
Officer, military doctor, teacher (On the 100th anniversary since the birth of G.Kh. Ripp)
Belyakin S., Zhidkov S.
Ensuring the readiness of the medical service of the Armed Forces to work in a hybrid warfare
Kalachev O., Kryukov E., Krainyukov P., Kulnev S., Lemeshkin R.
On the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of military medical expertise in the Far East
Datsko A., Perelygin S., Pashkovsky R., Kabalin A.
Results of the medical service activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2023 and goals for 2024
Trishkin D.
Medical support of the foreign armies during the First World War 1914-1918 (To the 100th anniversary of the end of war)
Budko A., Brinyuk N.
Oleg Sergeevich Lobastov (1921–2005) – a prominent scientist and organizer of military healthcare
Kulnev S., Shelepov A., Kryuchkov O.
On the history of the medical service of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
Zemlyannikov D., Grabsky Y., Butuzov S.
Issues and prospects for improving drinking water quality control in the field
Lopatin S., Yudin A., Volodin A., Bokarev M.
Medical service during the Belarusian offensive operation «Bagration»
Shelepov A., Leonik S., Ponomarenko V.
Pioneers of domestic aerospace medicine (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Major Generals of the Medical Service S.A.Gozulov, P.V.Vasiliev and E.A.Karpov)
Ushakov I., Zhdanko I., Bednenko V., Khomenko M., Vorona A., Filatov V.
Results of the activities of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2021 and tasks to complete in 2022
Trishkin D.
Famous scientist in the area of military-medical geography (To the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.A.Shoshin)
Shelepov A., Soldatov E.
Medical devices and its in-field use
Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Shchegolev A., Ivanov A., Yakovlev S., Kononov V., Ivchenko E., Rodionov E.
«The head of the medical service must be the person...» (To the 70 th anniversary of N.G. Ryzhman)
Valskii V., Butikov V., Rybakov S., Chernikov O.
Lines of development of technical means of the Armed Forces medical service
Yudin A., Kurkin I., Prigorelov O., Vasyagin S.
About development of medical maintenance of Military air forces in modern conditions
Radchenko S., Arcentyev U.
Justification of modern approaches to classification of medical equipment sets
Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Kononov V., Popov A., Rodionov E.
Organizational design of the medical service of the Russian army in the XVII - early XVIII centuries
Kulnev S., Kryuchkov O.
Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Report 3). The US Army
Agapitov A., Aleynikov S., Bolekhan V., Ivchenko E., Krassiy A., Nagibovich O., Petrov S., Rezvantsev M., Soldatov E., Shalakhin R., Sheppli E.
Medical support of the Russian Federation Armed Forces during the Special Military Operation and partial mobilization: activities results and planning for 2023
Trishkin D.
Leader and mentor rolled into one (To the 95th anniversary of I.S.Brykin – the head of the medical service of the Baltic Fleet in 1976 – 1983)
Vdovichenko Y., Kazanchev A., Kiselev V.
Medicine of Belarus during the war
Tishchenko E.
Modernization of organization base of technical service and repair of medical technique
Belevitin A., Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Bunin S., Krasavin K.
Results of the All-Army competition for the title of the best medical officer of the Medical Service of tactical (ship) unit of the Armed Forces
Kalachev O., Kulnev S., Zhuravlev V., Chuvashev M.
Experience of organization of supply of troops of the Red Army by medical property during the Great Patriotic war
Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Bunin S.
Implementation of modern approaches to medical equipment of medical service’s troops
Miroshnichenko Y., Stavila A., Goryachev A., Kononov V., Krasavin K., Popov A.
Improvement of medical equipment setting for the hospital link of the medical service during wartime
Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Popov A., Rodionov E.
Strategic Missile Forces Medical Service celebrates 60th anniversary
Gnashko O., Kachurovskii I., Rascheslavskii B.
On the rationing of medicines for patients undergoing medical rehabilitation in sanatorium - resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Miroshnichenko Y., Kirsanova A., Dolgikh S., Stavila A., Rodionov E., Ilenko I.
Shalakhin R.A., Sheppli E.V. — Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Report 4)
Agapitov A., Aleinikov S., Bolekhan V., Ivchenko E., Krassiy A., Nagibovich O., Petrov S., Rezvantsev M., Soldatov E., Shalakhin R., Sheppli E.
Barabanov A.Ya. - the head of battlefronts medical service during the Great Patriotic War
Gribovskaya G.
Major-general of Medical Service -Alexander Egorovich Devyatkin (70 th Anniversary)
Kalmykov A., Malykh A., Novikov V.
