
Total Replacement in Posttraumatic Defects
Nuzhdin V.I., Khoranov Y.G., Popova T.P., Gorokhov V.Y.
Which joint endoprosthesis is better? (dialogue between orthopedist and biomechanics)
Belenky V.E., Kuropatkin G.V.
Development of the hip joint in children and adolescents (experimental anatomical and radiological study)
Malakhov O.A., Morozov A.K., Ogarev E.V., Kosovo I.A.
The use of new generation non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in traumatology and orthopedics
Musalatov K.A., Silin L.L., Brovkin S.V.
Elbow Arthroplasty using «Endoservice» Elbow Endoprosthesis
Prokhorenko V.M., Chorniy S.I., Shaternikov B.N., Prokhorenko V.M., Chorniy S.I., Shaternikov B.N.
Biochemical Changes in Tissues and Synovial Fluid of Hip Joint in Congenital and Degenerative-Dystrophic Diseases in Children and Adolescents
Kozhevnikov O.V., Kralina S.E., Furtseva L.N., Bogdanova I.A., Savost’yanova N.M.
Morphologic Substantiation of Distraction as a Preparatory Step for Bioactive Interphalangeal Hand Joint Arthroplasty in Fibrous Ankylosis
Bugrov S.N., Davydenko D.V., Shirokova N.Y., Novikov A.V., Petrov S.V.
Two-steps surgical restoration of the function of ankylosing knee joint in rheumatoid arthritis
Trotsenko V.V.
Syndrome of the intervertebral and sacroiliac joints ("facet syndrome") in the pathology of the lumbosacral spine
Musalatov K.A., Chensky A.D., Makirov S.K., Slinyakov L.Y.
Experience in Total Ankle Replacement at Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics Named After R.R. Vreden
Tikhilov R.M., Koryshkov N.A., Emel'yanov V.G., Stoyanov A.V., Zhuravlev A.V., Privalov A.M., Tikhilov R.M., Koryshkov N.A., Yemelyanov V.G., Stoyanov A.V., Zhuravlyov A.V., Privalov A.M.
Total Hip Arthroplasty with Some Home-Produced Implants
Nazarov E.A., Ryabova M.N., Seleznev A.V., Nazarov E.A., Ryabova M.A., Seleznyov A.V.
Influence of Inclination Angle on the Polyethylene Insert Wear in Experimental Module of Hip Endoprosthesis
Kolesnik A.I., Gavryushenko N.S., Bulgakov V.G., Frolov E.B., Fomin L.V.
Our experience with total hip joint replacement
Kuzmenko V.V., Yeremin D.I., Chekashkin Y.I., Yakushin A.A., Karpukhin A.O., Olenin O.V.
New treatment of old ankle joint injuries
Mironov S.P., Cherkes-Zade D.D.
Treatment of Patients with Pyo-Inflammatory Complications after Hip Replacement
Pichkhadze I.M., Kuz'menkov K.A., Zhadin A.V., Tsiskarashvili A.V., Pichkhadze E.I., Daneliya L.M., Rekvava G.R., Shulashov B.N., Pichkhadze I.M., Kuzmenkov K.A., Zhadin A.V., Tsiskarashvili A.V., Pichkhadze E.I., Daneliya L.M., Rekvava G.R., Shulashov B.N.
Predictors of Vein Thrombosis at Lower Limb Joints Arthroplasty in Oncologic Patients
Garyaev R.V., Rychkov I.A.
Hip Subluxation in a Patient with Charcot-Marie- Tooth Disease and Osteo-Onychodysplasia
Pozdnikin I.Y., Kamosko M.M., Barsukov D.B., Barlova O.V.
Assessment of blood loss in total knee arthroplasty depending on the type of the endoprosthesis
Abelevich A.I., Abelevich O.M., Marochkov A.V.
Arthroscopically-assisted knee joint arthrodesis by custom-made intramedullary locking nail with simultaneous femur deformity correction (case report)
Korchagin K.L., Chugaev D.V., Solomin L.N., Sorokin E.P., Lasunskiy S.A.
Certain problems of total joint replacement
Shaposhnikov Y.G.
Combined damage to the knee ligaments and the coxofemoral nerve
Sukhonosenko V.M., Міan A.A.
Hip Joint Arthrodesis by Rod Device
Zhadyonov I.I., Zuev P.A., Muromtsev V.A.
Treatment of patients with deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint
Soldatov Y.P., Makushin V.D., Karaseva T.Y.
Thrombosis of deep veins of the lower extremities in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty
Matveeva N.Y., Eskin N.A., Natsvlishvili Z.G.
Early Outcomes of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Tumors of the Humerus
Karpenko V.Y., Derzhavin V.A., Bukharov A.V., Danilova T.V., Andreev M.S.
