
In memory of Nikolay Alexandrovich Sosnin, a pioneer of endoscopic operative gynecology in the Arkhangelsk region (to the 70th anniversary of his birth and the 100th anniversary of N.A. Semashko Northern Medical Clinical Center, Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Andreeva A., Baranov A., Kazakevich E., Kozyr O., Samburov G., Tuchina T., Dyachkov S.
From hospital to perinatal center
Andreeva A., Baranov A., Samburov G., Tuchina T.
Application of enhanced recovery after cesarean delivery. A review
Ryazanova O., Shifman E., Olina A., Alexandrovich Y., Medzhidova D., Ezhova V., Kogan I.
From the history of the evolution of laparoscopic surgery in the Northern Scientific Medical School of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Andreyeva A., Samburov G., Baranov A., Dyachkov S., Burenkov G.
Tsvelev Yu.V. Urgent gynecology (a practical guide for doctors)/. Yu.V. Tsvelev, V.F. Bezhenar, I.V. Berlev. - SPb .: OOO "Foliant Publishing House". - 2004 .- 384 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-93929-099-X (in translation)
Bagnenko S., Niauri D.
Information about dissertations on obstetrics and gynecology defended at the D.001.21.01 Dissertation Council (Ott Research Institute of Gynecology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) in 1999
Ailamazyan E.
To the casuistry of circular detachment of the vaginal part during childbirth
Letsius L.
Greetings to the participants of the International Congress "Environment and Perinatal Medicine"
Ailamazyan E.
Cesarean in Saint Petersburg
Tsvelev Y., Pakhomov А., Gaivoronskikh D.
A case of multiple vaginal fibroids
Olenin S.
Congenital hydrometra case
Zakharievsky A.
sepsis; Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS); obstetrics; maternal mortality
Repinа М.
Ott D.
Desidual membrane as evidence of ectopic pregnancy (resp. Laparotomy on the erroneous assumption of ectopic pregnancy)
Ginzburg M.
About the preliminary dissection of the bladder for the purpose of treatment of the vesicogenous and vesicular-intestinal fistulas
Kakushkin N.
A case of an ovariotomy complicated by ureteral transection
Kakushkin N.
About perforating ruptures of the vagina and uterus during childbirth
Kakushkin N.
Pelvic suppuration. Acute inflammation of the sacroiliac joint
Kakushkin N.
Surgical treatment of forward displacement of the uterus.
Charles A.
To the therapy of simple chronic endometritis
Brzhezinsky V.
32. Teichelmann. Notes of case of gonorrhoeal salpingitis. (Austr. Med. Gaz. lune 15, 1892). A case of gonnoranago salpingitis.
Kuhn F.
D-r Leopold ѵ. Dittel jun. Partus bei Uterus dupelx. (Centr f. Gynaecol., 1894) Childbirth with a double uterus
Stroganov V.
R. Holst. — Ein Fall von Torsion eines subserösen Myoms. Myomotomie. Heilung. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 40). A case of twisting of the subperitoneal myoma. Myomotomy. Recovery.
Kakushkin N.
Several cases of celiac disease for excision of myomas of the uterus
Zabolotskiy A.
Orthmann. — Beitrag zur frühzeitigen Unterbrechung der Tubenschwangerschaft und zur Kenntniss der weiteren Schicksale des Eies. (Zeitschr. F. Geb. und Gyn., Bd. XXIX). Towards the doctrine of premature termination of tubal pregnancy and the further fate of the ovum
Khazan S.
On the question of surgical treatment of urethro-vaginal fistulas.
Bogdanov P.
Complete closure of the rectal lumen as a result of injection after celiac disease in the pelvis of the uterus with myoma and postpartum
Kakushkin N.
Further reports on intrauterine injection of glycerin, in response to Pfannenstiel's article
Strogonov V.
A new surgical method for posterior bending of the uterus (abdominal strengthening of the uterus without opening the abdominal cavity)
Aleksenko N.
To diagnose the placenta attachment site according to R. Palm'y
Stroganov V.
Results of measurement of the female pelvis outlet
Massen V.
Dr. Goelet. Ligation of the base of the broadligaments per vaginam, including the uterine arteries, for fibroids of the uterus. (American Medico-Surgical Bulletin, Iune 1894, - by reference to the American Journal of Obstetrics, Iuli, 1894, p. 158). Ligation of the wide ligaments and uterine arteries from the side of the vagina to heal the fibroid of the uterus.
Ginzburg M.
Dr. Horrocks. Intravenous injection of saline solution in cases of severe Homerrhage., (Lancet, 23 December, 1893, p. 1569). Saline infusion into the veins for severe bleeding
Ginzburg M.
W. Thorn. Zur Lactationsatrophie des Uterus. (Centralbl. Für Gynäkol. 1894, no. 30). On the question of uterine atrophy during breastfeeding
Feinberg B.
R. Olshausen. Spontane Geburt. Prophylaktische Wendung. Symphyseotomie. Ihr gegenseitiges Verhalten zu einander. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 36). Arbitrary childbirth. - Preventive turn. - Cutting the bosom. - Their mutual relationship to each other
Kakushkin N.
