
Development of a rehabilitation direction in the treatment of military personnel with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems in the «Podmoskovye» health-resort of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
Sobolev А., Dolgikh S., Kirsanova А., Kovlen D., Kondrina Е., Adkhamov B., Saveliev D., Ivashchev V.
Precursors of the development of chronic heart failure after myocardial infarction in military personnel
Gordienko A., Sotnikov A., Godina Z., Nosovich D.
Modern approaches to the assessment of stress resistance in military personnel
Kryukov Е., Ivchenko Е., Shamrey V., Marchenko А., Lobachev А., Vinogradova О., Zhurbin Е., Shchelkanova Е.
Ultrasound assisted examinations in the provision of medical care for military personnel: organization and problematic issues
Salukhov V., Kitsyshin V., Surzhikov P., Demyanenko A., Varavin N.
Clinical indicators and integral blood indices of conscripted military personnel during their adaptation in Kamchatka
Perervenko О., Klochkova N., Mejidova H., Alekhnovich А.
Rehabilitation approaches to restoring the health of the navy personnel with maladaptation disorders after performing tasks in special climatic conditions
Tyagnerev A., Dolgikh S., Kirsanova A., Kovlen D., Bezkishkiy E., Mosyagin I., Sukhinin A.
On the prevention of respiratory diseases among conscripts
Shklyar A., Mikheeva E., Manueva R.
Mistakes in the management of patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Zaitsev A., Makarevich A., Patsenko M., Sergoventsev A.
The relevance of the method of ultrasound diagnostics in medical examination of military personnel
Rybchinsky S., Demyanenko A., Mashkov T.
Programmatic development of cancer care in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Trishkin D., Sergoventsev A., Davydov D., Pastukhov A., Datsko A., Makiev R., Ushakov I.
Organization of a system for the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system in servicemen of the Armed Forces, their treatment and medical rehabilitation
Trishkin D., Sergoventsev A., Dolgikh S., Patsenko M., Pastukhov A., Datsko A., Makiev R., Zemlyakov S.
The effectiveness of the potentiating effect of natural healing factors in combination with individual psychotherapy programs in the medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel
Dolya V., Didenko S., Bekasova O., Muzychuk A., Shatalova T.
Long-term consequences of viral lung damage against the background of COVID-19 in military personnel
Kostycheva T., Pershukova T., Bikeikin A.
Medical rehabilitation of servicemen who have undergone a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in a military clinic
Kuvshinov K., Klipak V., Kostycheva T., Yakubova N.
Comparative analysis of anthropometric and instrumental methods for diagnosing obesity in military personnel
Semisyorin V., Endaltseva I., Peretokina E.
The use of traditional medicine methods in the treatment of military personnel associated with special working conditions
Khritinin D., Karakozov A., Katenko S., Ragozhin Y., Gryaznova O., Karakozova M., Zhilenko V.
State of population immunity to hepatitis A and B viruses in military personnel
Toptygina A., Klykova T., Smerdova M., Zetkin A.
Predictors of the development of pulmonary hypertension in the subacute period of myocardial infarction in military personne
Gordienko A., Sotnikov A., Menshikova A., Nosovich D.
Stress-associated mental disorders in military personnel
Trishkin D., Sergoventsev A., Shamrey V., Kurasov E., Marchenko A.
Determinants of the health of military personnel before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Korshever N., Zhuravlev V., Royuk V., Dorfman Y.
Changes in the regulatory legal framework in the organization of medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel
Dolgikh S., Ostroukhov A., Plyusnina E.
Directions for improving the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders in military personnel in the conditions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Kryukov E., Agafonov P., Gaiduk S., Lemeshkin R.
Transcranial magnetotherapy in the complex treatment of post-covid asthenic syndrome in military personnel
Kuvshinov K., Klipak V., Kostycheva T., Fadeev A., Yakubova N.
Routing of drug supply for military personnel in military medical organizations
Miroshnichenko Y., Ivanov V., Rodionov E., Kostenko N., Shcherba M.
Psychotherapy in the complex treatment of patients under conditions of the Feodosia military sanatorium
Terganov K., Didenko S., Bekasova O., Shatalova T.
Polymorphisms of the BDNF (rs6265) and LIPC (rs2043085) genes associated with the violation of military professional activity in the Arctic zone
Lemeshchenko A., Tsygan V., Kazakova E.
