
Development of an algorithm for controlling the suspension of a heavy-duty vehicle using the technology of systems embedding
Verkner A.S.
Assessment of influence of considering the flexibility of the front loader frame on the emerging loads in the multibody system
Rubanov P.S., Goncharov R.B., Skotnikov G.I., Gorelov V.A., Grigoriev V.S.
Mathematical model creation for the lithium-ion battery and its comparing with analogs
Barsegyan K.R., Perepeliza M.A., Onishchenko D.O.
Technical diagnostics of heembedded elements of crane tracks of lifting equipment in machine halls of tunnel escalators
Vatulin Y.S., Popov V.A., Dyatlov V.N.
Study of the effects of deformation rate and adhesive layer thickness under impact loading on parameters of adhesive joints in a vehicle
Liu Y., Goncharov R.B., Zuzov V.N.
Calculation method for determining the heat loss of the air environment when opening the passenger vehicle cabin doors
Gevorkyan A.V., Prokhorov I.V., Butarovich D.O.
Method for calculating technical characteristics and parameters of movement of scale models of wheeled vehicles, ensuring the similarity of the processes during testing
Zhileykin M.M., Zhurkin M.M.
Mathematical model of the hovercraft lift system
Lepeshkin A.V., Sosnovsky N.G., Nguyen V.H.
Development of the simulation model for testing the axial torque distribution in an electric vehicle with the dual-motor layout
Mizin M.D., Malyshev A.N., Zavatsky A.M., Debelov V.V.
Influence of an impeller inlet diameter on operation of a high-speed submersible electric pump at the high flow rate modes
Gorbatov D.A., Zharkovsky A.A., Adrianov A.V.
Development of a complex of mathematical models of a vehicle suspension for fatigue life analysis
Kulagin V.A.
Finding the optimal compressor impeller material to improve the efficiency of the turbocharging system
Rakhmatullin S.S.
Study of the effect of finite element dimensions on the simulation accuracy of adhesive bonding in automotive structures
Liu Y., Zuzov V.N.
Analysis of the efficiency of balancing pistons of feed pumps
Zharkovsky A.A., Zakharov A.A., Fedorov S.P.
Modeling the work of the automotive differential with internal friction in the system for calculating the multi body dynamics
Chichekin I.V., Shuranova A.A.
Features of development of the mathematical model of the electric motorcycle thermal regulation system
Bazavluk S.A., Kurmaev R.H., Struchkov V.S., Gavrilova A.A.
3D Model of Transfer of Pollutions from Motor Vehicles to the Air
Sukhinov A.I., Gadelshina B.K., Lyubomischenko D.S.
Theoretical Study of Vibration Characteristics of a Powertrain of an All-wheel Drive Vehicle Driving on a Rough Road
Dementyev Y.V., Le Trong Cuong L.C.
Mathematical problems of calculating the multi-zone models of a cycle of internal combustion engine with spark ignition
Apelinskiy D.V., Shenderovskiy I.M., Runovskiy K.S.
Koltunov I.I.
Model of the Electroarc Discharge for Plasma Device of Low Power
Vladiyko V.B., Nazarov A.V., Eremin B.G., Martynov S.V., Andrukh O.N.
Velocity Profile in Cell of Granulated Medium (Adapted Model of Stokes Flow around Ball)
Sandulyak A.V., Sandulyak A.A., Ershova V.A.
Integrated assessment of power distribution law influence on operating characteristics of allwheel drive vehicle
Bakhmutov S.V., Gusakov D.N.
Application of an axisymmetric rigid-plastic finite element membrane model for evaluation of friction coefficients in sheet metal forming processes
Petrov V.K., Mikhaylova V.L., Sukhomlinov L.G.
The interaction of the propensity to consume and autonomous factors in the analysis and forecasting of dynamics of GDP
Filyakhin Y.P., Redin D.V.
The problem of correlation of cornering characteristics of tires in test bench tests
Bernadskiy V.V., Krasavin P.A., Kruglov S.M., Melo O.H.
Exact solution of Cauchy problem for Harrod Domar differential equation model with variable coefficient of incremental capital-output ratio
Meyerson A.Y., Chernyaev A.P.
Hardening of chromium steels in vacuum
Ovsyannikov B.L., Vasilevsky V.V., Kulomzin E.K.
Main directions for coordination graduate models of educational institutions and institutions of higher education
Andrukh O.N., Bugakov I.A.
Design process model in transportation design
Lepeshkin I.A., Kruglov S.M.
