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Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Efficiency of investment - innovative project of development realization for the machine building enterprise PDF
Pavelyev V.P., Koltunov A.I., Pavelyeva E.V.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Efficiency of Risk Reducing Measures (ferric impurity removal) for Safety Operation. Residual Risk.
Sandulyak A.A.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Efficiency on the stage of vehicle operation: environmental and economic aspects PDF
Platko A.Y.
Vol 12, No 1 (2018) Ejector-type heat exchangers in the air conditioning in transport PDF
Merkulov V.I., Popov A.A., Polikarpov A.V., Tishchenko I.V.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Elastic bending of a bimetallic sheet PDF
Tipalin S.A., Shpunkin N.F., Kolesov A.V.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Elasto-plastic calculation of tubular elements of constructions PDF
Lugantsev L.D., Koscheyev E.S.
Vol 8, No 3-5 (2014) E-learning study of hard alloy production process management PDF
Kornienko I.G., Chistyakova T.B., Novozhilova I.V.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) E-learning systemfor teaching the management of hard alloy producing PDF
Kornienko I.G., Chistyakova T.B., Novozhylova I.V.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Electric power steering for a car PDF
Prokhorov V.A., Devochkin O.V.
Vol 9, No 4-1 (2015) Electric starter system with a variety of power sources PDF
Maleev R.A., Gulin A.N., Mychka N.V., Kuznetsova Y.A.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Electrochemical finishing of airfoil blade wheels PDF
Loboda A.A., Mozgov S.A., Saushkin B.P.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Electro-hydraulic devices for control of transmission frictional mechanisms PDF
Shipilevskiy G.B., Strokov A.M.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Electrohydraulic Perforating Machine PDF
Bekaev A.A., Sokovikov V.K., Strokov P.I., Bekaev I.A., Bulekov A.D.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Electromagnetic field of the hybrid car PDF
Grafkina M.V., Niunin B.N., Teryaeva E.P.
Vol 9, No 3-1 (2015) Electromechanical system for providing continuity summing power to the driving machine when shifting gears in transmission of a vehicle PDF
Gorbatovskiy A.V., Kotiev G.O., Chulyukin A.O.
Vol 14, No 2 (2020) Electromechanical transmission for tractors and road-building machinery PDF
Porshnev G.P., Dobretsov R.Y., Krasilnikov A.А.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Electron Work Function of Refractory Metal Alloys
Arzamasov V.B., Smirnova E.E., Stroev A.A., Polunov I.L., Rykov D.E.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Elemental composition and characteristics of the economic mechanism of technological innovations of the region PDF
Cogoev V.G., Dzagoev Z.L., Urusova A.K.
Vol 9, No 2-4 (2015) Elements of nonlinear continuum mechanics in the modern theory PDF
Brovko G.L.
Vol 9, No 2-4 (2015) Elements of thermomechanics of plasticity under complex loading PDF
Molodtsov I.N., Babaeva D.O.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Elimination of power flow break for gear actuation PDF
Tverskov B.M.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Employee motivation as a factor in improving the competitiveness of the organization PDF
Golubev S.A., Shiriaev D.V.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) End Flexures of Circular Cylindrical Shells before Stability Loss under Uniform External Pressure PDF
Matveyev E.A., Frolov A.B.
Vol 4, No 1-4 (2014) Endochronic plasticity theory, which takes into account the cross-linking, initial microstresses and initial microdeformations PDF
Kadashevich Y.I., Pomytkin S.P., Kryzhevich S.G.
Vol 9, No 4-4 (2015) Endochronic theory of inelastisity modeling microfracture and hardening of material PDF
Ivanov B.F., Kadashevich Y.I., Pomytkin S.P.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Endurance testing of tractor friction clutches PDF
Mikhaylov V.A., Sharipova N.N., Esenovsky-Lozhkov M.Y.