Comparative Study of the Adhesive Component of Friction in Hip Endoprostheses
Minasov B.S., Yakupov R.R., Shuster L.S., Chertovskikh S.V., Emaev I.I., Filimonov G.N., Korshunov A.A., Khairov T.E.
The role of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of knee joint lesions in children
Zar V.V., Merkulov V.N., Ushakova O.A.
Changes in Hip Chondrolysis. (Biopsy Study)
Gayko G.V., Grigorovskiy V.V., Goshko V.Y., Filipchuk V.V.
Long-term results of rehabilitation of patients after surgical treatment of intra-articular fractures of the knee joint (preliminary report)
Akhtyamov I.F., Krivoshapko G.M., Krivoshapko S.V.
Early and medium-term results of total joint arthroplasty of first carpo-metacarpal joint
Simonova E.N., Aleksandrov T.I., Prokhorenko V.M.
Use of PlateletRich Autoplasma in Complex Therapy of Knee Osteoarthrosis
Gorbatenko A.I., Kostyanaya N.O.
Morgoshiya T.S., Syroezhin N.A.
A case series of combined Ilizarov method and suture button fixation in neglected syndesmosis injury. Case series
Sutyagin I.V., Burtsev A.V.
Distal interosseous membrane of the forearm: anatomy, biomechanics, diagnostics
Golubev I.O., Matveeva N.Y., Maksarov M.L.
Methods for Restoration of Acetabulum Integrity in Revision Hip Replacement
Kagramanov S.V., Kagramanov S.V.
Total Hip Arthroplasty in Adolescents
Snetkov A.I., Frantov A.R., Gorokhov V.Y., Batrakov S.Y., Kolyarov R.S.
Reconstructive Operations on Hip Joint in Children with Epiphyseal Dysplasias
Kamosko M.M., Mel'chenko E.V., Kamosko M.M., Mel'nichenko E.V.
Total Hip Arthroplasty with Tantalum Constructions
Murylev V.Y., Terent'ev D.I., Elizarov P.M., Rukin Y.A., Kazaryan G.M., Murylyov V.Y., Terent'ev D.I., Elizarov P.M., Rukin Y.A., Kazaryan G.M.
Potentialities of Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis in Treatment of Malleolus Fractures
Solod E.I., Lazarev A.F., Ermolaev E.G.
Problems in Acetabular Fractures Treatment
Lazarev A.F., Solod E.I., Gudushauri Y.G., Kakabadze M.G., Stoyukhin S.S., Sakharnykh I.N.
Revision of O.N. Gudushauri Joint Implant Made of Corundum Ceramics
Kagramanov S.V., NIkolaev I.A.
Potentialities of Computed Navigation at Primary Total Knee Replacement
Kavalerskiy G.M., Murilev V.Y., Rukin Y.A., Lichagin A.V., Elizarov P.M.
Early treatment result in a patient with periprosthetic hip infection
Shubnyakov I.I., Bozhkova S.A., Artyukh V.A., Liventsov V.N., Kochish A.A., Afanas’ev A.V.
Optimization of Diagnosis and Treatment for Periprosthetic Knee Infection
Shpinyak S.P., Barabash A.P., Barabash Y.A.
The history of the development of elbow arthroplasty
Aliev A.G., Ambrosenkov A.V., Cherkasov M.A., Boyarov A.A., Idrisov H.K., Badmaev A.O.
Efficacy of Acetabulum Transposition at Treatment of Dysplastic Coxarthrosis in Children and Adolescents
Kamosko M.M., Kamosko M.M.
Transosseous Osteosynthesis with External Fixation Devices in Intraarticular Fractures of Knee Joint Area
Pankov I.O., Emelin A.L., Pankov I.O., Emelin A.L.
Role of High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound Examination in Diagnosis of Knee Joint Injuries
Es'kin N.A., Banakov V.V., Tissen B.T., Matveeva N.Y., Es'kin N.A., Banakov V.V., Tissen B.T., Matveeva N.Y.
Complications in Hip Arthroplasty
Slobodskoy A.B., Osintsev E.Y., Lezhnev A.G., Slobodskoi A.B., Osintsev E.Y., Lezhnev A.G.
Version of Tenodizing Operation in Patients with Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation
Sysenko Y.M., Samusenko D.V., Sysenko Y.M., Samusenko D.V.
Hip Reconstruction with Demineralized Allografts in Revision Arthroplasty
Chekanov A.S., Voloshin V.P., Lekishvili M.V., Ochkurenko A.A., Martynenko D.V.
Traumatic dislocations of crus (part 2)
Morozov A.A., Zorya V.I.
Metacarpophalangeal Joint. Anatomy. Biomechanics
Golubev I.O., Fomina A.V.
