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Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Methodological aspects of formation of a transparent organization's financial statements PDF
Rozhnova O.V., Igumnov V.M.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Methodological basis of the use of systems analysis in managing equity companies PDF
Zadornov K.S., Biryukova E.A.
Komarov V.V.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Methodological Problems in the Accuracy of Scientific Terminology PDF
Piskun A.V.
Vol 7, No 1-6 (2013) Methodology development of research activity of the stock market U PDF
Inozemtseva U.V.
Vol 1, No 2 (2007) Methodology for Assessing the Safety of Vehicles on the Technical Level and Term of Operation PDF
Komarov V.V.
Vol 14, No 3 (2020) Methodology for conducting climatic tests in cabins and habitable compartments of wheeled and tracked vehicles PDF
Vereshchagin S.B.
Vol 8, No 3-3 (2014) Methodology for determination of mass fraction of active substance in ultraand nano-dispersed metal fuels by combustion calorimetry PDF
Romanov P.S., Pavlovets G.Y., Meleshko V.Y., Romanova I.P., Zlatkina V.L., Kulikova T.L., Mikhaylovskaya L.A.
Vol 9, No 2-5 (2015) Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of logistics management PDF
Aleksandrov O.A.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Methodology of feminism study in Russia in the beginning of XX century PDF
Kradetskaya S.V.
Vol 7, No 1-6 (2013) Methodology of political management as a kind of applied political science PDF
Fedorchenko S.N., Rybina M.V.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Methods and apparatus for determining the activity of cement PDF
Golovin V.V., Latyshenko K.P., Tsikunov V.S.
Vol 8, No 3-4 (2014) Methods for identification and optimization in intelligent systems PDF
Kryzhanovskaya T.G., Pupkov K.A.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Methods of acquisition and spectral analysis of vibration characteristics of artificial tracks PDF
Podrubalov V.K., Podrubalov M.V.
Vol 5, No 1 (2011) Methods of analysis and selection of brake force distribution between axles of a biaxial vehicle PDF
Klimenko V.I., Leontyev D.N., Lomaka S.I., Ryzhikh L.A.
Vol 8, No 4-5 (2014) Methods of assessing students' loyalty PDF
Sekerin V.D., Yurkevich E.V., Tumin Y.A., Ivanov V.A.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Methods of automated synthesis of innovative management solutions PDF
Lukina S.V., Girko V.V.
Vol 9, No 3-1 (2015) Methods of calculating suspension guide elements loads of vehicle when obstacle crossing PDF
Goncharov R.B., Ryabov D.M.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Methods of comparative evaluation of cost and quality of innovative solutions in the project life cycle of high-tech products of mechanical engineering production PDF
Lukina S.V., Krutyakova M.V., Solovieva N.S., Girko V.V.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Methods of creating an "intelligent" automatic adaptive transmission control multidrive wheeled vehicle PDF
Lepeshkin A.V.
Vol 9, No 2-5 (2015) Methods of determining the volume of industrial jobs in the plan period PDF
Mordasov U.P.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Methods of diagnostics of sensors of automotive electronic control systems with hybrid transmission PDF
Nabokikh V.A., Safronov A.V.
Vol 5, No 1 (2011) Methods of estimating effectiveness of safety events of potentially hazardous objects by structural analysis of the function a dangerous condition PDF
Maistruk A.A., Maistruk A.V., Rezchikov E.A.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Methods of estimation of financial stability of commercial organizations to detect in their activities the recessionary trends PDF
Shyriaev D.V.
Vol 16, No 4 (2022) Methods of fog control for a vehicle windscreen before vehicle moving off
Ignatiev V.V., Antoshina V.N.
Shubin E.V., Martynov S.V., Eremin B.G., Nazarov A.V., Belopol A.V.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Methods of implementation of CALS-technologies at the automotive industry enterprises PDF
Kuznetsova L.V., Oleinik A.V., Stavrovskiy M.E.