Report on the activities of the Warsaw VI City Maternity Hospital since its opening (from November 1, 1887 to January 1, 1894)
Klausinskaya Y.
Inversio vesicae urinariae per fissuram abdominis cum atresia vaginae in a newborn girl.
Feinberg B.
A. L. Robinson. A case of twin extra-uterine pregnancy. (N. Y. Med. Journ. Iune 18, 1892). A case of extrauterine pregnancy with twins.
Kuhn F.
Hysteropexy according to Laroyenne's method. Technics. Indications. 22 observations
Kakushkin N.
About internal investigation of women in labor through the rectum
Kakushkin N.
Retained pessary, causing strangulation of the uterus
Kaplyanskiy V.
Fibromyoma of uterus, becoming sarcomatous
Kaplyanskiy V.
Ott D.
On the question of eclampsia treatment
Bykhovskiy S.
G.I. Thomson. The current status of the issue of the treatment of retroversio - retroflexio uteri. (South Russian Medical Newspaper, 1894, No. 3-4)
Rachinskiy N.
On the surgical treatment of vesicovaginal fistulas complicated by the destruction of the urethra
Ott D.
Ectopic pregnancy case
Sheinis L.
Electrification according to the method of Dr. Alexandrov in the treatment of gonorrhoea ascendens
Fedorov I.
Migratio ovi et seminis extrauterina
Kakushkin N.
Two cases of ectopic pregnancy, successfully operated in extremis with gastrointestinal surgery
Rachinsky N.
To the etiology and treatment of uterine inversion due to tumors. Eversion statistics
Rachinskiy N.
Cysts and cystomas of the ovary
Slaviansky K.
Not a word about the preparation for childbirth of old, first-pregnant women
Vasten V.
102. Dührssen. Der Werth der tiefen Cervix — u. Scheidendamm-Ein-schnite in der Geburtshülfe. (Archiv f. Gynäk. Vol. 44, p. 413). The importance of deep incisions in the cervix, vagina and perineum in obstetrics
Feinberg B.
Pelvic suppuration
Markova S.
Liver with eclampsia
Sadovskiy P.
Ott D.
On the use of thiol in gynecology
Kaplyanskiy V.
Chloasma uterinum
Kaplyanskiy V.
Translated By A. K. Harmonious
Harmonious A.
Sleeve tearing during copulation
Rutkovskiy A.
A case of a preserving caesarean section
Fisher A.
Voff I.
CRITICISM AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. I.P. LAZAREVICH. Obstetrics course. Second edition, completely revised and enlarged. 1892 g.
Feinberg B.
Elephant transformation of the mammary glands
Rutkovskiy A.
To the casuistry of infringement of a bent backward pregnant uterus
Ruzi D.
PROTOCOL No. 7. Meeting on October 28, 1892
Slavyanskiy K.
Session on September 17 in the morning
Hermonius A.
Medical Report for the Harbor Maternity Hospital for the time from August 17, 1888 to May 1, 1892.
Massen V.
Ovarian papilloma
Stewar .., Paton ..
On anatomical changes caused by the subsequent influence of chloroform in humans
Fraenkel ..
Narrow pelvises
Massen V.
On the management of labor in the most common forms of a narrow pelvis
Stolz V.
Vicarious menstruation during pregnancy
Lapina A.
OBSTETRIC GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY IN Cologne. Meeting on January 7, 1892
Hermonius A.
Semensky M.
To the question of the treatment of uterine fibroids by the Apostoli method
Krasnopolskiy F.
Amenorrhea and metrorrhagia in a young girl
Markova S.
A well-known category of obstetric cases in which forceps are required
Kuhn F.
Anufriev A.
Chronic endometritis. Persistent vomiting. Recovery
Fratkin B.
Scraping of the uterus with a finger in one case of severe bleeding, followed by a 3-month miscarriage
Fratkin B.
Mironova M.
On the operative treatment of myom of the uterus
Hermonius A.
On the issue of postpartum psychoses and, in particular, psychosis after eclampsia
Walter K.
Sadovsky P.
Protocol No. 15. Session on October 31, 1891
Krassovskiy A.
To the casuistry of detachments of the baby's head during forcible removal of the prostrate leg
Istomin S.
Protocol No. 13. Session on May 10, 1891
Krassovskiy A.
Protocol No. 11. Session on March 28th.
Krassovskiy A.
To the doctrine of ovarian dermoid cysts (Preliminary announcement)
Cordy G.
Inflammation and retention of fallopian tube cysts
Slavyanskiy K.
On the question of obstetric and gynecological help in provinces
Nadezhdin G.
A blood clot in the bladder mistaken for a pregnant uterus
Ginzburg M.
A rare case of pregnancy with triplets with prolonged retention in the uterus of two dead fetuses, born later in a state of extreme atrophy, together with a third, living one
Kakushkin N.
Three parallel cases of ectopic pregnancy
Kakushkin N.
Diagnostic tasks for obstetrics and gynecology
Kakushkin N.
Graviditas extrauterina tubaria sin .; rupture of the fetal sac; gluttony in extremis; recovery
Kakushkin N.
To pathology of the mucosa of the uterine body.
Uter K.
Results of measurements of female pelvic outlet
Massen V.
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