Treatment of Patients with Elbow Osteoarthrosis I-II Stage by Arthroscopy
Kuznetsov I.A., Ryabinin M.V., Zhabin G.I., Salikhov M.R., Rybin A.V.
Potentialities of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery in Treatment of Patients with Pathology of Large Joints of Extremities
Tikhilov R.M., Kutyanov D.I., Rodomanova L.A., Kochish A.Y.
Use of Metaphyseal Sleeves in Revision Knee Arthroplasty
Girkalo M.V., Norkin I.A.
Treatment of an extensive acetabular defect in a patient with aseptic instability of a total hip arthroplasty
Aleksanyan H.A., Chragyan H.A., Kagramanov S.V., Zagorodniy N.V.
Problems of Venous Thromboembolic Complications in Large Joints Rep-lacement
Kopenkin S.S., Skoroglyadov A.V., Kopenkin S.S., Skoroglyadov A.V.
On Possibility of Optimization of Bone Stress Remodeling in Knee Joint Arthroplasty
Reznik L.B., Turushev M.A., Reznik L.B., Turushev M.A.
New Measures for Prevention of Intra- and Postoperative Complications at Total Hip Replacement
Akhtyamov I.F., Garifullov G.G., Kovalenko A.N., Kuz'min I.I., Rykov A.G.
Hip Arthroplasty in Adolescents with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Malakhov O.A., Alekseeva E.I., Malakhov O.O., Morev S.Y., Valieva S.I., Bzarova T.M., Denisova R.V., Sleptsova T.V., Mitenko E.V., Isaeva K.B., Malakhov O.A., Alekseeva E.I., Malakhov O.O., Morev S.Y., Valieva S.I., Bzarova T.M., Denisova R.V., Sleptsova T.V., Mitenko E.V., Isaeva K.B.
Surgical Approaches at Treatment of Intraarticular Fractures of Elbow Joint Bones
Kalantyrskaya V.A., Golubev I.O.
Outcomes of Reconstructive Surgery for Defects of the Articular Ends of Bones Using Home Joint Implants
Mironov S.P., Balberkin A.V., Shavyrin D.A., Karpov V.N., Kolondaev A.F., Snetkov D.A.
Diagnostic Potentialities of Multispiral Computed Tomography for Hip Joint Evaluation in Children and Adolescents
Ogaryov E.V., Morozov A.K.
Traumatic dislocations of crus (part 1)
Zorya V.I., Morozov A.A.
Arthromedullar Bypass at Knee Crucial Ligaments Endoprosthesis
Gavryushenko N.S., Malygina M.A., Bulgakov V.G., Sakharova O.M., Zabavskaya O.A., Nevzorov A.M.
Forty-Year Experience in Application of Correction Osteotomies for Blount Disease Treatment
Tenilin N.A., Bogos'ayn A.B., Karataeva D.S.
Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in proximal humeral fractures
Petrosyan A.S.
Anatomical anterograde plasty of the anterior cruciate ligament with lateral extraarticular tenodesis from semitendinosus tendon
Zayats V.V., Zagorodniy N.V., Dulaev A.K., Dydykin A.V.
First metatarsophalangeal joint chondroplasty using the autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis in treatment of patients with hallux rigidus. Analysis of immediate and medium-term results
Nurmukhametov M.R., Makarov M.A., Bialik E.I., Makarov S.A., Khrennikov Y.B.
Risk Factors for Venous Thromboses Development in Knee Joint Arthroplasty
Agadzhanyan V.V., Vlasov S.V., Safronov N.F., Vlasova I.V., Agadzhanyan V.V., Vlasov S.V., Safronov N.F., Vlasova I.V.
Endoprothesis of the Ankle Joint at Defeat by Tumours of Distal Part of Tibia
Sokolovskiy V.A., Aliev M.D., Sokolovskiy A.V., Sergeev P.S., Sokolovsky V.A., Aliev M.D., Sergeev P.S., Sokolovsky A.V.
Revision Hip Arthroplasty: Epidemiology, Causes, Risk Factors (foreign literature review)
Kaminskiy A.V., Marchenkova L.O., Pozdnyakov A.V.
Optimization of Ultrasound Examination in Diagnosis of Knee Injuries
Pitsyn I.A.
Arthroplasty Using Autologous Multipotent Mesenchymal Cells and Collagen Membrane Chondro-Gide
Bryanskiy A.I., Kulyaba T.A., Kornilov N.N., Rumakin V.P., Gornostaev V.S.
Tribochemical Component of Oxidative Stress Development at Artificial Joints Implantation. Part 4. Use of Lubrication and Antioxidant Action of Bone Fat in Total Hip Implant
Gavryushenko N.S., Bulgakov V.G.
Standard Acetabular Component or Antiprotrusion Consolidating Design?
Zagorodniy N.V., Kagramanov S.V., Nikolaev I.A., Bukhtin K.M.
