
Rehabilitation of mental patients and invalids in the republic of tatarstan
Mendelevich D.M., Khalitov I.M., Evplov V.A.
Correction of motor disorders in some psychic diseases in the early age
Goryunova A.V.
Possibilities of the functional rehabilitation of dysgemic disorders of adaptation in patients with initial stages of cerebrovascular diseases
Shutov A.A., Shestakov V.V.
Results of the study of epilepsy problem from the viewpoint of systematic approach
Voloshin P.V., Mertsalov V.S., Voloshina N.P.
Genetic aspects of neurogenic syncopes
Ismagilov M.F., Gainetdinova D.D.
On the frequency of the pulse and respirations in contusion psychoneurosis
Vyrubov N.A.
Marie. Un cas de ramolissement ancien anorme dans le domaine de la Sylvienne (Rev. neur. 1902, № 6)
Rudnev V.I.
About the commissural systems of the cerebral cortex (Corpus callosum, anterior commissure and David's lyre) тип статьи - научная
Yanishevsky A.E.
Dr. Herzog. - Zur Behandlung dor tahischen Ataxie. To the treatment of tabetic ataxia. Deutsch. med. Wochenschrift. No. 38. 1909
Klyachkin G.
Dr. Gleorg Stertz. On spinal paralysis after acute spinal diseases. Monatsch. f. Psych. 1909-I
Sholomovich A.S.
M.V. Toward a demonstration of trypanosis preparations. — Proceedings and protocols of the Imperial Caucasian Medical Society. October 1908 - January 1909 Tiflis
Bogatyrev N.S.
Marie et Guillain. Ramolissement du genou du Corps Calleux Rev. Neur. 1902 No. 6
Rudnev V.I.
On the question of the vasomotors of the frog lungs
Nikolaev V.V.
Professor Alexey Yakovlevich Kozhevnikov
Sukhanov S.A.
L. Bruns. Recognition and treatment of brain tumors. —Modern Clinic and Therapy № 3 and 4, 1910
Baklushinsky I.D.
R. M. Fronshtein. Trabecular bladder as one of the early symptoms of tabes. — Medical Review. 1910 № 9
Baklushinsky I.D.
S.A. Vrushtein. To the question of the treatment of neuralgia with ultraviolet rays. - Medical newspaper of 1910 № 15
Bogatyrev N.S.
Pref. -Assoc. S. A. Sukhanov. Cyclothymia and manic-depressive psychosis. Medical newspaper. 1910 No. 16-17
Bogatyrev N.S.
L. G. Gutman. Manic-depressive psychosis and the nature of associations with it. — Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology. 1910. No. 1
Bogatyrev N.S.
Prof. A. E. Shcherbak. To the etiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. — Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology. 1910. No. 1
Bogatyrev N.S.
H. Cushing. About irritation by faradic current of gyrus postcentralis. A note upon the faradie stimulation from the postcentral gyrus in conscious patients. brain. 1909
Likhnitsky V.N.
A. L. Mentsikovsky. For the treatment of sexual weakness and urinary incontinence. Modification of the method of epidural-sacral injections according to Cathelin'y. Russian Doctor, 1910, No. 7
Baklushinsky I.D.
A. M. Virshubsky. A case of combined lateral and posterior sclerosis. Practical Doctor. 1910 No. 15
Baklushinsky I.D.
A I. Golovkov. To the question of pathological changes in muscles in Thomson's disease (Myotonia congenita). - Proceedings and protocols of the Imper. Kavk. honey. Society. October - January 1909 - 1910
Baklushinsky I.D.
A case of marital dorsal tabes
Osokin N.E.
Report on the doctoral dispute at the Imperial Kazan University of the scholarship holder of the doctor L. L. Fofanov
Zhilin I.Н.
Laignel-Lavastine et Boudon. ideational apraxia. Arguee ideatone. Revue neurol. 1909, № 4
Osokin N.E.
Prof. L. Rankorani. Anatomisches Anzeiger. January 1909
Nikiforova O.I.
Microscopic structure of the ganglia of the solar plexus and other ganglia of the marginal trunk of the sympathetic nerve
Mikhailov S.E.
Letter to the Editor from the Chairman of the Donation Committee
Uspensky A.I.
A. Debray. Pathogenesis and treatment of tabes dorsalis Pathogenic du tabes Treatment. journal de neurologic, 1909, no. 22
Likhnitsky V.