Vol 9, No 3-1 (2015) Methods of improving the reliability of dump trucks hydraulic system PDF
Kuznetsov A.V., Shalkov A.V.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Methods of intensification of the process of heat and mass transfer in column apparatus with contact devices PDF
Pushnov A.S., Sokolov A.S., Butrin M.M.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Methods of intensification of the processes of crystallization in cryogranulation of liquid suspensions in liquid nitrogen. The research of destinations of front changing of boiling regimes PDF
Belukov S.V., Malyshev R.E.
Vol 9, No 4-4 (2015) Methods of linear multiple regression in a matrix form PDF
Ivashnev L.I.
Vol 10, No 3 (2016) Methods of recycling of pneumatic and non-pneumatic tires PDF
Kostrova Z.A., Mikheev A.V., Zezyulin Z.V., Makarov V.S., Belyakov V.V., Bushueva M.E., Struchkova I.V.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Methods of selecting the rational combination of materials for sandwich panels of a bus body PDF
Voronkov O.V., Peskov V.I.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Methods of visualization of hydrodynamics and non-stationary heat exchange in granular media PDF
Pokusaev B.G., Karlov S.P., Nekrasov D.A., Zaharov N.S.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Metodicheskie i prakticheskie rekomendatsii po povysheniyu effektivnosti biznes-kommunikatsiy vertikal'no-integrirovannykh struktur PDF
Bigacheva E.N.
Vol 7, No 1-2 (2013) Metrological support for tests of experimental gearboxes for buses PDF
Gribanov D.D., Greku M.V., Mikhaylova L.V.
Vol 9, No 2-1 (2015) Microprocessor-controlled antiblocking system of motorcycle PDF
Vishnerevskiy V.T., Petrenko M.L., Melnikov A.S., Lenevskiy G.S.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Microturbine with efficiency of over 43% PDF
Kostykov A.V.
Vol 7, No 3-2 (2013) Minimization of energy consumption in the cooling systems of supercomputers PDF
Sukin I.A., Tsirlin A.M., Alimova N.A.
Vol 8, No 2-3 (2014) Mixing devices with a complex law of agitators motion PDF
Torubarov N.N., Malyshev R.M.
Vol 18, No 1 (2024) Mobile additional armor protection for a truck
Streltsov R.V., Mikitenko A.N., Sukhodoeva A.A., Samarin I.A.
Vol 14, No 3 (2020) Mobility of aggregates of promising missile systems based on road trains with an active trailed link PDF
Berdnikov A.A., Strel'tsov R.V., Dyunov V.A., Zol'nikov I.V.
Vol 8, No 4-4 (2014) Model for contact friction in flow process of a thin plastic layer PDF
Kiyko I.A.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Model of cost-effectiveness studies on a stage of vehicle recycling PDF
Platko A.Y., Nayanov E.A.
Vol 8, No 2-4 (2014) Model of effective dynamic viscosity of two-phase mixtures PDF
Kondratyev A.S., Shvydko P.P.
Vol 2, No 2 (2008) Model of efficiency rating of innovation technique implementation PDF
Rozhnova O.V., Bozhkova A.I., Bozhkova E.I.
Temis Y.M., Azmetov K.K., Fakeev A.I.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Model of Elastoplastic Material at Nonisothermal Cyclic Loading PDF
Temis Y.M., Fakeev A.I.
Vol 9, No 3-4 (2015) Model of oil flow in long journal bearing in field of centrifugal forces PDF
Temis M.J., Lazarev A.P.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Model of profitability of enterprises in the automotive industry PDF
Katanayev N.T., Larina E.V., Maksimov P.V.
Vol 14, No 4 (2020) Model of the dynamics of a wheeled vehicle for a complex of full-scale-mathematical modeling PDF
Kositsyn B.B.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Model of the Electroarc Discharge for Plasma Device of Low Power PDF
Vladiyko V.B., Nazarov A.V., Eremin B.G., Martynov S.V., Andrukh O.N.
