Author Details

Zobkova, Z S

Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2003) Articles About fermented milk drinks texture
No 2 (2003) Articles Synergism of the amarant polyphenol complexwith ascorbic acid
No 3 (2004) Articles About introduction of new state standards
No 4 (2004) Articles New types of milk and milk containing products(developments of the VNIMI in 2002-2004)
No 5 (2004) Articles Milk products with vitamins
No 7 (2004) Articles Sour cream quality
No 6 (2004) Articles The temperature effect for parameters of fermented milkwith stabilizers
No 12 (2004) Articles Modern technologies and milk containing products
No 3 (2005) Articles Technological and technical solutions for improving storageability of biologically active milk products
No 11 (2005) Articles Some special features of the drinking yogurt technology
No 5 (2006) Articles Osobennosti tekhnologii i puti uluchsheniya kachestva kislomolochnykh napitkov, vyrabatyvaemykh rezervuarnym sposobom
No 7 (2006) Articles Proizvodstvo i puti povysheniya kachestva tvoroga
No 3 (2006) Articles Funktsional'nye tsel'nomolochnye produkty
No 8 (2006) Articles Sostav syr'ya i kachestvo domashnego syra
No 9 (2006) Articles O vozdushnoy (gazovoy) faze moloka i molochnykh produktov
No 12 (2006) Articles Some special features of the technology for heart treated (pasteurized) fermented milk products.
No 11 (2006) Articles Stages of the glazed cake cheeses technology development
No 1 (2008) Articles The page of a technologist
No 2 (2008) Articles New National standard of the RF «Quark cakes coated with glaze.General technical conditions»
No 4 (2008) Articles The page of a technologist
No 5 (2008) Articles The page of a technologist
No 3 (2008) Articles Quantitative immunofermentative methodfor lactoferrin determination in milk products
No 3 (2008) Articles The page of a technologist
No 2 (2008) Articles The page of the technologist
No 2 (2008) Articles About balanced amino acids compositionof the quark product «Carotino»
No 08 (2008) Articles Some special features of the grain curds manufacturing
No 08 (2008) Articles Effects of homogenization on dispersibility of the curds proteinparticles
No 08 (2008) Articles Effects of milk homogenizing on curds quality
No 08 (2008) Articles About curds products enriched with nonmilk components
No 7 (2008) Articles About bifidogenous properties of lactoferrin
No 08 (2008) Articles About effects of the gas phase on curds quality
No 10 (2008) Articles Question of concretizing technical regulation
No 2 (2009) Articles About implementation of the Technical Regulation on fresh milk products
No 2 (2009) Articles Rheological indices of the fermented product with lactoferrine
No 12 (2009) Articles Scientific solutions for the fresh milk products manufacturing
No 12 (2009) Articles Technology of lactoferrin extracting from raw milk
No 1 (2011) Articles Stranichka tekhnologa
No 7 (2011) Articles Stranichka tekhnologa
No 7 (2011) Articles New issues in curds manufacturing
No 4 (2011) Articles The page of a technologist
No 9 (2011) Articles The page of a technologist
No 9 (2011) Articles New kinds of the fresh milk pro
No 3 (2011) Articles Impacts of enzymes on rheological characteristics of fermented milk products
No 7 (2011) Articles Antimicrobial properties of the oligopeptides lactoferrine
No 2 (2012) Articles Kakie poroki konsistentsii mogut vozniknut' pri proizvodstve kislomolochnykh napitkov, vyrabatyvaemykh rezervuarnym sposobom, i kak ikh predupredit'?

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