Experimental Substantiation of Shape Forming and Sanitation Function of Cement Spacers at Treatment of Hip Periprosthetic Osteomyeliti
Dzyuba G.G., Reznik L.B., Erofeev S.A., Pavlinov G.B.
Experience in arthroscopic treatment of acute acromioclavicular joint injuries
Grigor’ev I.V., Zagorodniy N.V., Lazko F.L., Prizov A.P., Belyak E.A., Kubashev A.A., Lazko M.F.
Assessment of clinical efficacy of the acoustic binaural beating method in the complex preparation of patients for hip replacement
Sekirin A.B., Prikuls V.F., Maybrodskaya A.E.
Blood Saving Effect of Tranexame at Hip Joint Replacement
Arzhakova N.I., Bernakevich A.I., Shushpanova E.V., Arzhakova N.I., Bernakevich A.I., Shushpanova E.V.
Prevention of Orthopaedic Consequences in Hip Joint Area in Children after Epimetaphyseal Osteomyelitis
Skvortsov A.P., Gil'mutdinov M.R., Akhtyamov I.F., Skvortsov A.P., Gil'mutdinov M.R., Akhtyamov I.F.
Treatment of Patients with Ruptures of Clavicular Acromial End using Designed Pin and Cortical Screw
Danilov M.A., Borozda I.V.
Revision of Hip Endoprosthesis Acetabular Component without Removal of Previously Implanted Cup
Zagorodniy N.V., Bukhtin K.M., Chragyan G.A., Kagramanov S.V., Galaev K.I.
Complicated Cases of Knee Arthroplasty
Zagorodniy N.V., Kagramanov S.V., Kudinov O.A., Nikolaev I.A., Chragyan G.A., Ivanov A.V., Kilasoniya I.D.
Surgical Correction of Abnormal Foot and Ankle Position
Koryshkov N.A., Levin A.N., Khodzhiev A.S., Sobolev K.A.
Surgical Treatment for First Metatarsal Joint Deforming Osteoarthrosis of Various Etiology
Yezhov M.Y.
Two-Step Total Hip Arthroplasty in Deep Periprosthetic Infection
Voloshin V.P., Eryomin A.V., Onoprienko G.A., Lekishvili M.V., Vasil’ev M.G.
Contribution of Professor G.I. Turner to domestic traumatology and orthopaedics (to the 160th anniversary of birth)
Morgoshiia T.S.
Efficiency of infiltration anesthesia with levobupivacaine and ropivacaine after the knee arthroplasty
Ageenko A.M., Baitov V.S., Pervukhin S.A.
Firsov S.A., Lepilov A.S., Matveev R.P., Savinkin V.S.
Modern concepts of treatment of complicated diaphyseal forearm fractures (literature review)
Chernyaev S.N., Neverov V.A.
Influence of femur condylus dysplasia on development of mediopatellar synovial fold hypertrophy
Ochkurenko A.A., Morozov A.K., Kurpyakov A.P., Gorokhvodatsky A.V., Ivanov K.S., Karpov I.N.
Total Knee Replacement Using Computer Navigation in Severe Extremity Deformities
Kavalerskiy G.M., Murylev V.Y., Elizarov P.M., Zhuchkov A.G., Yakimov L.A., Rukin Y.A., Terent'ev D.I.
Idiopathic Extension-Abduction Contracture of Hip Joints
Kozhevnikov O.V., Kralina S.E., Kozhevnikov O.V., Kralina S.E.
Complex Functional Evaluation of Long-Term Results of Femoral Neck and Head Revascularization in Degenerative Dystrophic Hip Joint Diseases
Nazarov E.A., Papkov V.G., Seleznev A.V., Musaeva R.F., Nazarov E.A., Popkov V.G., Seleznyov A.V., Musaeva R.F.
Modern Tendencies of Synovial Fluid Substituting Drugs Based on Bound Hyaluronic Acid Use in Treatment of Patients with Loco-Motor System Pathology and Injuries
Strakhov M.A., Skoroglyadov A.V.
Low Invasive Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis
Samkov A.S., Zeynalov V.T., Levin A.N., Koryshkov N.A., Dzyuba A.M., Khodzhiev A.S., Sobolev K.A.
Total Arthroplasty of 1st Metatarsophalangeal Joint. Short-Term Results
Petrosyan A.S., Zagorodniy N.V., Yolkin D.V., Protsko V.G., Zakharyan N.G., Mazalov A.V., Grigor'ev V.V.
Experience in Arthroscopic Treatment of Adhesive Shoulder Joint Capsulitis
Lomtatidze E.S., Lazko F.L., Kubashev A.A., Savitskiy P.P., Prizov A.P.
101 - 200 of 226 Items << < 1 2 3 > >> 

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