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Vol 3, No 2 (2009) Dependence of cutting depth on sectional shape error during combined treatment of non-rigid parts of quill cylinder type PDF
Maximov Y.V., Ankin A.V., Vetrova E.A.
Vol 11, No 4 (2017) Dependence of durability and wear resistance on forcing and inaccuracies in ICE production PDF
Kochenov V.A., Kazakov S.S., Grunin K.E.
Vol 8, No 2-2 (2014) Dependence of surface roughness from workpiece material and device structural parameters for combined cutting and surface plastic deformation in processing of non-rigid parts of hollow cylinder type PDF
Vetrova E.A., Lebedev P.A., Adeev A.S.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Dependence of Vehicle Stopping Distance on Driver's Psychophysiologic Condition
Tarabkin V.S., Akimov A.V.
Vol 8, No 4-3 (2014) Description of multicomponent rectification based on extended principle of maximum entropy PDF
Balunov A.I., Maikov V.P.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Design a tool for hot rolled workpiece PDF
Karpajtis E.P., Zolotuhin P.I., Volodin I.M.
Vol 9, No 4-1 (2015) Design and calculation of double-flow hydromechanical transmission PDF
Kotiev G.O., Sharipov V.M., Shchetinin Y.S., Vyaznikov M.V., Gaev S.V., Rozenoer M.G.
Vol 11, No 3 (2017) Design and calculation of hydrostatic steering PDF
Sharipov V.M., Esenovskiy-Lashkov M.Y., Klimova E.V.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Design and manufacture of test bench for simulation of movement of a vehicle driven by electric motor PDF
Serebryakov V.V., Baulina E.E., Kondrashov V.N.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Design and Modeling of the Multispeed Gear Drive of Machines PDF
Mikhailov V.A., Kuzminskiy D.L.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Design features of automobile LED head lighting PDF
Pakhomova E.E., Gorkin V.P., Yakunov D.M.
Vol 10, No 3 (2016) Design features of fan assembly in automobiles PDF
Petrov A.P., Sinitsyn S.N., Bannikov S.N.
Vol 8, No 1-1 (2014) Design features of Formula racing cars PDF
Pletin D.A.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Design features of organizational structures of the executive branch at regional and municipal levels PDF
Burlakov V.V., Sadkov V.G., Vlasenkova E.A.
Vol 11, No 3 (2017) Design of an independent vehicle suspension guide using the topological optimization method PDF
Vdovin D.S., Prokopov V.S., Ryabov D.M.
Vol 10, No 3 (2016) Design of four shaft misaligned semi-automatic transmissions for agriculture tractors PDF
Sharipov V.M., Platonov V.F., Kryuchkov V.A., Alendeev E.M.
Vol 8, No 2-2 (2014) Design of geometrically-complex tools based on Boolean algebra PDF
Emelianov P.I., Maximov Y.V.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Design of prototype devices for producing metal microspheres and shells PDF
Petrov M.A., Kosachev N.V., Petrov P.A., Shejpak A.A., Bast J.L.
Vol 9, No 1-2 (2015) Design of small-sized experimental-industrial profile-bending machine PDF
Shpunkin N.F., Tipalin S.A.