Vol 9, No 4-1 (2015) Energetic and quality data in the deviace cultivating machine-tractor unit in the working bodies avto-oscillations mode PDF
Gapich D.S., Fomin S.D., Denisova O.A.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Energy Accumulating Material Application as an Alternate Fuel for Gas-turbine Installations PDF
Kustarev Y.S., Kuznetsov V.V., Ascheulnikov E.K., Rodkin K.P.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Energy Accumulating Substances as Alternative Fuel for Gas-turbine Engines PDF
Kustarev Y.S., Kuznetsov V.V., Ascheulnikov E.K.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Energy and resource efficiency in high temperature furnaces with false housing PDF
Bolshakova N.V.
Vol 10, No 1 (2016) Energy efficiency evaluation of off-road transport with hydrostatic transmission PDF
Beresnev P.O., Eremin A.A., Belyaev A.M., Zezyulin D.V., Makarov V.S., Papunin A.V., Belyakov V.V., Kolotilin V.E., Kurkin A.A.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Energy efficiency of plastic waste recycling into hydrogen and other hydrocarbon production PDF
Latyshenko K.P., Garelina S.A.
Vol 11, No 1 (2017) Energy efficiency of the machine-tractor unit in transient modes PDF
Fomin S.D., Avramov V.I., Gapich D.S., Vorontsova E.S.
Vol 15, No 4 (2021) Energy saving technologies and energy efficiency of motor transport power plants PDF
Shabanov A.V., Vanin V.K., Yesakov A.E.
Vol 10, No 3 (2016) Energy savings for heating cabins of mobile machines and production facilities for their maintenance and repair PDF
Mikhailov V.A., Kutkov G.M., Dmitriev M.I.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Energy state of a surface of carbon steels as a characteristic of their corrosion resistance PDF
Reformatorskaya I.I., Podobayev A.N., Shishlov D.S., Chibysheva V.D., Artamonov O.Y.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Engine electric starter system with capacitive energy storage PDF
Maleev R.A., Mychka N.V., Gulin A.N.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Engine electric starter system with combined power supply PDF
Maleev R.A., Gulin A.N., Mychka N.V.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Engineering Education - the key to productivity and economic growth PDF
Ekpobodo R.O.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Engineering materials for pistons of internal combustion engines PDF
Makarov A.R., Smirnov S.V., Osokin S.V., Pyatov I.S., Vrublevskaya Y.I., Finkelberg L.A.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Engineering method of calculation of gasdynamic foil bearings of turbocompressors PDF
Merkulov V.I., Plykin M.E., Tischenko I.V.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Engineering method of calculation of gasdynamic foil bearings of turbocompressors PDF
Merkulov V.I., Plykin M.E., Tishchenko I.V.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Enhanced algorithm for gear calculation for justified selection of materials of gears and wheels PDF
Lukyanov A.S., Starikov A.I.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Enhanced operating characteristics of the scanning magnet controlled ferroimpurities of molding compounds PDF
Sanduliak A.V., Sanduliak A.A., Kurenkov E.P., Sanduliak D.A., Golovanov A.V.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Enhancement of energy and environmental performance of reciprocating internal combustion engines on transition to gasoline-ethanol fuel PDF
Abramov A.A., Apelinskiy A.V., Runovskiy K.D., Belov V.P.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Enhancing the stability of bentgrass (AgrostisstoloniferaL.) to salts of cadmium PDF
Gladkov E.A., Gladkova O.N., Glushetskaya L.S.
Koltunov I.I., Lobanov A.S.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Ensuring the controllability of mobile platforms for robotized complexes of arms and military equipment PDF
Shipilevskiy G.B.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Ensuring the quality of the surface layer and the reduction of process costs when machining R.N. Akinshin PDF
Akinshin R.N.
Vol 14, No 3 (2020) Entropy-statistical analysis of the air conditioning cycle of an aircraft PDF
Merkulov V.I., Tishchenko I.V., Abalakin S.A.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Environmental and economic aspects of processing and utilization of waste tires PDF
Ctets A.A., Chaikun A.M.
