
The Vasily Ilyich Kopanev contribution in the fundamental and practical training of aviation doctors (95th anniversary)
Blaginin A.A., Shabalin V.N.
Clinical significance of behavioral type “a” in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
Yudin V.A., Odin V.I., Kuvshinnikov A.V., Inamova O.V., Zhigulina A.I., Tyrenko V.V.
Leader of pathophysiology: on the 70th birthday of professor Vasily N. Tsygan
Kryukov E.V., Ivchenko E.V., Fisun A.Y., Belskikh A.N., Kotiv B.N., Ovchinnikov D.V.
Apothecary order, Robert Erskine and the Letter of Peter I
Milasheva N.V., Ovchinnikov D.V., Samoilov V.O.
The role of professor I.A. Sapov in the development of the department of physiology of diving and rescue affairs of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Zverev D.P., Bobrov Y.M., Myasnikov A.A., Andrusenko A.A., Shitov A.Y.
Remembering Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin: the first neurosurgeon at the Lenringad Road Hospital, successor of the neurosurgical school of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Vavilova A.A., Khilova Y.K.
Bacteriostatic effects of cell-free matrix lyophilisates and hydrogel from human umbilical cord
Kondratenko A.A., Chernov V.E., Tovpeko D.V., Volov D.A., Beliy N.V., Zemlyanoy D.A., Kalyuzhnaya L.I.
Guillaume Dupuytren (to the 240th anniversary of a French surgeon)
Zemlyanoy V.P., Sigua B.V., Filenko B.P., Mavidi I.P., Melnikov V.A., Zaharov E.A.
Diagnostics and features of endovideosurgical treatment of giant non-parasitic liver cysts
Sigua B.V., Zemlyanoy V.P., Latariya E.L., Nikiforenko A.V., Kachiuri A.S., Gurzhiy D.V., Melnikov V.A., Vinnichuk S.A., Volkova E.S., Ovchinnikov D.V.
Prevalence of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers in Russian Guard servicemen
Ushaeva L.A., Zavyalov D.V., Shubin L.B.
Problems of military medicine eyes Zinovy Petrovich Soloviev
Shpanka A.V., Koshelev V.P., Kornushko I.G.
T.Ya. Aryev. Becoming a scientist and a doctor (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V.A., Yakimov D.K., Varfolomeev I.V.
From cadet to professor: service of physiology (to the 80th anniversary of V.N. Golubev)
Alexandrov M.V., Filippova E.B., Antonenkova E.V.
The first academician from dentistry, professor, colonel of medical service A.I. Rybakov
Iordanishvili A.K.
V.N. Sheinis. A way to science (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V.A., Yakimov D.K., Gusev M.Y.
Burns in pregnant women. Medical, ethical and legal aspects of the problem
Sokolov V.A., Petrachkov S.A., Stepanenko A.A., Admakin A.L., Kabanov P.A., Yakimov D.K.
Development of cell technology, molecular genetics and tissue engineering in S.M. Kirov military medical academy and Military innovation technopolis «ERA»
Alexandrov V.N., Bolekhan V.N., Buntovskaya A.S., Gorichny V.A., Gurdzhieva A.Y., Ivanov I.A., Kalyuzhnaya L.I., Kamalov A.M., Kachnov V.A., Kokorina A.A., Kolubaeva S.N., Koreshova E.I., Korovin A.E., Kriventzov A.V., Mikhalchenkov M.A., Myakoshina L.A., Nagibovich O.A., Ovchinnikov D.V., Pak N.V., Protasov O.V., Rudchenko I.V., Sveklina T.S., Sokolova M.O., Trandina A.E., Tyrenko V.V., Chernov V.E., Chirsky V.S.
The experience of application of additive technologies in the military medical organizations and the Military innovation technopolis «ERA»
Peleshok S.A., Zheleznyak I.S., Ovchinnikov D.V., Nagibovich O.A., Kushnarev S.V., Shirshin A.V., Bolekhan V.N., Adamenko V.N., Gaivoronsky I.V., Rudchenko I.V., Demyanenko V.A., Sokurenko R.S., Nebylitsa Y.I., Davidenko T.A.