Vol 9, No 4-1 (2015) Design process model in transportation design PDF
Lepeshkin I.A., Kruglov S.M.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Designing and Calculation Methods of Microintegrated Control System of Engines PDF
Erokhov V.I., Makarova M.P.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Designing compensators of thermal stress for modern aviation turboshaft engine by powder metallurgy methods PDF
Isaeva E.A., Perevoin S.A., Isaev D.A.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Designing innovative local water evaporative air cooler for tractor cabins PDF
Mikhailov V.A., Sharipova N.N., Klimova E.V.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Designing of Basic Components of Systems of Vehicle Electrical Supply and Start-up Considering Real Service Conditions, Event and Algorithm PDF
Akimov A.V., Chernov A.E.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Designing of gear roll forming tools for finishing of gear ring PDF
Cherepakhin A.A., Vinogradov V.M.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Designing of technological containers for storage and transportation of body parts of passenger cars PDF
Avdeyev V.B., Kuzminskiy D.L., Fomichev A.A.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Designing of the technological process for manufacturing of parts based on technical and economic modeling PDF
Kuznetsov V.A., Vladyka A.A., Tsitrikov A.V., Zakharova O.Z.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Designing of tools for finding the yield stress of materials by thermography method PDF
Kosachev N.V., Petrov P.A., Prokopov F.B., Voronkov V.I.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) Determination Efficiency of Automated Assembly of Synchronous Stepping Motor in Serial Production PDF
Malyshev E.N., Bysov S.A.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Determination of compliance of an object of development with the level of modern technology. PDF
Melnikov A.A.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Determination of axial forces on pulleys of V belt transmission PDF
Ivanov V.A., Mamaev A.N., Chepurnoy S.I.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Determination of camber and toe angles ratio for elastic wheels, providing the lowest rolling resistance PDF
Balabina T.A., Mamayev A.N., Chepurnoy S.I.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Determination of contact angle of polymer compositions for irrigators of cooling towers PDF
Noskov S.A., Baranov D.A., Skopintsev I.V., Shibanov A.V.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Determination of Critical Speeds of the Rotor of the Electric Pump PDF
Silvestrov E.E., Korenovskii V.V.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Determination of flow behavior index of polymer compositions PDF
Noskov S.A., Baranov D.A., Skopintsev I.V.
Petrov A.N.
Vol 9, No 1-1 (2015) Determination of fuel consumption of light commercial truck on a given route PDF
Kravets V.N., Musarsky R.A., Moshkov P.C., Toropov E.I.
Vol 8, No 4-4 (2014) Determination of mechanical properties of foam aluminum under impact loading PDF
Bondar V.S., Temis Y.M., Biryukov M.V.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Determination of metals plasticity by combined cross-extrusion and upset PDF
Krutina E.V., Kalpin Y.G.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Determination of Optical Centers of Emission in a Plastic Scintillator Irradiated by UV-laser
Volkova L.V., Borisova E.A., Nurmukhametov R.N.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Determination of optimal conditions for technology main waste processing titanium production PDF
Barsukov A.V., Vacal S.V., Karpovich E.A.
Vol 8, No 4-2 (2014) Determination of optimal method of making of small diameter deep holes in parts of gas-turbine engine and its experimental study PDF
Kratyuk N.A.
Vol 8, No 4-4 (2014) Determination of optimal parameters of damper system for explosion protection of a structure on the basis of foam aluminum PDF
Bondar V.S., Temis Y.M., Biryukov M.V.
Vol 8, No 2-2 (2014) Determination of properties of sheet damping material with viscoelastic coupling layer during shear deformation PDF
Tipalin S.A., Shpunkin N.F., Saprykin B.Y.
Vol 8, No 1-3 (2014) Determination of quality of wastewater containing surfactants PDF
Volkov V.A., Mitashova N.I., Ageev A.A.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Determination of rational gear ratio of inter-wheel differential while upgrading the transmission of multi-purpose vehicle PDF
Murog I.A.
Vol 16, No 1 (2022) Determination of steam leaks through faulty labyrinth seals of a steam turbine
Zhinov A.A., Shevelev D.V.
Vol 11, No 4 (2017) Determination of the geometric shape of the air collector for supplying thermal energy to the heating system of electric bus batteries PDF
Prokhorov I.V., Butarovich D.O.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Determination of the influence of formative factors on design of conceptual objects in transport design and algorithm of through design PDF
Lepeshkin I.A., Matersheva E.V.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Determination of the minimum curvature radius of a die for isothermal direct axisymmetric extrusion of aluminum alloy AD35 PDF
Voronkov V.I.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Determination of the stress-strain state of plastically deformed object with regard to the processes semi-hot die forging PDF
Pyzhov V.V.