Mathematical methods for the analysis of migration processes on the basis of demographic data
Butusov O.B., Nikiforova O.P., Redikultseva N.I.
Analysis of design schemes of combination of vehicles towing elements wheel drives
Gorelov V.A., Chudakov O.I.
Evaluation of indicators of curvilinear movement of a road train using mathematical simulation
Gorelov V.A., Yevseyev K.B., Chudakov O.I., Balkovskiy K.S.
Analysis of the Mechanics of Cutting by a Cylindrical Drill with a Bridge
Olenin L.D.
Simulation Model of Preproject Calculation of Assembling Equipment Parameters
Lamin I.I., Abramchenkov N.V.
Features of Forming Disks of Gas Turbine Engines of Heat-Resistant Nickel Alloys with a Physical Model of Liquid-Phase Sintering of Pellets
Burlakov I.A.
The Mathematics Model of Mechanism Forming the Spot Face of Rolling Wheel
Sergeev A.I., Cherny I.V.
Multicriteria Parameter Optimization in the Tasks of Improving Handling Characteristics and Stability of Vehicles
Bakhmutov S.V., Akhmedov A.A.
Investigation of combustion modes of energy-accumulating materials
Kostykov A.V., Kuznetsov V.V., Ashcheulnikov E.K., Rodkin K.P.
Application of andragogic teaching principles in Foreign Language for special purposes training in higher technical schools
Dmitrieva A.G., Kazakova S.A., Mesheryakova E.V.
Assessment of the accuracy results of the numerical simulation in problems of forming shells of sheet metal
Mihajlova V.L., Petrov V.K., Suhomlinov L.G.
Methods of automated synthesis of innovative management solutions
Lukina S.V., Girko V.V.
The method of express-diagnostics of the roughness of the surface layer of machine parts on basis of a probabilistic model with hidden states
Palamar I.N., Julin S.S.
Extreme deformation of edge-fixed round steel plate under the action of a spherical punch which radius is much smaller than the radius of the plate
Mikhaylova V.L., Sukhomlinov L.G.
The role of leadership in the transformation of the innovation sphere
Shiriaev D.V., Vinogradova E.A.
Information Society and Space of Freedom
Omarova L.B.
Problems of process control for shifting gears on tractors without torque interruption
Timofievskiy A.A.
Link of the Dendritic Structure of the Alloy Solidifying in a Two-phase Zone with Diffusion Supercooling in the Model of Cellular Two-phase Zone
Sulimtsev I.I.
Regulation of human resources development for the national engineering industry
Blinkova E.S., Zadornova N.A.
Capability Check of the Cutting Tool by Method of Final Elements
Mihaylov V.A., Ivannikov S.N., Mokrinskaya A.Y.
Computational study on the influence of dimethyl ether additive in methane/air mixture as an alternative fuel on the combustion process of HCCI engine
Mahmoud Mohamed El-Ghobashy El-Hagar -.
Mathematical Model of Vehicle Motion as a Multimass System
Bakhmutov S.V., Gusakov D.N.
Methods of comparative evaluation of cost and quality of innovative solutions in the project life cycle of high-tech products of mechanical engineering production
Lukina S.V., Krutyakova M.V., Solovieva N.S., Girko V.V.
Transients in hydraulic drive of a fan for engine cooling system of a vehicle
Trukhanov K.A.
Parametric synthesis of the optimal regulator on the basis of the calculus of variations for General mathematical model of the object
Polianskiy V.P.
Quality model of stable catalyzate on the unit of catalytic reforming of gasoline
Sofiev A.E., Rylov M.A.
Optimization of production of carbon black by using idealized model of the reactor
Borovkov A.D., Tsygankov M.P.
Numerical simulation of the axisymmetric hydrolipoclasy of thin metal sheet, fixed on the contour
Petrov V.K., Sukhomlinov L.G.
The study of KAMAZ-4308 acceleration with single-threaded and dual-threaded clutch in transmission
Gorbatovskiy A.V., Kotiyev G.O., Chulyukin A.O.
A mathematical model of treelike actuator of a walking robot considering imposed links
Kovalchuk A.K., Yarots V.V.
Problems of finding the best solutions to ensure the passive safety of the cabins of trucks at a minimum weight
Goncharov R.B., Zuzov V.N.
Shchetinin Y.S.
Economic and mathematic model of foreign trade relations
Katanaev N.T., Zakharova A.V., Simutina M.N.
Оscillations under cutting-deforming flexible shafts work
Maximov Y.V., Ankin A.V.
