
Medical care to patients with infectious diseases during the second stage of presence of The limited contingent of Soviet forces in Afghanistan: clinical aspects
Lyashenko Y.I.
Case of a serviceman suffered from damages caused by an imitator of a poisonous substance
Zhirun P.M., Glinin S.V.
Legal aspects of providing the high - tech medical care to military personnel
Khubulava G.G., Turchenyuk S.N., Lyubimov A.I., Volkov A.M., Lyubimova E.M., Fisun A.Y.
Clinical features of a gunshot injury to military personnel protected by body armor, defining tactics of medical aid delivery
Krainyukov P.E., Denisov A.V., Logatkin S.M., Kokorin V.V., Demchenko K.N.
Hospital-replacing technologies in domestic healthcare (review of literature)
Popov A.P.
Development of surgery at the P.V.Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital
Skorobogatov V.M., Satsukevich V.N., Abashin V.G.
Prehospital care in extremity major vascular injuries
Samokhvalov I.M., Reva V.A., Pronchenko A.A., Seleznev A.B.
Air medical evacuation on modern stage
Belevitin A.B., Shelepov A.M., Bochenkov A.A., Yamenskov V.V., Grebenyuk S.A., Peshkov V.V.
District military clinical hospital in Khabarovsk - 145th anniversary
Zubkov O.V.
Lieutenant-general V.O.Kappel: last campaign
Brinyuk N.Y.
Military veterans health care abroad (On the basis of US and British models)
Bolekhan V.N., Ivanov V.V., Ivchenko E.V., Krassiy A.B., Morovikova T.V., Nagibovich O.A., Rezvantsev M.V.
Delivery of health care to contagious patients during the pre-hospital stage
Zhdanov K.V., Zakharenko S.M., Kovalenko A.N.
Organization and delivery of therapeutic care in modern local wars and armed conflicts
Khalimov Y.S., Tkachuk N.A., Zhekalov A.N.
Modern condition and prospects of development of cardiac surgery in the Armed Forces
Khubulova G.G., Ryzhman N.N., Ovchinnikov Y.V., Tyrenko V.V., Peleshok A.S.
Organisation of medical care delivery to citizens, enjoying a right to get medical care at military-medical organisations of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.
Fisun A.Y., Kuvshinov K.Y., Pastukhov A.G., Zemlyakov S.V.
The set of wearable medical equipment for medical and nursing teams
Efimenko N.A., Valevskii V.V., Lyutov V.V., Makhnovskii A.I., Sorokin S.I., Blinda I.V.
Polyclinic of the Branch N 6 of the 3rd Vishnevskiy Central Military Hospital celebrates the 40 years anniversary
Popov A.P., Zotov A.E., Kharitonov S.M.
Preparation for assisted reproductive technology in the course of infertility treatment in the female soldiers
Shmidt A.A., Molchanov O.L., Abashin V.G., Yarman S.A., Beskrovnyi S.V.
Experience of medical support organization at the III winter International military games
Yakovlev S.V., Melchakov A.A., Nefedov K.V.
Acute issues of emergency care delivery in a multidisciplinary military-medical organization.
Klipak V.M., Iskra E.G., Zherebko O.A., Yasakova M.V.
Epidemiology of respiratory diseases among servicemen and directions of improving pulmonological care
Zaitsev A.A.
Standardization of maintenance by infusion solutions of a large multidisciplinary military medical organization
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Bunin S.A., Umarov S.Z., Kirillova Y.L.
Experience in organizing primary health care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the treatment and diagnostic center of the Ministry of Defense
Kuvshinov K.E., Klipak V.M., Kostycheva T.V., Zherebko O.A.
On health services for railway workers during the Great Patriotic War
Zelenskaya Y.N.
Branch No. 2 of the A.A.Vishnevsky 3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital celebrates the 30th anniversary
Yudin V.E., Yaroshenko V.P., Kosukhin E.S., Shekhovtsov Y.A., Ovechkin I.G.
From the history of the Kirov evacuation hospital № 1322 during the war
Starkova E.V., Kukovyakin S.A.
Volgograd military hospital - 70 years
Novikov V.Y., Alborov Z.T.
Analysis and working data of day hospital of district consultation-and-diagnostic out-patient hospital
Malykh A.B., Ivantsov V.A., Bogachenko S.M., Kutuzova E.A., Antipova E.V., Sklyarov V.N.
Phaleristics of Sisters of Charity
Tsymbal A.N.
Experience of medical backup of military parade on Red Square
Malykh A.B., Yakovlev S.V., Valevskiy V.V.
Organisational basis of provision with modern first-aid kits, emergency bags and emergency care for military transport.
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Goryachev A.B., Krasavin K.D., Klochkova I.V.
Characteristics of modern first aid kits, emergency medical service boxes and emergency medical care boxes to equip the troops
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Goryachev A.B., Shchegolev A.V., Krasavin K.D., Klochkova I.V.
Meeting of the major neurologists and psychiatrists of the military districts (fleets) of the Armed Forces
Litvinenko I.V., Shamrei V.K.