Clinical guidelines for prevention, diagnostics, treatment and recovery from acute radiation injuries: classification and basic pathology
Karamullin M.A., Chepur S.V., Samokhvalov I.M., Shutko A.N., Seleznev A.B., Drachev I. ., Chekhovskikh Y.S., Kondakov A.Y., Remizov D.V., Ponomarev D.B.
Personalized approach to the organization of medical rehabilitation of military personnel in medical resort organizations of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation
Kirsanova A.A., Kovlen D.V., Dolgikh S.V.
Influence of the conditions of military-professional activity on reproductive health of military females which are training in tank regiment
Shmidt А.А., Ganapolskiy V.P., Sadovaia N.D., Timoshkova Y.L.
Current state and prospects of development of personalized medicine, high-tech health care and health saving technologies in the medical service of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation
Trishkin D.V., Fisun A.Y., Makiev R.G., Cherkashin D.V.
Methodical possibilities of improving the educational process at the Department of thermal injuries
Sokolov V.A., Chmyrev I.V., Kabanov P.A., Samarev A.V.
The contribution of Vasily Ilyich Kopanev into the fundamental and practical training of aviation doctors (to the 90th anniversary of V.I. Kopanev)
Blaginin A.A., Shabalin V.N.
The severity degree estimation for the lower extremity blast injury
Anisin A.V., Denisov A.V., Shapovalov V.M.
Johann Mikulicz-Radecki – one of the founders of modern european surgery
Zemlyanoy V.P., Sigua B.V., Filenko B.P., Melnikov V.A., Zakharov E.A., Kulagin D.V.
About oncological safety of cell-assisted lipotransfer application in the reconstructive surgery of mammary gland
Romanenkov N.S., Movchan K.N., Morozov Y.M.
First dissertation in medical geography at the Medico-Surgical Academy
Soldatov E.A., Mamaeva S.A.
Legal aspects of medical activity
Sokolov V.A., Apchel A.V., Kovin V.S., Varfolomeev I.V.
To the 90th birthday of professor Stanislav Alekseevich Bugrov
Ushakov I.B., Blaginin A.A., Lustin S.I.
Objectification of latent narcological pathology in a potential military contingent using special magnetic resonance imaging techniques
Tarumov D.A., Marchenko A.A., Malahovskiy V.N., Ushakov V.L., Goncharenko A.Y., Mavrenkov E.M., Trufanov A.G., Litvintsev B.S., Lobachev A.V., Ishakov D.N., Zheleznyak I.S., Shamrey V.K., Fisun A.Y.
Frontline way of a military doctor A.N. Orlov: 1942-1945 years. On the 100th anniversary of the chief of Department of Thermal Injuries of the Military Medical Academy
Sokolov V.A., Kabanov P.A., Gusev M.Y., Yakimov D.C.
Valentin Alekseevich Dolinin (1919–2005). The stages of life in the country’s history
Samokhvalov I.M., Tiniankin N.A., Golovko K.P., Badalov V.I.
Short results of work of evacuation hospitals of the rear of the country, deployed in the territory of the Saratov region during Great Patriotic War
Sokolov V.A., Murylev Y.A., Yakimov D.K., Murylev V.Y.
At the origins of the national military dentistry (to the 120th anniversary of the colonel of the medical service Ya.E. Bronstein)
Iordanishvili A.K.
Medical information of technologies and electronic medical documentation. The problematic aspects of their implementation in everyday clinical work
Sokolov V.A., Kabanov P.A., Stepanenko A.A., Petrachkov S.A., Gusev M.Y., Yakimov D.K.
The quality of life of servicemen in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Dybin A.S., Menshikova L.I., Mavrenkov E.M., Flerov A.A.