Dr. Griffith. Thoughts of Suicide Thougst on Suicede, — The alienist and neurologist, 1909
Kovalevsky P.I.
Drr. Myers, Fischer, Duffendorf. The question of autointoxication in acute depressive psychoses. The question of autointoxication in acute depressive psychoses. — American journal of insanity, 1909, 4
Kovalevsky P.I.
Leslie Paton. Neuritis optica and its relation to brain tumors. A clinical study of optic neuritis in its relationship to intracranial tumours. brain. 1909
Likhnitsky V.
About the permanent drainage of the ventricle of the brain with its dropsy
Perimov V.A.
A. Poletaev. Simulative illnesses in prisoners. Vestn. societies. hygiene, judicial and practical. medicine. Forensic psychiatry. July, 1908
Sergeev L.A.
A. V. Agapov. To the casuistry of tumors of the cerebellar-pontine angle. Journal of Neur. and psycho. named after S. S. Korsakov. Book 3 - 4. 1908
Donskov N.A.
Imaging of the 5-HT2A system: age-, gender-, and Alzheimer’s disease-related (Neurobiol aging. — 2003 Jul.—Aug. — 24(4). — P. 553—561: англ.)
Versijpt J., van Laere k., Dumont F., Decoo D., Vandecapelle M., Santens P., Goethal S.
Early diagnosis and treatment of vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome in children
Dolgykh G.B.
IV. International thalassotherapy meeting in Abbazia in 1908
Pel A.V.
Prof. Aschaffenburg. The latest theory of hysteria. Die neueren Theorien der Hysterie. Deutsche medicine. Wochenschr, 31 Oct. 1907
Berg F.
Rosenberg. Fine structure of the first temporal gyrus and Heschle gyrus. Ueber die Cytoarchitectonik der ersten Schläfenwindung und der Heschlschen Windungen.— Monats-schrift fur Psych. and Neurolog. 1908-1
Sholomovich A.S.
Private Associate Professor Levkovsky. Scheme of the course of the fibers of the facial nerve. Kharkov. 1907
Markelov G.I.
V. M. Bekhterev. "On the Relationship Between Mental and Nervous Diseases". Review of Psychiatry. No. I. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Privatdozent Shkarin. Basedow's disease at an early age. Medical newspaper. No. 2. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
G. Mingazzini. To the casuistry of paralysis developing after a change in spinal cord disease Contribution a Pétude des paralysies consécutives a la rachistovainisation. „Revue neurology“. 1908, No. 5
Osokin N.E.
To the etiology of catatonia
Osipov V.P.
Prof. Shcherbak. "On the pathological significance of Trichocephalus dispar". Publishing house "Practical Medicine". 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Dr. Franz F. Krusius. About the binocular pupillometer. (From the University Eye Clinic in Marburg)
Veselitsky I.A.
A. Lourie. On the movement of the eyeballs during irritation of the cerebellum. Berlin. Neurologisches Centralblatt. 1908. No. 3
Veselitsky I.A.
In memory of Academician I. P. Merzheevsky
Bekhterev V.M.
Prevention of mental disorders due to their etiology
Osipov V.P.
K casuistic of hysterical deaf and dumb
Boldyrev V.S.
Correlation of electrophysilogic indices of electroencephalograms (EEG) and caused potentials in convalescents after hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)
Novikova L.B., Burashnikova Y.A., Suvorov A.G.
HLA complex antigens at infantile cerebral paralysis in Kazan population
Gainetdinova D.D., Ismagilov M.F., Pakhalina I.A.
On the question of psychogenic factors in the pathogenesis of dyshormonal focal breast diseases
Ustimov D.Y.
I. Rabinski. Ma conception de l’hysterie et de Phypuo- tisme (pithiatisme). 1906
Markelov G.
Luig and Mongeri. (Constantinopel). Die Ätiologie uud die Behandlung der Puerperalpsychosen. „AUg. Leitschr. f. Psychiatrie “. LVII B. 2 & 3 H. 397 s
Skuridin I.
Possibility of using transcranial magnetic stimulation for diagnosing ischemic brain damage
Smirnova Y.V., Smirnov K.V.
Rehabilitation of ischemic insult patients by a referent bioadaptation method
Rudnev V.A., Bykov J.N., Okladnikov V.I.
Chronicle and mix. Volume XI, No. 4 (1903)
Obraztsov V.N.
On the question of the peripheral innervation of the rectum
Vishnevsky A.