Vol 5, No 1 (2011) Model stability control vehicle systems PDF
Komarov V.V.
Vol 17, No 4 (2023) Model-based development of software for network control of automotive vehicles’ equipment
Polyuschenkov I.S.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Modeling combined extrusion process to assess the limit of forming blanks from different materials PDF
Ogorodnikov V.A., Dereven'ko I.A.
Vol 5, No 2 (2011) Modeling of Dynamics of Vehicles Manual Transmissions System with Frictional Clutch PDF
Selifonov V.V., Nguyen Khac T.
Vol 6, No 2-4 (2012) Modeling of electromagnetic field in the resonator with regard to the measurement of the fuels water cut PDF
Kardyshev G.A., Shatalov A.L., Suslin M.A.
Vol 4, No 2 (2010) Modeling of engine starting process with a starter supplied from a capacitive energy storage PDF
Garmash Y.V.
Vol 7, No 1-3 (2013) Modeling of process of oscillations of a plate in the supersonic gas flow PDF
Pokazeyev V.V., Kiyko S.I., Kudryavtsev B.Y.
Vol 9, No 2-4 (2015) Modeling of response of combustion chamber of high-altitude engine to abnormal power impacts during ground firing tests PDF
Vladimirov S.A., Titov V.A., Kondratenko M.A., Kornev D.V., Trefilov S.I., Gorokhov V.D., Zherebchikov S.N.
Vol 7, No 3-1 (2013) Modeling of rheonomous properties of solid deformable media PDF
Korol E.Z.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Modeling of the device for balancing of a Li-Ion battery with switched capacitors for electric vehicles PDF
Varlamov D.O.
Vol 9, No 4-4 (2015) Modeling of the flutter of a plate, which is a part of wedge surface PDF
Kudryavtsev B.U.
Vol 12, No 1 (2018) Modeling of the mechanism of appearance of external infrasound of land vehicles PDF
Nyunin B.N., Grafkina M.V., Sviridova E.Y.
Vol 17, No 2 (2023) Modeling of the operation of a disc pump with the wall roughness consideration
Cheremushkin V.A., Lomakin V.O.
Vol 11, No 1 (2017) Modeling of the processes of evaporation and mixture formation in the cylinder of a tractor diesel engine when working on an ethanol-fuel emulsion PDF
Likhanov V.A., Lopatin O.P., Chuprakov A.I., Yunusov G.S.
Vol 9, No 1-2 (2015) Modeling of uneven flanging process PDF
Tipalina A.V., Filippov Y.K., Panfyorov V.V., Kuchkovsky Y.P., Boronnikov D.A.
Vol 5, No 1 (2011) Modeling of workpiece locating chart on machine-tools PDF
Timiryazev V.A., Novikov V.Y., Kostenko A.A.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Modeling the evolution of the deformation zone under various extrusion schemes PDF
Rjabicheva L.A., Usatjuk D.A.
Vol 9, No 1-4 (2015) Modeling the simplified circuit of testing assemblies of armored equipment at lateral blasting PDF
Kulakov N.A., Skakbaeva A.S.
Vol 15, No 4 (2021) Modeling the work of the automotive differential with internal friction in the system for calculating the multi body dynamics PDF
Chichekin I.V., Shuranova A.A.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Models for calculation of thermal displacements of spindle assemblies PDF
Ivannikov S.N., Manaenkov I.V.
Vol 9, No 3-5 (2015) Models of metaphorical shifts in automotive terminology in modern Russian language PDF
Martirosyan N.V.
Vol 7, No 1-4 (2013) Models of outcomes for receiving information codes which do not contain zero symbols PDF
Lvov A.A., Svetlov M.S., Rudenko A.E., Ulyanina Y.A.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Modern Antilock Brake Systems and Realization of Their Operation Algorithms
Klimenko V.I., Ryzhikh L.A., Krasyuk A.N., Leontyev D.N.
