetic separation of fluids PDF
Samokhin V.V., Sandulyak A.A., Sandulyak A.V.
Bakhmutov S.V., Akhmedov A.A., Orlov A.B.
Vol 8, No 1-3 (2014) Method of plastics endurance testing PDF
Shcherbakov Y.M., Frolov V.N.
Vol 8, No 1-1 (2014) Method of statistical linearization of nonlinear dynamics in systems of mobile machines PDF
Gusev A.S., Shcherbakov V.I., Chukanin Y.P., Starodubtseva S.A.
Vol 9, No 1-4 (2015) Method of suppression of the direct signal illumination in multi-station passive radar using the signals from third-party sources PDF
Rogozhnikov E.V., Kryukov Y.V., Shipengult A.A., Voroshilin E.P.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Methodical approach to creation of competitive thinking organizations PDF
Kuzmina T.I., Mandrik N.V.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Methodological approaches and principles of contemporary youth subcultures study PDF
Malakhova E.V.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) Methodological Approaches to Safety System Development for Motor Transport Complex on the Basis of Risk Management Subject to Design Reliability Requirements PDF
Komarov V.V.
Vol 9, No 1-5 (2015) Methodological approaches to the creation of customer profile PDF
Kuzmina T.I.
Vol 7, No 4-2 (2013) Methodological aspects of argumentation PDF
Ivlev Y.V.
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