Organization and efficiency of the department of medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel of the health-resort «Solnechnogorsky» of the Ministry of Defense
Sobolev A., Kakurin O., Neustroeva N., Kuznetsov V., Shakula A.
On the importance of early diagnosis of epilepsy during pre-conscription training
Ponomar E.
Problems of diagnosing adjustment disorders in servicemen of the Armed Forces
Lobachev A., Marchenko A., Shamrey V., Vinogradova O.
A new classification of combat mechanical damage to the ENT organs
Makiev R., Mironov V., Golovanov A., Shelepov A., Krainyukov I.
Personal characteristics of military personnel that contribute to adaptation to civilian activities upon dismissal from military service
Stolyarchuk E., Vodopyanova N., Chesnokov V., Nikolaeva E., Syrkina A.
The prevalence of carriage and the serotype landscape of Streptococcus pneumoniae in military personnel arriving at the military unit in summer
Mukhachev I., Feldblyum I., Zakharova Y., Bolgarova E., Mamontov O., Fisenko S.
Features of the algorithm for the diagnosis of chronic cough in military personnel
Zakrevskii Y., Arkhangel’skii D., Balakhnov D., Minin A., Dobrynin Y.
The use of the functional diagnostic tests for the additional assessment of the risk of cardiovascular diseases during an in - depth medical examination of military personnel
Popov A., Leksina N., Kudinova S., Petrov S., Samodeenko O., Bekker A., Levina A., Dolgova E., Batueva N., Abramova M.
Methodological approaches to assessing the nutritional status of military personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the US Army
Smirnova G., Ishchuk Y., Konovalova I., Kravchenko E., Andriyanov A.
The prevalence of non-viral chronic diffuse liver diseases among military personnel
Zhirkov I., Gordienko A., Gulyaev N.
Prospects for the use of cochlear implantation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Yanov Y., Dvoryanchikov V., Glaznikov L., Chernysh A., Mironov V., Syroezhkin F.
Health status of military men serving on the North Fleet
Myznikov I., Askerko N., Khankevich Y., Ustimenko L., Burtsev N., Kuzminov O., Sadchenko S., Matochkina A., Trofimova A.
Epileptic seizures in servicemen
Drozdova I., Doloka Y., Khelimskii A., Gnatyshev I., Kuzennaya S., Romanyukha R.
Increasing the resistance to low ambient temperatures in military men with different sensitivity to normobaric hypoxia
Samoilov V., Maksimov A., Golubev V., Korolev Y., Maksimova N., Borisenko N., Timofeev N.
Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of using non-drug treatment integrated technique from military contract servicemen with metabolic syndrome
Batovskii A., Sheenkov Y., Karakozov A., Olenicheva E., Sterkhova G., Levchenko O., Molodova A., Kazakov S., Orlov F., Khritinin D., Malakhovskii V., Katenko S.
To the history of the branch of the Main center for the military-medical examination of the Ministry of Defense in St. Petersburg.
Petrova O., Krylov V., Trofimov A.
Peculiarities of the mental health of servicemen serving in submerged command posts.
Abritalin E., Zhovnerchuk I., Zhovnerchuk E.
The use of reflexology in the treatment of asthenic - vegetative syndrome in military personnel who have undergone COVID-19
Kuvshinov K., Khritinin D., Tyan V., Karakozov A., Gryaznova O., Katenko S., Ragozhin Y., Karakozova M., Levchenko O., Molodova A.
Physiological and psychological assessment of female military personnel in preparation for the Tank Biathlon competition
Ganapolskii V., Rzhepetskaya M., Grinchuk S., Luchnikova O., Marchenko L.
Features of the organization of therapeutic assistance to military personnel in the Arctic region
Khalimov Y., Agafonov P., Gaiduk S., Chekhovskikh Y., Fisun A.
On the causes of contracted tuberculosis of military personnel
Beznosik R., Grishin V., Aksenova K.
Applying of assessment scales for patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia in young patients
Zaitsev A., Ovchinnikov Y., Chernov S., Kondratieva T.
Diagnosis, treatment, and evacuation of the military personnel with severe out-of-hospital pneumonia under condition of the Far North
Arkhangelskii D., Panina T., Zakrevskii Y., Ovchinnikov Y., Barachevskii Y.
Indicators of mental health of servicemen who served on conscription in 2003-2016
Shamrei V., Evdokimov V., Sivashchenko P., Grigorev S., Lobachev A., Fefelov D.