Professor Ya.M. Zbarzh and his contribution to military maxillofacial surgery and dentistry
Iordanishvili A.K.
Military doctor, surgeon, organizer of dental care (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.P. Zabelin)
Iordanishvili A.K., Voskresenskiy V.V.
The chronology of the evacuation of burned after accident in Bashkiria in 1989
Stepanova T.V., Sokolov V.A., Kozyaev V.A.
Legal and clinical aspects of emergency burns
Sokolov V.A., Shpakov I.F., Butrin Y.L.
Contribution of Professor B.M. Savin to the development ofaviation and space medicine
Blaginin A.A., Bukhtiarov I.V., Pashenko P.S., Savin A.V.
Hygienic aspects of an offshore habitability presented in Marine Medicine journal editions
Mosyagin I.G., Petreev I.V., Simakina O.E., Shevchuk I.A.
Analysis of the body mass index evaluation and the muscle component content of youth and men of the first mature age belonging to different somatotypes
Pashkova I.G., Gaivoronsky I.V., Gaivoronsky I.N.
Medical and statistical indicators of injuries among servicewomen in the armed forces of the russian federation (2003–2019)
Khominets V.V., Evdokimov V.I., Sivashchenko P.P., Vetoshkin A.A., Ivanov V.V.
Fabrication of human Wharton’s jelly extra cellular matrix for tissue engineering
Kalyuzhnaya L.I., Chernov V.E., Frumkina A.S., Chebotarev S.V., Zemlyanoy D.A., Tovpeko D.V., Kosulin A.V.
Professor T.Ya. Aryev. The first experience of the management of the clinical department (to the 110th anniversary of his birth)
Sokolov V.A., Yakimov D.K.
Scientific works of Professor T.Ya. Aryev – the first head of the department of thermal lesions of the Military Medical Academy them. CM. Kirov for the period 1932–1945
Sokolov V.A., Mamaeva S.A., Butrin Y.L.
Hero of the Soviet Union Dyskin Efim Anatolyevich - legendary person (to the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War)
Fisun A.Y., Gaivoronsky I.V., Odinak M.M., Litvinenko I.V., Nichiporuk G.I., Dyskin D.E., Koshkaryov M.A.
Yakov Vasilyevich Willie - more than half a century in the service of military medicine The Russian Empire and the Medico-surgical Academy (to the 250th anniversary of the birth)
Fisun A.Y., Porokhov S.Y.
Regenerative properties of human extraembryonal organs in tissue engineering
Kalyuzhnaya L.I., Kharkevich O.N., Schmidt A.A., Protasov O.V.
Professor Ivan Diomidovich Kudrin (100th birth anniversary)
Yusupov V.V., Ganapolsky V.P., Ovchinnikov B.V., Sambukova T.V.
Application of new approaches in the organization and conduct of classes on combat and special training of military medical personnel
Kasimov R.R., Zavrazhnov A.A., Blinda I.V., Puchin K.S.
Indicators of dismissal of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for health reasons in 2003-2018
Evdokimov V.I., Sivashchenko P.P., Grigoriev S.G., Ivanov V.V.
Contribution of Institute of preventive sciences of Z.P. Solovyov of Military Medical Academy to development of military health care
Voskresensky V.V., Kuznetsov S.M., Maydan V.A., Zaymagov S.V., Bokharev M.A.
Organization of the treatment of the wounded and sick in medical institutions in Saratov during The Great Patriotic War. Deployment of evacuation hospitals in the initial period of the war (June 1941 - June 1942)
Sokolov V.A., Murylev Y.A., Murylev V.Y., Yakimov D.K.
Contribution of professor Tuviy Yakovlevich Aryev to development of topical issues of thermal trauma. Main research and publications for 1958-1972
Sokolov V.A., Mamaeva S.A., Butrin Y.L., Gerasimova A.A.
About the effectiveness of cell technologies in extensive soft tissue defects plasty
Fistal E.Y., Popandopulo A.G., Soloshenko V.V., Movchan K.N., Romanenkov N.S., Yakovenko O.I., Gedgafov R.M.
