
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 4 (1897)
Vorotynsky B.I.
Letter to the editor. Volume V, № 3 (1897)
Ginzburg-Shik D.
About the perverted light reaction of the pupils
Bekhterev V.M.
Н. Hudden. Clinical and anatomical contributions to the knowledge of multiple alcohol. Neuritis. —Archiv für Psychiatrie, ХХVIII Vol., Issue 3
Board E.
Decree, President of the Republic of Tatarstan
Board E.
The state of neurorehabilitation service and prospects of its development in the republic of tatarstan
Yamaleev R.G., Ismagilov M.F., Galiullin F.G.
Astroglia and its role in epileptogenesis
Zavalishin I.A., Zakharova М.N.
Trigger phenomena of peripheric localization
Ivanichev G.A., Levit K., Karlov V.А.
Immunopathology of some forms of epilepsy
Chkhikvishvili T.S., Malashkhiya V.Y.
Combined diseases of endocrine glands in the clinic of nervous diseases
Protopopov K.I.
To physiology of splanchnic nerves
Polumordvinov D.V.
On the question of the effect of typhoid fever on the nervous system.
Yanishevsky V.V.
Three cases of trophic disorder in the area of ramifications of the supraorbital nerve
Erickson E.V.
S.V. Messing. About tabetic crises accompanied by fever. Russian Doctor. 1910 No. 6
Baklushinsky I.D.
I.V. Zavadsky. Gyrus pyriformis. — Archive of Biological Sciences. T. XV, no. 3rd and 4th, 1910
Baklushinsky I.D.
Fundamentals of recognition and classification of mental illness
Osipov V.P.
Report on the activities of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1908
Pervushin V.P.
Anglade et Jaquin on the so-called cardiovascular form of epilepsy. (Annales Medico - Psychologiques. 1908. Janv.-Fev.)
Khudyakov A.I.
Weber-Fechner law for irritation of human skin by induction currents. Leontovich. Kiev University Bulletin No. 12, 1907
Board E.
D. К. Paul Steffens: lieber Hystero-Epilepsie (Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 1905, 39 Bd, 3 H.)
Vishnevskiy G.
Prospective study of serum homocysteine and risk of ischemic stroke among patients with preexisting coronary heart disease (Stroke. — 2003. —Mar. — 34(3). — P. 632—636: англ.)
Tanne D., Haim M., Goldbourt U., Boyko V., Doolman R., Adler Y., Brunner D., Behar S., Sela B.
Cerebral venous thrombosis
Bogdanov E.I., Zabbarova A.T.
Cerebral hemorrhagic complications of thrombolytic therapy (Рrоg. cardivasc. dis. - 1999; nov.-dec. 42; 217-233.)
Patel S., Мodу A.
Physician-psychiatr in the role of an expert on trial
Vorotynsky B.I.
A.S.Dogel Histological research. Issue I. Zap. Imper. Academy of Sciences, vol. VII oy; E. Heimann. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der feineren Structur der Spinalganglien. Virchow's Archiv., Bd. 152, IL 2., p. 298 .; On the same. Ueber die feinere Structur der Spinalgan- glienzellen. Fortschritte der Medic. 1898. Bd. 16, no. 9; Van Gehuchten and Ch. Nelis. Quelques points concernant la structure de cellules des ganglions spinaux. "La Cellule", recueil de cytologie et d'histologie generale. 1898 2nd issue; Vladislav Kuzicka. Untersuchungen über die feinere Structur der Nervenzellen und ihrer Fortsatze. Archiv. f. microsc. Anat. 1899 H. 4, Bd. 53
Murzaev B.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VI, No. 4 (1898)
Vorotynsky B.I.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on March 8, 1898
Popov N.M.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting on November 30
Popov N.M.
Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment 11/4 96 years
Bekhterev V.M.
Experience in the use of computed tomography in the diagnosis of brain diseases
Mikhailov M.K., Akberov R.F., Appakova A.Z., Ziyatdinov K.S.
Board E.
Prediction of the spastic component of grave alcoholic abstinent syndrome
Gasanov K.A., Asadov V.M.
