
Branch No. 6 of the A.A.Vishnevsky 3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital celebrates the 35th anniversary
Zhirun P., Korzovatykh V.
A.F.Golosov (1894–1955) – a prominent figure in military health care, a scientist and teacher
Shevlyuk N., Aminev R., Korneev A., Vovk O.
Implementation of modern approaches to the provision of medical oxygen in military healthcare
Miroshnichenko Y., Enikeeva R., Shchegolev А., Vertii B.
On the problem of development of hospital-replacing surgical care in the Armed Forces
Popov A., Astakhova T., Rogov Y.
The 1409th Naval Clinical Hospital celebrates the 80th anniversary
Ovcharov O., Kiselev V., Kalenov I., Starikov V., Mukharychin Y.
Temporary intravascular shuntingat the stages of medical evacuation in case of combat injury of the arteries
Esipov A., Pinchuk O., Yamenskov V., Rakov A.
Mistakes in the management of patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Zaitsev A., Makarevich A., Patsenko M., Sergoventsev A.
Urolithiasis: organization of medical care in military medical institutions of central subordination
Kryukov E., Esipov A., Protoshchak V., Paronnikov M., Kochetov A., Kudryashov O., Shershnev S., Samatygo A., Orlov D., Ovchinnikov D.
Anaphylaxis and antibiotics
Zholondz N., Makarevich A., Zaitsev A., Bekmurzov. S.
Ten surgical lessons of the initial stage of a military operation
Samokhvalov I., Kryukov E., Markevich V., Badalov V., Chuprina A., Petrov A., Goncharov A., Reva V., Kasimov R.
Ensuring the readiness of the medical service of the Armed Forces to work in a hybrid warfare
Kalachev O., Kryukov E., Krainyukov P., Kulnev S., Lemeshkin R.
Specialized surgical care in a modern military conflict: role and place at the advanced stages of medical evacuation
Kasimov R., Ovcharov O., Samokhvalov I., Zavrazhnov A., Reva V., Chuprina A., Lakhin R., Kudryashov V., Skakunova T., Murtazaliev R.
Dushanbe Military Hospital of the Russian Ministry of Defense celebrate the 95th anniversary
Perminov D., Aleksandrov P., Izhberdeev D., Mestyukova O.
A new classification of combat mechanical damage to the ENT organs
Makiev R., Mironov V., Golovanov A., Shelepov A., Krainyukov I.
The work of the consultative and diagnostic center of the Ministry of Defense on the terms of lean production in the interests of health saving during the COVID-19 pandemic
Popov A., Gurov A., Tonkoshkurova V., Prikhodko A.
Implementation of the basic principles of providing troops (forces) with medical equipment in the fight against the new coronavirus infection COVID-19
Miroshnichenko Y., Stavila A., Kononov V., Rodionov E., Krivous L.
Scientific-practical conference «Trauma of the genitourinary system. Innovations in urology» (meeting of urologists of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)
Protoschak V., Kharitonov N., Samatygo A.
Actual directions of work of representatives of military health care in forming a national drug policy
Miroshnichenko Y., Kononov V., Shcherba M.
Clinical course of new coronavirus infection in patients of the dispensary group
Krainyukov P., Demyanenko A., Mashkov T., Abashin V.
Experience in organizing the work of a garrison military hospital during the counterterrorist operation in Dagestan (1999–2001)
Bulavin V., Golosov S., Amirov А., Nikitin V., Vorona А., Bulavin V., Storozhenko I., Avdeeva Т.
Experience in using reduced interventions of damage control tactics in the wounded
Kasimov R., Usoltsev E., Chuprina A., Ovcharov O., Zavrazhnov A., Samokhvalov I., Goncharov A., Kovalenko S.
Experience in providing surgical care in a multifunctional medical center of a basic military hospital in a pandemic of new coronavirus infection
Komarov A., Musaev R., Kuprovskii I., Kozurenko D., Baturin V., Rybak E., Tyagun V., Shestopalov K., Persilov M., Khrapov Y., Isengaliev I., Glushkov I., Besedin V., Chernyshev D., Pokatelov A., Lomanova O.