Analysis of the most significant tuberculosis risk factors for military personnel in modern conditions
Dantsev V., Muchaidze R., Beznosik R., Karpushchenko V., Grishin V., Shitov Y., Spitsyn M.
Dental health in discharged military personnel of the Armed Forces
Nikitenko V., Ivanov A., Lyskov N., Mormul V., Spesivets A., Polevaya L.
Clinical and laboratory features of chronic dermatosis among military personnel.
Patrushev A., Samtsov A., Nikitin V., Ivanov A., Gumilevskaya O., Sukhina I.
Correlation relationships between the volume of the prostate gland and the age groups of military personnel
Krainyukov P., Rybchinskii S., Kotkovets N.
The military health - resort «Marfinsky» celebrates the 90-th anniversary
Dolgikh S., Kirsanova A., Sobolev A., Gulevatyi G.
Medical and economic effectiveness of the use of the human papillomavirus vaccine in female military personnel
Alieva M., Shmidt A., Zhidik V., Dokhov M., Knysh V.
Organizational aspects of medical rehabilitation of military personnel in sanatorium-resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense in modern conditions
Dolgikh S., Kirsanova A., Ostroukhov A., Didenko S.
Medical and social aspects of dermatoses morbidity in military personnel serving in a region of the Far North
Derevyanko R., Shevchenko O., Ustinov M.
Preparation for assisted reproductive technology in the course of infertility treatment in the female soldiers
Shmidt A., Molchanov O., Abashin V., Yarman S., Beskrovnyi S.
Medical and statistical characteristics of morbidity of military servicemen at the Armed Forces (2007-2016)
Grigorev S., Evdokimov V., Ivanov V., Sivashchenko P., Fefelov D.
Experience of correction of asthenic states in military personnel under out-of-hospital conditions
Kryukov E., Chernetsov V., Kazakov S., Semiserin V., Khritinin D., Katenko S., Malakhovskii V., Karakozov A., Molodova A., Levchenko O., Kozyrev P., Krasnov A.
Application of various modes of audiovisual stimulation to optimize the functional state of military personnel
Dudelzon V., Kalmanov A., Bulavin V.
Medical and psychological rehabilitation of servicemen serving in the Arctic zone of Russia
Dolgikh S., Ponomarenko G., Bobrov L., Ishchuk V., Merzlikin A.
Legal aspects of providing the high - tech medical care to military personnel
Khubulava G., Turchenyuk S., Lyubimov A., Volkov A., Lyubimova E., Fisun A.
The use of reflexology in the complex treatment of military personnel with special working conditions
Kuvshinov K., Khritinin D., Tyan V., Karakozova M., Karakozov A., Levchenko O., Molodova A.
On improving the prevention of tuberculosis in the Armed Forces
Muchaidze R., Zaretskii B., Dantsev V., Spitsyn M.
Group TB morbidity among military personnel in modern conditions (clinical and epidemiological features)
Dantsev V., Beznosik R., Spitsyn M., Grishin V., Muchaidze R., Drobot T.
Prophylaxis of substance abuse in the Aimed Forces: organization and performance of screening
Fisun A., Kuvshinov K., Shamrey V., Alekseev V., Goncharenko A., Pastushenkov A., Tikhenko V.
Modern technology in assessing predisposition to deviant behaviour among servicemen.
Levich S., Marchenko L., Yusupov V., Filippova E.
Evaluation of subjective criteria of patients’ attitude to catering at health resorts.
Nagibovich O., Kirichenko N., Pervova V., Pavlov A., Glukhova N., Glukhova N.
Delivery of mental health services to military servicemen in a multidisciplinary hospital.
Shamrey V., Kurasov E., Kobozova K.
Military-medical examination for cardiovascular diseases in the central military clinical hospital
Shklovskii B., Prokhorchik A.
Experience in the organization of prosthetics and medical rehabilitation of service members with limb amputation
Yudin V., Yaroshenko V., Popravka S.
Functional state and performance of military personnel in the initial period of service
Tsygan V., Kim A., Kudryashov V.
Features of the pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention of atopic dermatitis in the military
Patrushev A., Samtsov A., Nikitin V., Sukharev A., Ivanov A., Gumilevskaya O., Sukhina I.
Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms, androgen deficiency and erectile dysfunction in young military personnel
Protoshchak V., Paronnikov M., Iglovikov N., Kushnirenko N., Orlov D., Karpushchenko E.
Normative legal aspects of health-resort treatment organisation for military servicemen oft he Armed Forces
Ponomarenko G., Merzlikin A., Adkhamov B., Voronina L.
Hygienic characteristics of daily ration, designed for military servicemen doing call-up military service
Smagulov N., Mukhametzhanov A.
Deviant behavior predication among conscripts
Kuvshinov K., Shamrei V., Chaplyuk A., Dnov K., Marchenko A., Baurova N., Seregin D., Brovkin S., Datsko A.
Problems of military medical examination and dispensary observation of military personnel with chronic viral hepatitis
Zhdanov K., Kozlov K., Shakhmanov D., Zhabrov S., Yaremenko M., Sukachev V., Lyashenko Y., Ivanov K., Zubik T.
Medical and statistical characteristics of the incidence of military personnel under the contract of the Armed Forces the Russian Federation (2007-2016).
Sivashchenko P., Evdokimov V., Grigorev S., Ivanov V., Fefelov D.
Epidemiological study of sarcoidosis in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus
Metelskii S., Gombalevskii D., Kunevich E.
Chronic diffuse liver disease of non - viral etiology in military personnel exposed to adverse military professional factors
Zhirkov I., Gordienko A., Gulyaev N., Vashchenkov V., Makoveeva O.
Factors determining the severity of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries in soldiers with myocardial infarction
Gordienko A., Sotnikov A., Sakhin V., Nosovich D., Yakovlev V., Godina Z.
Clinical diagnostic and organizational aspects of providing care to patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis in the Armed Forces
Ovchinnikov Y., Kryukov E., Zaitsev A., Antipushina D.
Clinical and prognostic aspects of pulmonary sarcoidosis in servicemen
Kryukov E., Zaitsev A., Chernetsov V., Antipushina D.
Importance of social tuberculosis prophylaxis for the Armed Forces in present conditions
Muchaidze R., Dantsev V., Beznosik R., Spitsyn M., Shitov Y.
Prevalence and structure of congenital bicuspid aortic valve in conscripts
Kamennova E., Gurkovskaya A., Khugaeva S.
Military medical examination in case of the central retinopathy
Ignatev S., Kabalin A., Chaplyuk A., Koryakin S., Nam Y.
Prevalence of antibody to measles, rubella, andepidemic parotitis in military personnel
Nozdracheva A., Rybin V., Gritsik A., Zavolozhin V., Kuzin S., Semenenko T.
Assessment of neurophysiological indicators of medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel
Ivanov I., Kaverina E., Zheltyi O.
Dental morbidity of military personnel in the military garrison of the Republic of South Ossetia - State of Alania
Pavlovets S., Grebnev G., Kul’nev S., Ivanov V., Zubov N.
Medical and statistical characteristics of the incidence of urolithiasis in the Armed Forces
Protoshchak V., Paronnikov M., Orlov D., Karpushchenko E., Kochetov A., Lazutkin M., Alentev S., Ovchinnikov D.
Experience of using non-pharmacological methods of treating obesity and metabolic syndrome in contracted servicemen
Semiserin V., Khritinin D., Karakozov A., Kazakov S., Katenko S., Levchenko O., Molodova A., Gazzaeva E.
Problems and prospects of infectious diseases and HIV-infected military personnel register organization
Bolekhan V., Zagorodnikov G., Gorichny V., Orlova E., Nikolaev P.
Organization of rehabilitation and treatment measures in the armed forces of foreign countries.
Trishkin D., Malykh A., Ponomarenko G., Merzlikin A.
Community-acquired pneumonia in servicemen: patients suirvalence and antimicrobial therapy
Ovchinnikov Y., Zaitsev A., Sinopalnikov A., Kryukov E., Kharitonov M., Chernov S., Makarevich A.
On improvement of standard medical examination of military personnel of the Armed Forces
Popov A., Pastukhov A.
Organisational basics of medical rehabilitation improvement in the health resort organisations of the Armed Forces
Trishkin D., Dolgikh S., Merzlikin A., Kovalenko A., Voronin S.
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome among military personnel in Primorsky Krai
Iunikhina O., Kompanets G., Solovei A., Rybakova N., Naduda E.
1 - 100 的 110 信息 1 2 > >> 


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