Vol 9, No 2-1 (2015) Environmental and economic problems of various projects of "eco-friendly" green car PDF
Azarov V.K., Gaysin S.V., Kutenev V.F., Vasilyev A.V.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Environmental and energy issues of the day PDF
Latyshenko K.P., Garelina S.A.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Environmental aspects of commercial transport transfer to higher fuel standards in Moscow PDF
Grafkina M.V., Sotnikova E.V., Sviridova E.Y., Shirokova A.N., Fedorina A.I.
Nyunin B.N., Grafkina M.V.
Vol 7, No 4-1 (2013) Environmental risks in the system of management of the automotive industry PDF
Tarev A.M.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Environmentally friendly gas-dynamic surface treatment in order to improve surface quality PDF
Chekalova E.A., Chekalov P.D.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Equivalence of translation in language for specific purposes PDF
Zakirova E.S.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Ergonomic criteria for evaluating the dependence of the force-displacement taken from the clutch pedal PDF
Petunin V.P., Prokopyev M.V., Kuevda A.V., Tarzanov S.P., Trankvillevsky V.G.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) Error Estimate for Axial Gripping Force by Four-spindle Nut-running Machine PDF
Zhitnikov Y.Z., Vorkuev D.S., Shmagin A.A.
Vol 14, No 2 (2020) Establishing relationships between fuel economy and gear ratios of bus transmission units PDF
Kravets V.N., Musarskiy R.A., Tumasov A.V.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Estimate of the factor of safety of convex bottoms under uniform internal pressure PDF
Lyang V.F.
Vol 9, No 2-1 (2015) Estimated determination of noise dispersion of towing vehicles PDF
Pobedin A.V., Dolotov A.A., Iskaliev A.I.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Estimation Model for Financial Viability of Mmachine-building Enterprise in Restructing Strategy Planning PDF
Ionov V.I., Koltounov A.I.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Estimation of CNC machine error influence on precision of machining of surfaces of the body of tool holder for replaceable inserts PDF
Nadolskiy M.A.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Estimation of competitiveness of "Promgaz technology" PDF
Krug E.A.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Estimation of efficiency of internal combustion engine in terms of quality index of system operation PDF
Grabovskiy A.A.
Vol 8, No 2-1 (2014) Estimation of measurement uncertainty in testing vehicles in terms of external and internal noise PDF
Zakharov I.P., Zharko Y.G., Sergeyeva A.O.
Vol 7, No 1-1 (2013) Estimation of parameters of clutch slipping for their various installation in tractor gearboxes when shifting without torque interruption PDF
Sharipov V.M., Dmitriev M.I., Zenin A.S., Kruglov S.M., Malanin I.A.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Estimation of Real Cost of Assets as the Factor of Anticipatory Management Today
Markov V.V.
Vol 9, No 1-1 (2015) Estimation of traction and dynamic properties of an 8×8 car with individual wheel drives on a chassis dynamometer PDF
Kotiev G.O., Gorelov V.A., Zakharov A.Y.
Vol 4, No 1 (2010) Estimation of tractors reliability on the basic of reclamation materials with use of the additional information PDF
Petukhov A.O.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) Euler Elastics and its Application PDF
Martynov V.K.
Vol 9, No 1-6 (2015) Euphemistic function of phraseological units (on material of Russian and English) PDF
Karpova T.A., Voskovskaya A.S.
Vol 8, No 4-3 (2014) Evaluating the effectiveness of cell selection in lawns growing in high copper content in the environment PDF
Gladkov E.A., Dolgih Y.I., Gladkova O.N., Glushetskaya L.S.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Investments in the Reorganization of Production PDF
Pavelyev V.P., Koltunov A.I.
Vol 10, No 4 (2016) Evaluation of ability to regenerate oscillation energy by the suspension system of a two-axle truck PDF
Malikov R.R., Smirnov A.A., Klimov A.V.