Children’s department and child care institutions of the Central military hospital of People’s commissariat during the Great Patriotic War
Simonenko V.B., Krainyukov P.E., Abashin V.G.
Issues on organisation of surgical care delivery to severely injured under condition of modern hybrid war
Samokhvalov I.M., Goncharov A.V., Golovko K.P., Gavrilin S.V., Severin V.V., Suprun T.Y., Loshenko Y.A.
System of health care delivery during peace-support mission оf the UN on the south of Lebanon
Galenko A.S.
Modern Views on the Management of Patient Safety
Voskanyan Y.E., Aveticyan A.Y.
Outstanding organizer of the military medicine (Тo the 100th anniversary from the birth of K.A.Novikov)
Ryzhman N.N., Lyutov V.V., Reutskii I.A.
Tactical medicine - a new concept for the «new type» wars
Krainyukov P.E., Samokhvalov I.M., Reva V.A.
From the history of the branch Nо. 1 of the Medical and Rehabilitation Clinical Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Turlai M.V., Khmil A.Y.
Syzran Military Hospital
Domogarova S.V.
Implementation of modem medical, technical and tactical requirements in the construction of first-aid kits and medical bags
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Milyaev A.V., Kurinnoy E.D.
Problems of delivery of health care for children of servicemen and educates of general educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Shabalov N.P., Arsentyev V.G., Tsiteladze A.A., Mikheyev A.V.
Military doctors and Community of St. Eugene
Poddubny M.V.
Ways of improving of intensive care for victims with severe concomitant injury
Samokhvalov I.M., Gavrilin S.V., Petrov A.N., Nedomolkin S.V., Meshakov D.P., Smirnov S.A.
The basis of modern medical control management system
Nemytin Y.V.
Development of combat medical robots in the US Armed Forces
Golota A.S., Ivchenko E.V., Krassii A.B., Kuvakin V.I., Soldatov E.A.
The contribution of the department of childhood diseases of the S.M.Kirov Military-medical academy to the medical support of students of educational organizations of general education of the Ministry of Defence
Shabalov N.P., Arsentev V.G., Mikheev A.V., Tsiteladze A.A.
The 442th military clinical hospital celebrates 180th anniversary.
Lyutov V.V.
All-army meeting of the medical service overhead personnel of the Ministry of Defence, dedicated to modern strategy of health care delivery during different stages of evacuation
Ovchinnikov Y.V., Shchegolev A.V., Agapitov A.A., Dolgov E.N., Gorbunov Y.G., Murkin A.A.
Deployment and organization of off-design airfield evacuation care center
Kalmykov A.A., Rychkov V.V., Stepanov A.V.
Experience of surgical care administration to patients with closed abdominal trauma, serving on the ships of the Navy.
Pleskach V.V., Mosyagin I.G.
First World Symposium on Endovascular Surgery for Injuries and Bleeding in Orebro, Sweden
Samokhvalov I.M., Reva V.A.
Garrison medical conference in the Naro-Fominsk Military Hospital
32nd central naval clinical hospital celebrates the 35th anniversary
Balashov E.V., Marchik V.V., Kozovoi M.Y.
Role and place of manual therapy at the stage of rendering qualified medical care in the Airborne Forces
Litvinenko I.V., Iskra D.A., Koshkarev M.A., Bogorodskii O.V., Dyskin D.E., Prokudin M.Y.
Intrahospital ischemic stroke in the military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense
Kolomentsev S.V., Litvinenko I.V., Emelin A.Y., Voznyuk I.A., Tsygan N.V., Savello A.V., Khlystov Y.V., Topunov E.A., Shermatyuk E.I.
The Military hospital in Saratov celebrates the 40th anniversary
Kalmykov A.A., Arsentev O.V., Sabaeva M.N.
Methodical approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of implementing the results of project activities in the practice of military health care
Trishkin D.V., Gurov A.N.
Experience in development of deployment tools of medical evacuation stages
Kornyushko I.G., Yakovlev S.V., Medvedev V.R., Sidorov V.A.
Improvement of outpatient dental care in the military district
Prokhvatilov G.I., Chernysh V.F., Grebnev G.A., Kanunnikov V.A.
Optimization of the system of medical service of students of Cadet Schools of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Toporkov M.T., Mikheyev A.V., Tsiteladze A.A.
The formation of the school of military neurosurgery of the Military Medical Academy
Gaidar B.V., Parfyonov V.E., Svistov D.V., Polezhayev A.V., Belyakov K.V., Landik S.A., Pisanov N.A.
Efim Ivanovich Smirnov - an outstanding founder of military medicine and civil health care (To the 110 th anniversary of birth)
Maksimov I.B., Krylov N.L.
Problems of organization of surgical care to the wounded in a modern armed conflict: surgical care to the walking wounded in armed conflicts (Report 2)
Samokhvalov I.M., Kotenko P.K., Severin V.V.
Telemedical approach to the organization of the advisory dermatologie care
Belyakin S.A., Barbinov V.V., Patsenko M.B., Tarasenko G.N., Vinogradov S.N.