Paroxismal states in neuromuscular diseases
Lobzin V.S.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of November 9, 1916
Darkshevich V.P., Steinberg S.
A device for photographing human speech outside the room where the speaker is and without paying any attention to this process
Spirtov I.N.
Annals of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, 1902
Popov M.N., Nikolaev V.V.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of September 23,1909
Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.
Medical and economic report on the psychiatric department (with a colony) of the Odessa City Hospital for 1901
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, February 24, 1910
Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.
Clinical and functional aspects of diabetic distal polyneuropathy in the north
Sakharov V.Y., Penina G.O.
Dr. Schroder. To the casuistry of cerebellar hemorrhages. Neurologisches Centralblatt. 1908 No. 4
Veselitsky I.A.
Yu. V. Kannabikh. On the question of free will. (Questions of Philosophy and Psychology 1907 March-April)
Rudnev V.I.
Review of the monograph by E.G. Mendelevich, M.K. Mikhailova, E.I. Bogdanov "Syringomyelia and Arnold-Chiari malformation" (clinical and neurovisual aspects)
Ivanichev G.A.
Letter to the editor. Volume V, № 1 (1909)
Editorial B.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 2 (1899)
Nikolaev V.V.
W. von Bechterew. Bewusstsein und Hirnlocalisation. Rede gehalten auf der allgemeinen Versammlung des VI. Kongresses russischer Ärzte zur Erinnerung an. N. J. Pirogoff. Deutsch R. von Weinberg. Leipzig. 1898
Yanishevskiy A.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VI, No. 3 (1898)
Nikolaev V.V.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol meeting on October 26
Popov N.M.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1897)
Soloviev A.
Disabled people of the Republic of Tatarstan: life and problems
Valeev R.N.
On some possible alternatives of the clinical classification of epilepsy
Chudnovsky V.S.
Current views of the vegetative dystonia syndrome
Vein A.M., Dyukova G.M., Danilov А.B., Vorobyova O.V., Shepeleva I.P.
On the difficulty of examination in epileptic psychoses and the connection of a dream with a crime
Sergeev L.A.
Dr. Montier. Broca's aphasia. L'aphasie de Broca. 1908, 774 rubles and 175 drawings.
Kovalevsky P.I.
The torture of M. L. Melnikov from a scientific point of view
Kovalevsky P.I.
Prophetic Dreams
Popov M.N.
Triantafylides. On some neuroses of the abdominal sympathetic system. Report read at the Batumi Society of Doctors. 1908 Batum Det. ed.
Zhilin I.N.
H. frangais et R. lacques. Anatomical and clinical study of the case of softening in the area of the medulla oblongata and pons Varolii. "Revue neurologique" 1908. № 11
Osokin N.E.
On the significance of the study of local reflexes in the study of the functions of the cerebral cortex
Bekhterev V.M.
Report on a doctoral dispute at the Imperial Kazan University April 6, 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Doctor Sukhanov. Cyclothymia and psychasthenia and their relation to neurasthenia. "Russian doctor". No. 3. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Doctor Markevich. To the casuistry of tetany. "Russian doctor". No. 3. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Dr. Cesare Frugoni. About some respiratory changes of central] origin. Neurologisches Centralblatt. 1908. No. 5
Veselitsky I.A.
To the question of neuro-psychic hygiene in the development and education of youth: the sexual question from the point of view of the prevention and hygiene of the nervous system
Sukhov A.A.
Letter to the editor
Rein F.A.
Lejonne et Oppert. Paralysie unilaterale de nerfs craniens multiples. Revue Neurologique. 1907. No. 13
Markelov G.I.
Photographic reading aloud
Osipov V.P.
In acute paranoid syndromeѣ
Agadzhanyants K.S.
Seekrankheit als Ursache akuter Geistesstörung. DR'a Max Dobrschansky (Centralb. F. Nerv, u. Psych. No. 200, November 1905). (Seasickness as the cause of acute psychosis)
Vishnevskiy G.
Therapy of tremor paralysis
Sapozhnikov G.
M. Ya.Droznes. The tasks of medicine in the fight against modern nervousness. Public sanatoriums for nervous patients. Odessa 1907
Rudnev V.
