
Полянский, Константин Константинович

栏目 标题 文件
编号 2 (2019) Articles Soft cheese with vegetable complex from green buckwheat for dietetic nutrition
编号 2 (2019) Articles Transfer of metabolites of bifidobacteria into whey during production
编号 1 (2019) Articles Preparation of raw materials for drinks based on milk whey and apple juice using baro-membrane technologies
编号 1 (2019) Articles Efficiency of baro-membrane purification of technological solutions in the dairy butter and cheese manufacturing
编号 6 (2018) Articles Receiving of curds whey with bifidogenous properties and its nano-filtration
编号 5 (2018) Articles Conceptual approaches to the system of milk products quality on the base of the blockchain technology
编号 4 (2018) Articles Effects of the vegetable complex from lucerne on the antioxidant activity of cheese paste
编号 3 (2018) Articles Efficiency of the electric-chemical membrane methods at cheese whey concentrating and demineralization
编号 2 (2018) Articles Ultrafiltration concentrating and demineralization of cheese whey with impulse current feeding
编号 1 (2009) Articles Computer optimization of spreads recipes
编号 2 (2012) Articles Varieties and quality of the dairy butter producers in the Central regions of the black earth zone
编号 3 (2012) Articles The role of stevia in improving cheese suitability of milk
编号 5 (2012) Articles Analysis of critical points in the technology of raw milk receiving
编号 6 (2013) Articles Baromembrane purification of effluents from the products of cheese making
编号 4 (2014) Articles Pilot plants for membrane filtration in the operation for raw milk materials processing
编号 4 (2014) Articles Special aspects of membrane concentration of cheese production waste waters in Russia in terms of Bondarsky cheese factory
编号 6 (2014) Articles Application of ultrafiltration in production curd products
编号 1 (2015) Articles The curds product of the improved food value
编号 2 (2015) Articles Use of products of complex processing of stevia for improvement of milk quality
编号 2 (2015) Articles Effects of the physical properties of cheese whey on the technological processes aimed at extraction of whey valuable components
编号 4 (2015) Articles Formation of the dynamic membranes at separation of biological solutions by ultrafiltration
编号 4 (2015) Articles Reduction of the heavy metals levels in the curds produ< made with application of the paste from the Jerusalem artichoke
编号 5 (2015) Articles Are we using the DTA detect minor additives of substitutes of butterfat in butter?
编号 6 (2015) Articles Rheological properties of the curds masses with the paste from Jerusalem artichok
编号 1 (2016) Articles Improvement of the production of milk replacers for calves
编号 4 (2016) Articles Jelly product on the base of curds mass with the paste from Jerusalem artichoke
编号 4 (2016) Articles Investigation of cheese whey concentrating by ultrafiltration
编号 5 (2016) Articles Reverse osmosis separation of solutions cornstarch production as an effective Way to reduce the cost processed cheese product
编号 1 (2017) Articles Study of the beetroot doses effects on the rheological properties of curds mass
编号 2 (2017) Articles Marmalade with adding cottage cheese and concentrated sugarbeet paste
编号 3 (2017) Articles Application of the soft cheese in the recipes of the jell products for sports nutrition
编号 5 (2017) Articles Protein snack with the concentrate of whey protein for sportsmen nutrition
编号 6 (2017) Articles Processing of whey with the use of large porous ceramic ultrafiltration membranes