Vol 15, No 1 (2021) Modern approach to testing and validation of driver assistance systems PDF
Toropov Y.I., Trusov Y.P., Vashurin A.S., Moshkov P.S.
Vol 7, No 4-2 (2013) Modern concept of capital city and transferring of capitals in a global perspective PDF
Rossman V.
Vol 9, No 2-1 (2015) Modern electronic systems that provide environmental performance of diesel engine PDF
Boyarenok A.G.
Vol 8, No 3-5 (2014) Modern mechanisms of strategic management of corporate structures PDF
Sekerin V.D., Dudin M.N., Lyasnikov N.V.
Vol 6, No 2-2 (2012) Modern methods of hollow metal microsphere manufacture PDF
Petrov M.A., Bast Y.L., Petrov P.A., Sheypak A.A.
Vol 11, No 3 (2017) Modern methods of synthesis of automatic planetary gearboxes PDF
Salamandra K.B.
Vol 9, No 3-5 (2015) Modern problems of analysis and evaluation of business entity investment attractiveness PDF
Bank O.A.
Vol 8, No 4-1 (2014) Modern requirements for impeller machines for microturbine energy systems PDF
Kostyukov A.V., Datsenko V.V., Sinkevich E.M., Kosoy A.A.
Vol 7, No 1-3 (2013) Modern sorbents for wastewater treatment against molybdate ions PDF
Terekhova M.V., Gorichev I.G., Rusakova S.M., Artamonova I.V.
Vol 8, No 1-5 (2014) Modern stage of development of organizational-administrative activity: specifics and problems PDF
Shabaykin A.Y.
Vol 17, No 1 (2023) Modern structural and operating materials in development of road-building machines
Degtyareva K.A.
Vol 3, No 1 (2009) Modern Technologies for Training of Engineers at the Technology of Mechanical Engineering Department
Shandrov B.V., Balashov V.N.
Vol 8, No 2-2 (2014) Modern technologies in educational process and production PDF
Maximov Y.V., Kuzminsky D.L.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Modern technologies tendencies in development of flow-skiving PDF
Kalashnikov A.S., Morgunov J.A., Kalashnikov P.A.
Vol 6, No 2-1 (2012) Modern trends in car security systems development PDF
Medelec N.A.
Vol 7, No 2-1 (2013) Modern trends in electric motor control PDF
Zhmatov D.V., Gorkin V.P., Pakhomov E.E.
Vol 9, No 4-5 (2015) Modern trends of analysis for the management of financial stability of the organization in a volatile competitive external environment PDF
Redin D.V.
Vol 8, No 1-2 (2014) Modern worm milling cutters - design, tool materials and wear-resistant coatings PDF
Loktev D.A.
Vol 7, No 1-5 (2013) Modernization and innovation of industrial production as factors, ensuring strategic stability and competitiveness of business organizations PDF
Lyasnikov N.V., Dudin M.N., Muzaev S.K., Medyankova E.V.
Vol 7, No 4-2 (2013) Modernization and prospects of Russian higher education development PDF
Sokurenko E.G., Kryuchkova E.A.
Vol 8, No 3-5 (2014) Modernization and upgrading of aircraft enterprises equipment as a factor of industry leading position PDF
Stepnova O.V., Eremenskaya L.I., Gorokhova A.E.
Vol 9, No 1-5 (2015) Modernization, diversification and crisis strategy of Russia PDF
Filiakin Y.P.
Vol 7, No 2-2 (2013) Modernization of microinterferometer MII-4 PDF
Bavykin O.B., Vjacheslavova O.F.
Vol 12, No 1 (2018) Modernization of the cooling system for diesel engines of the YAMZ family with the aim of reducing cavitation damages PDF
Strel'tsov R.V., Vasil'ev V.G., Arabyan A.K., Mamoshin A.I.
Vol 8, No 4-5 (2014) Modernization of the information system for monitoring of state tasks in scientific research to universities and scientific organizations PDF
Bespalov O.Y., Borovin Y.M., Yurasov A.B., Godovikov S.A.
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