Vol 12, No 2 (2018) Determination of the time and the path of acceleration of a vehicle equipped with a gearbox without switching-off of the power flow PDF
Ryabev A.V., Parfenov A.P.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Determination of the velocity field, the pressure and temperature in the convergent channel centrifugal extrusion granulator PDF
Mishta P.V., Mishta E.A., Shcherbakova N.L.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Determination of values of the solution flow rate and temperature in carbon dioxide absorption process PDF
Gureev A.O., Pikulin Y.G.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Determination Peculiarities of Static and Ddynamic Quality Index of Basic Parts
Mihaylov V.A., Porhunov S.G.
Vol 9, No 3-4 (2015) Determining of parameters of nonisothermal cyclic curve model PDF
Temis J.M., Fakeev A.I.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Developing of a model of quality parameters of rolling bearings PDF
Koltunov I.I., Lobanov A.S.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Developing of analytical model for bevel cutting PDF
Olenin L.D., Storchak M.G., Lekveischvili M.A.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Development and application of high technologies in aircraft production PDF
Shandrov B.V., Morgunov J.A., Saushkin B.P.
Vol 8, No 1-3 (2014) Development and investigation of refrigerating machine with dosage filling ammonia PDF
Krivtsov D.V., Porutchikov A.F.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Development and production of turbochargers and other engine components and systems using information technologies PDF
Kaminskiy V.N., Kaminskiy R.V., Gusak A.A., Sibiryakov S.V., Korneev S.A., Kovaltsov I.V., Sergeev A.S., Ishchenko N.V., Olisova T.A.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Development and research of a high-performance fan for a liquid-cooling system of a truck turbo diesel PDF
Andreyenkov A.A., Kostyukov A.V.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Development and Research of a Mathematical Model of a Four-wheel-drive Vehicle with Electric Transmission PDF
Kulakov N.A., Lepeshkin A.V., Cheranev S.V.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Development and research of multilayer composite coatings with nano-dispersed structure which are deposited on cutting tools using assistance cathode-vacuum-arc processes PDF
Maksimov Y.V., Vereschaka A.S., Vereschaka A.A., Kudrov A.S., Lytkin D.N., Shegai D.L., Bulycheva A.I.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Development and research of technological possibilities of manufacturing two-layer spherical plugs of ball valves from billets by crimp method PDF
Ageev N.P., Malyh F.M., Dubickij K.O.
Vol 16, No 4 (2022) Development and research of the control system of the electric drive of panoramic windscreen wipers
Polyuschenkov I.S.
Vol 17, No 4 (2023) Development and research of the model of a wheel-legged robot
Dyakov A.S., Evseev K.B., Fedorov D.S.
Vol 14, No 2 (2020) Development and testing of a mathematical model of the engine pre-start operation at low ambient temperatures PDF
Yelagin M.Y., Pavlov D.V., Khmelev R.N.
Vol 14, No 2 (2020) Development of a boost system turbocompaund piston engine PDF
Filippov A.S., Kaminsky V.N., Kaminsky R.V., Titchenko A.Y., Kostyukov E.A.
Vol 15, No 4 (2021) Development of a complex of mathematical models of a vehicle suspension for fatigue life analysis PDF
Kulagin V.A.
Vol 18, No 1 (2024) Development of a controller for the position sensor based on a sine-cosine rotary transformer
Polyuschenkov I.S.
Vol 16, No 1 (2022) Development of a dynamic model of a front loader for the analysis of operational properties and determination of loads acting on its elements
Chichekin I.V., Nyrkov F.A., Grigoruev V.S.
Vol 8, No 4-1 (2014) Development of a low-pressure turbocharger with axial turbine for a two-stage turbocharging system PDF
Grigorov I.N., Kaminsky V.N., Kaminsky R.V., Sibiryakov S.V., Lazarev A.V., Kostyukov E.A., Shuripa V.A.
Vol 11, No 2 (2017) Development of a mathematical model of an articulated cross-country vehicle for the Arctic zones of the Russian Federation, regions of the Far North and the Far East PDF
Gorelov V.A., Kartashov A.B., Kovtun K.I., Komissarov A.I.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Development of a mathematical model of an energy-absorbing seat, using the results of piling tests PDF
Kulakov N.A., Gavrilov E.V.