Clinical and expert assessment of hospitalized patients with cerebrovascular pathology (based on materials from the neurological department of Yoshkar-Ola)
Mishakov A.G., Ismagilov M.F., Galiullin A.N.
A systemic approach to alcoholic women: system «а women — an environment»
Shaidukova L.K., Latfullin S.E.
The importance of neuropathology in the general system of medical education
Mislavskiy N.A.
To the study of the volume of eye changes in chronic poisoning with ergot and its drugs
Orlov К.Х.
Geschlecht und Kopf grosse von Dr. P. Möbius.—Hallea S.—1903
Eichenwald L.I.
Serieux et Mas selon. Physical disorders in the prematurely retarded (Les troubles physiques chez les déments précoces. Annales medico-psychol. 11 and 12, 1902. Société medico-psych., Séance du 30 juin)
Korolko L.
Cross stitching of nerves
Levin I.A.
Blepharoclonus and Arnold—Chiari malformation (Acta Neurol. Scand. — 2001. — Aug. —104(2).— P. 113—117: англ.)
Jacome D.
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis associated with hepatitis C virus infection (Arch. Neurol. — 2001. — Oct. — 58(10). — P. 1679—1681: англ.)
Sacconi S., Salviati L., Merelli E.
Cervicogenic headache: mechanisms, evaluation and treatment strategies (J. Am. Osteopath. Assoc.— 2000. Sep. —100(9 Suppl.).—S7—14: Англ.)
Biondi D.
Phonological and articulatory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease (Brain Lang.—2000. Nov.-75(2).-277-309: Англ.)
Croot K., Hodges J., Xuereb J., Patterson K.
Abnormal visual evoked potentials in children with “Alice in wonderland” syndrome due to infectious mononucleosis (J. Child. Neurol. — 1999. — Nov 14 (11). - P. 732 - 735: англ.)
Lahat E., Berkovitch M., Barr J., Paret G., Barzilai A.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of December 13, 1898
Popov N.M.
The volume of changes in the cells of the brain under the influence of carbon monoxide poisoning
Spirtov I.
About the influence of sodium bromystago, ammonium bromystago and lithium bromystago on the cerebral circulation
Gerver A.V.
Dr. Ed. Bérillon. Hypnotism and mental orthopedics. — Paris, 1898
Vorotynskiy B.I.
About the feeling function of the so-called the motor region of the human cerebral cortex
Bekhterev V.M.
S. Sukhanov. Contribution to the study of changes undergone by dendritic extensions of nerve cells under the influence of narcotics. Extract from the Journal “la Cellule” t. XIV, 2nd fascicle
Yanishevskiy A.
Physiological and psychological basis of aesthetics
Smirnov A.I.
Damage to the Varoliyev bridge with bilateral paralysis of volitional movements of the eyeballs, violent confusion and crying and early muscle atrophy of the right lower leg
Bekhterev V.
Prof. D-r Н. Oppenheim. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten für Aerzte und Studirende. Mit 287 Abbildungen. Zweite wesentlich vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1893. Pr. M. 23
Vorotynskiy B.I.
The tasks of forensic psychopathology and its modern meaning for a doctor and a lawyer
Vorotynsky B.I.
A. N. Bernshtein. New insight in the theory of perception. Questions of philosophy and psychology. 1898, January-February
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Secretory nerves of the prostate
Mislavsky N., Borman V.
М. van Erp Taalman Kip. Acute Manie. — Allg. Zeitschr. für Psychiat. Bd. 54. pg. 119—135
Idelson G.
About ascending degenerations in the brainstem and descending in the spinal cord (after damage to the lateral part of the brain between the occipital foramen and atlant)
Sukhanov S.A.
К Strozewski.—A case of hysteria simulating multiple sclerosis of the nerve centers. — Medical newspaper.. 1897, № 6
Board E.
About the end of the nerves in pepsin glands in mammals
Kytmanov K.A.
Prof. I. A. Sikorskiy. Epidemic free deaths and murders in Ternovsky farms (near Tiraspol). - Questions of neuropsychic medicine. T. II, no. 3.1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
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