The All-Army Scientific and Practical Conference «Topical Issues of High-Tech Urological Care in Military Medical Organizations»
Kharitonov N., Samatygo A., Kiselev A.
Staged treatment of the wounded with injuries of the musculoskeletal systems in modern armed conflict
Kryukov E., Davydov D., Khominets V., Kudyashev A., Brizhan L., Kulnev S.
Organization and analysis of medical care for patients with urolithiasis in military medical organizations of the second level
Kryukov E., Protoshchak V., Paronnikov M., Samatygo A., Orlov D., Ovchinnikov D., Slynko D., Khlybov N., Suprunov D., Kuznetsov A., Timchenko S.
Hi-tech health care: modern status and prospects of development in medical facilities of the Ministry of Defence
Fisun A., Kuvshinov K., Makiev R., Pastukhov A.
Features of the organization of surgical care for patients with a new coronavirus infection at a branch of the central military hospital
Musailov V., Chuprina A., Dolgikh R., Galstyan A.
Organization of internal quality control of the circulation of drugs and medical devices in a military medical organization
Levchenko V., Abushinov V., Zhidik S.
The founder of military dentistry in Russia
Kovalevsky A., Zheleznyak V., Meilikh I.
The epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the world and the Russian Federation during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19
Karpuschenko V., Zharkov D., Kuzin A., Zobov A.
On the results of endoscopic examining methods used for the gastrointestinal tract in children on an outpatient basis
Kudryavtseva M., Nedumov Y.
Experience in organizing the provision of primary health care to patients with a new coronavirus infection in the central military hospital of the Russian Ministry of Defense
Demyanenko A., Kuzmenko S., Nenarokomova N., Varavin N., Pershina O.
Metrological support of military medical organizations as a factor in maintaining their potential to provide medical care
Egorov O., Levchenko V., Goncharov A., Trishina N.
Branch No. 1of the 411th Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense celebrates the 160th anniversary
Balzhinimaev A., Kazikhanov R., Borel E., Kadyrov S.
The «firstborn» of state medicine: to the 315th anniversary of the founding of the Moscow military hospital
Davydov D., Matis A., Tripolskii V., Ovchinnikova M.
Organisational aspects of medical support for civilians employed in the Armed Forces in the military-medical institutions of the Ministry of Defence, deployed in Moscow
Kuvshinov K., Popov A., Sviridova T., Pastukhov A.
Pre-hospital care for wounded in military conflicts: state and prospects.
Samokhvalov I., Reva V.
Military field surgery in 2031
Samokhvalov I., Kryukov E., Markevich V., Badalov V., Goncharov A.
Organization of hematological care in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: acute issues
Bondarchuk S., Tyrenko V., Soldatov E., Soulaiman S.
Application of device for local compression of injured magistral arteries of extremities
Samokhvalov I., Pronchenko A., Reva V.
Experience in organization of drug supply for military personnel and military retirees 51 in the United States
Miroshnichenko Y., Gaynov V.
Synergetic basis of the system of specialized medical care, specialized treatment and medical rehabilitation of minimally injured and minimally ill
Savchenko I., Kharisov A., Yakovlev S.
To the issue of quality management in healthcare based on standards
Gruzdeva A., Khubulava G., Ilin M., Kharitonova E., Mushnikov D.
Prospects of material and technical development of the department of anaesthesia and intensive care
Shchyogolev A.
Delivery of surgical services for wounded in modern armed conflicts: surgical services at the different stages of medical evauaton (Report 1)
Samokhvalov I.
Ways of improvement of medical facilities support with infusion solutions.
Miroshnichenko Y., Umarov S., Kirillova Y.
A model of expert decisions in cases of medical care of a cardiological profile
Gruzdeva A., Khubulava G., Il’in M., Kharitonova E., Mushnikov D.