Vol 9, No 1-2 (2015) Development of a souvenir bell with use of modeling PDF
Filippov Y.K., Krutina E.V., Filippov K.Y.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Development of a system of two-stage turbocharging for KAMAZ EURO-5 engines PDF
Kaminskiy V.N., Grigorov I.N., Kaminskiy R.V., Sibiryakov S.V., Kuchev S.M., Likhachev V.N.
Vol 17, No 4 (2023) Development of an algorithm for controlling the suspension of a heavy-duty vehicle using the technology of systems embedding
Verkner A.S.
Vol 11, No 4 (2017) Development of an experimental research complex for determining parameters of interaction of a pneumatic tire with ground PDF
Vol'skaya N.S., Zakharov A.Y., Anisimov M.M.
Vol 3, No 2 (2009) Development of automotive industry clusters as a factor of social-economic development of the region PDF
Sorokina G.P., Redin D.V.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Development of CAD subsystem manufacturing processes of jewelry PDF
Sidel'nikov S.B., Dovzhenko N.N., Gajlis J.D., Lebedeva O.S.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Development of CALS-system for quality management of impregnating compositions for road pavements PDF
Glushko A.N., Bessarabov A.M.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Development of CALS-technology for tetrachloromethane of reagent qualification and high purity PDF
Bessarabov A.M., Stepanova T.I., Trokhin V.E., Vendilo A.G.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Development of common algorithms of control unit for long-haul tractor with hybrid power plant PDF
Nagaytsev M.V.
Vol 8, No 4-1 (2014) Development of controlled turbo-electric compressor PDF
Lazarev A.V., Kaminskiy V.N., Kaminskiy R.V., Sibiryakov S.V., Grigorov I.N., Kostyukov E.A.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Development of criteria for comparative analysis of chemical and petrochemical industries of Russia PDF
Kvasyuk A.V., Bessarabov A.M., Bel’kov V.P., Zubov D.V.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Development of customer feedback systems in management of quality and reliability of cars during operation PDF
Kozlovskiy V.N., Maleev R.A., Polyakova E.V., Korotkov V.I.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Development of dynamometer system for measuring cutting forces when turning PDF
Bezyazichniy V.F., Kordyukov A.V., Timofeev M.V., Fomenko R.N.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Development of economic theory in Russia: a theoretical and methodological aspect PDF
Filyakin Y.P.
Vol 8, No 3-1 (2014) Development of external indirect control pressure in pneumatic tires PDF
Ivanov A.M., Shadrin S.S., Karpukhin K.E.
Vol 8, No 2-5 (2014) Development of financial market infrastructure PDF
Tereshkina O.S.
Vol 8, No 2-2 (2014) Development of flow forming cutting of cylindrical wheels PDF
Kalashnikov A.S., Morgunov Y.A., Kalashnikov P.A., Kotkina T.V.
Vol 5, No 1 (2011) Development of human capital as a factor in the competitiveness of the enterprise PDF
Sorokina G.P., Chulkova O.O.
Khripach N.A., Lezhnev L.Y., Papkin B.A., Shustrov F.A., Ivanov D.A., Tatarnikov A.P., Sonkin V.I.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Development of information technology and computer quality management for inorganic acids of high purity PDF
Bessarabov A.M., Trynkina L.V., Kazakov A.A., Trokhin V.E.
Vol 7, No 4-1 (2013) Development of innovative business in Russia PDF
Zotov A.N., Gorokhova A.E.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Development of international business in post-industrial economy PDF
Zenkina E.V.
Vol 15, No 2 (2021) Development of methodology for calculation of optimal distribution of electric power between power units of condensing power plant PDF
Ilichev V.Y., Yurik E.A.
Vol 13, No 1 (2019) Development of multicomponent mixed bio-hydrocarbon fuel for diesel engines PDF
Soo S., Sater H.A., Hodyakov A.A., Hlopkov S.V.
Vol 9, No 3-5 (2015) Development of new gas engines that meet Euro-5 standards for medium duty trucks based on ZIL V-engine PDF
Latyshev A.P., Alibekov R.I., Klishin P.V., Shulgin V.V., Konoplev V.N., Sekerin V.D.
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