Analysis of incidence of tibia stress fractures among the militaries
Omarov G.J., Paltushev A.A., Panov S.A., Iontsev V.I., Apchel V.Y.
Treatment and evacuation work of evacuation hospitals in the Saratov region in the period from July 1943 to June 1945
Sokolov V.A., Murylev Y.A., Yakimov D.K., Murylev V.Y.
Age features of the teething of wisdom at persons of military age
Korovin N.V., Grebnev G.A., Iordanishvili A.K.
The need to create and implement a platform for managing the professioyal reliability of military personnel of the armed forces of the russian federation, based on the principles of personalizet medicine
Kutelev G.G., Cherkashin D.V., Trishkin T.V., Kryukov E.V., Fisun A.Y., Marchenko M.A., Shulenin K.S., Krivoruchko A.B., Sobolev A.D.
Concept formulation for the early-stage pathogenetic treatment of the severe injuries and traumas
Samokhvalov I.M., Golovko K.P., Boyarintsev V.V., Badalov V.I., Suprun T.Y., Nosov A.M., Vertiy A.B., Denisenko V.V., Chupriaev V.A., Grishin M.S.
Peter the Great is the founder of the military medical education in Saint Petersburg
Milasheva N.V., Samoilov V.O.
60 years on the front lines of aviation and space medical support
Blaginin A.A., Sinelnikov S.N.
Features of surgical tactics of treatment of victims with deep burns of the face
Butrin Y.L., Chmyrev I.V., Skvorcov Y.R., Sokolov V.A., Petrachkov S.A., Shpakov I.F.
The post-war period of the scientific work of Professor T.Ya. Arieva. Research and publication topics for the period 1946–1958
Sokolov V.A., Mamaeva S.A., Butrin Y.L.
Professor Sergey V. Grebenkov - naval doctor, scientist, teacher (on the 65th anniversary)
Lobzin Y.V., Petreev I.V.
Thoughts of N.I. Pirogov «About desirable transformations of the Medico-Surgical Academy»
Zholus B.I., Petreev I.V.
Work organization of evacuation hospitals in Saratov during the Battle of Stalingrad
Sokolov V.A., Murylev Y.A., Yakimov D.K., Murylev V.Y.
Chronic decompression sickness and its diagnosis
Myasnikov A.A., Eficenko E.V., Zverev D.P., Klenkov I.R.
Mikhail Kuzmich Geykin and his contribution to development of scientific and applied questions of maxillofacial surgery and stomatology (to the 120 anniversary since birth)
Iordanishvili A.K.
Epidemiological characteristics of transport injuries in a large city (according to forensic studies of the deceased in hospitals of St. Petersburg)
Bozhchenko A.P., Pilnik N.M.
Evolution of gastrostomy in palliative medicine
Gavshchuk M.V., Gostimsky A.V., Zavyalova A.N., Barsukova I.M., Karpatsky I.V., Lisovsky O.V., Gostimsky I.A.
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov - 220 years old
Fisun A.Y., Kruglov V.I., Paliy K.A.
Medical and statistical indicators of injuries among officers in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2003–2019)
Evdokimov V.I., Sivashchenko P.P., Ivanov V.V., Khominets V.V.
N.I. Pirogov and his proverbial: «I believe in hygiene»
Zholus B.I., Petreev I.V.
Vesiculation red blood cells. Its role in donor erythrocytes components
Vaschenko V.I., Vilyaninov V.N., Skripaj L.A., Sorokoletova E.F.
Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in pediatric patients with antiepileptic drugs
Sofronov A.G., Zaytsev D.E., Zaytsev I.D., Titov N.A.
Organization of rendered surgical assistance in extreme conditions of autonomous navigation
Soroka A.K., Kotelnikov V.N., Nazarov V.E., Geltser B.I., Dergunov V.A.
1 - 80 of 80 Items

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