The provision of qualified and specialized surgical care to soldiers with limb injuries during a counter-terrorist operation
Nikitin V., Bulavin V., Vorona A., Remizov Y., Olenev N.
The internal quality control of medical care in military medical organizations
Kuvshinov K., Ryzhman N., Reutskii I., Butsenko S.
Surgical service at the Central Military Hospital of People’s Commissariat of Defence shortly before the Great Patriotic War
Krainyukov P., Efimenko N., Abashin V.
A process approach to managing the quality and safety of patients with superficial thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities against the background of varicose disease of the lower extremities
Voskanyan Y., Nikolaev K., Kurdyukov S., Golubov E., Chemurziev R., Alborov Y.
Hospital substituting technologies in military medical organizations
Rusev I., Karailanov M., Fedotkina S., Prokin I., Borisov D., Zakurdaev V., Stepushkina G.
Aspects of anaesthetic practice of modern ambulatory surgery
Popov A., Fedotov N., Zavarzin A., Rabukhin A.
Prospective methods of combat burn injury treatment
Ivchenko E., Golota A., Krassii A., Sechin A.
Russian physicians during first months of the great war. (To 100 anniversary of the beginning of the First World War)
Gribovskaya G.
The experience of successful treatment of severe viral-bacterial pneumonia in a military hospital
Krainyukov P., Popov A., Sergoventsev A., Efremova A., Khmelik V., Kim E.
Development of a methodology of for medical-flight examination of flight personnel under condition of hospital
Isaenkov V., Shishov A., Ryzhenkov S., Olenev N., Shishkin A., Filatov V.
Medical devices and its in-field use
Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Shchegolev A., Ivanov A., Yakovlev S., Kononov V., Ivchenko E., Rodionov E.
Medical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: the results of the activities and the main tasks for 2015
Fisun A.
Issues on outpatient medical care for the female soldiers with uterine myoma.
Kuvakin V., Vishnyakov N., Kochorova L., Tsivyan B.
Experience of correction of asthenic states in military personnel under out-of-hospital conditions
Kryukov E., Chernetsov V., Kazakov S., Semiserin V., Khritinin D., Katenko S., Malakhovskii V., Karakozov A., Molodova A., Levchenko O., Kozyrev P., Krasnov A.
Organization of work of non-standard isolation ward (infirmary) of a military unit (military educational organization)
Zhdanov K., Sidorchuk S., Zakharenko S., Grishin I., Peredelskii E.
Pleural effusion as an interdisciplinary problem: the experience of providing specialized medical care in a multidisciplinary hospital.
Fokin Y., Shklovskii B., Tatarin V., Badurov B., Egorov V., Baksheev V.
The 265 th anniversary of Orenburg military hospital
Boyarskih E., Rychkov V., Gonchar-Zaykin A., Trunov Y.
Gathering of chief traumatologists of military districts and fleets
Kotiv B., Khominets V., Kudyashev A.
Characteristics of individual oral hygiene in cadets of military schools
Iordanishvili A., Idris A.
Road polytrauma: the experience of organizing a diagnostic and treatment process in a multidisciplinary hospital
Esipov A., Fokin Y., Peshekhonov E., Apevalov S., Alekhnovich A., Esipov A.
The Orenburg military hospital celebrates the 275th anniversary
Kalmykov A., Rychkov V., Trunov Y., Stepanov A.
Concept of development of the provision of otorhinolaryngological care in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Govorun M., Kokorina O.
Status and prospects of medical evacuation aircraft in Armed Forces of Russian Federation
Bukhtiyarov I., Stremedlovsky N., Gamaliy V., Petrovsky G., Kiselev N.
Peculiarities of delivery of specific surgical assistance to wounded during counter-terrorist and peace-making operations on North Caucasia
Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Goncharov A., Alisov P., Severin V., Panov V., Kolos P.
Nikolay Terentyevich Potyomkin (On the occasion of 90th anniversary of the birth)
Zheglov V., Petrov O.