Hi-tech center of outpatient care (To the 40th anniversary of the Branch N 6 of the Vishnevsky Central military clinical hospital N 3)
Popov A.P.
Problems of drug supply for patients with diabetes mellitus in the military health care and civilian health care
Scherba M.P., Miroshnichenko Y.V., Davidov S.B., Borisov D.N., Ivanov V.V.
Improvement of dermatovenereologic care in the armed forces.
Samtsov A.V., Khairutdinov V.R.
Branch № 5 of the N.N.Burdenko Main military clinical hospital celebrates the 65 anniversary
Kryukov E.V., Goryachev I.A.
Community-acquired pneumonia in servicemen: patients suirvalence and antimicrobial therapy
Ovchinnikov Y.V., Zaitsev A.A., Sinopalnikov A.I., Kryukov E.V., Kharitonov M.Y., Chernov S.A., Makarevich A.M.
Dental assistance to the personnel of the army during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
Gonchar V.V., Ratmanov P.E.
Dental health in discharged military personnel of the Armed Forces
Nikitenko V.V., Ivanov A.S., Lyskov N.V., Mormul V.V., Spesivets A.F., Polevaya L.P.
Assessment of the effectiveness of military medical organizations providing primary health care
Rusev I.T., Karailanov M.G., Fedotkina S.A., Prokin I.G., Borisov D.N.
Medical support of military operations during the Civil War in Russia (on the example of the Northern Front)
Troshina T.I.
Branch N 6 of GVKG n. a. N.N.Burdenko celebrates 90th anniversary
Merezhkin A.M., Rozhnov Y.A., Mits N.N., Karanik A.R.
The concept of development of the orthopedic and traumatological aid in the Armed Forces of Russian Federation
Belevitin A.B., Shapovalov V.M., Khominets V.V., Lyakhovets G.A.
Obstetric-gynecologic care for female soldiers: status and prospects
Shmidt A.A., Abashin V.G.
Improvement of pharmaceutical benefits for military retirees in outpatient care
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Krasavin K.D., Malykh A.B., Gainov V.S., Popov A.P., Pastukhov A.G.
Improvement of the specialized traumatologic care for wounded and injured with fractures of long bones of extremities
Shelepov A.M., Shapovalov V.M., Savchenko I.F., Khominets V.V., Ostapchenko A.A.
Evaluation of muscle relaxants requirement for army hospital anesthesia
Shchegolev A.V., Levshankov A.I., Bogomolov B.N., Pereloma V.I., Dumnov A.G.
Branch N 2 of the Vishnevskiy Central Military Clinical Hospital N 3 celebrates the 25 th anniversary
Yudin V.E., Budko A.A., Ovechkin I.G., Yaroshenko V.P.
Morning medical conference as an element of quality control of medical care in the hospital
Panyushin K.A., Potekhin N.P., Sarkisov K.A., Starovoitova I.M., Orlov F.A.
Medical support of the Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive
Zakrevskii Y.N., Shevchenko A.G., Burtsev N.N., Zhdanov A.A., Shmelev S.V., Kmitto A.A.
Planning and organisation of allo-grafting performed on the soldier’s face
Khubulava G.G., Alekseev V.V., Kravchuk V.N., Sukharev A.E., Skvortsov A.E., Povarenkov A.S., Mitrokhin S.O.
District military clinical hospital in Khabarovsk celebrates 150th anniversary
Zubkov O.V.
Medical Aspects of Flight Safety
Blaginin A.A., Lizogub I.N.
Epidemiology of complications associated with the provision of medical care
Voskanyan Y.E., Avetisyan A.Y.
Quality management of nursing activity in military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense
Sviridova T.B., Kostyuchenko O.M., Lim V.S., Khan N.V.
Features of providing surgical treatment to victims with bile duct trauma in the hospital
Romashchenko P.N., Maistrenko N.A., Pryadko A.S., Aliev A.K.
Pharmaceutical training for the Russian army and navy: history and current state
Miroshnichenko Y.V., Bunin S.A., Kononov V.N., Perfilev A.B.
Description of the modern combat acoustic trauma
Dvoryanchikov V.V., Mironov V.G., Grigorev S.G., Chernysh A.V., Sergeev A.N., Koroleva K.Y., Sushcheva N.A.
General principles of treatment of mine-explosive wounds of upper respiratory tract
Belyakin S.A., Egorov V.I., Lukyanenko A.V.
Faith to the traditions (military hospital of Smolensk - 205 years)
Burkhovetsky A.L., Dautov R.I., Alekseev V.V., Molokoedov N.V.
Formation of sanitary losses of therapeutic profile in local wars and military conflicts
Khalimov Y.S., Tkachuk N.A., Zhekalov A.N.
From the memories about father - colonel of medical service A.E.Ender
Lukina I.A.
Rendering of primary health care to patients with trauma of visual organ
Boiko E.V., Churashov S.V., Alyabyev M.V.
101 - 197 of 197 Items << < 1 2 

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