Vol 7, No 1-3 (2013) Evaluation of alkali metals salts solubility PDF
Artamonova I.V., Lesnova L.A., Rusakova S.M., Godunov E.B.
Vol 8, No 3-1 (2014) Evaluation of effectiveness of module hybrid power plant when choosing among engines of a specific range of electric power PDF
Dementyev Y.V., Krutashov A.V., Deev O.I.
Vol 7, No 4-2 (2013) Evaluation of effectiveness of training sessions on the general physical preparation PDF
Zherebkin N.N., Kazilov M.M., Frolov V.G.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Evaluation of explosive impact of mines on structures and crews of armored vehicles. Damaging Effects. Methods of protection PDF
Kulakov N.A., Shevchenko A.A.
Vol 8, No 3-1 (2014) Evaluation of fatigue life of thin-walled steel structures of mobile machines with a random complex stress state PDF
Gusev A.S., Shcherbakov V.I., Starodubtseva S.A.
Vol 9, No 1-5 (2015) Evaluation of human capital in the analysis of economic efficiency of implementation the elements of nanotechnology in mechanical engineering enterprise PDF
Kuritsyn A.V., Novikov A.D.
Vol 14, No 4 (2020) Evaluation of indicators of curvilinear movement of a road train using mathematical simulation PDF
Gorelov V.A., Yevseyev K.B., Chudakov O.I., Balkovskiy K.S.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Evaluation of innovations: the economic content and methodological support PDF
Gorokhova A.E.
Vol 7, No 4-1 (2013) Evaluation of socio-economic benefits of innovative projects PDF
Ilyin S.N., Koshel I.S.
Vol 10, No 1 (2016) Evaluation of strength of undercarriage of light commercial vehicles with design changes PDF
Shurygin V.Y., Tumasov A.V., Orlov L.N., Sharov D.V.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Evaluation of the conditions of oil seepage into the ground after corrosion damage of a tank covering PDF
Kuts Y.N., Korolchenko I.A., Veksler G.B.
Vol 2, No 1 (2008) Evaluation of the Destructive Effect of an All-wheel Drive Vehicle to the Ground PDF
Pereladov A.S., Korkin S.N.
Vol 9, No 3-5 (2015) Evaluation of the efficiency of use of human capital in the implementation of nanotechnology PDF
Kuritsyn A.V., Novikov A.D.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Evaluation of the law of nonlinearity of elastic characteristic of an automobile suspension under isochronous frequency of free oscillations according to vehicle weight change PDF
Kramskoy N.A., Chukanin U.P., Shcherbakov V.I.
Vol 17, No 3 (2023) Evaluation of the technical and economic efficiency of controlled power distribution in transmissions of all-wheel drive trucks
Keller A.V., Popov A.V., Okolnishnikova I.Y.
Vol 8, No 4-5 (2014) Evolution of computer data in the development of computer representations of knowledge PDF
Inozemtsev V.A.
Vol 8, No 3-1 (2014) Evolution of concept art and design concepts in automotive design of the XX century PDF
Lepeshkin I.A., Kruglov S.M., Lepeshkin A.V.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Evolution of the concept of crisis in philosophy of P. A. Sorokin PDF
Golovko Y.V.
Vol 9, No 1-5 (2015) Evolution of theoretical approaches to the definition of "innovation" PDF
Bank S.V., Bank O.A.
Vol 7, No 3-1 (2013) Exact solution of Cauchy problem for Harrod Domar differential equation model with variable coefficient of incremental capital-output ratio PDF
Meyerson A.Y., Chernyaev A.P.
Vol 17, No 4 (2023) Exergy analysis of thermodynamic performance of a gas turbine unit
Komarov O.V., Sammour A.A., Zubkov I.S., Blinov V.L.
Vol 8, No 4-5 (2014) Existence as the subject of philosophy PDF
Guseynov F.I.
Vol 9, No 1-2 (2015) Expansion of the set of central composition plans PDF
Sorokin M.N., Anufrieva K.S.
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