To the study of the volume of eye changes in chronic poisoning with ergot and its drugs
Orlov K.C.
Treatment of arteriosclerosis in mentally ill patients with Trunecek inorganic serum. (Revue de psychiatrie, 1902 Novembre). L. Marchand
Korolko L.
The hero of Leonid Andreev's story "THOUGHT" from the point of view of the vryach-psychiatrist
Yanishevsky A.E.
Vertical diplopia (Semin. Neurol.— 2000.—20(l).—21—30: Англ.)
Acierno M.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of September 20, 1899
Popov N.M.
Physiological and psychological foundations of aesthetics
Smirnov A.I.
About auditory centers in the cortex of hemispheres
Bekhterev V.M.
Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1898
Vorotynsky B.I.
I.K.Shmukler. Children masturbation. Kiev. 1897 year
Sergeev L.A.
To the morphology of the terminal nervous apparatus in the muscles of voluntary movement
Polumordvinov D.
To casuistic progressive muscle atrophy
Bregman I.S.
Experimental research of the memory of sound impressions
Girshberg N.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the annual meeting of the Society on January 31, 1898
Popov N.M.
Prof. A.S. Tauber. Brain surgery. Clinical lectures. -Spb. 1898
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Theoretical and practical considerations regarding the study of cranial circulation by measuring blood pressure at the two ends of the carotid artery
Telyatnik F.N.
Dr. A. Mercier. Sections from the central nervous system. -Translated from French. N. Vyrubova, with a preface by prof. V. M. Bekhterev. Published by K. L. Rikker. SPb. 1897. Price 1 r. 40 k
Vorotynskiy B.
On the question of servants in psychiatric hospitals
Morozov M.S.
Prof. PI Kovalevsky. Epilepsia senilis. — Archive of psychiatry, neurology and court. psychopathology. 1897, №1 .; Prof. PI Kovalevsky. To the doctrine of toxic epilepsy and its treatment. — Archives of psychiatry. 1897, № 2
Vorotynskiy B.I.
K. Strozewski. — Leczenie wiadu rdzenia. Treatment tabes dorsalis. — Gazeta lekarska. 1897, no. 5
Board E.
Ivanov, Differential diagnosis of multiple neuritis. Polyesthesia and macroesthesia
Shcherbakov A.E., Ivanov. I.I.
Ernst Beyer. Ueber eine Form der acuten Verworrenheit im klimakterischen Alter. (Archiv f. Psych. Bd. 29. Heft. pg. 182—210)
Idelson G.
A.P. Langovoy. About gastrointestinal disorders in patients suffering from hysteria and neurasthenia. —Moscow, 1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
A Case of Epidemic Religious Insanity
Maevsky M.M.
Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment 19/3 96
Bekhterev V.M.
К. Schaffer: Zur feineren Struktur der Hirnrinde und über funktionelle Bedeutung der Nervenzellenfortsätze. Arch. f. Mikrosk. Anatomie. XLVIIL 4 Heft. 1897. S. S. 550—572
Smirnov A.E.
A case of hysterical aphasia
Zhestkov V.I.
Е. Tromner. Contribution to the knowledge of disorders of the external language, especially in multiple sclerosis and dementia paralytica. —Archive for Psychiatry. Vol. XXVIII, H. 1
Board E.
About fusion or stiffness of the spinal column, as a special form of disease
Bekhterev V.
A rare deformity of the brain, accompanied by incomplete separation of the cerebral hemispheres
Osipov V.P.
About the International Symposium on Cerebrolysin June 1, 1993, Moscow
Fischereder G., Yudina A.V.
Pharmaco- and psychorehabilitation of teenagers with deviated and addicted activities
Bitenski V.S.
Key problems of modern forensic psychiatry
Shostakovich B.V.
The value of functional diagnostics for the rehabilitation of persons with emerging cerebrovascular insufficiency with mental disorders
Gavenko V.L., Sinaiko V.M.
Clinico-physiologic characteristic of patients with birth paralyses of the upper extremities
Kurénkov A.L., Dotsenko V.I., Sholomov I.I., Vagner I.
Methodic problems of psychopharmacotherapy and labour rehabilitation of psychic patients
Karpov A.M.
Psychorehabilitation aspects in vascular diseases of the brain
Skoromets A.A., Burakova Z.F., Skoromets T.A.
Clinical and psychosocial aspects of oncogynecologic pathology
Mendelevich V.D.
Recovery criteria of patients with epilepsy
Gromov S.A.
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