Improvement of the system of medico-evacuational interventions in the troops with the help of mobile specialized elements
Fisun A., Vlasov A., Sushilnikov S., Bulatov M.
Equipment of field units of the medical service of the Armed Forces with modern medical complexes on the basis of pneumo-frame modules, and procedure of the use
Fisun A., Kuvshinov K., Sushilnikov S., Yakovlev S., Sidorov V.
The General Military Medical Department during the Great Patriotic War.
Kryuchkov O., Kulnev S., Taranov S.
Characteristics of modern first aid kits, emergency medical service boxes and emergency medical care boxes to equip the troops
Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Shchegolev A., Krasavin K., Klochkova I.
On disadvantages of medical and expert opinions on the category of eligibility of citizens subject to conscription for military service
Pinchuk P., Burmistrova N., Chaplyuk A., Datsko A.
Medical support for the aviation of the Air Force of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War
Vartbaronov R., Ushakov I., Zhdanko I., Khomenko M., Vovkodav V., Churilov Y.
Sanitary service of West Special Military District on the eve and in the first days of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
Shelepov A., Ishutin O., Leonik S.
Unified military medical information system of the medical service of the armed forces: opportunities for creation and development strategy
Kuandykov M., Krainyukov P., Stolyar V., Lim V.
Features of the organization of medical support for troops (forces) in the Arctic zone
Chernikov O., Kulnev S., Kupriyanov S., Soldatov E., Ovchinnikov D., Fisun A.
Expert assesment of commands of Fleet medical service inclided into Disaster medicine service
Cherny V., Ivchenko E., Aleksandrov M.
Experience of medical support organization of the tank biathlon competition
Fisun A., Kuvshinov K., Yakovlev S.
Results of diagnostic and treatment work of the clinical base of the S.M.Kirov Military-medical academy for 2015 under condition of reconstruction
Ryzhman N., Skrabovskii V.
Prominent figure in military medicine (to the 100th anniversary N.G.Ivanov)
Fisun A., Shelepov A., Kulnev S.
Organization of medical support U.S. Armed Forces
Kornyushko I., Yakovlev S., Bulatov M., Matveyev A.
Improvement of the system of medical equipmet rationing for military units during the wartime
Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Popov A., Morgunov V., Ryzhikov M., Merkulov A.
The use of the new loads of expendable medical supplies by the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Grebenyuk A., Kononov V., Sidorov D.
Prospective planning of activity of the Medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020
Fisun A., Kalachev O., Redkin E., Bershev M., Murzo A.
Chronic kidney disease affecting the determination of the category of fitness for military service
Kryukov E., Datsko A., Potekhin N., Sarkisov K., Borisov A., Petrova O., Koryakin S.
Prospects for the development of military toxicology: chemical safety and countering its threats
Chepur S., Chubar O., Yudin M., Shefer T., Basharin V., Kuz’min A., Sidorov S., Tyunin M.
Improvement of the system of medical equipment rationing for military units in peacetime
Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Krasavin K., Tikhonov A.
Research scientific centre of military medicine, military-medical techniques and pharmacy of State research scientific institute of military medicine of MD RF celebrates 80 years
Bukhtiyarov I., Varlachyov A., Medvedev V.
«Everything, made by soviet military medicine during the last war, could be called a feat...»
Budko A.
The state research and test institute of military medicine of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation celebrates the 85th anniversary
Zhilyaev E., Chepur S., Yudin A., Medvedev V., Sidorov V.
Development and use of modern hardware-software complex for medical equipment accounting in military unit of the medical service in wartime
Miroshnichenko Y., Kononov V., Azarova N., Rodionov E., Milyaev A.
Organizational and legal foundations of the military medical examination department in Saint-Petersburg
Petrova O., Karasaeva L., Chaplyuk A.
Military medical examination for urolithiasis in the Armed Forces (analysis of work published in 2015-2019)
Kryukov E., Protoshchak V., Paronnikov M., Karpushchenko E., Datsko A., Petrova O., Nikolaev O., Borisov A.
Always in combat formation (on the history of the department of organization and tactics of the medical service of the Military Medical Academy)
Kulnev S., Shelepov A., Kryuchkov O.
Who was the head of the General Military Medical Department in 1917-1918.
Fisun A., Poddubnyi M.
Organization of medical support for the troops of the Central Military District at the training area Donguz (according to experience of a strategic command post exercise «Center-2015»)
Kalmykov A., Rychkov V., Stepanov A.
Peculiarities of medical support of Soviet troops during the Battle of Kursk
Budko A., Baryshkova L., Gribovskaya G., Zhuravlev D.