Mathematical Model of Rolling Elastic Wheel over Deformable Ground
Chistov M.P., Naumov A.N.
Approximate model of forecasting resource during the impact of non-Gaussian processes
Podvoisky A.O., Borovskih V.E.
Mathematical model of electric discharge machining and processing management tasks
Ovsyannikov B.L.
Optimization of vibration protection systems for operator in mobile vehicle with random kinematical excitation
Podrubalov V.K., Nikitenko A.N., Podrubalov M.V.
Socially oriented market economy: past, present and future
Filyakhin Y.P.
Incremental geometrically nonlinear axisymmetric finite element model of forming process of thick sheet metals under the action of rigid tools
Sukhomlinov L.G., Mikhaylova V.L.
Geometrical modeling in SolidWorks
Knyazkov V.V., Fazlulin E.M.
Limit forming of fixed on the contour round steel plate in two-stage forming process using spherical punches of small radius
Mikhaylova V.L., Sukhomlinov L.G.
Estimation of traction and dynamic properties of an 8×8 car with individual wheel drives on a chassis dynamometer
Kotiev G.O., Gorelov V.A., Zakharov A.Y.
Calculation model of fuel-air mixtures ignition at spark-ignition engine
Shabanov A.V., Shabanov A.A.
Mathematical model for assessing the influence of a coupled suspension system on the smooth running of a tracked vehicle
Sarach E.B., Cipilev A.A., Kurasova M.S.
Trukhanov K.A.
The application of finite elements method for characterization of process variable in operations of metal sheet tension
Sukhomlinov L.G., Shvaya A.P.
Propulsion of Logging Machines with Individual Electromechanical Wheel Drives of Rolling Over Type
Sergeev A.I.
Problems on Creating of a Multimass Mathematical Model of Vehicle Motion and Methods of their Solution
Bakhmutov S.V., Gusakov D.N.
Strength analysis of the frame of the unit for long loads when modifying the geometry of its elements
Mishin P.P., Osipov N.L., Kramskoy N.A.
Determination of the influence of formative factors on design of conceptual objects in transport design and algorithm of through design
Lepeshkin I.A., Matersheva E.V.
Generalized mathematical model of vibration load of mobile machines with random kinematical excitation
Podrubalov V.K., Nikitenko A.N., Podrubalov M.V.
External infrasonic fields of ground vehicles
Grafkina M.V., Nyunin B.N., Sviridova E.Y., Ralchenko V.I.
Use of artificial intelligence methods for constructing a mathematical model of a part for further technological design
Kordyukov A.V.
Formation of a comprehensive set of competencies of employees in industries of energy efficiency and energy conservation
Telemtaev M.M., Nurakhov N.N., Frolov V.V.
Construction of a one-parameter stochastic model of the production process
Mordasov Y.P.
Electromechanical system for providing continuity summing power to the driving machine when shifting gears in transmission of a vehicle
Gorbatovskiy A.V., Kotiev G.O., Chulyukin A.O.
Control of dynamics of tractor with electronic gearshift control
Timofievskiy A.A.
Digital PID controller for pneumatic and hydraulic systems
Truhanov K.A.
Filyakin Y.P., Moguev B.D.
Lata V.N., Solomatin N.S., Okunev A.P., Eremina I.V., Ermolin A.V.
An incremental geometrically nonlinear finite element membrane model of sheet metal forming processes under action of rigid tools
Sukhomlinov L.G., Petrov V.K.
Improvement of Geometrical Parameters of Surface Quality in Process of Broaching on the Basis of Modernization of Cutting Tool Design
Bekayev A.A., Shchedrin A.V., Skoromnov V.M.
Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Model of the Front-Drive Car with Exhaust System
Cherepanov L.A., Okunev A.P., Rogozhkin V.E.
Moment theory of wedge
Martinov V.K., Zverev A.I.
Self-excitation of oscillations of wheeled tractors frame when working in traction mode
Schetinin Y.S., Esenoskiy-Lashkov M.Y., Sergeev A.I.
The calculation of volumetric accuracy
Maksimov J.V., Krylov O.V., Kuz'minskij D.L.
Models of outcomes for receiving information codes which do not contain zero symbols
Lvov A.A., Svetlov M.S., Rudenko A.E., Ulyanina Y.A.
Interaction of educational organizations and families for development of educational process subjects
Vornokova G.V.
Design features of organizational structures of the executive branch at regional and municipal levels
Burlakov V.V., Sadkov V.G., Vlasenkova E.A.
1 - 100 of 132 Items 1 2 > >> 

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