New methods of treatment applied in the hospital of Sochi during the Great Patriotic War
Artyukhov S.
Clinical military hospital in 1892
Poddubny M.
Combat burn injury. The Afghanistan and Iraq military campaign experience
Ivchenko E., Golota A., Kondratenko D., Krassii A.
Complex outpatient care to patients with osteoarthrosis and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of juxtaarticular soft tissues
Saks L.
Organization of medical support for troops, defending Leningrad and the people of the blockaded city.
Shelepov A., Kryuchkov O.
Evacuation of contagious patients in the modern system of medical support
Zhdanov K., Zakharenko S., Sidorchuk S., Yurkaev I.
Problems and prospects of innovation development of technical support for military medicine
Miroshnichenko Y., Kononov V., Ivchenko E., Soldatov E., Mustaev O., Rodionov E.
Prophylaxis and treatment of ischemic endotoxicosis in case of crush syndrome
Popov A., Rybnikov V., Bairamov S., Berkutov D., Yakirevich S.
Modern approaches to medical equipment for supplies teams of specialized medical care
Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Reutskii I., Kononov V., Rodionov E.
Organization of medical care for infectious patients in the second stage of the stay of a Limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan
Lyashenko Y.
Branch N 4 of the 428th military hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russia celebrates the 80 anniversary
Kalmykov A., Arsentev O., Semkin A., Vasilev I.
Main directions of growth of specialized medical aid in the Armed Forces
Belevitin A., Shelepov A., Savchenko I., Nikitin A.
Possibilities of ultrasound examination for the diagnosis of structural changes in the kidneys at the stage of providing specialized medical care
Sergoventsev A., Rybchinskii S., Mashkov T., Bakasova A.
Military psychiatry during the Great Patriotic War
Fisun A., Shamrei V., Chudinovskikh A., Kurasov E.
The World Conference «Endovascular Solutions for Surgical Bleeding and Trauma» in Saint-Petersburg
Samokhvalov I., Reva V., Petrov A., Pochtarnik A.
Experience with mobile units of Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Defense Ministry in local wars and armed conflicts
Kornyushko I., Yakovlev S., Vladimirov E.
Problem of resource supply of medical aid to wounded and damaged persons of neurosurgical profile
Gaydar B., Parfyonov V., Svistov D., Dikarev Y., Tegza V., Zemlyannikov D.
Perm military hospital - 80th anniversary
Nosarev V., Konovalov P., Khisamov A.
Ryazan hospital - 80 years
Klimov A., Gromov M.
Contribution of the Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital N 3 to the history of combat casualty care and delivery of care to the injured soldiers
Belyakin S., Dolgikh R., Fokin Y.
Surgical treatment of ballistic brain and skull traumas under condition of mountain-desert terrain
Orlov V.
Organizational aspects of medical service for veterans of the Great Patriotic War
Popov A., Pokusaev A.
The historical experience of medical service in cooperation with state healthcare facilities during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
Budko A., Gribovskaya G., Zhuravlev D.
Nutrition support for patients-servicemen in military-medical organizations of the Ministry of Defence
Strukov E., Kuvshinov K., Shchegolev A., Shestopalov A., Stets V., Petrakov V.
The main ways in performing analysis of the activities of medical supply organizations of the Armed Forces
Stavila A., Krasavin K., Levchenko V., Lemeshko A.
Organisation of medical care to military personnel with viral hepatitis A during the local armed conflicts
Zhdanov K., Kozlov K., Shishkin M., Lyashenko Y., Ivanov K., Zubik T.
Organizational and therapeutic aspects of the elimination of the medical consequences of chemical accidents
Khalimov Y., Pershin V., Rusev I., Tsepkova G., Babak A.
International experience of neurosurgical care delivery during the armed conflicts of the last decade
Poroiskii S., Solontsova E., Khrapov Y.
1 - 100 的 197 信息 1 2 > >> 


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