Organization of medical evacuation support of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic war: lessons and conclusions
Sinopalnikov I.
From the history of military medical examination in Russia
Churilov Y., Chaplyuk A., Brovkin S., Vovkodav V.
Ways to improve military medical expertise of the citizens subject to conscription
Datsko A., Cherkashin V., Tokarev V., Kabalin A., Sergoventsev A., Pastukhov A.
Modern approaches and technologies used in the medical support of military personnel in the Far North
Cherkashin D., Makiev R., Kirichenko P., Marin A., Fisun A., Alanichev A.
Anniversary scientific-practical conference «Actual issues of medical support of the Navy».
Chernikov O., Chernyi V., Kupriyanov S.
Licensing of activity of medical subunits of military forces and commands of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Rezvantsev M., Sushilnikov S., Zakurdayev V.
Health status of female soldiers serving in the Northern Fleet
Myznikov I., Askerko N., Ustimenko L., Miloshevskiy A., Khankevich Y., Volkova L., Sadchenko S., Matochkina A.
The use of new sets and medical kits by the medical service of the Armed Forces
Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Boyarintsev V., Samokhvalov I., Kononov V., Milyaev A.
Outstanding organizer of the military medicine (Тo the 100th anniversary from the birth of K.A.Novikov)
Ryzhman N., Lyutov V., Reutskii I.
Modern state and prospects of perfection of medical agents of indication of poisoning and high-toxic substances
Grebenyuk A., Konev V., Sidorov D., Sidorov O., Azarov I.
Modern information technologies for analysis of health status of military personnel
Sivashchenko P., Kushnirchuk I., Sorokin S.
Medical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: results of activity and aims for 2017
Vlasov A.
Heads of the department (course) of military and military medical disciplines (organization and tactics of medical service) of the Military Medical Academy
Kulnev S., Vislov A., Ivakov Y.
Use of functional packages of medical stuff by military level of medical service of the Armed Forces
Miroshnichenko Y., Kononov V., Milyayev A., Stupnikov A., Slobodenyuk A.
Information analytical support of the US Armed Forces Medical Service at the theater of operations (Review of foreign online publications)
Agapitov A., Golota A., Krassii A., Kuvakin V.
Development of combat medical robots in the US Armed Forces
Golota A., Ivchenko E., Krassii A., Kuvakin V., Soldatov E.
Research and practice conference «Actual issues of military medicine: from trauma surgery to community-acquired pneumonia».
Valevskii V., Tutaev O., Makhnovskii A., Chikin O., Kiselev I., Kasimov R.
Medical Service of the Estonian Defense Forces
Anisimov A., Golota A., Krassii A., Soldatov E., Shalakhin R.
Prospects on the use of information technologies in the system of military-medical education and military healthcare
Kalachev O., Papkov A., Polovinka V., Agapitov A.
Medical Service of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.
Golota A., Ivanov V., Krassii A., Mironov V., Soldatov E., Shalakhin R.
Medical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: results of activities and tasks for 2019
Trishkin D.
Medical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the context of a pandemic of a new coronavirus infection: results of activities and tasks for 2021
Trishkin D.
Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Review of foreign internet-publications)
Agapitov A., Aleinikov S., Bolekhan V., Ivchenko E., Krassiy A., Nagibovich O., Petrov S., Rezvantsev M., Soldatov E., Shalakhin R., Sheppli E.
Medical Service of the Finnish Defence Forces
Golota A., Krassii A., Mikheev A., Morovikova T., Shalakhin R.
Medical Service of the Japan Self-Defense Forces.
Aleinikov S., Golota A., Krassii A., Parfenov V., Soldatov E., Soldatov K., Shalakhin R.
Association of veterans of the military medical service celebrates the 20th anniversary
Kalachev O., Kornyushko I., Medvedev V., Pozdnyakov A., Popov O., Sobolenko A.
Medical support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: results of activities and tasks for 2020
Trishkin D.
Service for Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation at the present stage
Belevitin A., Kornyushko I., Yakovlev S.
40th anniversary of the 736th Main Center of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Defense Ministry
Solovey E., Bersky O., Yanshin L.
Military physician of the Russian Army Konstantin Finne: the down of the medical service of Long-range aviation of Russia
Vasilev K., Vasilev Y.
System of rehabilitation in the Armed Forces: history, now-day’s and perspectives of development
Fisun A., Shchegol’kov A., Yudin V., Belyakin S., Ivanov V., Budko A., Ovechkin I.
1 - 93 的 93 信息


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