
Separated curds: new era
Ober S., Mayauskaite V.
The influence of ß-lactoglobulin hydrolyzate on development of starter cultures microflora
Korzhov R., Ponomaryov A., Melnikova E., Bogdanova E.
Fermented ice cream with lactulose
Ryabtseva S., Ahmedova V., Bratsyhina M.
Starter cultures and functional systems for fermented products
The National fermented milk product kefirand its functional properties
Kharitonov V., Rozhkova I., Semenikhina V., Makeeva I., Haritonov V., Rozhkova I., Semenihina V., Makeeva I.
Direct-vat-starters «Idgea» for milk products manufacturing
Gubina I.
Starter cultures of lactobacilli - producers of neutromediators (biogenic amines and amino acids)
Oleskin A., Zhilenkova O., Shenderov B., Amerhanova A., Kudrin V., Klodt P.
Taste of traditions: curds
Kashina E.
Starter cultures of the company «Chr. Hansen» for sour cream production
Sokolova O.
Effects of lactulose on the starter cultures microflora
Ryabtseva S., Bratsikhina M., Ryabtseva S., Bratsihina M.
Starter cultures for quality products
Direct vat starter cultures «Idgea» for milk products manufacturing
Gubina I.
The Greek yogurt: how cultures and lactase can help to maintain authenticity and taste
Ober S., Mayauskaite V.
The Italian technologies from the «KS Vityaz». «Mozzarella» and other new products in your production
Tsvetkov I., Babkina N.
Kefir product - it is tasty, simply and beneficially!
Gorina T., Gorina T.
The third generation of the yogurt cultures YoFlex® -new possibilities
Karycheva O.
Bioproducts «Bifilife» for the dietetic and preventive nutrition
Effects of starter cultures and stabilizers on the quality of the low fat sour milk product
Katkova N., Morozova V., Radchenko E.
FD-DVS eXact® KEFIR 1 и FD-DVS eXact® KEFIR 2
Sokolova O.
Vacuum drying of the bacterial concentratesand lactic acid bacteria starter cultures
Kaukhcheshvili N., Kharitonov A., Sorokina N., Smirnov E., Kauhcheshvili N., Haritonov A., Sorokina N., Smirnov E.
New kefir starter cultures «AiBi» - the way to perfection
Kefir turnover
The influence of the β-lactoglobulin hydrolysate on the starter cultures activity in the production of low-allergenic fermented beverages
Korzhov R., Ponomaryov A., Melnikova E., Bogdanova E.
Curds production: share experience and knowledge
Tyutikova N.
Fermented milk products for pregnant and feeding women
Felik S., Antipova T.
«Producing» health with the help of the starter cultures «AiBi»
Starter cultures «Liofast» from the «BK Guilini»:experience of applications in the Siberia and Kazakhstan
Tsvetkov I., Babkina N.
Starter cultures with low postacidifying activity
Semenikhina V., Rozhkova I., Botina S., Abramova A., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I., Botina S., Abramova A.
Sterilization of nutrient medium for production starter cultures
Kazakov A.
Such simple, but complicated
Kashina E., Spiricheva Z., Lotysh N.
Bacterial starters for curds production
Sorokina N., Kuraeva E., Kucherenko I., Semenihina V., Rojkova I.
Identification and quantity count of microorganisms in starter cultures and concentrates
Irkitova A.
Stepanyants M.
New generation of the yogurt cultures YO- MIXTMwith short fermentation and soft taste
Direct vat starter cultures: DELVO-TAM® for sour-cream and sour-cream product, DELVO-YOG® FVV for ryazhenka
Up-to-date solution of the sour cream product quality problem
Belkova M., Belkova M.
Mare's milk as a raw material for fermented milk production
Kanareikina S., Gareeva I., Kanareikin V.
Activity of the starter cultures microflora: reasons of reduction and ways for improving. Methods to prevent affecting lactic acid bacteria by bacteriophage
Sorokina N., Perfiliev G.
Chr. Hansen - a reliable partner in the dairy business
Gorina T., Gorina T.
Characteristics of the lactic acid bacteria strains
Ramonova E., Kabisov R., Tsugkiev B., Ramonova E., Kabisov R., Tsugkiev B.
A new word in the Russian biotechnology - starter cultures AiBi® Golden Time for the dairy sector
Belkova M.
Labeling of functional essential components with a mark for circulation in the market
Makeeva I., Shepeleva E.
Ingredients of the company Chr. Hansen - optimal expenses and guarantees of your cheese quality
Sokolova O., Sokolova O.
Efficient dairy cultures for quality product
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